Mothra said:
So the problem with St. Jude is not that it provides free care, but that it has a large endowment and does not 1) house patient families or 2) provide supplemental income?
Man, what an odd critique.
Just to clarify St. Jude does partially house patient families (the patient and 1 parent) if they live more than 250 miles away according to their website. I'd bet they bend those rules when a family is in need.
St. Jude is the main charity for Delta-Delta-Delta sorority. There is a large "hotel" (for lack of a better word) that Tri-Delt built to house families on a short-term basis. The Target House is a long-term lodging facility and Domino's Pizza facility and the Ronald McDonald house both offer short- and long-term lodging.
At the time we were there St. Jude treated about 5,000 patients a year and now the website says 8,600 per year. Those numbers blew me away when we were there. As I mentioned in a prior post, most patients do not spend a night in the hospital, they show up and get chemo and/or radiation and then drive back home or spend the night at one of the residential facilities. I am not sure who spends the night in the hospital, but I would guess it is patients who need isolation because their treatment has severely weakened their immune system.
Over the years St. Jude has asked my son to be part of a long-term study of one sort or another and they always offer to pay him to participate in the study. While he participates in the studies he declines the money.
Virtual Tour's Village below
Target House