historian said:
Not really. Most of them were peacefully protesting a stolen election. Federal agents were able to escalate it into something else & a Capitol police officer murdered one person in cold blood (& was pardoned by Joe Biden). Without FBI, CIA, & Capitol Police instigators there might not have been any violence at all. We will never know. We also may never know the full extant of the real crimes because the J6 committee spent most of their time covers it up, destroying evidence, & building a false narrative which the fascist press has been repeating ever since.oK
Ok, "Historian". You are saying that the Clinto Dossier, Benghazi, and the Biden actions against Trump were more impactful than Watergate? Are you a real historian or somebody that likes history? Just curious.
If you are too young to remember Watergate, look it up in detail. It brought down a sitting President. White House Council was disbarred and went to prison. Numerous members of the Executive Branch went to prison - 55 convictions and 15 prison sentences in that time frame, not including the resignation of the President. Even if you include J6, there is no where near the Government impact for all of what you guys are saying is the worst ever combined.
Can that change? Of course, IF something is ever proven and brought to trial. NOT just talked about on the GOP radio shows and Podcast. That is a problem with social media people start to think a Podcast or one document is the same as an investigation, criminal charges and a trial.