Sam Lowry said:
historian said:
Sam Lowry said:
Johnny Bear said:
OP is spot on. The popularly taught notion that if you go as far to the right as possible on the political spectrum you end up with fascism is completely false. What you actually end up with is a staunch libertarian. Fascism is just another brand or form of leftist totalitarianism and there was good reason the formal name of Hitler's party was the National SOCIALIST Party. And the Nazis didn't hate the Communists (and vice versa) because they were on opposite ends of the political spectrum - they hated them because they were the major rivals for power back in the day. Nazis and true conservatives have or had virtually nothing in common other than perhaps a strong love of country.
They hated each other because the Nazis were nationalists and the communists were internationalists. They were both "leftist" in the sense that they were anti-liberal and both were inspired by Marx. But the Nazis were also "right-wing" in their extreme emphasis on race and nationality, among other things.
Terms like "right" and "left" have different meanings in different contexts. That should not obscure the many commonalities between fascists and the present-day American right.
Racism is not "right wing". That's a common myth by Dems to cover up the fact that they are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, & the KKK. They still are: to the extent the US still has institutional racism, it's most often found among Dems & Leftists in general.
Conservatism, properly defined, embraced America's founding principles including equality. It's no accident that Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator who freed the slaves, was a Republican. The GOP was established in 1856 partly on the belief that slavery was evil and the determination to stop its growth and eventual disappearance in the US.
It's not 1856 any more. Racists tend Republican and anti-racists tend Democrat now. There are plenty of exceptions, but in general this is obvious.
No, they don't. Like all of American history, the Dems are the party of modern racism although it often looks different than it did 100 years ago.
Democrats like to use misleading phrases like "anti racist" as a propaganda technique to fool people into thinking they actually care about minorities. The problem is it's based primarily on them labeling everyone they disagree with as "racist" without any evidence of actual racism and readily ignore genuine racism from their own side.
Historically, it's the Dems who had KKK members (or former) in office: FDR nominated an ex-Klansman to the Supreme Court, Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia was a former Klan leader, and the more notorious white supremacists opposing civil rights were Dems & Klansmen (such as Bull Connor & George Wallace).
Today, Dems have little record in actually helping minorities or protecting their rights. In recent years, Dems have done more to harm blacks, for example, by going soft on criminals (even violent ones) ignoring the fact that their victims tend to be blacks & other minorities. Dems' radicalism in support of murdering babies and mutilating or poisoning children is an insult to the family values of Hispanics. Adding to the stupid insults, Dems prefer a genderless label, Latinx, which Hispanics hate. The other major group that Dems have alienated are Asian-Americans who Dems support discriminating against in college admissions & hiring. Both are illegal, unconstitutional, & blatantly racist. DEI is another example: the promote promoting obviously incompetent blacks to important positions (Kamala & KJP are obvious examples) who then fail miserably. This makes blacks in general look bad in the eyes of people who don't know better. Republicans, on the other hand, choose competent blacks (& other minorities) such as Clarence Thomas & Dr Ben Carson. These are some of the reasons why each group voted for Trump in record numbers. There are many other examples.
Dems brag about their civil rights record in recent years except it's all a bunch of lies, just like most of their rhetoric.