Does your church have Christian nationalism inclinations?

14,516 Views | 298 Replies | Last: 15 hrs ago by historian
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Sam Lowry said:


TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

What the OP calls Christian nationalism sounds more like dominionism or theonomy. It's a real thing.
Never heard of these. Quick google search of dominionisim equivocates it to Catholic integralism, which I have heard of before. Of course, the article I read failed to identify any current politicians or public figures who subscribe to the theory.

So even if it's a real thing, it doesn't sound like a real problem.
It's a minority but an influential one. The topic is especially relevant in the Trump era, with so much cynicism about democracy in the air.
An influential minority in the Republican Party? Hmmm. Who is it influencing? Are there specific politicians being lobbied?
It's not a lobby. It's a theological perspective, developed in the 70s and 80s, which has a non-trivial influence on mainstream pastors and politicians. Whether that's a problem is up for debate.

With CN and Sam, it's always the general non-specific accusations of it being "influential" with no significant real world examples to back it up.
When people say the border is a problem, there's actually statistics and people to back it up.
When people say the education is grooming our children, there are many actual examples.
When lefties talk about CN, there's no mainstream or significant group teaching or adopting CN. You all play out your ideas from a make believe world.
TDS does that to a person.
He said it's a "perspective". I guess any perspective that's does not match his own, and especially one that can't be measured in any way shape or form, is a potential threat and must be monitored.

No one's saying that.

This thread is just one weirdly defensive post after another. Odd indeed.

Someone was saying that. They said it with this post right here

" It's not a lobby. It's a theological perspective, developed in the 70s and 80s, which has a non-trivial influence on mainstream pastors and politicians. Whether that's a problem is up for debate."

Maybe you've conversed with them before
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BUDOS said:

Thanks you.
It's not gaslighting, and you should know.
It is a shallow grasp, and your failure to understand that is further evidence that you are one of too many who spout all this misinformation. You do your worst to verbally rape and demean any one you disagree with despite your lack of the actual pros and cons of CN. Apparently you don't even care enough about the truth to even try. Just throw crap and hope it makes you feel and look good to your audience.

What's the point in discussing the pros and cons of a fictitious bogeyman? I mean, we might as well debate whether Hufflepuff or Gryffindor was a better house in the Harry Potter series. The bogeyman you're afraid of simply doesn't exist, or if it does exist, you've been unable to provide any factual support for your position.

I'd be happy to engage with you in substance on the topic if you actually had some substance to provide. But as it stands, you can't even answer the most simple and basic questions in support of your position. My conclusion at this point is you're just a Gaslighting troll.
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Sam Lowry said:


TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

What the OP calls Christian nationalism sounds more like dominionism or theonomy. It's a real thing.
Never heard of these. Quick google search of dominionisim equivocates it to Catholic integralism, which I have heard of before. Of course, the article I read failed to identify any current politicians or public figures who subscribe to the theory.

So even if it's a real thing, it doesn't sound like a real problem.
It's a minority but an influential one. The topic is especially relevant in the Trump era, with so much cynicism about democracy in the air.
An influential minority in the Republican Party? Hmmm. Who is it influencing? Are there specific politicians being lobbied?
It's not a lobby. It's a theological perspective, developed in the 70s and 80s, which has a non-trivial influence on mainstream pastors and politicians. Whether that's a problem is up for debate.

With CN and Sam, it's always the general non-specific accusations of it being "influential" with no significant real world examples to back it up.
When people say the border is a problem, there's actually statistics and people to back it up.
When people say the education is grooming our children, there are many actual examples.
When lefties talk about CN, there's no mainstream or significant group teaching or adopting CN. You all play out your ideas from a make believe world.
TDS does that to a person.
He said it's a "perspective". I guess any perspective that's does not match his own, and especially one that can't be measured in any way shape or form, is a potential threat and must be monitored.

No one's saying that.

This thread is just one weirdly defensive post after another. Odd indeed.

It's no surprise that a Catholic and nominal Christian would think that. I mean, it's scare mongering that's not aimed at your demographic..

Again, I ask, who are its adherents and what politicians are they influencing?
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Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:


TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

What the OP calls Christian nationalism sounds more like dominionism or theonomy. It's a real thing.
Never heard of these. Quick google search of dominionisim equivocates it to Catholic integralism, which I have heard of before. Of course, the article I read failed to identify any current politicians or public figures who subscribe to the theory.

So even if it's a real thing, it doesn't sound like a real problem.
It's a minority but an influential one. The topic is especially relevant in the Trump era, with so much cynicism about democracy in the air.
An influential minority in the Republican Party? Hmmm. Who is it influencing? Are there specific politicians being lobbied?
It's not a lobby. It's a theological perspective, developed in the 70s and 80s, which has a non-trivial influence on mainstream pastors and politicians. Whether that's a problem is up for debate.

With CN and Sam, it's always the general non-specific accusations of it being "influential" with no significant real world examples to back it up.
When people say the border is a problem, there's actually statistics and people to back it up.
When people say the education is grooming our children, there are many actual examples.
When lefties talk about CN, there's no mainstream or significant group teaching or adopting CN. You all play out your ideas from a make believe world.
TDS does that to a person.
He said it's a "perspective". I guess any perspective that's does not match his own, and especially one that can't be measured in any way shape or form, is a potential threat and must be monitored.

No one's saying that.

This thread is just one weirdly defensive post after another. Odd indeed.

It's no surprise that a Catholic and nominal Christian would think that.

Easy fella….this Catholic believes any CN 'fear' is ridiculous nonsense about a nonexistent problem.

But then again there are people who believe the moon landings never occurred.

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Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:


TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

What the OP calls Christian nationalism sounds more like dominionism or theonomy. It's a real thing.
Never heard of these. Quick google search of dominionisim equivocates it to Catholic integralism, which I have heard of before. Of course, the article I read failed to identify any current politicians or public figures who subscribe to the theory.

So even if it's a real thing, it doesn't sound like a real problem.
It's a minority but an influential one. The topic is especially relevant in the Trump era, with so much cynicism about democracy in the air.
An influential minority in the Republican Party? Hmmm. Who is it influencing? Are there specific politicians being lobbied?
It's not a lobby. It's a theological perspective, developed in the 70s and 80s, which has a non-trivial influence on mainstream pastors and politicians. Whether that's a problem is up for debate.

With CN and Sam, it's always the general non-specific accusations of it being "influential" with no significant real world examples to back it up.
When people say the border is a problem, there's actually statistics and people to back it up.
When people say the education is grooming our children, there are many actual examples.
When lefties talk about CN, there's no mainstream or significant group teaching or adopting CN. You all play out your ideas from a make believe world.
TDS does that to a person.
He said it's a "perspective". I guess any perspective that's does not match his own, and especially one that can't be measured in any way shape or form, is a potential threat and must be monitored.

No one's saying that.

This thread is just one weirdly defensive post after another. Odd indeed.

It's no surprise that a Catholic and nominal Christian would think that. I mean, it's scare mongering that's not aimed at your demographic..

Again, I ask, who are its adherents and what politicians are they influencing?
Sam's brain just doesn't work once you ask him to provide substance. Google isn't helping cause he doesn't have anything to copy and paste at this point. He can't provide any substance so he resorts to playing the y'all sure are "defensive" card, must have "touched a nerve" etc.
He, Budos, W47 are just trolls at this point. They know they're all talking out of their @$$es but they keep on going because the TV has programmed them how to think. Liberal TDS-ers are immature illogical stooges and they demonstrate it in this forum daily. They flail about when they're not the majority, they can't make sense because they're not used to having to think.
This thread has been fun watching it happen as they scramble to avoid substance, Sam's embarrassing himself more than usual. W47 and Budos are embarrassing themselves about the same as usual.
Forest Bueller
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Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Interesting to simply pull out a nutty complete outlier like "Kingdom Now" theology and try to assign it to generic christians. It is a thing, but there is no power behind it and is mostly one of those Holy Roller ideologies that will never get traction with a large percentage of people.

There is also a Black Supremacy Theology founded by James H, Cone that the current democratic movement though probably unintentionally has laced into some of their platform. Again, nothing that is ever going to take over.

If we want to fear something all the young people being brainwashed with their "River to the Sea" ideology is something to actually watch closely, as there is actually a "there, there" with that movement.

This is an odd thread to say the least.
There No such thing as "a Black Supremacy Theology founded by James H, Cone" Do NOT spread this lie.

Rather Cone formulates a theology of liberation from within the context of the black experience of oppression, interpreting the central kernel of the Gospels as Jesus' identification with the poor and oppressed, the resurrection as the ultimate act of liberation.

You are wrong. Per usual.
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You can make a very strong case that the religious freedom afforded by the constitution only extends to the moral and religious people that John Adams observed that the constitution was intended to govern.

So Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Shinto, most Hindus but not Muslims, Baal worship, Satanists, the LGBT crowd, Humanists, or Atheists.

This basic observation - that those who are inherently immoral or refuse to acknowledge a supreme power in the universe greater than themselves - should be excluded from spreading their views or discussions on national governance is rather rational.

It is the intellectual underpinning of why you know it is wrong when some shyster lawyer demands that a statue of Satan be erected next to a Nativity or they want to build a mosque at the 9-11 site but cannot quite articulate why.

Of course the left wants to dismiss this as Christian Nationalism because they are neither moral nor religious.
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So you believe all non-left are moral and religious?
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BUDOS said:

So you believe all non-left are moral and religious?

That's not what I said, is it.
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BUDOS said:

So you believe all non-left are moral and religious?

Focus on what you see with your own eyes.

Do you like boys competing in girls sports ?
Should CHILDREN be allowed to mutilate themselves without their parents consent ?
Are MILLIONS of unvetted illegals entering our country every year beneficial to you and our other citizens ?
Is involving our country into still another war in Europe making you and those you care about safer ?
Are you willing to pay up to 67% of your income into taxes ? It's happened before.

Any and all of this CN chatter is merely an internet distraction; an illusion.

Focus on the TANGIBLE.
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KaiBear said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:


TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

What the OP calls Christian nationalism sounds more like dominionism or theonomy. It's a real thing.
Never heard of these. Quick google search of dominionisim equivocates it to Catholic integralism, which I have heard of before. Of course, the article I read failed to identify any current politicians or public figures who subscribe to the theory.

So even if it's a real thing, it doesn't sound like a real problem.
It's a minority but an influential one. The topic is especially relevant in the Trump era, with so much cynicism about democracy in the air.
An influential minority in the Republican Party? Hmmm. Who is it influencing? Are there specific politicians being lobbied?
It's not a lobby. It's a theological perspective, developed in the 70s and 80s, which has a non-trivial influence on mainstream pastors and politicians. Whether that's a problem is up for debate.

With CN and Sam, it's always the general non-specific accusations of it being "influential" with no significant real world examples to back it up.
When people say the border is a problem, there's actually statistics and people to back it up.
When people say the education is grooming our children, there are many actual examples.
When lefties talk about CN, there's no mainstream or significant group teaching or adopting CN. You all play out your ideas from a make believe world.
TDS does that to a person.
He said it's a "perspective". I guess any perspective that's does not match his own, and especially one that can't be measured in any way shape or form, is a potential threat and must be monitored.

No one's saying that.

This thread is just one weirdly defensive post after another. Odd indeed.

It's no surprise that a Catholic and nominal Christian would think that.

Easy fella….this Catholic believes any CN 'fear' is ridiculous nonsense about a nonexistent problem.

But then again there are people who believe the moon landings never occurred.

Add nominal conservative to the list.
Sam Lowry
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Realitybites said:

You can make a very strong case that the religious freedom afforded by the constitution only extends to the moral and religious people that John Adams observed that the constitution was intended to govern.

So Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Shinto, most Hindus but not Muslims, Baal worship, Satanists, the LGBT crowd, Humanists, or Atheists.

This basic observation - that those who are inherently immoral or refuse to acknowledge a supreme power in the universe greater than themselves - should be excluded from spreading their views or discussions on national governance is rather rational.

It is the intellectual underpinning of why you know it is wrong when some shyster lawyer demands that a statue of Satan be erected next to a Nativity or they want to build a mosque at the 9-11 site but cannot quite articulate why.

Of course the left wants to dismiss this as Christian Nationalism because they are neither moral nor religious.
I agree that atheism isn't a religion, but religious freedom still extends to atheists. In fact that is part of Adams' point. The Constitution depends on the moral and religious character of the people, not vice versa.
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That seems to be a direct implication from the Federalist Papers. Additionally they were counting on an educated populace; unfortunately it may be educated, but apparently not informed, as too many believe in the Orange Judas.
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BUDOS said:

That seems to be a direct implication from the Federalist Papers. Additionally they were counting on an educated populace; unfortunately it may be educated, but apparently not informed, as too many believe in the Orange Judas.
What specific policies of Harris exhibited over the last 3.5 years resulted in her getting your vote ?
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And let's not forget, Obama's pastor Jeremiah Wright yelled GD America during at least 1 service, saying the words GD not just the letters.
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BUDOS said:

So you believe all non-left are moral and religious?

I've seen better and more logical arguments from 3rd graders.

Do better
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Yes, please do.
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So you trust Trump's to keep his promises/policies? Trump, with his documented and proven lack of integrity and credibility? Trump with his rambling diatribes full of sound and fury and signifying nonsense, coming from what is looking more and more like an idiot growing too old and incompetent.
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I trust that Trump will be a better choice than Commula. The important thing now is to prevent the inauguration of an American Hugo Chavez in January. If we don't stop Commula, the country is over. That means down ballot as well. Get your hands on every (D) that you can and throw them out of office. This party must be removed from the levers of power and cast into the outer darkness.
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BUDOS said:

So you trust Trump's to keep his promises/policies? Trump, with his documented and proven lack of integrity and credibility? Trump with his rambling diatribes full of sound and fury and signifying nonsense, coming from what is looking more and more like an idiot growing too old and incompetent.
As opposed to open borders, woke policies in the military and federal govt., pretending that men are women, a foreign policy that has us in a proxy war with Russia, war in the ME, a bellicose China, an Iran whose proxies are attacking our soldiers, a Fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan, horrid oil policies which have significantly increased energy prices, and terrible economic policy which has increased inflation and cost of living?

I mean, when you consider the alternative, I am not sure how any sane conservative would prefer Harris/Walz to Trump.
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BUDOS said:

So you trust Trump's to keep his promises/policies? Trump, with his documented and proven lack of integrity and credibility? Trump with his rambling diatribes full of sound and fury and signifying nonsense, coming from what is looking more and more like an idiot growing too old and incompetent.

You chose to forget how the Democrats voted against EVERY attempt Trump made to secure the border.

And yet he still reduced this invasion by a significant amount.

He kept the US out of new wars.

Defeated ISIS in a matter of months….stopping their grotesque beheadings of helpless prisoners.

The economy was the strongest it had been in DECADES.

Stopped Obama's lawfare against Christian organizations.

Trumps POLICIES worked.

At the presidential level personalities are not as important as RESULTS.

Take a step away from the unrelenting media propaganda and compare Harris vs Trumps RESULTS.
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KaiBear said:

BUDOS said:

So you trust Trump's to keep his promises/policies? Trump, with his documented and proven lack of integrity and credibility? Trump with his rambling diatribes full of sound and fury and signifying nonsense, coming from what is looking more and more like an idiot growing too old and incompetent.

You chose to forget how the Democrats voted against EVERY attempt Trump made to secure the border.

And yet he still reduced this invasion by a significant amount.

He kept the US out of new wars.

Defeated ISIS in a matter of months….stopping their grotesque beheadings of helpless prisoners.

The economy was the strongest it had been in DECADES.

Stopped Obama's lawfare against Christian organizations.

Trumps POLICIES worked.

At the presidential level personalities are not as important as RESULTS.

Take a step away from the unrelenting media propaganda and compare Harris vs Trumps RESULTS.
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Mothra said:

KaiBear said:

BUDOS said:

So you trust Trump's to keep his promises/policies? Trump, with his documented and proven lack of integrity and credibility? Trump with his rambling diatribes full of sound and fury and signifying nonsense, coming from what is looking more and more like an idiot growing too old and incompetent.

You chose to forget how the Democrats voted against EVERY attempt Trump made to secure the border.

And yet he still reduced this invasion by a significant amount.

He kept the US out of new wars.

Defeated ISIS in a matter of months….stopping their grotesque beheadings of helpless prisoners.

The economy was the strongest it had been in DECADES.

Stopped Obama's lawfare against Christian organizations.

Trumps POLICIES worked.

At the presidential level personalities are not as important as RESULTS.

Take a step away from the unrelenting media propaganda and compare Harris vs Trumps RESULTS.

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TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Mothra said:

KaiBear said:

BUDOS said:

So you trust Trump's to keep his promises/policies? Trump, with his documented and proven lack of integrity and credibility? Trump with his rambling diatribes full of sound and fury and signifying nonsense, coming from what is looking more and more like an idiot growing too old and incompetent.

You chose to forget how the Democrats voted against EVERY attempt Trump made to secure the border.

And yet he still reduced this invasion by a significant amount.

He kept the US out of new wars.

Defeated ISIS in a matter of months….stopping their grotesque beheadings of helpless prisoners.

The economy was the strongest it had been in DECADES.

Stopped Obama's lawfare against Christian organizations.

Trumps POLICIES worked.

At the presidential level personalities are not as important as RESULTS.

Take a step away from the unrelenting media propaganda and compare Harris vs Trumps RESULTS.


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You guys are addicted to the kool aid and you are lost.
I don't care for several of her policies. There is much about her I don't like as a person. However,She isn't a convicted felon, found guilty of sexual assault, only president to actively lead an assault against the capital, documented lying, preaching retribution, has love affairs with dictators, dabbles in racism, continues to advocate violence, undermines our democracy, etc.
I have read multiple books written by his own staff, watched all of the January 6 event that day and him sitting on his butt.
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BUDOS said:

You guys are addicted to the kool aid and you are lost.
I don't care for several of her policies. There is much about her I don't like as a person. However,She isn't a convicted felon, found guilty of sexual assault, only president to actively lead an assault against the capital, documented lying, preaching retribution, has love affairs with dictators, dabbles in racism, continues to advocate violence, undermines our democracy, etc.
I have read multiple books written by his own staff, watched all of the January 6 event that day and him sitting on his butt.

Good grief fella, eventually you will learn to exam media propaganda with a more detailed eye.

But obviously not in time for this election.

Best of luck to you.
4th and Inches
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BUDOS said:

You guys are addicted to the kool aid and you are lost.
I don't care for several of her policies. There is much about her I don't like as a person. However,She isn't a convicted felon, found guilty of sexual assault, only president to actively lead an assault against the capital, documented lying, preaching retribution, has love affairs with dictators, dabbles in racism, continues to advocate violence, undermines our democracy, etc.
I have read multiple books written by his own staff, watched all of the January 6 event that day and him sitting on his butt.
pretty much everything you wrote id wrong.. impressive

So close to perfection but you got a few things actually right
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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BUDOS said:

You guys are addicted to the kool aid and you are lost.
I don't care for several of her policies. There is much about her I don't like as a person. However,She isn't a convicted felon, found guilty of sexual assault, only president to actively lead an assault against the capital, documented lying, preaching retribution, has love affairs with dictators, dabbles in racism, continues to advocate violence, undermines our democracy, etc.
I have read multiple books written by his own staff, watched all of the January 6 event that day and him sitting on his butt.
No, she will simply institute policies that are far worse for the country and will have lasting effects on the lives of everyday Americans. But let's focus instead on Trump's personal failings, which will not.

Brother, I'd submit it is you who are lost. You're all up in your emotions about Trump, and have an inability to think logically or coherently.
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I don't deny that I don't like Trump; however my "emotions " are based on learning about him, listening to him, watching him and reading about him since about 2010. Therefore I don't agree that I am illogical.
Likewise, you have multiple posts that are articulate and, at times presented in a manner that causes me to think and even shift my thinking a bit.
We are not going to change stances on Trump; however, on other issues it has.
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BUDOS said:

I don't deny that I don't like Trump; however my "emotions " are based on learning about him, listening to him, watching him and reading about him since about 2010. Therefore I don't agree that I am illogical.
Likewise, you have multiple posts that are articulate and, at times presented in a manner that causes me to think and even shift my thinking a bit.
We are not going to change stances on Trump; however, on other issues it has.
Fair enough. I disdain Trump personally and quite frankly, am probably not far off from you in that regard. But I would submit that the appropriate course of action for anyone with any semblance of a conservative mindset is to vote on policy instead of personality. That is the only logical recourse when you have two candidates who are as diametrically opposed on the issues, and both are pretty despicable in their personal lives.

That is why I try to talk sense to my conservative friends who have pledged to support Kamala because of their disdain for Trump. They're cutting off their noses to spit their faces.
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BUDOS said:

You guys are addicted to the kool aid and you are lost.
I don't care for several of her policies. There is much about her I don't like as a person. However,She isn't a convicted felon, found guilty of sexual assault, only president to actively lead an assault against the capital, documented lying, preaching retribution, has love affairs with dictators, dabbles in racism, continues to advocate violence, undermines our democracy, etc.
I have read multiple books written by his own staff, watched all of the January 6 event that day and him sitting on his butt.
There is really nothing you can do with people like this other than to mock them and move on.

Trump has not been convicted of anything. A jury verdict is not a conviction.
Trump was not found guilty of sexual assault as that was not a jury question in the defamation trial.
Trump did not lead an assault on the capital.
Preaching retribution? My goodness, have you not noticed what Giggles and Brandon's DOJ has been doing?
Dabbles in racism - that is a core democrat policy. It is a party founded by racists for racists.
Continues to advocate violence - have you looked outside the DNC? Did you note the summer of love?
Undermines Democracy? - like canceling a primary and installing an unelected alcoholic ****?

You are simply stated, a clown.
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GrowlTowel said:

BUDOS said:

You guys are addicted to the kool aid and you are lost.
I don't care for several of her policies. There is much about her I don't like as a person. However,She isn't a convicted felon, found guilty of sexual assault, only president to actively lead an assault against the capital, documented lying, preaching retribution, has love affairs with dictators, dabbles in racism, continues to advocate violence, undermines our democracy, etc.
I have read multiple books written by his own staff, watched all of the January 6 event that day and him sitting on his butt.
There is really nothing you can do with people like this other than to mock them and move on.

Trump has not been convicted of anything. A jury verdict is not a conviction.
Trump was not found guilty of sexual assault as that was not a jury question in the defamation trial.
Trump did not lead an assault on the capital.
Preaching retribution? My goodness, have you not noticed what Giggles and Brandon's DOJ has been doing?
Dabbles in racism - that is a core democrat policy. It is a party founded by racists for racists.
Continues to advocate violence - have you looked outside the DNC? Did you note the summer of love?
Undermines Democracy? - like canceling a primary and installing an unelected alcoholic ****?

You are simply stated, a clown.
Well stated. I'd only add that the "summer of love" lasted 8 months.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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BUDOS said:

I don't deny that I don't like Trump; however my "emotions " are based on learning about him, listening to him, watching him and reading about him since about 2010. Therefore I don't agree that I am illogical.
Likewise, you have multiple posts that are articulate and, at times presented in a manner that causes me to think and even shift my thinking a bit.
We are not going to change stances on Trump; however, on other issues it has.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

There is virtually nothing the democrats do that I support. Their policies are ridiculous. Their platform and actions is what I would expect from an enemy of mine.

That scum bag, womanizing, narcissistic Trump has policies that I can support, policies that have already shown to produce positive results. Because he is an enemy to my enemies, I'll accept him as my friend.
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BUDOS said:

I don't deny that I don't like Trump; however my "emotions " are based on learning about him, listening to him, watching him and reading about him since about 2010. Therefore I don't agree that I am illogical.
Likewise, you have multiple posts that are articulate and, at times presented in a manner that causes me to think and even shift my thinking a bit.
We are not going to change stances on Trump; however, on other issues it has.

Throughout US history there have been many flawed presidents.

LBJ, Nixon, Clinton, Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Joe Biden, JFK, Grant and Trump all come to mind.

And several noble presidents such as Jimmy Carter , Washington, Monroe, Polk, and Taft.

But all that effects you, me and our country is their POLICIES.

And Harris's policies are no different than Biden's. So if you wish for continued inflation, millions of illegals flooding into our country , fentanyl continuing to kill over 100,000 Americans annually and a host of woke agendas …..

By all means vote for Harris. Although I sincerely see zero evidence of any ethical or moral superiority in the gal.
Harrison Bergeron
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BUDOS said:

You guys are addicted to the kool aid and you are lost.
I don't care for several of her policies. There is much about her I don't like as a person. However,She isn't a convicted felon, found guilty of sexual assault, only president to actively lead an assault against the capital, documented lying, preaching retribution, has love affairs with dictators, dabbles in racism, continues to advocate violence, undermines our democracy, etc.
I have read multiple books written by his own staff, watched all of the January 6 event that day and him sitting on his butt.
That post is one long projection. You're literally addicted to Kool-Aid and are lost in an ocean of disinformation.

Stopping getting your disinformation from The View.
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