Ted Cruz bails to Cancun

28,342 Views | 430 Replies | Last: 9 mo ago by boognish_bear
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fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.
Coming soon to federal courts in Georgia and New York.
As they should....but will you accept a not guilty verdict? I doubt it. If he's guilty, then convict and sentence.
I'm irrelevant to these proceedings. I thought OJ was guilty but he wasn't convicted and no one care what I thought.

Its sad to have an ex pres in criminal court. As Trump would say, disgraceful.

Which is why a politician should not be your role model? Haven't you learned that lesson yet?!
Being a leader and a role model are 2 different things. Some people are both. Cruz is neither.

Woof all you want. I don't vote for *******s and Cruz has always been an *******.
Are you feelings hurt by Biden too? He hasn't anything about poor old Texas. Aren't you the kind that has to hear touchy/feels stuff from our leaders? How will you go on?

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VaeBear said:

I was listening to an update from Missouri City earlier about the storm. The mayor started it off with a summary and then passed the mic over to the State Rep. He comes on and starts talking about how they are going to investigate what happened and look into ERCOT, etc., etc. That's all good and well, but that's not the information I need now. I needed information on how much longer I'm going to have to boil my water. I'm sure others needed to know information on their electricity and water as well. I got a lot more useful information from the city council and staff about what's happening now. Not about stuff that can be taken care of much later. State and Federal politicians are useful for making phones calls but not for taking care of the details. Otherwise they just get in the way in times like these. I don't need Ted Cruz or any other politician to come to my house and boil water for me for a photo op.

You don't need that, and that's good. But there are people who do have genuine needs, like the poor man in Abilene who just froze to death in his recliner -- or my neighbor with kidney issues and no safe water to drink.

Ted Cruz is as capable as anyone else of sending a quick text or making a quick wellness check on a vulnerable neighbor. It may or may not score him political points, but those impacted would sure appreciate it.
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That's total BS that Biden hasnt done anything. The administration has sent fuel, generators etc to Texas days ago and announced more aid is in the way today. Even Cornyn had to praise the Biden administration on Twitter for its rapid response to this crisis.
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Ilky bastage.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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bear2be2 said:

VaeBear said:

I was listening to an update from Missouri City earlier about the storm. The mayor started it off with a summary and then passed the mic over to the State Rep. He comes on and starts talking about how they are going to investigate what happened and look into ERCOT, etc., etc. That's all good and well, but that's not the information I need now. I needed information on how much longer I'm going to have to boil my water. I'm sure others needed to know information on their electricity and water as well. I got a lot more useful information from the city council and staff about what's happening now. Not about stuff that can be taken care of much later. State and Federal politicians are useful for making phones calls but not for taking care of the details. Otherwise they just get in the way in times like these. I don't need Ted Cruz or any other politician to come to my house and boil water for me for a photo op.

You don't need that, and that's good. But there are people who do have genuine needs, like the poor man in Abilene who just froze to death in his recliner -- or my neighbor with kidney issues and no safe water to drink.

Ted Cruz is as capable as anyone else of sending a quick text or making a quick wellness check on a vulnerable neighbor. It may or may not score him political points, but those impacted would sure appreciate it.
Don't live in Texas but I've got six elderly neighbors, 2 of whom are single widows with mobility issues, who would have needed help to survive if we'd lost heat and power in ultracold temps for more than 10 hours.

A utlity system that leaves people who don't have the money and ability to install and maintain a robust generator to get them through prolonged outages mmeans more old and poor people die.

If that doesnt matter to you maybe a system that isn't adequately protected from extreme weather events will discourage new businesses from locating in Texas. I'd be skeptical of moving a workforce to a state where the ****show going on right now had happened.
Thee University
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What in the hell was Ted Cruz or any human to do about a once every 30 years or more deep freeze?

Quit looking to the government to fix every single discomfort for you!!!!!! Quit blaming someone, anyone for an act of God.

If anyone needs to be blamed it is the weathermen first and then local officials responsible for infrastructure, disaster preparedness, etc. You can only do so much for events that unfold every 25, 30 or 35 years on average.

Blame contractors for not insulating structures enough when they build them.

Blame electric companies for not being nimble and quick enough to see this coming and making advance preparations for catastrophic weather.

Blame Biden and the bartender for Global Warming being late to kick in.

I don't have any respect for Ted Cruz but what was he going to do?

Take this weather like a man!
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Thee University said:

What in the hell was Ted Cruz or any human to do about a once every 30 years or more deep freeze?

Quit looking to the government to fix every single discomfort for you!!!!!! Quit blaming someone, anyone for an act of God.

If anyone needs to be blamed it is the weathermen first and then local officials responsible for infrastructure, disaster preparedness, etc. You can only do so much for events that unfold every 25, 30 or 35 years on average.

Blame contractors for not insulating structures enough when they build them.

Blame electric companies for not being nimble and quick enough to see this coming and making advance preparations for catastrophic weather.

Blame Biden and the bartender for Global Warming being late to kick in.

I don't have any respect for Ted Cruz but what was he going to do?

Take this weather like a man!
Like this man?

Farmer Josh Casey
9 hours ago
Please go check on your neighbors. A man froze to death in his recliner yesterday. His wife was beside him nearly dead. She is in the hospital still in peril. They had no power
You guys read that? A man FROZE TO DEATH under our collective noses. In Abilene! I don't even know what to do with this information. Except to check on my immediate neighbors.
If we all do it maybe we stop this from happening. I don't know any solution for anything really right now. Except people freezing to death near me is not ok. Not ok. Not ok........
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If a democrat had gone to Cancun it would've even be mentioned.
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BornAgain said:

If a democrat had gone to Cancun it would've even be mentioned.
Except on this board, Fox News, and every right-leaning media outlet in the US.
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J.B.Katz said:

Thee University said:

What in the hell was Ted Cruz or any human to do about a once every 30 years or more deep freeze?

Quit looking to the government to fix every single discomfort for you!!!!!! Quit blaming someone, anyone for an act of God.

If anyone needs to be blamed it is the weathermen first and then local officials responsible for infrastructure, disaster preparedness, etc. You can only do so much for events that unfold every 25, 30 or 35 years on average.

Blame contractors for not insulating structures enough when they build them.

Blame electric companies for not being nimble and quick enough to see this coming and making advance preparations for catastrophic weather.

Blame Biden and the bartender for Global Warming being late to kick in.

I don't have any respect for Ted Cruz but what was he going to do?

Take this weather like a man!
Like this man?

Farmer Josh Casey
9 hours ago
Please go check on your neighbors. A man froze to death in his recliner yesterday. His wife was beside him nearly dead. She is in the hospital still in peril. They had no power
You guys read that? A man FROZE TO DEATH under our collective noses. In Abilene! I don't even know what to do with this information. Except to check on my immediate neighbors.
If we all do it maybe we stop this from happening. I don't know any solution for anything really right now. Except people freezing to death near me is not ok. Not ok. Not ok........

That happened in my town, so it hits close to home both literally and figuratively for me. But there are tragedies like this happening all across the state. My mom was telling me about a poor woman and her baby who died of carbon monoxide poisoning trying to warm up in her car. This stuff just all seems so unnecessary and avoidable with just a little better planning and communication -- and a stronger sense of community among neighbors.
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bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.

This is more of the classic Mothra disengenuousness we've come to know. No one in this thread is judging Cruz on this incident alone. For those most harsh in their criticism, this just follows an established pattern of behavior from one of Washington's most unscrupulous swamp creatures.
So your judgment that he is "human scum" and not a Christian is based on other factors. Got it. It's interesting that your most scathing attacks are reserved for guys who take a vacation during a snow storm, instead of politicians who are literally responsible for thousands of deaths. But as another poster suggested, Cuomo has a (D) instead of an (R) behind his name.

If you're going to keep quoting me, at least quote me correctly. I said "human trash." And I never said that Cruz was not a Christian (though I've admittedly been unimpressed by his fruit). I said that helping those around you -- especially in times of crisis -- is what a practicing Christ follower would do, and I'll stand by that fairly uncontroversial opinion.

And you trying to paint me as one who sympathizes with Democratic scumbags is laughable. I have principles that extend beyond bull**** partisan lines. I could not care less about either of America's parties and have no desire or obligation to defend the ****bags in either.
Distinction without a difference. Bottom line is you have no idea what Cruz has done to help his neighbor. Perhaps he doesn't advertise it like Beto O"Rourke does. Yet you felt strong enough about it to not only judge him as "trash," but also to question his faith. That's a pretty harsh judgment when compared to the offense. You appear more upset about a trip to Cancun during an ice storm than thousands of elderly deaths.

While no one has painted you as a sympathizer with Democrat scumbags (what a ridiculous assertion) - like other posters - I wonder if Cruz had a (D) behind his name and Cuomo an (R) if your outrage would not be so misplaced.

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HuMcK said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.
Coming soon to federal courts in Georgia and New York.
As they should....but will you accept a not guilty verdict? I doubt it. If he's guilty, then convict and sentence.
I'm irrelevant to these proceedings. I thought OJ was guilty but he wasn't convicted and no one care what I thought.

Its sad to have an ex pres in criminal court. As Trump would say, disgraceful.

Which is why a politician should not be your role model? Haven't you learned that lesson yet?!
Being a leader and a role model are 2 different things. Some people are both. Cruz is neither.

Woof all you want. I don't vote for *******s and Cruz has always been an *******.
Are you feelings hurt by Biden too? He hasn't anything about poor old Texas. Aren't you the kind that has to hear touchy/feels stuff from our leaders? How will you go on?

I hope that makes you feel better. I don't need to hear from anyone, but apparently you do.
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BornAgain said:

If a democrat had gone to Cancun it would've even be mentioned.
People are literally freezing to death in your state and you're whatabouting.

What about your neighbor who might need food or water or a ride to the shelter

Cruz promoted the Big Lie and supported an insurrection. Then while his constituents are dying he flies to Mexico. Lots of bad choices there. The man shouldn't be in office.

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Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.

This is more of the classic Mothra disengenuousness we've come to know. No one in this thread is judging Cruz on this incident alone. For those most harsh in their criticism, this just follows an established pattern of behavior from one of Washington's most unscrupulous swamp creatures.
So your judgment that he is "human scum" and not a Christian is based on other factors. Got it. It's interesting that your most scathing attacks are reserved for guys who take a vacation during a snow storm, instead of politicians who are literally responsible for thousands of deaths. But as another poster suggested, Cuomo has a (D) instead of an (R) behind his name.

If you're going to keep quoting me, at least quote me correctly. I said "human trash." And I never said that Cruz was not a Christian (though I've admittedly been unimpressed by his fruit). I said that helping those around you -- especially in times of crisis -- is what a practicing Christ follower would do, and I'll stand by that fairly uncontroversial opinion.

And you trying to paint me as one who sympathizes with Democratic scumbags is laughable. I have principles that extend beyond bull**** partisan lines. I could not care less about either of America's parties and have no desire or obligation to defend the ****bags in either.
Distinction without a difference. Bottom line is you have no idea what Cruz has done to help his neighbor. Perhaps he doesn't advertise it like Beto O"Rourke does. Yet you felt strong enough about it to not only judge him as "trash," but also to question his faith. That's a pretty harsh judgment when compared to the offense. You appear more upset about a trip to Cancun during an ice storm than thousands of elderly deaths.

While no one has painted you as a sympathizer with Democrat scumbags (what a ridiculous assertion) - like other posters - I wonder if Cruz had a (D) behind his name and Cuomo an (R) if your outrage would not be so misplaced.

Ok I'll bite. What has Cruz done to help his neighbor?
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fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.
Coming soon to federal courts in Georgia and New York.
As they should....but will you accept a not guilty verdict? I doubt it. If he's guilty, then convict and sentence.
I'm irrelevant to these proceedings. I thought OJ was guilty but he wasn't convicted and no one care what I thought.

Its sad to have an ex pres in criminal court. As Trump would say, disgraceful.

Which is why a politician should not be your role model? Haven't you learned that lesson yet?!
Being a leader and a role model are 2 different things. Some people are both. Cruz is neither.

Woof all you want. I don't vote for *******s and Cruz has always been an *******.
Are you feelings hurt by Biden too? He hasn't anything about poor old Texas. Aren't you the kind that has to hear touchy/feels stuff from our leaders? How will you go on?

As your leader with the butthole mouth would say, "wrong"
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lulz. Cruz back tracking on the backtrack.
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He is circling back.
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Who cares what Cruz does. What indo for my neighbors has nothing to do with Cruz or you.
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BaylorBJM said:

lulz. Cruz back tracking on the backtrack.

He's now thrown his wife, dad, staffers and daughters under the bus to hold onto his power/further his own personal political agenda. Wonder who's next.
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LateSteak69 said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.
Coming soon to federal courts in Georgia and New York.
As they should....but will you accept a not guilty verdict? I doubt it. If he's guilty, then convict and sentence.
I'm irrelevant to these proceedings. I thought OJ was guilty but he wasn't convicted and no one care what I thought.

Its sad to have an ex pres in criminal court. As Trump would say, disgraceful.

Which is why a politician should not be your role model? Haven't you learned that lesson yet?!
Being a leader and a role model are 2 different things. Some people are both. Cruz is neither.

Woof all you want. I don't vote for *******s and Cruz has always been an *******.
Are you feelings hurt by Biden too? He hasn't anything about poor old Texas. Aren't you the kind that has to hear touchy/feels stuff from our leaders? How will you go on?

As your leader with the butthole mouth would say, "wrong"
Why do you say that Biden has a butthole mouth?
Mitch Blood Green
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People are asking "What could Ted Cruz do?"

At least this.

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PartyBear said:

That's total BS that Biden hasnt done anything. The administration has sent fuel, generators etc to Texas days ago and announced more aid is in the way today. Even Cornyn had to praise the Biden administration on Twitter for its rapid response to this crisis.
Diesel generators? The reliable ones?
Sam Lowry
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bear2be2 said:

Jack Bauer said:

And then you have Beta O'Rourke on the other spectrum who will virtual signal with fake actions to the Nth degree.
Helping seniors in a time of crisis is "fake actions"?

Regardless of the motives, which I'm sure aren't entirely altruistic, Beto's actions have practical benefits for members of his community. Ted's have practical benefits for himself alone.
Well, you never know. He could always decide to stay in Cancun.
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Sam Lowry said:

bear2be2 said:

Jack Bauer said:

And then you have Beta O'Rourke on the other spectrum who will virtual signal with fake actions to the Nth degree.
Helping seniors in a time of crisis is "fake actions"?

Regardless of the motives, which I'm sure aren't entirely altruistic, Beto's actions have practical benefits for members of his community. Ted's have practical benefits for himself alone.
Well, you never know. He could always decide to stay in Cancun.
Too late. He's in Houston
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Hopefully all of this will make migrating Californians and new yawkers do a quick 180. Any silver lining will help a little.
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J.B.Katz said:

BornAgain said:

If a democrat had gone to Cancun it would've even be mentioned.
People are literally freezing to death in your state and you're whatabouting.

What about your neighbor who might need food or water or a ride to the shelter

Cruz promoted the Big Lie and supported an insurrection. Then while his constituents are dying he flies to Mexico. Lots of bad choices there. The man shouldn't be in office.

Good grief. Calm down. What is wrong with you? Cruz couldn't have done anything about people freezing to death.
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Ted had a meeting with the Sun in Mexico to discuss Texas energy

Yes We Cancun!!!
Wrecks Quan Dough
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BellCountyBear said:

Hopefully all of this will make migrating Californians and new yawkers do a quick 180. Any silver lining will help a little.
What do we do about our native-born woke children?
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This was not a planned vacation. This was spur of the moment. His wife was emailing, texting their friends and neighbors if they wanted to go to Cancun for the weekend because their house was "freezing."
Wrecks Quan Dough
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Green&Gold/Maize&Blue said:

This was not a planned vacation. This was spur of the moment. His wife was emailing, texting their friends and neighbors if they wanted to go to Cancun for the weekend because their house was "freezing."
Key West was nice today. 75-81 degrees for the low/high. I would not have minded being there and certain don't blame anyone else for heading to a warmer locale.
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Donald Trump wasn't right about much. But he pretty much nailed it with the Lyin' Ted nickname.
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J.B.Katz said:

Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.

This is more of the classic Mothra disengenuousness we've come to know. No one in this thread is judging Cruz on this incident alone. For those most harsh in their criticism, this just follows an established pattern of behavior from one of Washington's most unscrupulous swamp creatures.
So your judgment that he is "human scum" and not a Christian is based on other factors. Got it. It's interesting that your most scathing attacks are reserved for guys who take a vacation during a snow storm, instead of politicians who are literally responsible for thousands of deaths. But as another poster suggested, Cuomo has a (D) instead of an (R) behind his name.

If you're going to keep quoting me, at least quote me correctly. I said "human trash." And I never said that Cruz was not a Christian (though I've admittedly been unimpressed by his fruit). I said that helping those around you -- especially in times of crisis -- is what a practicing Christ follower would do, and I'll stand by that fairly uncontroversial opinion.

And you trying to paint me as one who sympathizes with Democratic scumbags is laughable. I have principles that extend beyond bull**** partisan lines. I could not care less about either of America's parties and have no desire or obligation to defend the ****bags in either.
Distinction without a difference. Bottom line is you have no idea what Cruz has done to help his neighbor. Perhaps he doesn't advertise it like Beto O"Rourke does. Yet you felt strong enough about it to not only judge him as "trash," but also to question his faith. That's a pretty harsh judgment when compared to the offense. You appear more upset about a trip to Cancun during an ice storm than thousands of elderly deaths.

While no one has painted you as a sympathizer with Democrat scumbags (what a ridiculous assertion) - like other posters - I wonder if Cruz had a (D) behind his name and Cuomo an (R) if your outrage would not be so misplaced.

Ok I'll bite. What has Cruz done to help his neighbor?
No clue. That's my point. None of us know.
Mitch Blood Green
How long do you want to ignore this user?
My issue with Cruz isn't that he went to Cancun. It's that he doesn't care.
Wrecks Quan Dough
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tommie said:

My issue with Cruz isn't that he went to Cancun. It's that he doesn't care.
Would that make you feel better, tommie? Would you be a Cruz voter if you felt he was more empathetic?
Mitch Blood Green
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Carlos Safety said:

tommie said:

My issue with Cruz isn't that he went to Cancun. It's that he doesn't care.
Would that make you feel better, tommie? Would you be a Cruz voter if you felt he was more empathetic?

Not something I ever have to worry about.
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