Joe Biden Apparently Grabbed a Woman by the...

28,910 Views | 282 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by ScottS
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Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

If a man defending himself against a false charge of rape is a "tantrum" and bad "behavior towards woman", what is it when a woman gets angry in court about having being raped? Do you think the Scottsboro boys were happy about their rape accusation? Is Biden allowed to be mad if this was a false accusation? Is Reade allowed to be upset as well about being raped if her accusation is true? That's a strange criterion by which to judge a person guilty.

It's not a matter of what you or I believe, it's a matter of evidence and what a reasonable person would believe. The concept of the viewpoint of a reasonable person is set in our laws, and is an implicit rejection of the relativization of "you believe" versus "I believe." If you find her credible, then you probably find the rape parties accusation believable that were brought forward by Avenatti's client.

The rest of your response about your judgement of Catholics, GOP, Republicans, Mormons, and Christians is off topic to the question of the judgment of Kavanaugh and Ford, and Reade and Biden.
So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman. Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours . That totally explains how Trump got elected. You guys either don't care who he assaults or has consensual sex with out of wedlock, or you actually admire him for it (the ethic during my double-standard era of the 1970s through the early 80s, when men were congratulated for their conquests while women lost their "reputations" and were branded as ****s and *****s by the likes of you fellas (for doing what you or one of your fellows wants). I'm not apologizing for the level of disgust I hold for all of you who persist in defending this double-stand. You earned it.
That's funny because you don't actually know who I voted for. When people have an intense hatred for a group of people, whether it's racial, sexual, political, or regional, they eventually reveal it in the bile they spew at people they think are a member of that group.

Your use of the words "****" and "*****" in reference to rape victims might indicate what you think about Reade, Are her allegations "important," or is only Biden's defense (which is been sparse) "important." Biden gets a free assault from you because your hate has blinded you to your hypocrisy.
Nothing is funny about this discussion. Nor do I care who you voted for.

What I care about is the fire of the country. That, IMO, is less favorable with a man like Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. That's why Trump likes him.

Just wait until Darth Vader Ginsburg steps down or dies. Kavanaugh will be the least of your worries.

Pucker up buttercup.
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

If a man defending himself against a false charge of rape is a "tantrum" and bad "behavior towards woman", what is it when a woman gets angry in court about having being raped? Do you think the Scottsboro boys were happy about their rape accusation? Is Biden allowed to be mad if this was a false accusation? Is Reade allowed to be upset as well about being raped if her accusation is true? That's a strange criterion by which to judge a person guilty.

It's not a matter of what you or I believe, it's a matter of evidence and what a reasonable person would believe. The concept of the viewpoint of a reasonable person is set in our laws, and is an implicit rejection of the relativization of "you believe" versus "I believe." If you find her credible, then you probably find the rape parties accusation believable that were brought forward by Avenatti's client.

The rest of your response about your judgement of Catholics, GOP, Republicans, Mormons, and Christians is off topic to the question of the judgment of Kavanaugh and Ford, and Reade and Biden.
So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman. Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours . That totally explains how Trump got elected. You guys either don't care who he assaults or has consensual sex with out of wedlock, or you actually admire him for it (the ethic during my double-standard era of the 1970s through the early 80s, when men were congratulated for their conquests while women lost their "reputations" and were branded as ****s and *****s by the likes of you fellas (for doing what you or one of your fellows wants). I'm not apologizing for the level of disgust I hold for all of you who persist in defending this double-stand. You earned it.
That's funny because you don't actually know who I voted for. When people have an intense hatred for a group of people, whether it's racial, sexual, political, or regional, they eventually reveal it in the bile they spew at people they think are a member of that group.

Your use of the words "****" and "*****" in reference to rape victims might indicate what you think about Reade, Are her allegations "important," or is only Biden's defense (which is been sparse) "important." Biden gets a free assault from you because your hate has blinded you to your hypocrisy.
Nothing is funny about this discussion. Nor do I care who you voted for.

What I care about is the fire of the country. That, IMO, is less favorable with a man like Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. That's why Trump likes him.
"So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman. Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours . That totally explains how Trump got elected. You guys..."

You state right there that who I voted for is an intense concern of yours. You express that you have a fervid "disgust" with anyone from the party that opposes your party. It's right there, in your words, and you can't see it, because your hate even blinds you to its very presence in you.

None of your response is an answer to the question: by the standards you laid out in your response before this last one, are Reade's allegations "important," or is only Biden's defense "important."
Whiskey Pete
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Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

It's notVashti Bunyan believable.
To you. It was entirely believable to me.

Most of what Trump says (including statements that climate change is a hoax and the statements he's been forced to walk back about the threat of the coronavirus and opening things back up by Easter) is not believable to me, but may be entirely believable to you. Even as evidence to the contrary piles up.

That's where we are as a society. We have what you find "believable," what I find "believable," and somewhere out there, hidden in plain sight, the objective truth. Right now, that objective truth is that the coronavirus is going to shut us down for a couple of months at least. We aren't going to be back in business or in church by Easter. Dallas is now shut down through May 20!

For the record, I think the Democrats made the wrong call in getting Ford to testify, given the personal cost to her (which should have been a greater consideration, IMO) and the polarizing result of her testimony (Republicans thought she assassinated the character of a good man; Democrats thought her testimony illuminated aspects of Kavanaugh's character, including the nasty temper and surly rudeness he displayed toward the women on the Senate judiciary committee, all Democrats, that disqualified Kavanaugh to sit on the highest court regardless of whether he was a mean drunk in high school and college). I think in the "Me Too" era, having allowed Kristin Gillebrand to heckle Al Franken out of office for charges that later literally proved to be trumped up, the Democrats felt they couldn't disregard Blasey-Ford's story.

And, I'm guessing, to most of those who thought Kavanaugh was an outstanding addition to SCOTUS, it's not believable.

I believed Anita Hill, too. And throwing a tantrum--and invoking the race card, as Thomas did when he called Hill's charges a "high tech lynching," worked for Thomas, too.

From my perspective, we have two men on SCOTUS whose behavior toward woman hasn't always been respectful. It's bad enough we elected a president with that trait. SCOTUS justices aren't elected; they're appointed. To me, Kavanaugh reflects the GOP's attitude toward women and that of lots of churches (including the Mormons who advised Rob Porter's wife to remain in an abusive marriage without complaint because "Rob has career ambitions"): We're supposed to put up and shut up. And the fact that not a single female senator was among the Republicans on the Senate judiciary committee only underscores that view. Old white men are packing the courts. Including SCOTUS.

I understand that, if you are steeped in a culture where women in leadership is not a priority or is even prohibited--Catholicism, Mormonism, evangelical churches--that may not be a priority for you. For me, it's an essential element for our society's long-term survival.
If a man defending himself against a false charge of rape is a "tantrum" and bad "behavior towards woman", what is it when a woman gets angry in court about having being raped? Do you think the Scottsboro boys were happy about their rape accusation? Is Biden allowed to be mad if this was a false accusation? Is Reade allowed to be upset as well about being raped if her accusation is true? That's a strange criterion by which to judge a person guilty.

It's not a matter of what you or I believe, it's a matter of evidence and what a reasonable person would believe. The concept of the viewpoint of a reasonable person is set in our laws, and is an implicit rejection of the relativization of "you believe" versus "I believe." If you find her credible, then you probably find the rape parties accusation believable that were brought forward by Avenatti's client.

The rest of your response about your judgement of Catholics, GOP, Republicans, Mormons, and Christians is off topic to the question of the judgment of Kavanaugh and Ford, and Reade and Biden.
So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman.

Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours .

That totally explains how Trump got elected.

You jerk-ass guys either don't care who he assaults or has consensual sex with out of wedlock, or you actually admire him for it (the ethic during my double-standard era of the 1970s through the early 80s, when men were congratulated for their conquests while women lost their "reputations" and were branded as ****s and *****s by the likes of you fellas (for doing what you or one of your buddies wanted. For which they earned undying contempt, however much fun you had.)

I'm not apologizing for the level of disgust I hold for all of you who persist in defending this double-standard while acting as if it never existed. You earned it.
Since you're not condemning Biden and actually choose to vote for him, is in fact defending the presumptive nominee... perhaps, now you're disgusted with yourself?
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BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nothing is funny about this discussion. Nor do I care who you voted for.

What I care about is the fire of the country. That, IMO, is less favorable with a man like Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. That's why Trump likes him.
"So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman. Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours . That totally explains how Trump got elected. You guys..."

You state right there that who I voted for is an intense concern of yours. You express that you have a fervid "disgust" with anyone from the party that opposes your party. It's right there, in your words, and you can't see it, because your hate even blinds you to its very presence in you.

None of your response is an answer to the question: by the standards you laid out in your response before this last one, are Reade's allegations "important," or is only Biden's defense "important."

??? Not sure what you're reading into my post, but if you equate support for Trump with support for the Republican Party, that explains a lot.
Jack Bauer
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Unlike Ford, Reade can name the date, time and location of the assault.

Do you believe her or not?
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Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nothing is funny about this discussion. Nor do I care who you voted for.

What I care about is the fire of the country. That, IMO, is less favorable with a man like Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. That's why Trump likes him.
"So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman. Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours . That totally explains how Trump got elected. You guys..."

You state right there that who I voted for is an intense concern of yours. You express that you have a fervid "disgust" with anyone from the party that opposes your party. It's right there, in your words, and you can't see it, because your hate even blinds you to its very presence in you.

None of your response is an answer to the question: by the standards you laid out in your response before this last one, are Reade's allegations "important," or is only Biden's defense "important."

??? Not sure what you're reading into my post, but if you equate support for Trump with support for the Republican Party, that explains a lot.
It doesn't explain anything.

You're evading the question of whether you think Reade allegations are "important," or is only the man's (Biden's) defense "important."
Jack Bauer
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How long do you want to ignore this user?

By the time Donald Trump proclaimed himself a wartime president and the coronavirus the enemy the United States was already on course to see more of its people die than in the wars of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq combined.

The country has adopted an array of wartime measures never employed collectively in U.S. history banning incoming travelers from two continents, bringing commerce to a near-halt, enlisting industry to make emergency medical gear, and confining 230 million Americans to their homes in a desperate bid to survive an attack by an unseen adversary.

Despite these and other extreme steps, the United States will likely go down as the country that was supposedly best prepared to fight a pandemic but ended up catastrophically overmatched by the novel coronavirus, sustaining heavier casualties than any other nation.

It did not have to happen this way. Though not perfectly prepared, the United States had more expertise, resources, plans and epidemiological experience than dozens of countries that ultimately fared far better in fending off the virus.

The failure has echoes of the period leading up to 9/11: Warnings were sounded, including at the highest levels of government, but the president was deaf to them until the enemy had already struck.

The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China on Jan. By the time Donald Trump proclaimed himself a wartime president and the coronavirus the enemy the United States was already on course to see more of its people die than in the wars of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq combined.

The country has adopted an array of wartime measures never employed collectively in U.S. history banning incoming travelers from two continents, bringing commerce to a near-halt, enlisting industry to make emergency medical gear, and confining 230 million Americans to their homes in a desperate bid to survive an attack by an unseen adversary.

Despite these and other extreme steps, the United States will likely go down as the country that was supposedly best prepared to fight a pandemic but ended up catastrophically overmatched by the novel coronavirus, sustaining heavier casualties than any other nation.

It did not have to happen this way. Though not perfectly prepared, the United States had more expertise, resources, plans and epidemiological experience than dozens of countries that ultimately fared far better in fending off the virus.

The failure has echoes of the period leading up to 9/11: Warnings were sounded, including at the highest levels of government, but the president was deaf to them until the enemy had already struck.

The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China on Jan. 3. Within days, U.S. spy agencies were signaling the seriousness of the threat to Trump by including a warning about the coronavirus the first of many in the President's Daily Brief.

And yet, it took 70 days from that initial notification for Trump to treat the coronavirus not as a distant threat or harmless flu strain well under control, but as a lethal force that had outflanked America's defenses and was poised to kill tens of thousands of citizens. That more-than-two-month stretch now stands as critical time that was squandered.
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BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nothing is funny about this discussion. Nor do I care who you voted for.

What I care about is the fire of the country. That, IMO, is less favorable with a man like Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. That's why Trump likes him.
"So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman. Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours . That totally explains how Trump got elected. You guys..."

You state right there that who I voted for is an intense concern of yours. You express that you have a fervid "disgust" with anyone from the party that opposes your party. It's right there, in your words, and you can't see it, because your hate even blinds you to its very presence in you.

None of your response is an answer to the question: by the standards you laid out in your response before this last one, are Reade's allegations "important," or is only Biden's defense "important."

??? Not sure what you're reading into my post, but if you equate support for Trump with support for the Republican Party, that explains a lot.
It doesn't explain anything.

You're evading the question of whether you think Reade allegations are "important," or is only the man's (Biden's) defense "important."
When someone other than you and RWNY media and the Sanders campaign starts asking about these--i.e, credible people and media--I'll think about it.

Did you or any other RWNJ guys on this forum spend even 10 seconds entertaining the idea that Blasey Ford's allegations might have been true? If so, sure didn't see it on this forum.

Why expect behavior from me you would never require from yourself or any other True Trump Believer? I've known your type since Campus Crusade for Christ / Navigators/Nazarenes/Southern Baptists. The guys who never got the memo about walking humbly with their God but are only too happy to exercise their dominion over the planet, women and anything else that stands in the way of their embarrassingly small and short-sighted ambitions and ideas of authority and who should make decisions for everyone. You think Trump's that guy. More than half of Americans are disgusted with that decision. It is my earnest prayer that the rest of us vote your hero out of office.

You want to know why more and more people in their 20s are leaving the church/nver entering the church--and especially women--look in the mirror. Who would ever want to join a church that has you as a member? Except the guy whose favorite line is "Thank you, sir, may I please have another?" Not a question women are famous for asking, whatever you might have heard.

Then, ask God about how much you know and how superior you are than everyone else on the planet, especially women, and especially Christine Blasey Ford, and get back to me when you have an answer. I'm sure, like any good Christian, you included Christine in your prayers right along with Brett, right?

And you have the gall to accuse anyone else of hate.
Jack Bauer
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Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nothing is funny about this discussion. Nor do I care who you voted for.

What I care about is the fire of the country. That, IMO, is less favorable with a man like Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. That's why Trump likes him.
"So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman. Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours . That totally explains how Trump got elected. You guys..."

You state right there that who I voted for is an intense concern of yours. You express that you have a fervid "disgust" with anyone from the party that opposes your party. It's right there, in your words, and you can't see it, because your hate even blinds you to its very presence in you.

None of your response is an answer to the question: by the standards you laid out in your response before this last one, are Reade's allegations "important," or is only Biden's defense "important."

??? Not sure what you're reading into my post, but if you equate support for Trump with support for the Republican Party, that explains a lot.
It doesn't explain anything.

You're evading the question of whether you think Reade allegations are "important," or is only the man's (Biden's) defense "important."
When someone other than you and RWNY media and the Sanders campaign starts asking about this--i.e, credible people--I'll think about it.

Did you or any other RWNJ guy spend even 10 seconds entertaining the idea that Blasey Ford's allegations might have been true? If so, sure didn't see it on this forum.

And you have the gall to accuse anyone else of hate.

Yes, I listened. She had no date, time, location, witnesses or evidence. Convicting Kavanaugh because he seems "mean" is downright bat*** insane.

So do you believe Tara Reade?
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Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nothing is funny about this discussion. Nor do I care who you voted for.

What I care about is the fire of the country. That, IMO, is less favorable with a man like Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. That's why Trump likes him.
"So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman. Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours . That totally explains how Trump got elected. You guys..."

You state right there that who I voted for is an intense concern of yours. You express that you have a fervid "disgust" with anyone from the party that opposes your party. It's right there, in your words, and you can't see it, because your hate even blinds you to its very presence in you.

None of your response is an answer to the question: by the standards you laid out in your response before this last one, are Reade's allegations "important," or is only Biden's defense "important."

??? Not sure what you're reading into my post, but if you equate support for Trump with support for the Republican Party, that explains a lot.
It doesn't explain anything.

You're evading the question of whether you think Reade allegations are "important," or is only the man's (Biden's) defense "important."
When someone other than you and RWNY media and the Sanders campaign starts asking about this--i.e, credible people--I'll think about it.

Did you or any other RWNJ guy spend even 10 seconds entertaining the idea that Blasey Ford's allegations might have been true? If so, sure didn't see it on this forum.

And you have the gall to accuse anyone else of hate.
I spent a lot more time evaluating the credibility of Ford's accusations and Kavanaugh's defense than you will evidently spend considering Reade's accusation "important."

Your party hate blinds you to the point that you grasp at at the idea of appropriate media exposure as a defense for considering only the man's side "important."
The Economist is not a right-wing publication. It's an international paper based in London. The article is unfortunately behind a paywall, but if you want to give Tara Reade a minimum amount of respect to someone who publicly states she was sexually assaulted, you can at least read the accessible part of the article that lays out her accusation. I gave Christine Ford the respect of listening to her direct testimony and investigating the probability of the truth of her accusation. A respect you are determined not to give Reade because of party affiliation. Or is it because you really consider her a "****" or a "*****?"
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Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nothing is funny about this discussion. Nor do I care who you voted for.

What I care about is the fire of the country. That, IMO, is less favorable with a man like Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. That's why Trump likes him.
"So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman. Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours . That totally explains how Trump got elected. You guys..."

You state right there that who I voted for is an intense concern of yours. You express that you have a fervid "disgust" with anyone from the party that opposes your party. It's right there, in your words, and you can't see it, because your hate even blinds you to its very presence in you.

None of your response is an answer to the question: by the standards you laid out in your response before this last one, are Reade's allegations "important," or is only Biden's defense "important."

??? Not sure what you're reading into my post, but if you equate support for Trump with support for the Republican Party, that explains a lot.
It doesn't explain anything.

You're evading the question of whether you think Reade allegations are "important," or is only the man's (Biden's) defense "important."
When someone other than you and RWNY media and the Sanders campaign starts asking about these--i.e, credible people and media--I'll think about it.

Did you or any other RWNJ guys on this forum spend even 10 seconds entertaining the idea that Blasey Ford's allegations might have been true? If so, sure didn't see it on this forum.

Why expect behavior from me you would never require from yourself or any other True Trump Believer? I've known your type since Campus Crusade for Christ / Navigators/Nazarenes/Southern Baptists. The guys who never got the memo about walking humbly with their God but are only too happy to exercise their dominion over the planet, women and anything else that stands in the way of their embarrassingly small and short-sighted ambitions and ideas of authority and who should make decisions for everyone. You think Trump's that guy. More than half of Americans are disgusted with that decision. It is my earnest prayer that the rest of us vote your hero out of office.

You want to know why more and more people in their 20s are leaving the church/nver entering the church--and especially women--look in the mirror. Who would ever want to join a church that has you as a member? Except the guy whose favorite line is "Thank you, sir, may I please have another?" Not a question women are famous for asking, whatever you might have heard.

Then, ask God about how much you know and how superior you are than everyone else on the planet, especially women, and especially Christine Blasey Ford, and get back to me when you have an answer. I'm sure, like any good Christian, you included Christine in your prayers right along with Brett, right?

And you have the gall to accuse anyone else of hate.

I can quite honestly say I've never seen a series of responses go so far off the rails and end up in anything like a rambling, incoherent, crumpled flaming pile of debris, like this last post. Wow.

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You're reading them?
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BaylorOkie said:

You're reading them?

I found the Cliff's Notes at Barnes and Nobel. Here they are.

Forest Bueller
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Forest Bueller_bf said:

bear2be2 said:

riflebear said:

He was VP for 8 years. Why didn't this come out then or when he campaigned with Obama?

We all know it has to be one of the braveest and scariest things to do to come forward but the timing of this seems odd. Biden is going to tank his own campaign. He doesn't need help.

I think it's fair game to point out the double standard in media coverage of this and the Cavanaugh case, and this incident deserves to be treated/investigated seriously, but I tend to agree that this looks an awful lot like rat effing given the circumstances.
Well there is no doubt why the media isn't all over it, they want it to go away. It's the same reason people like Jinx don't care about it. They are for Biden, they aren't going to try and sink his candidacy. Sure they will write 100's of articles or start dozens of threads about a Republican candidate, even if the accuser is a flake. They will call the Republican unfit for office. But, have a very credible person come against creepy Uncle Joe, and you get crickets.
Again what I posted above is the issue. The first place I saw this was "The Hill" their current columnist are pretty split. It is very well respected. They have 4 democrat and a couple of republican commentators. Carville used to Contribute.

It is a very credible story from a very credible witness, and the MSM is ignoring because they are in the democrats pocket. That simple.

The hypocrisy is not only astounding, but very expected.
Whiskey Pete
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Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

BearlySpeaking said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nothing is funny about this discussion. Nor do I care who you voted for.

What I care about is the fire of the country. That, IMO, is less favorable with a man like Kavanaugh on SCOTUS. That's why Trump likes him.
"So only the man's defense of himself is important. And not the allegations made by a woman. Especially one whose politics don't agree with yours . That totally explains how Trump got elected. You guys..."

You state right there that who I voted for is an intense concern of yours. You express that you have a fervid "disgust" with anyone from the party that opposes your party. It's right there, in your words, and you can't see it, because your hate even blinds you to its very presence in you.

None of your response is an answer to the question: by the standards you laid out in your response before this last one, are Reade's allegations "important," or is only Biden's defense "important."

??? Not sure what you're reading into my post, but if you equate support for Trump with support for the Republican Party, that explains a lot.
It doesn't explain anything.

You're evading the question of whether you think Reade allegations are "important," or is only the man's (Biden's) defense "important."
When someone other than you and RWNY media and the Sanders campaign starts asking about these--i.e, credible people and media--I'll think about it.

Did you or any other RWNJ guys on this forum spend even 10 seconds entertaining the idea that Blasey Ford's allegations might have been true? If so, sure didn't see it on this forum.

Why expect behavior from me you would never require from yourself or any other True Trump Believer? I've known your type since Campus Crusade for Christ / Navigators/Nazarenes/Southern Baptists. The guys who never got the memo about walking humbly with their God but are only too happy to exercise their dominion over the planet, women and anything else that stands in the way of their embarrassingly small and short-sighted ambitions and ideas of authority and who should make decisions for everyone. You think Trump's that guy. More than half of Americans are disgusted with that decision. It is my earnest prayer that the rest of us vote your hero out of office.

You want to know why more and more people in their 20s are leaving the church/nver entering the church--and especially women--look in the mirror. Who would ever want to join a church that has you as a member? Except the guy whose favorite line is "Thank you, sir, may I please have another?" Not a question women are famous for asking, whatever you might have heard.

Then, ask God about how much you know and how superior you are than everyone else on the planet, especially women, and especially Christine Blasey Ford, and get back to me when you have an answer. I'm sure, like any good Christian, you included Christine in your prayers right along with Brett, right?

And you have the gall to accuse anyone else of hate.
Save your breath, you've already proved to us that you're nothing more than a snowflake with TDS who will instantly set your principles aside (if you have any) to fit your political agenda.

What you have to say, means very little
Whiskey Pete
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Jinx 2 said:

By the time Donald Trump proclaimed himself a wartime president and the coronavirus the enemy the United States was already on course to see more of its people die than in the wars of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq combined.

The country has adopted an array of wartime measures never employed collectively in U.S. history banning incoming travelers from two continents, bringing commerce to a near-halt, enlisting industry to make emergency medical gear, and confining 230 million Americans to their homes in a desperate bid to survive an attack by an unseen adversary.

Despite these and other extreme steps, the United States will likely go down as the country that was supposedly best prepared to fight a pandemic but ended up catastrophically overmatched by the novel coronavirus, sustaining heavier casualties than any other nation.

It did not have to happen this way. Though not perfectly prepared, the United States had more expertise, resources, plans and epidemiological experience than dozens of countries that ultimately fared far better in fending off the virus.

The failure has echoes of the period leading up to 9/11: Warnings were sounded, including at the highest levels of government, but the president was deaf to them until the enemy had already struck.

The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China on Jan. By the time Donald Trump proclaimed himself a wartime president and the coronavirus the enemy the United States was already on course to see more of its people die than in the wars of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq combined.

The country has adopted an array of wartime measures never employed collectively in U.S. history banning incoming travelers from two continents, bringing commerce to a near-halt, enlisting industry to make emergency medical gear, and confining 230 million Americans to their homes in a desperate bid to survive an attack by an unseen adversary.

Despite these and other extreme steps, the United States will likely go down as the country that was supposedly best prepared to fight a pandemic but ended up catastrophically overmatched by the novel coronavirus, sustaining heavier casualties than any other nation.

It did not have to happen this way. Though not perfectly prepared, the United States had more expertise, resources, plans and epidemiological experience than dozens of countries that ultimately fared far better in fending off the virus.

The failure has echoes of the period leading up to 9/11: Warnings were sounded, including at the highest levels of government, but the president was deaf to them until the enemy had already struck.

The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China on Jan. 3. Within days, U.S. spy agencies were signaling the seriousness of the threat to Trump by including a warning about the coronavirus the first of many in the President's Daily Brief.

And yet, it took 70 days from that initial notification for Trump to treat the coronavirus not as a distant threat or harmless flu strain well under control, but as a lethal force that had outflanked America's defenses and was poised to kill tens of thousands of citizens. That more-than-two-month stretch now stands as critical time that was squandered.
Wow, you really like to hear yourself type, don't ya'?

Why do you snowflakes keep trying to push the narrative that Trump did nothing at the beginning? The tactic is not working for you. Everyone knows he restricted China travel, formed a task force and declared a public health emergency (to name a few). He was ridiculed for his actions by those on the left....the initial response and subsequent measures taken by Trump make the democrats look like the three stooges..

Look jinxie.... Trump is going to win in november, dementia joe doesn't have a prayer and your party is in shambles. Trump has you libbies running around in circles, chasing your own tails.
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So numbnuts keeps trying to distract, but has no-EQ admitted that Biden is a sexual predator and she will not vote for him, or is this just the usual duplicity?
Forest Bueller_bf
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HuMcK said:

What are your principles? There is an exponentially larger number of credible sexual assault/harassment claims, including some that came from his own mouth, against Donald Trump as there are against Biden.

You think somehow making a big fuss out of this one but still supporting Trump makes Jinx a hypocrite? Lol ok sure
Trump is an amoral narcissist pretty much, we already knew that. This thread is not about Trump.

Biden has had a pretty large number of complaints.

At least 8 women have come forward with some sort of complaint, not to mention the dozens of kids and women he gets his hands all on, even in public that never said a word.

This is not an isolated incident.

Jack Bauer
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I'm just looking for some opinion from Jinx on Tara Reade.
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I don't know why we are wasting our time talking about Biden. He's not making it to November unless they are hoping this pandemic shuts down every major appearance he has. He can't go 5 min w/out messing something up in an interview, yet Trump is up in front of the hostile press 2 hours everyday. Biden would have collapsed from exhaustion after the first hour of his first press conference.

Poor guy - hate to see this for anyone who is elderly.

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Jack Bauer said:

I'm just looking for some opinion from Jinx on Tara Reade.
You're never going to get one. She launch a 5K cut and paste ramble about Trump and completely avoid the question. She has zero EQ, so she has no problem talking out of both sides of her mouth. The problem with simpleton, emotional responses that lack reason or nuance.
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Jack Bauer said:

I'm just looking for some opinion from Jinx on Tara Reade.

She could use this as a template

Forest Bueller_bf
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riflebear said:

I don't know why we are wasting our time talking about Biden. He's not making it to November unless they are hoping this pandemic shuts down every major appearance he has. He can't go 5 min w/out messing something up in an interview, yet Trump is up in front of the hostile press 2 hours everyday. Biden would have collapsed from exhaustion after the first hour of his first press conference.

Poor guy - hate to see this for anyone who is elderly.

Even in a very controlled sitting, he can't do it.

He might can get through a 10 minute softball interview like I saw the other day where they put the questions on a t-ball base for him, but anything else, the poor man is lost.
Jack Bauer
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Alyssa Milano's response might as well be Jinx's response.

"We have a double standard are only using metoo for political gain"

Flaming Moderate
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These issues are so fascinating and entertaining. While more serious, this is like the blackface controversies - two completely different reactions and results based solely on political inclination.

I am amazed that people who 100% believe Kavanagh was guilty have zero interest in allegations against Bill Clinton or Joe Biden. At the end of the day, most of us lack an sort of principle and would do anything for power.

I'm always skeptical of these kind of reports, but feels like we should apply equal standards and not discriminate based solely on political affiliation.
Jack Bauer
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Flaming Moderate said:

These issues are so fascinating and entertaining. While more serious, this is like the blackface controversies - two completely different reactions and results based solely on political inclination.

I am amazed that people who 100% believe Kavanagh was guilty have zero interest in allegations against Bill Clinton or Joe Biden. At the end of the day, most of us lack an sort of principle and would do anything for power.

I'm always skeptical of these kind of reports, but feels like we should apply equal standards and not discriminate based solely on political affiliation.
When you are going to believe Ford based on basically ZERO evidence, you can't just raise the bar 10 feet higher to prove another man's guilt.
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The crazy Hollywood actress who actually came to the hearings is now saying you must believe the victim first so he's not smeared for no reason. Can't make this up

Forest Bueller_bf
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riflebear said:

The crazy Hollywood actress who actually came to the hearings is now saying you must believe the victim first so he's not smeared for no reason. Can't make this up

Good grief these folks are frauds.
Jack Bauer
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Tara Reade, F-off!

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Forest Bueller_bf said:

riflebear said:

The crazy Hollywood actress who actually came to the hearings is now saying you must believe the victim first so he's not smeared for no reason. Can't make this up

Good grief these folks are frauds.
For those that don't click on the interview she is basically saying if you are a Democrat male you deserve due process. Republican male - screw you - you are guilty.
Forest Bueller_bf
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Jack Bauer said:

Flaming Moderate said:

These issues are so fascinating and entertaining. While more serious, this is like the blackface controversies - two completely different reactions and results based solely on political inclination.

I am amazed that people who 100% believe Kavanagh was guilty have zero interest in allegations against Bill Clinton or Joe Biden. At the end of the day, most of us lack an sort of principle and would do anything for power.

I'm always skeptical of these kind of reports, but feels like we should apply equal standards and not discriminate based solely on political affiliation.
When you are going to believe Ford based on basically ZERO evidence, you can't just raise the bar 10 feet higher to prove another man's guilt.
Yes you can, if you are a hypocrite and a fraud. Add to that she sounded less mature than the 14 and 15 year old in my sons 9th grade class.
Jack Bauer
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Forest Bueller_bf
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riflebear said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

riflebear said:

The crazy Hollywood actress who actually came to the hearings is now saying you must believe the victim first so he's not smeared for no reason. Can't make this up

Good grief these folks are frauds.
For those that don't click on the interview she is basically saying if you are a Democrat male you deserve due process. Republican male - screw you - you are guilty.
So, pro abortion, I have your back, you deserve due process.

Not pro abortion, the woman must be believed, even with no evidence, no recollection of time/place/year/ or any corroboration from anybody at all, and you become a hero too.

Forest Bueller_bf
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Jack Bauer said:


I give Rose credit for consistency.


Rose McGowan twitter.....

I don't have Covid-19, but the media in USA is making me ill. The complicity machine is hard at work covering up for Creepy Joe Biden. Has NBC News
asked any hard questions? Everyone knows he'll lose, why not go hard? Why not TELL THE TRUTH

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