Can we get new candidates?

9,452 Views | 238 Replies | Last: 36 min ago by FLBear5630
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Re linked Politico article, Biden's long-time campaign strategist is Mike Donilon. He's the guy who should be criticized for pushing for the debate, not the people who prepped him for it.

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JXL said:

boognish_bear said:

No news anchors said that. Not a single one.

Trump is incapable of acting presidential.

And it constantly hurts his own cause.
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In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
Vote for Manchin please
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KaiBear said:

JXL said:

boognish_bear said:

No news anchors said that. Not a single one.

Trump is incapable of acting presidential.

And it constantly hurts his own cause.

Any other Republican would be up 20 points in the polls right now after that debate performance.
Whiskey Pete
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
Sure okay, that's why he donated his salary, he's only concerned about the Benjamins His net worth decreased by a third, according to estimates by Forbes.

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JXL said:

KaiBear said:

JXL said:

boognish_bear said:

No news anchors said that. Not a single one.

Trump is incapable of acting presidential.

And it constantly hurts his own cause.

Any other Republican would be up 20 points in the polls right now after that debate performance.

DeSantis would be up by 8 points at least.

Dems are going to do whatever is necessary to win in November….fair or unfair.

Republicans are going to let Trump lose the big prize and hope to survive until 2028.
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Trump's VP pick might be good for a few more points.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

The best way to do it is to remove him from office and promote the designated successor.

Have long suspected Harris was given such a promise back in 2020. She helps bring in the black vote in exchange for becoming the first woman president.

Without the trouble of actually being elected which in Harris's case is impossible.

Otherwise why would Harris give up a super secure senate seat in exchange for the semi powerless VP spot ?

There is no way Biden finishes a 2nd term, he just does not have the stamina or the mental acuity. I think you hit it dead-on, Biden was just supposed to get to Jan 31st...
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FLBear5630 said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

The best way to do it is to remove him from office and promote the designated successor.

Have long suspected Harris was given such a promise back in 2020. She helps bring in the black vote in exchange for becoming the first woman president.

Without the trouble of actually being elected which in Harris's case is impossible.

Otherwise why would Harris give up a super secure senate seat in exchange for the semi powerless VP spot ?

There is no way Biden finishes a 2nd term, he just does not have the stamina or the mental acuity. I think you hit it dead-on, Biden was just supposed to get to Jan 31st...

In the 2020 campaign Biden publicly announced his presidency would merely be a 'bridge'.

Indicating he would serve one term only.

Have no doubt that was the original plan presented to him when Dem power brokers propelled him over the then primary front runner Bernie Sanders.

But then like most presidents Biden has become addicted to the prestige and perks of the office.

Like most presidents Biden has convinced himself that he is indispensable to the country.

Or at least indispensable to his family's financial growth.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
His net worth has plunged, and he said many times, he knew it would.

It's not the $. But it's worse . . . it's ego.
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KaiBear said:

JXL said:

boognish_bear said:

No news anchors said that. Not a single one.

Trump is incapable of acting presidential.

And it constantly hurts his own cause.

Always been his problem. He needs to stay away from social media and learn how to shut up. It's just not in his character to do that.

Most of his policy I could get behind, way better than I expected from him, but man alive he cannot get out of his own way otherwise.
Forest Bueller_bf
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FLBear5630 said:

Doc Holliday said:

This is REALLY bad for Biden.

This is bad, Biden is incomprehensible. Trump needs to stay on Biden performance. When he talks about that you can see he loves America. When defending himself, it gets petty. Stay on policy and Trump wins this going away.
This has always been and will likely always be Trumps primary issue.

CNN gave him a complete softball, something like how would you fix the border crisis.?

Instead of answering directly, he goes into a petty diatribe against Biden. Just answer the darn question.

When he got done, they said, you have 42 seconds to answer the original question.

He needs a debate coach and they need to get his ass in order. Just answer the damn question Trump.
Forest Bueller_bf
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KaiBear said:

FLBear5630 said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

The best way to do it is to remove him from office and promote the designated successor.

Have long suspected Harris was given such a promise back in 2020. She helps bring in the black vote in exchange for becoming the first woman president.

Without the trouble of actually being elected which in Harris's case is impossible.

Otherwise why would Harris give up a super secure senate seat in exchange for the semi powerless VP spot ?

There is no way Biden finishes a 2nd term, he just does not have the stamina or the mental acuity. I think you hit it dead-on, Biden was just supposed to get to Jan 31st...

In the 2020 campaign Biden publicly announced his presidency would merely be a 'bridge'.

Indicating he would serve one term only.

Have no doubt that was the original plan presented to him when Dem power brokers propelled him over the then primary front runner Bernie Sanders.

But then like most presidents Biden has become addicted to the prestige and perks of the office.

Like most presidents Biden has convinced himself that he is indispensable to the country.

Or at least indispensable to his family's financial growth.
From my observation, I think Jill is addicted to the power, prestige and perks and will hang on until kicked off the ledge. She leads Joe around like a caretaker at the old folks home. She is the real issue I think.
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Forest Bueller_bf said:

KaiBear said:

FLBear5630 said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

The best way to do it is to remove him from office and promote the designated successor.

Have long suspected Harris was given such a promise back in 2020. She helps bring in the black vote in exchange for becoming the first woman president.

Without the trouble of actually being elected which in Harris's case is impossible.

Otherwise why would Harris give up a super secure senate seat in exchange for the semi powerless VP spot ?

There is no way Biden finishes a 2nd term, he just does not have the stamina or the mental acuity. I think you hit it dead-on, Biden was just supposed to get to Jan 31st...

In the 2020 campaign Biden publicly announced his presidency would merely be a 'bridge'.

Indicating he would serve one term only.

Have no doubt that was the original plan presented to him when Dem power brokers propelled him over the then primary front runner Bernie Sanders.

But then like most presidents Biden has become addicted to the prestige and perks of the office.

Like most presidents Biden has convinced himself that he is indispensable to the country.

Or at least indispensable to his family's financial growth.
From my observation, I think Jill is addicted to the power, prestige and perks and will hang on until kicked off the ledge. She leads Joe around like a caretaker at the old folks home. She is the real issue I think.
Give Joe ice cream. He is good. It is the family that can't lose the access and the money machine.
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sombear said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
His net worth has plunged, and he said many times, he knew it would.

It's not the $. But it's worse . . . it's ego.
But what better way to refill the pocketbook than to run again and gather donations that will probably flow more freely now?
Vote for Manchin please
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Forest Bueller_bf said:

KaiBear said:

FLBear5630 said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

The best way to do it is to remove him from office and promote the designated successor.

Have long suspected Harris was given such a promise back in 2020. She helps bring in the black vote in exchange for becoming the first woman president.

Without the trouble of actually being elected which in Harris's case is impossible.

Otherwise why would Harris give up a super secure senate seat in exchange for the semi powerless VP spot ?

There is no way Biden finishes a 2nd term, he just does not have the stamina or the mental acuity. I think you hit it dead-on, Biden was just supposed to get to Jan 31st...

In the 2020 campaign Biden publicly announced his presidency would merely be a 'bridge'.

Indicating he would serve one term only.

Have no doubt that was the original plan presented to him when Dem power brokers propelled him over the then primary front runner Bernie Sanders.

But then like most presidents Biden has become addicted to the prestige and perks of the office.

Like most presidents Biden has convinced himself that he is indispensable to the country.

Or at least indispensable to his family's financial growth.
From my observation, I think Jill is addicted to the power, prestige and perks and will hang on until kicked off the ledge. She leads Joe around like a caretaker at the old folks home. She is the real issue I think.

Jill's net worth has tripled over the last 4-5 years.

Besides pure ego she has a vested interest to keep the 81 year old dementia case in the harness.

Whiskey Pete
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sombear said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
His net worth has plunged, and he said many times, he knew it would.

It's not the $. But it's worse . . . it's ego.
Anyone that wants to be president has an ego. It's not surprising.
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No argument about the ego factor.

However presidents never got rich while in and immediately after leaving the White House until Bill Clinton.

Somehow the public now expects the graft. Or at least the media hasn't educated them enough to be infuriated by the practice.
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Whiskey Pete said:

sombear said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
His net worth has plunged, and he said many times, he knew it would.

It's not the $. But it's worse . . . it's ego.
Anyone that wants to be president has an ego. It's not surprising.
100% and I've posted that numerous times over the years. Many moons ago I worked campaigns. Campaign rallies, donor meetings, donation, etc. are like a drug to politicians. It's all a big ego stroke.

That said, I'd venture to guess Trump's ego is bigger than most . . . .
Whiskey Pete
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sombear said:

Whiskey Pete said:

sombear said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
His net worth has plunged, and he said many times, he knew it would.

It's not the $. But it's worse . . . it's ego.
Anyone that wants to be president has an ego. It's not surprising.
100% and I've posted that numerous times over the years. Many moons ago I worked campaigns. Campaign rallies, donor meetings, donation, etc. are like a drug to politicians. It's all a big ego stroke.

That said, I'd venture to guess Trump's ego is bigger than most . . . .
You say it's worse because of Trump's ego, I'd argue that Biden's ego is just as big as Trump's. Obama has a big ego, Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, etc...

But if we don't want presidents that have ego, then we need to redo our entire election system and change it where we draft someone to be president.

So no, I don't think it's "worse" because of Trump's ego.
Jack Bauer
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KaiBear said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

KaiBear said:

FLBear5630 said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

The best way to do it is to remove him from office and promote the designated successor.

Have long suspected Harris was given such a promise back in 2020. She helps bring in the black vote in exchange for becoming the first woman president.

Without the trouble of actually being elected which in Harris's case is impossible.

Otherwise why would Harris give up a super secure senate seat in exchange for the semi powerless VP spot ?

There is no way Biden finishes a 2nd term, he just does not have the stamina or the mental acuity. I think you hit it dead-on, Biden was just supposed to get to Jan 31st...

In the 2020 campaign Biden publicly announced his presidency would merely be a 'bridge'.

Indicating he would serve one term only.

Have no doubt that was the original plan presented to him when Dem power brokers propelled him over the then primary front runner Bernie Sanders.

But then like most presidents Biden has become addicted to the prestige and perks of the office.

Like most presidents Biden has convinced himself that he is indispensable to the country.

Or at least indispensable to his family's financial growth.
From my observation, I think Jill is addicted to the power, prestige and perks and will hang on until kicked off the ledge. She leads Joe around like a caretaker at the old folks home. She is the real issue I think.

Jill's net worth has tripled over the last 4-5 years.

Besides pure ego she has a vested interest to keep the 81 year old dementia case in the harness.

She's the richest Doctor in the country!
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Whiskey Pete said:

sombear said:

Whiskey Pete said:

sombear said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
His net worth has plunged, and he said many times, he knew it would.

It's not the $. But it's worse . . . it's ego.
Anyone that wants to be president has an ego. It's not surprising.
100% and I've posted that numerous times over the years. Many moons ago I worked campaigns. Campaign rallies, donor meetings, donation, etc. are like a drug to politicians. It's all a big ego stroke.

That said, I'd venture to guess Trump's ego is bigger than most . . . .
You say it's worse because of Trump's ego, I'd argue that Biden's ego is just as big as Trump's. Obama has a big ego, Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, etc...

But if we don't want presidents that have ego, then we need to redo our entire election system and change it where we draft someone to be president.

So no, I don't think it's "worse" because of Trump's ego.
All massive egos no doubt
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sombear said:

Whiskey Pete said:

sombear said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
His net worth has plunged, and he said many times, he knew it would.

It's not the $. But it's worse . . . it's ego.
Anyone that wants to be president has an ego. It's not surprising.
100% and I've posted that numerous times over the years. Many moons ago I worked campaigns. Campaign rallies, donor meetings, donation, etc. are like a drug to politicians. It's all a big ego stroke.

That said, I'd venture to guess Trump's ego is bigger than most . . . .


Though Kennedy, LBJ, Bill Clinton and Obama might be right up there with Trump.
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KaiBear said:

sombear said:

Whiskey Pete said:

sombear said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
His net worth has plunged, and he said many times, he knew it would.

It's not the $. But it's worse . . . it's ego.
Anyone that wants to be president has an ego. It's not surprising.
100% and I've posted that numerous times over the years. Many moons ago I worked campaigns. Campaign rallies, donor meetings, donation, etc. are like a drug to politicians. It's all a big ego stroke.

That said, I'd venture to guess Trump's ego is bigger than most . . . .


Though Kennedy, LBJ, Bill Clinton and Obama might be right up there with Trump.
Frankly, the weight of the job is such that any competent President will have an big ego.

I'd argue that was the problem with, say, Ford and Carter.

Excellent men, but just not up to the Oval Office's requirements in terms of confidence.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

KaiBear said:

sombear said:

Whiskey Pete said:

sombear said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

In an earlier post this evening I said he didn't want to be President he just wants the campaign cash in his bank account. He reminds me a lot of Evangelists raking in the flock's money.
His net worth has plunged, and he said many times, he knew it would.

It's not the $. But it's worse . . . it's ego.
Anyone that wants to be president has an ego. It's not surprising.
100% and I've posted that numerous times over the years. Many moons ago I worked campaigns. Campaign rallies, donor meetings, donation, etc. are like a drug to politicians. It's all a big ego stroke.

That said, I'd venture to guess Trump's ego is bigger than most . . . .


Though Kennedy, LBJ, Bill Clinton and Obama might be right up there with Trump.
Frankly, the weight of the job is such that any competent President will have an big ego.

I'd argue that was the problem with, say, Ford and Carter.

Excellent men, but just not up to the Oval Office's requirements in terms of confidence.

Fair point as well.

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KaiBear said:

FLBear5630 said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

The best way to do it is to remove him from office and promote the designated successor.

Have long suspected Harris was given such a promise back in 2020. She helps bring in the black vote in exchange for becoming the first woman president.

Without the trouble of actually being elected which in Harris's case is impossible.

Otherwise why would Harris give up a super secure senate seat in exchange for the semi powerless VP spot ?

There is no way Biden finishes a 2nd term, he just does not have the stamina or the mental acuity. I think you hit it dead-on, Biden was just supposed to get to Jan 31st...

In the 2020 campaign Biden publicly announced his presidency would merely be a 'bridge'.

Indicating he would serve one term only.

Have no doubt that was the original plan presented to him when Dem power brokers propelled him over the then primary front runner Bernie Sanders.

But then like most presidents Biden has become addicted to the prestige and perks of the office.

Like most presidents Biden has convinced himself that he is indispensable to the country.

Or at least indispensable to his family's financial growth.

So dumb. If there was any other Democrat the Dems thought would beat Trump, they would be it. All comes down to fringe voting. Trump has it. Obama/Biden has it. If they lose a significant % of the black vote to apathy, can they win? That's all I see here.

Biden is not controlling the show, he is here for a second round because he has done exactly 2 things. Beat Trump, and be Obama's VP.
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Porteroso said:

KaiBear said:

FLBear5630 said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

The best way to do it is to remove him from office and promote the designated successor.

Have long suspected Harris was given such a promise back in 2020. She helps bring in the black vote in exchange for becoming the first woman president.

Without the trouble of actually being elected which in Harris's case is impossible.

Otherwise why would Harris give up a super secure senate seat in exchange for the semi powerless VP spot ?

There is no way Biden finishes a 2nd term, he just does not have the stamina or the mental acuity. I think you hit it dead-on, Biden was just supposed to get to Jan 31st...

In the 2020 campaign Biden publicly announced his presidency would merely be a 'bridge'.

Indicating he would serve one term only.

Have no doubt that was the original plan presented to him when Dem power brokers propelled him over the then primary front runner Bernie Sanders.

But then like most presidents Biden has become addicted to the prestige and perks of the office.

Like most presidents Biden has convinced himself that he is indispensable to the country.

Or at least indispensable to his family's financial growth.

So dumb. If there was any other Democrat the Dems thought would beat Trump, they would be it. All comes down to fringe voting. Trump has it. Obama/Biden has it. If they lose a significant % of the black vote to apathy, can they win? That's all I see here.

Biden is not controlling the show, he is here for a second round because he has done exactly 2 things. Beat Trump, and be Obama's VP.
"fringe voting"

talk about blind.....
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KaiBear said:

nein51 said:

Bexar Pitts said:

nein51 said:

Who in their right mind watched that and it improved their thoughts on Biden? How is that even possible.

I'm a basically never Trump kind of guy but come on man, how in the love do you pick up approval after that?

Jesus people are stupid. We are getting what we deserve.
Nein, I still have a hard time believing what I saw on the "debate" stage..For an incumbent President of the United States to show himself in such manner is mind boggling..I believe this performance was about far more than debate skills..For many, I think all Biden had to do was show himself to be of sound mind and able to handle the difficult situational circumstances of the Office. In my opinion, he didn't get there.

The hate people have for Trump is, at minimum, incredibly interesting.

It's a visceral, instinctive hate of the rich kid who had all the hot girls, fattest cars and bragged about it year after year.

The Republican leadership is fully aware of this hatred , yet never found the guts to derail Trump and produce a candidate with broader appeal.

This makes zero sense as they were all best friends before he became a politician. Try harder
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ron.reagan said:

KaiBear said:

nein51 said:

Bexar Pitts said:

nein51 said:

Who in their right mind watched that and it improved their thoughts on Biden? How is that even possible.

I'm a basically never Trump kind of guy but come on man, how in the love do you pick up approval after that?

Jesus people are stupid. We are getting what we deserve.
Nein, I still have a hard time believing what I saw on the "debate" stage..For an incumbent President of the United States to show himself in such manner is mind boggling..I believe this performance was about far more than debate skills..For many, I think all Biden had to do was show himself to be of sound mind and able to handle the difficult situational circumstances of the Office. In my opinion, he didn't get there.

The hate people have for Trump is, at minimum, incredibly interesting.

It's a visceral, instinctive hate of the rich kid who had all the hot girls, fattest cars and bragged about it year after year.

The Republican leadership is fully aware of this hatred , yet never found the guts to derail Trump and produce a candidate with broader appeal.

This makes zero sense as they were all best friends before he became a politician. Try harder
You are dead on, he was a reality TV star. He was like Clooney and the Mcconahay others that hang on the political fringe. While in Hollywood, all is good. Once they go for their jobs, they are hated. Stay in your lane. Arnold was loved, until he became Gov.
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