Senate Dems Trying to Get Kavanaugh under FBI Investigation

22,450 Views | 237 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Jack Bauer
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Ruth Marcus has this right:

...There must be a full investigation, beginning with FBI interviews of both Christine Blasey Ford, who made the accusation, and Kavanaugh himself, likely followed by some form of hearing. Though I would put nothing past the people who stole a Supreme Court seat from Merrick Garland, even this crew of Senate Republicans cannot muscle through the nomination, bleating about the unfairness of 11th-hour complaints.

The urgency is to investigate, not to rush to confirm a lifetime appointment. Surely a few Republican senators retain enough sense of institutional responsibility to insist on that if not because it is clearly the right thing to do, because in the era of #MeToo, their female constituents will not tolerate such rug-sweeping.
Doc Holliday
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Jinx 2 said:

Kavanaugh may indeed be a highly qualified judge, a bright and respected professional and a solid family man.

But I've been struck by his arrogance and lack of empathy for the people who will be affected by his decisions--specifically, the teenager fleeing abuse who was seeking an abortion. Kavanaugh's decisions would have delayed her access to the procedure until it was no longer possible, forcing a young, unmarried woman fleeing parental abuse to become a mother as a teen in a country where we currently have so little respect for immigrant families that we are kidnapping the children of refugees seeking asylum at our southern border and then losing them in a bureaucracy.

I have no doubt the victim's story is true.

I also believe Kavanaugh--that he has no memory of the incident. What, for him, was a drunken youthful indiscretion that meant so little to him that he has no recollection of it was, for the victim, a frightening sexual assault that her assailants were too drunk to even register.

My mother always told me to trust my gut. This woman's gut told her she was in grave danger, and I believe her.

My gut also tells me that Max Boot is right--Kavanaugh will apply his own narrow definitions of justice to his decisions in court with little or no empathy or sympathy for those who will literally bear the consequences.

I hope he isn't confirmed.
Don't be crazy, we just want common sense abortion control...

Sound familiar?
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Jinx 2 said:

Ruth Marcus has this right:

...There must be a full investigation, beginning with FBI interviews of both Christine Blasey Ford, who made the accusation, and Kavanaugh himself, likely followed by some form of hearing. Though I would put nothing past the people who stole a Supreme Court seat from Merrick Garland, even this crew of Senate Republicans cannot muscle through the nomination, bleating about the unfairness of 11th-hour complaints.

The urgency is to investigate, not to rush to confirm a lifetime appointment. Surely a few Republican senators retain enough sense of institutional responsibility to insist on that if not because it is clearly the right thing to do, because in the era of #MeToo, their female constituents will not tolerate such rug-sweeping.

Exactly what is there to investigate?

- Nothing sexual happened.
- How can u investigate something 30 yrs ago when there was not sexual assault or murder?
- she admitted she didn't know where she was or how she got there but she remembers him?
- this was so serious Feinstein sat on it for 2 months. How is that caring for a woman?
- this lady is also a Democrat fundraiser, u all don't think this was all planned for her to come out a few days before?
- but don't worry, it's over. Republicans will fall for it again and give in.
- if true a drunken act (where there was no crime) in high school should wipe away 30 yrs of one of the brightest careers in our history?

Republicans if they fall for this haven't learned anything since 2016. But I have to hand it to Dems. It's a win/win for them. Even if he is confirmed they get to trash GOP for not caring about woman and 'assault' and it will work when voting happens. Dirty little Dems win again.
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Jinx 2 said:

Ruth Marcus has this right:

...There must be a full investigation, beginning with FBI interviews of both Christine Blasey Ford, who made the accusation, and Kavanaugh himself, likely followed by some form of hearing. Though I would put nothing past the people who stole a Supreme Court seat from Merrick Garland, even this crew of Senate Republicans cannot muscle through the nomination, bleating about the unfairness of 11th-hour complaints.

The urgency is to investigate, not to rush to confirm a lifetime appointment. Surely a few Republican senators retain enough sense of institutional responsibility to insist on that if not because it is clearly the right thing to do, because in the era of #MeToo, their female constituents will not tolerate such rug-sweeping.

The fact that Ruth Marcus can't figure out who has the burden of proof pretty destroys any credibility her column might have.


Such a swearing contest would raise questions about both the standard of proof the Senate should require in such a case (preponderance of evidence? Clear and convincing?) and who bears the burden of proof (Ford or Kavanaugh?).

Plus she says the Republicans "stole Merrick Garland's seat," which implies that the seat was his by right and it was wrongfully taken away.
Keyser Soze
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I think it went down something like this

Mitch Blood Green
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JXL said:

tommie said:

Booray said:

There is nothing to indicate Feinstein sought this information out-it did not even come to her office. She has tried to avoid publicizing it. What exactly should she have done with the letter if it contains an allegation that a potential SCOTUS justice had committed serious crimes?

What would you have done if you were in her shoes?

I agree. What should she do?

With a letter about high school? "Throwing it in the trash" comes to mind,

She can't do that. If it's nothing (or something), the FBI investigation puts it to bed.

It of of course leads to "how old is 15"?
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What a bunch of unethical, dishonest, despicable people.

Time to check the "R" box in November and in 2020. I have lost all respect for the Democratic Party.
"Never underestimate Joe's ability to **** things up!"

-- Barack Obama
Doc Holliday
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The accuser doesn't remember the YEAR it happened, doesn't remember how many people were involved, hates POTUS enough to do the DC pussssy march, and the one person she said would defend her story says she's full of sh_t.

At what point is it decided that allegations need to have SOMETHING....... ANYTHING...... to show that they might be valid...... other than someone coming up 30-40 years later and saying "oh I've never told anyone before, but now I am suddenly over my fear and I'm ready to tell the whole world."

Also.......... I WANT TO SEE THE LIST OF POLITICIANS who benefited from the $17 million taxpayer funded payout / payoff to sexual abuse accusers? I BET SOME OF THOSE ACCUSERS WERE LEGIT because we haven't seen a list of names of the accused.
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riflebear said:

Jinx 2 said:

Ruth Marcus has this right:

...There must be a full investigation, beginning with FBI interviews of both Christine Blasey Ford, who made the accusation, and Kavanaugh himself, likely followed by some form of hearing. Though I would put nothing past the people who stole a Supreme Court seat from Merrick Garland, even this crew of Senate Republicans cannot muscle through the nomination, bleating about the unfairness of 11th-hour complaints.

The urgency is to investigate, not to rush to confirm a lifetime appointment. Surely a few Republican senators retain enough sense of institutional responsibility to insist on that if not because it is clearly the right thing to do, because in the era of #MeToo, their female constituents will not tolerate such rug-sweeping.

Exactly what is there to investigate?

- Nothing sexual happened.
- How can u investigate something 30 yrs ago when there was not sexual assault or murder?
- she admitted she didn't know where she was or how she got there but she remembers him?
- this was so serious Feinstein sat on it for 2 months. How is that caring for a woman?
- this lady is also a Democrat fundraiser, u all don't think this was all planned for her to come out a few days before?
- but don't worry, it's over. Republicans will fall for it again and give in.
- if true a drunken act (where there was no crime) in high school should wipe away 30 yrs of one of the brightest careers in our history?

Republicans if they fall for this haven't learned anything since 2016. But I have to hand it to Dems. It's a win/win for them. Even if he is confirmed they get to trash GOP for not caring about woman and 'assault' and it will work when voting happens. Dirty little Dems win again.

There were other qualified names to nominate who almost certainly wouldn't have had this issue in their past, including a woman named Amy Coney Barrett or Baylor's own Don Willett. McConnell even pushed for Trump (through the media) to not pick Kavanaugh, but Trump just had to try and get the "Presidents are above the law and can't be subpoenaed" guy on SCOTUS before his sh/t potentially hits the fan.

How much y'all wanna bet McConnell knew what was coming the same way he knew Roy Moore was a loser with disqualifying behavior in his past? And now here we are with the GOP staring a failed SCOTUS nomination in the face because they insist on nominating political operatives who protect their partisan interests over distinguished jurists.
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And the plot thickens. No grudge here.

Doc Holliday
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Kavanaugh's accuser had fake harassment story ready back when Mitt Romney looked like he was going to beat Obama reelection.
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If the dems are going to use a surprise witness in a sexual assault smear they need to find someone a bit more cocksure.
Doc Holliday
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ABC BEAR said:

If the dems are going to use a surprise witness, they need to find someone a bit more cocksure.
They don't care. Their voters on average have low IQ and they know it.

Character assassination is the game here.
Doc Holliday
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BREAKING: An anonymous friend close to Brett Kavanaugh claims he used used a cheat code to beat a Nintendo game in 1989

Doc Holliday
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Democrats were a National Disgrace then and a National Disgrace Now.

Clarence Thomas is an American legend that all citizens need to be aware of. Especially black Americans, this man is a top 3 role model.
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Canada2017 said:

Yes....dump it. The whole thing is manufactured.

Serious crimes don't take 35 years to report .

Really think the timing is an accident ?

The timing of the accuser's complaint is not suspicious at all. He gets nominated, she says I have negative info about the nominee.

I don't understand Feinstein holding onto it. If it was because the accuser did not want to go public, that reticence impacts the credibility of the report. If not,Feinstein was playing politics of the dirtiest kind.

Still would like to know how to spot a leftist.
Doc Holliday
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Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Yes....dump it. The whole thing is manufactured.

Serious crimes don't take 35 years to report .

Really think the timing is an accident ?

The timing of the accuser's complaint is not suspicious at all. He gets nominated, she says I have negative info about the nominee.

I don't understand Feinstein holding onto it. If it was because the accuser did not want to go public, that reticence impacts the credibility of the report. If not,Feinstein was playing politics of the dirtiest kind.

Still would like to know how to spot a leftist.
How to spot a leftist?

Someone trying to formulate a reason why the accuser should be believed despite overwhelming evidence that completely debunks it. Meaning you don't care about the accusation, you just don't want Kavanaugh confirmed.
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65 liberal and democrat woman come out in support of Kav who knew him from high school and on vs 1 girl who is a Democrat fundraiser who can't even remember where she was or what took place. If there were other accusations then fine but Dems are ignoring many liberal woman who have known him for decades.

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riflebear said:

65 liberal and democrat woman come out in support of Kav who knew him from high school and on vs 1 girl who is a Democrat fundraiser who can't even remember where she was or what took place. If there were other accusations then fine but Dems are ignoring many liberal woman who have known him for decades.

About that...
Doc Holliday
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HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

65 liberal and democrat woman come out in support of Kav who knew him from high school and on vs 1 girl who is a Democrat fundraiser who can't even remember where she was or what took place. If there were other accusations then fine but Dems are ignoring many liberal woman who have known him for decades.

About that...

About that...

This is just a really misleading headline. Politico was unable to contact many. 2 refused to comment & 24 did not immediately respond. So of the 4 they actually contacted, 2 stood by the letter & 2 refused to comment.
Forest Bueller
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Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

This garbage WORKED in Alabama.....just through enough crap and see what gives .

These situations are not remotely similar.

Kavanaugh was a minor, was drunk and it never happened again, whatever "it" was.
You know how stories "change" over the years. Especially when you are really young.

I agree, Cowboy Roy had a pattern over a good number of years that many people thought was creepy always targeted much younger girls.

Besides that Cowboy Roy just didn't pass the smell test, that dude was a creeper.

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What exactly is he accused of doing? Trying to hook up with a girl at a party? And she said no, so he stopped? What exactly are we talking about here? Are we going to automatically disqualify anyone to any office in DC who tried to hook up with someone else at a party, but stopped? If so, we are going to have a very small pool of people to pick from, and men aren't the only ones that come on to someone at parties while drunk.
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Doc Holliday said:

HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

65 liberal and democrat woman come out in support of Kav who knew him from high school and on vs 1 girl who is a Democrat fundraiser who can't even remember where she was or what took place. If there were other accusations then fine but Dems are ignoring many liberal woman who have known him for decades.

About that...

About that...

This is just a really misleading headline. Politico was unable to contact many. 2 refused to comment & 24 did not immediately respond. So of the 4 they actually contacted, 2 stood by the letter & 2 refused to comment.

"Unable to contact". That letter from 65 women was supposedly pulled together within a couple of days right after Republicans learned of the anonymous letter? Interesting that when the GOP "suddenly" learned about an anonymous allegation, those women were all on tap and ready to vouch for the guy, but now they aren't. That leads me to conclude that their silence is a comment itself, and/or maybe the letter wasn't pulled together as quickly as we were told to believe it was.
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HuMcK said:

Doc Holliday said:

HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

65 liberal and democrat woman come out in support of Kav who knew him from high school and on vs 1 girl who is a Democrat fundraiser who can't even remember where she was or what took place. If there were other accusations then fine but Dems are ignoring many liberal woman who have known him for decades.

About that...

About that...

This is just a really misleading headline. Politico was unable to contact many. 2 refused to comment & 24 did not immediately respond. So of the 4 they actually contacted, 2 stood by the letter & 2 refused to comment.

"Unable to contact". That letter from 65 women was supposedly pulled together within a couple of days right after Republicans learned of the anonymous letter? Interesting that when the GOP "suddenly" learned about an anonymous allegation, those women were all on tap and ready to vouch for the guy, but now they aren't. That leads me to conclude that their silence is a comment itself, and/or maybe the letter wasn't pulled together as quickly as we were told to believe it was.
Or the contact information for all of the people wasn't available to the reporters? Why does it have to be the most nafarious explanation possible. If this involved a democrat, you wouldn't be so quick to come to the same conclusion.
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contrario said:

HuMcK said:

Doc Holliday said:

HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

65 liberal and democrat woman come out in support of Kav who knew him from high school and on vs 1 girl who is a Democrat fundraiser who can't even remember where she was or what took place. If there were other accusations then fine but Dems are ignoring many liberal woman who have known him for decades.

About that...

About that...

This is just a really misleading headline. Politico was unable to contact many. 2 refused to comment & 24 did not immediately respond. So of the 4 they actually contacted, 2 stood by the letter & 2 refused to comment.

"Unable to contact". That letter from 65 women was supposedly pulled together within a couple of days right after Republicans learned of the anonymous letter? Interesting that when the GOP "suddenly" learned about an anonymous allegation, those women were all on tap and ready to vouch for the guy, but now they aren't. That leads me to conclude that their silence is a comment itself, and/or maybe the letter wasn't pulled together as quickly as we were told to believe it was.
Or the contact information for all of the people wasn't available to the reporters? Why does it have to be the most nafarious explanation possible. If this involved a democrat, you wouldn't be so quick to come to the same conclusion.

That's pretty naive. You're telling me you think a top tier reporting outfit couldn't pull 65 together phone numbers and email addresses? I'm willing to bet one or more news organization had already been in contact with all of them while the accuser was still anonymous, because if they found out the GOP faked signatures on a letter like that to seat a SCOTUS judge, it would be a Pulitzer prize winning story.
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HuMcK said:

contrario said:

HuMcK said:

Doc Holliday said:

HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

65 liberal and democrat woman come out in support of Kav who knew him from high school and on vs 1 girl who is a Democrat fundraiser who can't even remember where she was or what took place. If there were other accusations then fine but Dems are ignoring many liberal woman who have known him for decades.

About that...

About that...

This is just a really misleading headline. Politico was unable to contact many. 2 refused to comment & 24 did not immediately respond. So of the 4 they actually contacted, 2 stood by the letter & 2 refused to comment.

"Unable to contact". That letter from 65 women was supposedly pulled together within a couple of days right after Republicans learned of the anonymous letter? Interesting that when the GOP "suddenly" learned about an anonymous allegation, those women were all on tap and ready to vouch for the guy, but now they aren't. That leads me to conclude that their silence is a comment itself, and/or maybe the letter wasn't pulled together as quickly as we were told to believe it was.
Or the contact information for all of the people wasn't available to the reporters? Why does it have to be the most nafarious explanation possible. If this involved a democrat, you wouldn't be so quick to come to the same conclusion.

That's pretty naive. You're telling me you think a top tier reporting outfit couldn't pull 65 together phone numbers and email addresses? I'm willing to bet one or more news organization had already been in contact with all of them while the accuser was still anonymous, because if they found out the GOP faked signatures on a letter like that to seat a SCOTUS judge, it would be a Pulitzer prize winning story.
Yes, it is the same news organization that couldn't determine that a racist receipt in West Texas was completely fabricated.

So yes, it is very possible they sent an email to an email address that isn't currently being used. Or left a voicemail at an alternative number. But the fact is these women have made their names public and it is misleading to say a certain number have backed out of their support when only 4 of the women were talked to. It is a headline that is written in a way to entice simple-minded people that won't read the story and even if they do read the story, they will bend over backwards to defend the misleading headline. Again, the next time a situation comes up similar to this that involves a democrat, or a nominee by a democrat, you will not be so quick to come to the same conclusion. That's my only point. I'm going to avoid using the word binary, because it offends you binaries, but your reasoning is very obviously partisan motivated.
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HuMcK said:

Doc Holliday said:

HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

65 liberal and democrat woman come out in support of Kav who knew him from high school and on vs 1 girl who is a Democrat fundraiser who can't even remember where she was or what took place. If there were other accusations then fine but Dems are ignoring many liberal woman who have known him for decades.

About that...

About that...

This is just a really misleading headline. Politico was unable to contact many. 2 refused to comment & 24 did not immediately respond. So of the 4 they actually contacted, 2 stood by the letter & 2 refused to comment.

"Unable to contact". That letter from 65 women was supposedly pulled together within a couple of days right after Republicans learned of the anonymous letter? Interesting that when the GOP "suddenly" learned about an anonymous allegation, those women were all on tap and ready to vouch for the guy, but now they aren't. That leads me to conclude that their silence is a comment itself, and/or maybe the letter wasn't pulled together as quickly as we were told to believe it was.

They probably got the names of the 65 women who vouched for Kavanaugh from one (or more) of the SIX background investigations that he has already gone through.
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HuMcK said:

contrario said:

HuMcK said:

Doc Holliday said:

HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

65 liberal and democrat woman come out in support of Kav who knew him from high school and on vs 1 girl who is a Democrat fundraiser who can't even remember where she was or what took place. If there were other accusations then fine but Dems are ignoring many liberal woman who have known him for decades.

About that...

About that...

This is just a really misleading headline. Politico was unable to contact many. 2 refused to comment & 24 did not immediately respond. So of the 4 they actually contacted, 2 stood by the letter & 2 refused to comment.

"Unable to contact". That letter from 65 women was supposedly pulled together within a couple of days right after Republicans learned of the anonymous letter? Interesting that when the GOP "suddenly" learned about an anonymous allegation, those women were all on tap and ready to vouch for the guy, but now they aren't. That leads me to conclude that their silence is a comment itself, and/or maybe the letter wasn't pulled together as quickly as we were told to believe it was.
Or the contact information for all of the people wasn't available to the reporters? Why does it have to be the most nafarious explanation possible. If this involved a democrat, you wouldn't be so quick to come to the same conclusion.

That's pretty naive. You're telling me you think a top tier reporting outfit couldn't pull 65 together phone numbers and email addresses? I'm willing to bet one or more news organization had already been in contact with all of them while the accuser was still anonymous, because if they found out the GOP faked signatures on a letter like that to seat a SCOTUS judge, it would be a Pulitzer prize winning story.

So for 2 yrs you guys have been all about bashing GOP and Trump over anonymous reports from liberal media.

Now GOP has 65 witnesses from both sides of the aisle who volunteered their support yet you don't believe them?

So you believe anonymous sources but not real people?

Liberal logic baffles me
Edmond Bear
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HuMcK said:

Doc Holliday said:

HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

65 liberal and democrat woman come out in support of Kav who knew him from high school and on vs 1 girl who is a Democrat fundraiser who can't even remember where she was or what took place. If there were other accusations then fine but Dems are ignoring many liberal woman who have known him for decades.

About that...

About that...

This is just a really misleading headline. Politico was unable to contact many. 2 refused to comment & 24 did not immediately respond. So of the 4 they actually contacted, 2 stood by the letter & 2 refused to comment.

"Unable to contact". That letter from 65 women was supposedly pulled together within a couple of days right after Republicans learned of the anonymous letter? Interesting that when the GOP "suddenly" learned about an anonymous allegation, those women were all on tap and ready to vouch for the guy, but now they aren't. That leads me to conclude that their silence is a comment itself, and/or maybe the letter wasn't pulled together as quickly as we were told to believe it was.

It should also be noted that the source media was Politico which is rated as having a Left Leaning Bias. Politico is probably not an ideal trustworthy source.

Media Bias Ratings
Edmond Bear
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HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

Jinx 2 said:

Ruth Marcus has this right:

...There must be a full investigation, beginning with FBI interviews of both Christine Blasey Ford, who made the accusation, and Kavanaugh himself, likely followed by some form of hearing. Though I would put nothing past the people who stole a Supreme Court seat from Merrick Garland, even this crew of Senate Republicans cannot muscle through the nomination, bleating about the unfairness of 11th-hour complaints.

The urgency is to investigate, not to rush to confirm a lifetime appointment. Surely a few Republican senators retain enough sense of institutional responsibility to insist on that if not because it is clearly the right thing to do, because in the era of #MeToo, their female constituents will not tolerate such rug-sweeping.

Exactly what is there to investigate?

- Nothing sexual happened.
- How can u investigate something 30 yrs ago when there was not sexual assault or murder?
- she admitted she didn't know where she was or how she got there but she remembers him?
- this was so serious Feinstein sat on it for 2 months. How is that caring for a woman?
- this lady is also a Democrat fundraiser, u all don't think this was all planned for her to come out a few days before?
- but don't worry, it's over. Republicans will fall for it again and give in.
- if true a drunken act (where there was no crime) in high school should wipe away 30 yrs of one of the brightest careers in our history?

Republicans if they fall for this haven't learned anything since 2016. But I have to hand it to Dems. It's a win/win for them. Even if he is confirmed they get to trash GOP for not caring about woman and 'assault' and it will work when voting happens. Dirty little Dems win again.

There were other qualified names to nominate who almost certainly wouldn't have had this issue in their past, including a woman named Amy Coney Barrett or Baylor's own Don Willett. McConnell even pushed for Trump (through the media) to not pick Kavanaugh, but Trump just had to try and get the "Presidents are above the law and can't be subpoenaed" guy on SCOTUS before his sh/t potentially hits the fan.

How much y'all wanna bet McConnell knew what was coming the same way he knew Roy Moore was a loser with disqualifying behavior in his past? And now here we are with the GOP staring a failed SCOTUS nomination in the face because they insist on nominating political operatives who protect their partisan interests over distinguished jurists.

I think what people are trying to show you is that no matter who was put up as the nominee, some last second, half-cocked accusation would have been made by Democrats trying to block nominee X.

Forest Bueller
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contrario said:

What exactly is he accused of doing? Trying to hook up with a girl at a party? And she said no, so he stopped? What exactly are we talking about here? Are we going to automatically disqualify anyone to any office in DC who tried to hook up with someone else at a party, but stopped? If so, we are going to have a very small pool of people to pick from, and men aren't the only ones that come on to someone at parties while drunk.
Like I said earlier recollections change as we age. Some girls are more aggressive than boys, I'm sure sometimes stories of how things occurred 40 years ago are not necessarily accurate.
Doc Holliday
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Wew Lad!

Grassley Statement on the Supreme Court Nomination

WASHINGTON Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley issued the following statement regarding the nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.


"Anyone who comes forward as Dr. Ford has deserves to be heard, so I will continue working on a way to hear her out in an appropriate, precedented and respectful manner.

"The standard procedure for updates to any nominee's background investigation file is to conduct separate follow-up calls with relevant parties. In this case, that would entail phone calls with at least Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford. Consistent with that practice, I asked Senator Feinstein's office yesterday to join me in scheduling these follow-ups. Thus far, they have refused. But as a necessary step in evaluating these claims, I'll continue working to set them up.

"Unfortunately, committee Republicans have only known this person's identity from news reports for less than 24 hours and known about her allegations for less than a week. Senator Feinstein, on the other hand, has had this information for many weeks and deprived her colleagues of the information necessary to do our jobs. The Minority withheld even the anonymous allegations for six weeks, only to later decide that they were serious enough to investigate on the eve of the committee vote, after the vetting process had been completed.

"It's deeply disturbing that the existence of these allegations were leaked in a way that seemed to preclude Dr. Ford's confidentiality.

"Over my nearly four decades in the Senate I have worked diligently to protect whistleblowers and get to the bottom of any issue. Dr. Ford's attorney could have approached my office, while keeping her client confidential and anonymous, so that these allegations could be thoroughly investigated. Nevertheless, we are working diligently to get to the bottom of these claims."
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Edmond Bear said:

HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

Jinx 2 said:

Ruth Marcus has this right:

...There must be a full investigation, beginning with FBI interviews of both Christine Blasey Ford, who made the accusation, and Kavanaugh himself, likely followed by some form of hearing. Though I would put nothing past the people who stole a Supreme Court seat from Merrick Garland, even this crew of Senate Republicans cannot muscle through the nomination, bleating about the unfairness of 11th-hour complaints.

The urgency is to investigate, not to rush to confirm a lifetime appointment. Surely a few Republican senators retain enough sense of institutional responsibility to insist on that if not because it is clearly the right thing to do, because in the era of #MeToo, their female constituents will not tolerate such rug-sweeping.

Exactly what is there to investigate?

- Nothing sexual happened.
- How can u investigate something 30 yrs ago when there was not sexual assault or murder?
- she admitted she didn't know where she was or how she got there but she remembers him?
- this was so serious Feinstein sat on it for 2 months. How is that caring for a woman?
- this lady is also a Democrat fundraiser, u all don't think this was all planned for her to come out a few days before?
- but don't worry, it's over. Republicans will fall for it again and give in.
- if true a drunken act (where there was no crime) in high school should wipe away 30 yrs of one of the brightest careers in our history?

Republicans if they fall for this haven't learned anything since 2016. But I have to hand it to Dems. It's a win/win for them. Even if he is confirmed they get to trash GOP for not caring about woman and 'assault' and it will work when voting happens. Dirty little Dems win again.

There were other qualified names to nominate who almost certainly wouldn't have had this issue in their past, including a woman named Amy Coney Barrett or Baylor's own Don Willett. McConnell even pushed for Trump (through the media) to not pick Kavanaugh, but Trump just had to try and get the "Presidents are above the law and can't be subpoenaed" guy on SCOTUS before his sh/t potentially hits the fan.

How much y'all wanna bet McConnell knew what was coming the same way he knew Roy Moore was a loser with disqualifying behavior in his past? And now here we are with the GOP staring a failed SCOTUS nomination in the face because they insist on nominating political operatives who protect their partisan interests over distinguished jurists.

I think what people are trying to show you is that no matter who was put up as the nominee, some last second, half-cocked accusation would have been made by Democrats trying to block nominee X.

Not everyone had the same amount of exposure as Kavanaugh does. Beyond this sexual assault matter, Kavanaugh was already a relatively unpopular SCOTUS nominee because of his untruths in testimony to Congress over the Bush-era stolen emails issue and his role in Ken Starr's investigation of Clinton. He has baggage that other qualified people don't...but he also holds legal views that may prove favorable to a sitting POTUS currently under investigation.

Sure the Dems would have gone after any nominee put forward, and after what happenned with Merrick Garland that's going to be S.O.P. for the foreseeable future, but do you think they would have had this level of success if the nominee was Willett or Barrett? I don't.
Forest Bueller
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Here is the accuser interview.

Not sure this link will work.

Really the interview looked like a setup, someone taking a hit for the team. Who knows.
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What a bunch of unethical, dishonest, despicable people.

Time to check the "R" box in November and in 2020. I have lost all respect for the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party of Tip O Neill is dead.

The Democratic Party that represented the American middle class, the American worker and the American poor is finished.

Barrack Hussein Obama killed it and carried the carcass so far to the left that all political truth, ethics and common sense has been replaced with absolute lunacy and lies.
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