Does your church have Christian nationalism inclinations?

14,484 Views | 298 Replies | Last: 15 hrs ago by historian
Adriacus Peratuun
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BUDOS said:

And of course there are the conspiracy theorists; however, unfortunately a few are actually valid in my opinion.

But back to CN
Christian nationalism takes the name of Christ for a worldly political agenda, proclaiming that its program is the political program for every true believer. That is wrong in principle, no matter what the agenda is, because only the church is authorized to proclaim the name of Jesus and carry his standard into the world. It is even worse with a political movement that champions some causes that are unjust, which is the case with Christian nationalism. In that case, Christian nationalism is calling evil good and good evil; it is taking the name of Christ as a fig leaf to cover its political program, treating the message of Jesus as a tool of political propaganda and the church as the handmaiden of the state.

Christianity is a religion focused on the person and work of Jesus Christ as defined by the Christian Bible and the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. It is the gathering of people "from every nation and tribe and people and language," who worship Jesus (Rev. 7:9), a faith that unites Jews and Greeks, Americans and non-Americans together. Christianity is political, in the sense that its adherents have always understood their faith to challenge, affect, and transcend their worldly loyaltiesbut there is no single view on what political implications flow from Christian faith other than that we should "fear God, honor the king" (1 Pet. 2:17), pay our taxes, love our neighbors, and seek justice.

Christian nationalism is, by contrast, a political ideology focused on the national identity of the United States. It includes a specific understanding of American history and American government that are, obviously, extrabiblicalan understanding that is contested by many historians and political scientists. Most importantly, Christian nationalism includes specific policy prescriptions that it claims are biblical but are extrapolations from biblical principles and, at worst, contradictory to them.

Sorry for the lengthy reply. Hope it contributes to the discussion.

Every political opinion is undergirded by some philosophy.
Every single one.
Political opinions are simply a branch on a larger tree.
That tree is core personal and societal values.

To complain of Christianity (whatever form) as the foundation of that core without also complaining about every other foundation such as Humanism, Islam, Buddhism, Nihilism, etc. is simply intellectual dishonesty combined with mental gymnastics.
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Yep, CN is just a made up term to get conservative Christians to feel guilty for voting their consciences, and to get Progressives fired up and hating Christians more than they already do.

Everyone else is voting their conscience, or in the case of progressives they're voting for whatever the TV tells them.
So the humanists, atheists, progressives, socialists, communists, etc are all encouraged to vote their consciences, but conservative Christians get falsely labeled if they do so.

Progressivism is an evil movement, Christians please do your part and vote against it.
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And I agree that you have a right to your opinion, and I the same.
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Interesting philosophical stance; political or religious in its nexus?
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Good argument, and that's probably because I agree with much of it. "Give to Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's." As His Son added, His kingdom is not of this world.
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Waco1947 said:

The swarm here is moving the goal posts and sending out straw men.
1. Moving the goalpost from black churches quest for justice in the political system to liberal churches in general.
My church is progressive but there are no pride flags or Palestinian flags but here is our creed:
Micah 6: 8 He has told you, O mortal, what is good,
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice and to love kindness
and to walk humbly with your God?
For progressives our preaching a call to do justice and love mercy more than fear and revenge.
2. Your projection of trump dogma onto us is wrong.
just because you disagree with a party's platform doesn't mean it is an injustice.

Most here believe there is injustice in low expectations of the black community but that is what you dems live and die for.
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BUDOS said:

Fair question IMO. Consider that Christ never forced anyone to be Christian or even act Christian. My understanding is that Christian Nationalism would.
by outlawing murder and therefore "forcing"people not to murder, is this a form of Christian Nationalism? The Bible does say not to murder, you know.

Is incentivizing charitable donations with tax breaks a form of Christian Nationalism?

We ALL advocate for our morals to one degree or another. On average, when we agree with what is being advocated, it's a good thing. When we disagree, it's a bad thing.

Mirrors; they're another good thing.

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Waco1947 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Waco1947 said:

Rightly so because it is a deep tradition in the AMC and other black denominations. Do you know it is their tradition?

Acoolda 14.4"x10"Vanity Mirror with Lights, Makeup Mirror with Lights Three Color Lighting Modes, Dimmable Touch Screen, Detachable 10X Magnifying Mirror, Free Rotation,White

Being politically active is absolutely a tradition of black churches.

The most politically active denominations in the U.S. are Black Christian ones and Reformed Jews

Look no further for two groups who mix politics and religion together to an extreme extent.

Like most liberals and leftists I don't think you care about the toxic mixing of politics and religion…you just don't personally want White Christians in the fly over States being the ones doing the mixing.

Never did these black churches advocate for Christian Nationalism, but mega evangelical do.
Black churches advocated for justice and candidates who sought it.
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why in the world, would anyone attend a church with that filth?
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Waco1947 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Waco1947 said:

Rightly so because it is a deep tradition in the AMC and other black denominations. Do you know it is their tradition?

Acoolda 14.4"x10"Vanity Mirror with Lights, Makeup Mirror with Lights Three Color Lighting Modes, Dimmable Touch Screen, Detachable 10X Magnifying Mirror, Free Rotation,White

Being politically active is absolutely a tradition of black churches.

The most politically active denominations in the U.S. are Black Christian ones and Reformed Jews

Look no further for two groups who mix politics and religion together to an extreme extent.

Like most liberals and leftists I don't think you care about the toxic mixing of politics and religion…you just don't personally want White Christians in the fly over States being the ones doing the mixing.

Never did these black churches advocate for Christian Nationalism, but mega evangelical do.
Black churches advocated for justice and candidates who sought it.

Acoolda 14.4"x10"Vanity Mirror with Lights, Makeup Mirror with Lights Three Color Lighting Modes, Dimmable Touch Screen, Detachable 10X Magnifying Mirror, Free Rotation,White
Mitch Blood Green
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Harrison Bergeron said:

Waco1947 said:

Rightly so because it is a deep tradition in the AMC and other black denominations. Do you know it is their tradition?

Hate whitey?

Bulger? Lots of people do.
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Ghostrider said:

GrowlTowel said:

Honest question - what is wrong with Christian Nationalism?

How does Christian Nationalism negatively affect our economy, culture, nation?
Nothing is wrong with it. Democrats try to use this as a negative. Same as they do when they say you are against women's rights if you do not believe in the murdering of a baby.
Christian Nationalism wants a theocracy not a democracy
Waco1947 ,la
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Mitch Blood Green said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Waco1947 said:

Rightly so because it is a deep tradition in the AMC and other black denominations. Do you know it is their tradition?

Hate whitey?

Bulger? Lots of people do.
Waco1947 ,la
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Waco1947 said:

Ghostrider said:

GrowlTowel said:

Honest question - what is wrong with Christian Nationalism?

How does Christian Nationalism negatively affect our economy, culture, nation?
Nothing is wrong with it. Democrats try to use this as a negative. Same as they do when they say you are against women's rights if you do not believe in the murdering of a baby.
Christian Nationalism wants a theocracy not a democracy


You lie for practice.
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Some people do not understand history. Black churches have always advocated from the pulpit for freedom, justice, and equal opportunity and candidates who advocate those American values.. Racists don't seem to understand their history and are being obtuse with little straw men that have nothing to do with history.
It's an insult to black churches
Waco1947 ,la
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Waco1947 said:

Ghostrider said:

GrowlTowel said:

Honest question - what is wrong with Christian Nationalism?

How does Christian Nationalism negatively affect our economy, culture, nation?
Nothing is wrong with it. Democrats try to use this as a negative. Same as they do when they say you are against women's rights if you do not believe in the murdering of a baby.
Christian Nationalism wants a theocracy not a democracy

CN isn't a REAL political movement. It's imaginary. It's an imaginary tale Liars like you tell to scare dimwitted liberals and guilt Christian conservatives.

There's no real church denomination in the US that is advocating for eliminating our democratic republic to establish Christian theocratic rule.

Muslims are the closest thing to that in American reality.

Tall-tale pushers like you should be ashamed for your blatant misrepresentation.
Harrison Bergeron
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Waco1947 said:

Ghostrider said:

GrowlTowel said:

Honest question - what is wrong with Christian Nationalism?

How does Christian Nationalism negatively affect our economy, culture, nation?
Nothing is wrong with it. Democrats try to use this as a negative. Same as they do when they say you are against women's rights if you do not believe in the murdering of a baby.
Christian Nationalism Left-wing churches wants a theocracy not a democracy
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TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Waco1947 said:

Ghostrider said:

GrowlTowel said:

Honest question - what is wrong with Christian Nationalism?

How does Christian Nationalism negatively affect our economy, culture, nation?
Nothing is wrong with it. Democrats try to use this as a negative. Same as they do when they say you are against women's rights if you do not believe in the murdering of a baby.
Christian Nationalism wants a theocracy not a democracy

CN isn't a REAL political movement. It's imaginary. It's an imaginary tale Liars like you tell to scare dimwitted liberals and guilt Christian conservatives.

There's no real church denomination in the US that is advocating for eliminating our democratic republic to establish Christian theocratic rule.

Muslims are the closest thing to that in American reality.

Tall-tale pushers like you should be ashamed for your blatant misrepresentation.
Christian nationalism is having a moment. It's having a moment in ways that it's requiring those who adhere to its principles and ideologies to respond to it. Folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert and others have talked about the ways that Christian nationalism not only informs their understanding of politics, but how they identify explicitly as Christian nationalists. And so we are at a point in American politics where Christian nationalism is something that many people are discussing. Brad Onishi
Waco1947 ,la
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Christian nationalism is the idea that Christian people should be privileged in the United States in some way - economically, socially, politically - and that that influence and that privilege is a result of the country being founded by and for Christians. Christian nationalism is not the idea that others can't be here - that if you're a Muslim or an atheist, that you have to leave. It's also not the idea that only Christians can be part of the government. However, for most Christian nationalists, there is a core belief that the story of the United States is one where it has been elected by God to play an exceptional role in human history, and as being chosen by God, it's the duty of Christian people to carry out his will on Earth .Onishi
Waco1947 ,la
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The Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, in his concurring opinion that has outlawed the destruction of frozen embryos, equating frozen embryos used in infertility treatments with murdering people which keeps referencing God, is an example of Christian nationalism.

This ia Christian nationalism par excellence. The concurring opinion by Justice Tom Parker uses as its evidence to arrive at his legal opinion - it uses the Bible. It uses Christian manifestos. It uses work by the medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas, by the reformer John Calvin. These are the pieces of data that he uses to justify an opinion at the Supreme Court of Alabama. He said on the very same day that that decision came down, on a podcast, that God created government, and the fact that we have let it go into the possession of others is heartbreaking. The very idea that we would have a Supreme Court of any state in this country who would deliver an opinion based on the Bible, is the most clear example of Christian nationalism that I can think of. Brad Onishi
Waco1947 ,la
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Waco1947 said:

The Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, in his concurring opinion that has outlawed the destruction of frozen embryos, equating frozen embryos used in infertility treatments with murdering people which keeps referencing God, is an example of Christian nationalism.

This ia Christian nationalism par excellence. The concurring opinion by Justice Tom Parker uses as its evidence to arrive at his legal opinion - it uses the Bible. It uses Christian manifestos. It uses work by the medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas, by the reformer John Calvin. These are the pieces of data that he uses to justify an opinion at the Supreme Court of Alabama. He said on the very same day that that decision came down, on a podcast, that God created government, and the fact that we have let it go into the possession of others is heartbreaking. The very idea that we would have a Supreme Court of any state in this country who would deliver an opinion based on the Bible, is the most clear example of Christian nationalism that I can think of. Brad Onishi

Nope. Try again.

Not Christian Nationalism.

Using God as a basis for morality isn't Christian Nationalism. If you claim it is, then you are also admitting that our nation is in fact already a Christian Nation.

Really seems like all of your opinions are copied off Google, from some liberal echo chamber.

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Waco1947 said:

Some people do not understand history. Black churches have always advocated from the pulpit for freedom, justice, and equal opportunity and candidates who advocate those American values.. Racists don't seem to understand their history and are being obtuse with little straw men that have nothing to do with history.
It's an insult to black churches


Among the many subjects you have consistently butchered……….American history is in your top 5.
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Waco1947 said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Waco1947 said:

Ghostrider said:

GrowlTowel said:

Honest question - what is wrong with Christian Nationalism?

How does Christian Nationalism negatively affect our economy, culture, nation?
Nothing is wrong with it. Democrats try to use this as a negative. Same as they do when they say you are against women's rights if you do not believe in the murdering of a baby.
Christian Nationalism wants a theocracy not a democracy

CN isn't a REAL political movement. It's imaginary. It's an imaginary tale Liars like you tell to scare dimwitted liberals and guilt Christian conservatives.

There's no real church denomination in the US that is advocating for eliminating our democratic republic to establish Christian theocratic rule.

Muslims are the closest thing to that in American reality.

Tall-tale pushers like you should be ashamed for your blatant misrepresentation.
Christian nationalism is having a moment. It's having a moment in ways that it's requiring those who adhere to its principles and ideologies to respond to it. Folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert and others have talked about the ways that Christian nationalism not only informs their understanding of politics, but how they identify explicitly as Christian nationalists. And so we are at a point in American politics where Christian nationalism is something that many people are discussing. Brad Onishi
Thanks for letting us know it was Brad Onishi. We all knew it wasn't you.

What you choose to not understand is that there are extremes on both sides. Most here can admit that. You however cannot. You also use the extreme of the opposition to paint all those of the opposition.
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TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Waco1947 said:

Ghostrider said:

GrowlTowel said:

Honest question - what is wrong with Christian Nationalism?

How does Christian Nationalism negatively affect our economy, culture, nation?
Nothing is wrong with it. Democrats try to use this as a negative. Same as they do when they say you are against women's rights if you do not believe in the murdering of a baby.
Christian Nationalism wants a theocracy not a democracy

CN isn't a REAL political movement. It's imaginary. It's an imaginary tale Liars like you tell to scare dimwitted liberals and guilt Christian conservatives.

There's no real church denomination in the US that is advocating for eliminating our democratic republic to establish Christian theocratic rule...

Yea…and what's even stranger is that religious affiliation is in free fall in the USA.

So America is less religious than it has ever been….yet Waco thinks now is the time everyone needs to be afraid of "Christian nationalism"?


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Redbrickbear said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Waco1947 said:

Ghostrider said:

GrowlTowel said:

Honest question - what is wrong with Christian Nationalism?

How does Christian Nationalism negatively affect our economy, culture, nation?
Nothing is wrong with it. Democrats try to use this as a negative. Same as they do when they say you are against women's rights if you do not believe in the murdering of a baby.
Christian Nationalism wants a theocracy not a democracy

CN isn't a REAL political movement. It's imaginary. It's an imaginary tale Liars like you tell to scare dimwitted liberals and guilt Christian conservatives.

There's no real church denomination in the US that is advocating for eliminating our democratic republic to establish Christian theocratic rule...

Yea…and what's even stranger is that religious affiliation is in free fall in the USA.

So America is less religious than it has ever been….yet Waco thinks now is the time everyone needs to be afraid of "Christian nationalism"?


Like most progressive, he's a lemming of the media. Believes anything, no matter how ridiculous.

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I appreciate the Christian response, and assume you can help us have a better understanding of CN. What happens to those American citizens who don't abide by the laws CN will put in place to accomplish its goals? Are you saying that CN will not force anyone to abide by what the leadership decides could possibly disrupt their laws? What if I don't go to church, forbid my children from attending church or reading the Bible? What if the people in one of more states choose to negate CN laws or attempt to secede? WWJD?
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BUDOS said:

I appreciate the Christian response, and assume you can help us have a better understanding of CN. What happens to those American citizens who don't abide by the laws CN will put in place to accomplish its goals? Are you saying that CN will not force anyone to abide by what the leadership decides could possibly disrupt their laws? What if I don't go to church, forbid my children from attending church or reading the Bible? What if the people in one of more states choose to negate CN laws or attempt to secede? WWJD?

CN is make believe propaganda. No mainstream denominations are advocating anything related to replacing the republic with a theocracy. Christians can vote their consciences, just like you. Constitution protects any overreach. Grow up.
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BUDOS said:

I appreciate the Christian response, and assume you can help us have a better understanding of CN. What happens to those American citizens who don't abide by the laws CN will put in place to accomplish its goals? Are you saying that CN will not force anyone to abide by what the leadership decides could possibly disrupt their laws? What if I don't go to church, forbid my children from attending church or reading the Bible? What if the people in one of more states choose to negate CN laws or attempt to secede? WWJD?

Am hopeful your post is total sarcasm.

As absolutely none of this expressed concerns are legitimate.

Even when practicing Christians were a majority in the United States none of the actions mentioned occurred.

Well they certainly have even less of a chance happening now.
Harrison Bergeron
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BUDOS said:

I appreciate the Christian response, and assume you can help us have a better understanding of CN. What happens to those American citizens who don't abide by the laws CN will put in place to accomplish its goals? Are you saying that CN will not force anyone to abide by what the leadership decides could possibly disrupt their laws? What if I don't go to church, forbid my children from attending church or reading the Bible? What if the people in one of more states choose to negate CN laws or attempt to secede? WWJD?

Stop reading Q'Anon and watching The View.
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Mitch Blood Green said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Waco1947 said:

Rightly so because it is a deep tradition in the AMC and other black denominations. Do you know it is their tradition?

Hate whitey?

Bulger? Lots of people do.
Bulger was fascinating . speaking of whitey. lol
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Waco1947 said:

Some people do not understand history. Black churches have always advocated from the pulpit for freedom, justice, and equal opportunity and candidates who advocate those American values.. Racists don't seem to understand their history and are being obtuse with little straw men that have nothing to do with history.
It's an insult to black churches

Ah so again it's ok for black churches to be political since all black people campaign for or want is freedom, justice and equal opportunity, and nothing else. But damn those white evangelical churches!

lol. Your attempt to rationalize your double standards is a hoot!
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BUDOS said:

I appreciate the Christian response, and assume you can help us have a better understanding of CN. What happens to those American citizens who don't abide by the laws CN will put in place to accomplish its goals? Are you saying that CN will not force anyone to abide by what the leadership decides could possibly disrupt their laws? What if I don't go to church, forbid my children from attending church or reading the Bible? What if the people in one of more states choose to negate CN laws or attempt to secede? WWJD?

For the third time, who wants to put CN laws in place and force Americans to convert? Are you unable to identify these alleged actors or would any attempt to do so destroy your silly narrative? Can't put a face with your bogeyman?
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Yes it does, now.However, it can be changed and of course there is the Supreme Court. History proves that our Constitution is subject to interpretation, depending upon the biases of some chief interpreters.
CN is not in line with Christianity. His kingdom is not of this world. As Peter states, we are strangers/aliens, not those in charge of a sinful world. Past efforts to set up similar societies have failed, because we are what we are. CN is just another way to divide us from within.
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BUDOS said:

I appreciate the Christian response, and assume you can help us have a better understanding of CN. What happens to those American citizens who don't abide by the laws CN will put in place to accomplish its goals? Are you saying that CN will not force anyone to abide by what the leadership decides could possibly disrupt their laws? What if I don't go to church, forbid my children from attending church or reading the Bible? What if the people in one of more states choose to negate CN laws or attempt to secede? WWJD?
The only way this post makes any since is if you replace CN with sharia. The UK is a good test bed
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BUDOS said:

Yes it does, now.However, it can be changed and of course there is the Supreme Court. History proves that our Constitution is subject to interpretation, depending upon the biases of some chief interpreters.
CN is not in line with Christianity. His kingdom is not of this world. As Peter states, we are strangers/aliens, not those in charge of a sinful world. Past efforts to set up similar societies have failed, because we are what we are. CN is just another way to divide us from within.

More fictitious scare tactics. Your bogeyman doesn't exist.

Sorry little buddy.
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