FLBear5630 said:
whiterock said:
Waco1947 said:
FLBear5630 said:
historian said:
And any and all such developments should be completely organic and local. The federal government should not be involved because they screw up everything they touch. Four years of Biden & Harris has proven that in spades but it's really decades of fascist policies that have been mostly disastrous under both fascists & GOP leadership.
I disagree. The Govt should sponsor research into these types of science and the private sector develop and deploy.
I have actually PM'd several innovation emerging technology projects, some over 20 million. The Government is good at identifying needs. They know where the gaps are that need to be filled, pretty much in any field. The private sector is OUTSTANDING at solving problems. But, they need to be told what the problem is that we are trying to solve, otherwise the monetization aspect of the private sector overwhelms. Perfect example is safety. All Americans should have the right to safe roads, not just those that can afford it. There is plenty of room for monetization, but the basic level has to be the level ALL Americans should have access. From there, have it. Subscriptions services, equipment with more capabilities, etc... But, the basic problem needs to be better, not perfect. Better.
I know you disagree, but that is what works. Tell Musk the get to Mars, he will figure out how to do, but the Govt provides the parameters and drive to accomplish to meet National needs. This is just for big stuff, overarching. Not everything. Govt should be a force multiplier, one person managing alot meeting societal needs. I would like to see more of the Govt funds put INTO the projects, not cost cutting and administration. Many Govt "leaders" act like their Agency is a private company. The Govt should NOT make a profit. Maybe call it revenue. Private sector does the work and gets paid. By who? The govt? This ain't no charity.
Government is good at identifying needs. They know where the gaps are that need to be filled, pretty much in any field. The private sector is OUTSTANDING at solving problems. But, they need to be told what the problem is that we are trying to solve, otherwise the monetization aspect of the private sector overwhelms. Perfect example is safety. All Americans should have the right to safe roads, not just those that can afford it. There is plenty of room for monetization, but the basic level has to be the level ALL Americans should have access. Well thought out. Thank you.
I know you disagree, but that is what works. . . . The Govt provides the parameters and drive to accomplish to meet National needs. Yes This is just for big stuff, overarching. Not everything. Govt should be a force multiplier, one person managing a lot meeting societal needs. Unclear to me. I would like to see more of the Govt funds put INTO the projects, not cost cutting and administration Yes
No, government is not good at identifying needs. Look how much money we've spent on wind & solar, which we do not need at all.
Showing one use-case does not make your point. The need is diversification of energy. Wind & Solar are two types. As is geothermal, hydrogen, nuclear- fission and fusion, tidal, friction, etc... Also, there are more uses than wholesale retail. There is also geographic uses, geothermal works well in certain locations. Tidal works in certain locations. Hell, wind will work in the right location. Actually there is science supporting it -
"The study identified the American mid-west, Australia, Argentina, Central Asia and South Africa as the most ideal locations for generating wind power. The combination of both high power density and low seasonal variation in wind power make these locations well placed for future wind power development."
Now, idiots sticking them every where? No way. Just because someplace is windy doesn't make them usable to wind. Notice it says - low seasonal variation. You need consistent, not peaks and valleys.
That is not an example of government excellence at identifying needs. We have no need whatsoever to develop on mass scale energy "solutions" that are wildly price uncompetitive with organic energy.
Or, is this more than you want? You just want to say Wind - Bad...
There is more to it than the simplified view wind - bad. Solar - bad because some idiots threw it in the Green New Deal. Rather simple view of complex issue.
Wind and Solar CAN play a role, for example Solar for powering of remote electrical needs or backups (we saw this in the hurricanes, solar powered signals were back on line faster regardless of the grid condition.) Also, guess who is investing in renewable energy - oil companies. They know there is a need to diversify, not end oil. Diversify. They are shifting to "energy", not just oil. There are others, if you really want to discuss energy. But, if it is more about calling Dems stuff bad, we can wait for it to be Trump's idea.
The fulcrum here is the tradeoff between "effective" and "efficient."
Government is effective. It can amass and manipulate monies, laws, and regulations to convert automobile factories into aircraft and tank production lines. It can decide to land a man on the moon and return him safely to earth again. It can also organize erection of tens of thousands of wind turbines (at $2m a pop). But none of that is done efficiently. To wit, wind power is +30% more expensive than even the most heavily regulated organic energy sources. Yet government identifies it as a "need" for the purpose of "saving the planet" (but actually enriching Democrat donors at the public trough). And government was not efficient in any of those efforts (see deficit, budget....see debt, national). Indeed, implicit in them at all is that the private sector would never have done any of it had government not mandated it, directly or indirectly.
And if you don't like the energy example, then glance across the landscape of policy dysfunction - illegal immigration, urban crime, social media manipulation, etc.... - and tell us what NEEDS government has been good at. I see a de facto failure of social contract - government failing at many points on the spectrum its first & foremost responsibilities to keep its citizens safe from threats to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Government is a necessary evil. It is better than the private sector at literally nothing.
And yet, we still have some who try to sell the proposition that a government which cannot balance its budget can somehow find a way to balance the climate.