Ted Cruz bails to Cancun

28,220 Views | 430 Replies | Last: 9 mo ago by boognish_bear
Sam Lowry
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I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
Evidently Cruz is one of those who thinks he has a role, since he's now promised to help figure out what went wrong. Cruz is not a state official, but he is the representative of our state and should be among the first and foremost to call for accountability. Will he actually make it a priority? The Cancun excursion doesn't inspire much confidence.
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J.B.Katz said:

Mothra said:

J.B.Katz said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

Thee University said:

bear2be2 said:

Ted Cruz is as capable as anyone else of sending a quick text or making a quick wellness check on a vulnerable neighbor. It may or may not score him political points, but those impacted would sure appreciate it.
You think that does any good?

Screw that. I don't want our government or anyone closely associated with our govt involved. Let the professionals do their job without any grandstanding by politicians.

If Ted can strap on a pair of pole climbing stirrups and hook up downed power lines leave his fat @$$ in Cancun.
Of course he doesn't think it will do any good. He's hysterical over the optics - that Cruz didn't use the storm as an opportunity for a photo opp. It's weird.

I don't give a **** about political optics. I'm talking about right and wrong. Republicans used to care about such things.
Trump and Ted Cruz don't care about doing the right thing. They only care about themselves.

My feeling is that they are not real Republicans.

This statement from Jim Hendren, an honorable businessman and lifelong Republican who served in the military and is a true public servant, should get its own thread but he is leaving the party becasue Republicans are no longer the party of right and wrong

I posted this before, but you didn't respond. So I will ask: what is your solution? You know that a third party made up of disenfranchised Republicans is never going to be viable. All it will lead to is more Democrats getting elected.

As a purported "Republican," is that what you would prefer - a fractured Republican Party that will never win another election?
Its fruitless to talk to you. You just want people to bounce off to make whatever talking point youve decided on to justify sedition and deriliction of duty or assclown stupidity like Cruz just did. Plus your snide and you make statements that aren't true.

As a final salvo, no, I dont know a third party made up of disenfranchised Republicans is never going to be viable. I was hoping after Trump lost the election we wouldn't have to test that though. But it looks like we will.
You're a liar or have horrid reading comprehension. I've never justified sedition, nor have I made false statements. Nor have I justified Cruz's behavior. Not once. Stop lying.

As for your second paragraph, you've also proven you're either stupid, or not a Republican. Only a buffoon would suggest a party which is already in the minority could ever win an election if it breaks into two parties. That is the height of absurdity.

You can drop any pretenses that you are Republican. Everyone here knows that's a lie. Either that, or you are a fool.

But I do understand why you wouldn't wish to engage me, when you pedal that sort of ridiculous bull***** That's an argument you're going to lose. I've found in your short time on this board under the current screename, it is rare when you make a cogent or well-reasoned argument. You are just another in a long line of flame-throwing Never Trumpers, and your arguments are easily refuted.
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Count me in.

Wrecks Quan Dough
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BaylorOkie said:

Count me in.

Best proposed use of tax payer funds since the creation of the Space Force.
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From a friend's email:

He's a public servant. The rules are different when you hold public office. Decamping to Cancun when your constituency is suffering through an historic crisis looks callous, and in a crisis, appearances matter. Yes, it would be better if he stayed home and volunteered to help out where help is needed. And it's needed everywhere in Texas. If Cruz wants the normal life outside of public scrutiny, and if he's tired of the whole public service thing, then he should get out of politics. We don't need more takers, we need leaders.
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J.B.Katz said:

From a friend's email:

He's a public servant. The rules are different when you hold public office. Decamping to Cancun when your constituency is suffering through an historic crisis looks callous, and in a crisis, appearances matter. Yes, it would be better if he stayed home and volunteered to help out where help is needed. And it's needed everywhere in Texas. If Cruz wants the normal life outside of public scrutiny, and if he's tired of the whole public service thing, then he should get out of politics. We don't need more takers, we need leaders.
So, let's vote him out of office and support his Democrat challenger.

SMH. Pure idiocy.
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From a thread sent by a friend whose sticking it out in Houston:

I live in Houston. I'm a white male age 61, with a net worth that certainly allows me to fly anywhere I want anytime. We were without power for 43 hours, starting at 7 pm on Monday night, the record cold one. Departing Houston during the cold snap was not an option I considered. I have my own home to protect, and I assumed there would be plenty of people that needed some assistance.

After things thawed a bit on Wednesday and Thursday the water leaks in my neighborhood started to appear. I am not a plumber. I don't have any advanced degree from Harvard. I don't have a job with the government, responsible for the well-being of it citizens. I helped 2 neighbors turn off the water supply to their sprinkler systems that were gushing water. I walked the neighborhood looking for leaks and alerting homeowners. I called friends to make sure they were ok. Today I am viewing a leaking outdoor kitchen to see if we can isolate it's leak to get water back on at the main house.

Ted Cruz, a US senator that lives in my town, rallied all his rich friends to escape to a warm beach. If I knew mr Cruz personally, I kind of doubt I would like him very much.
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Mothra said:

So, let's vote him out of office and support his Democrat challenger.

SMH. Pure idiocy.
I didn't say this. You did.

Is Ted Cruz the only Republican in Texas?
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J.B.Katz said:

Mothra said:

So, let's vote him out of office and support his Democrat challenger.

SMH. Pure idiocy.
I didn't say this. You did.

Is Ted Cruz the only Republican in Texas?
So you don't suggest we do to Cruz what you suggested we do to Trump?
Wrecks Quan Dough
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J.B.Katz said:

From a thread sent by a friend whose sticking it out in Houston:

I live in Houston. I'm a white male age 61, with a net worth that certainly allows me to fly anywhere I want anytime. We were without power for 43 hours, starting at 7 pm on Monday night, the record cold one. Departing Houston during the cold snap was not an option I considered. I have my own home to protect, and I assumed there would be plenty of people that needed some assistance.

After things thawed a bit on Wednesday and Thursday the water leaks in my neighborhood started to appear. I am not a plumber. I don't have any advanced degree from Harvard. I don't have a job with the government, responsible for the well-being of it citizens. I helped 2 neighbors turn off the water supply to their sprinkler systems that were gushing water. I walked the neighborhood looking for leaks and alerting homeowners. I called friends to make sure they were ok. Today I am viewing a leaking outdoor kitchen to see if we can isolate it's leak to get water back on at the main house.

Ted Cruz, a US senator that lives in my town, rallied all his rich friends to escape to a warm beach. If I knew mr Cruz personally, I kind of doubt I would like him very much.
Classic Jinx. My neighbor's brother's sister's cat said Republicans are bad. I was very surprised that the cat could talk, but not surprised that the cat does not like Republicans.

That reminds me. My nephew went to a public school when Reagan was president. He died because ketchup was called a vegetable and he was not allowed to do gender reassignment surgery as part of a school project.
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Carlos Safety said:

J.B.Katz said:

From a thread sent by a friend whose sticking it out in Houston:

I live in Houston. I'm a white male age 61, with a net worth that certainly allows me to fly anywhere I want anytime. We were without power for 43 hours, starting at 7 pm on Monday night, the record cold one. Departing Houston during the cold snap was not an option I considered. I have my own home to protect, and I assumed there would be plenty of people that needed some assistance.

After things thawed a bit on Wednesday and Thursday the water leaks in my neighborhood started to appear. I am not a plumber. I don't have any advanced degree from Harvard. I don't have a job with the government, responsible for the well-being of it citizens. I helped 2 neighbors turn off the water supply to their sprinkler systems that were gushing water. I walked the neighborhood looking for leaks and alerting homeowners. I called friends to make sure they were ok. Today I am viewing a leaking outdoor kitchen to see if we can isolate it's leak to get water back on at the main house.

Ted Cruz, a US senator that lives in my town, rallied all his rich friends to escape to a warm beach. If I knew mr Cruz personally, I kind of doubt I would like him very much.
Classic Jinx. My neighbor's brother's sister's cat said Republicans are bad. I was very surprised that the cat could talk, but not surprised that the cat does not like Republicans.

That reminds me. My nephew went to a public school when Reagan was president. He died because ketchup was called a vegetable and he was not allowed to do gender reassignment surgery as part of a school project.
It certainly does read like a typical jinx post.

She had me fooled for a while. Good call.
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I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

re-edit: $4,000,000.00.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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quash said:


I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

Edit: $2,000,000.00.
Yeah, but we all know she is just posturing because in her heart she hates real Americans, so Jesus isn't going to credit this as a sincere effort on her part. She's merely doing this to hide what she really is and dupe us into feeling that maybe she's not so terrible. Keep your trojan horse money, AOC, and burn in commie hell!

[emoticon assist available upon request]
D. C. Bear
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bubbadog said:

quash said:


I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

Edit: $2,000,000.00.
Yeah, but we all know she is just posturing because in her heart she hates real Americans, so Jesus isn't going to credit this as a sincere effort on her part. She's merely doing this to hide what she really is and dupe us into feeling that maybe she's not so terrible. Keep your trojan horse money, AOC, and burn in commie hell!

[emoticon assist available upon request]

Maybe Texans should actually send money to her campaign because she is so nice to get other people to send money in a time of need. Of course, if she gets her way, about half a million or so Texans who work in the oil and gas industry will be looking for new employment, so that $2,000,000 would represent about $4 each. Tough call.
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J.B.Katz said:

sombear said:

BylrFan said:

sombear said:

Green&Gold/Maize&Blue said:

This was not a planned vacation. This was spur of the moment. His wife was emailing, texting their friends and neighbors if they wanted to go to Cancun for the weekend because their house was "freezing."
So it's worse that he didn't want to stay in a freezing house? Would driving to family in Arizona have been better? Or is it simply he had to stay in a house w/o power because he is a senator?
there's warming centers. look what mattress mack is doing in houston

He should have taken someone else's spot at a warning center, got it.
No, he could have showed up at a warming center with blankets, water bottles, granola bars and if he really wanted to make people happy a great big container of hot coffee.
Sure. Photo ops are always better than staying out of the way.

Is tossing a granola bar better, worse or equal to throwing a roll of paper towels?
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D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

quash said:


I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

Edit: $2,000,000.00.
Yeah, but we all know she is just posturing because in her heart she hates real Americans, so Jesus isn't going to credit this as a sincere effort on her part. She's merely doing this to hide what she really is and dupe us into feeling that maybe she's not so terrible. Keep your trojan horse money, AOC, and burn in commie hell!

[emoticon assist available upon request]

Maybe Texans should actually send money to her campaign because she is so nice to get other people to send money in a time of need. Of course, if she gets her way, about half a million or so Texans who work in the oil and gas industry will be looking for new employment, so that $2,000,000 would represent about $4 each. Tough call.
Exactly. See how that evil little minx is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of good honest people like you by using what seems like a good deed to lure them into letting her destroy our way of life and sapping our precious bodily fluids instead of recognizing her for the handmaiden of Satan that she really is? I'm glad you saw right through this malicious stratagem, but a lot of people are probably going to get suckered.
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quash said:


I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

Edit: $2,000,000.00.
Good for her. If I cared enough, I would look into how that money was spent and on whom. When politicians collect donations I no longer get inspired. I've been that way ever since the Clinton Foundation did such wonderful work in the Caribbean. <<<THIS IS

My guess is the fund raising didn't start until the Cruz hysteria started and it was seen as an opportunity to stick it to him. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong but my gut tells me I'm not.
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Watching the media is so predictable and has been for decades.

I've always said a GOP member getting a parking ticket gets the same media coverage as a Democrat committing murder and that's not an exaggeration as the current media cycle is proving it - again.
Thee University
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Thee University said:


robby44 said:

"...And I've got such a long way to go (such a long way to go)
To make it to the border of Mexico
So I'll ride like the wind
Ride like the wind

Gonna ride like the wind..."

You are showing your age, Brother Robby. Christopher Cross was a good ole San Antonio boy.
Is he gay?
As far as I can tell, Robby is about straight up heterosexual as they come!
Christopher Cross.

Not Robby.
Thee University
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BaylorBJM said:

Thee University said:

The woke factor on this board gets more sickening every week.

Amazing. I knew there were a few flamers on the Baylor campus in the late 70's and early 80's but they knew where the closet was. Are most of you liberals recent graduates or are you celebrating coming out from behind the curtain here for all to see?

Loud & proud?

You've been on a pretty big homophobic rant as of late.

One of my closest friend's growing up had an old, grumpy father like you. Always talked about "flamers" and closeted homos. It all came about suddenly. About 15 years later he came out. Guess he was dealing with the some things.

Perhaps you're next?
Flaming LIBS! Flaming and radical liberal pukes. However, since you brought it up.........My limited experience in that world showed me that far more homos came from the liberal "stance" than from the conservative side.

Word on the street is that you spent many a weekend at your friend's house. Could it be???????
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I think Cruz is probably going to lose in 2024.

He barely beat Beto of all people last go around. Since then, he has become synonymous with Trump and has random bad optic events like this happen frequently.

I think he will be easy prey for Dems next go around.
Jack Bauer
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J.B.Katz said:

From a thread sent by a friend whose sticking it out in Houston:

I live in Houston. I'm a white male age 61, with a net worth that certainly allows me to fly anywhere I want anytime. We were without power for 43 hours, starting at 7 pm on Monday night, the record cold one. Departing Houston during the cold snap was not an option I considered. I have my own home to protect, and I assumed there would be plenty of people that needed some assistance.

After things thawed a bit on Wednesday and Thursday the water leaks in my neighborhood started to appear. I am not a plumber. I don't have any advanced degree from Harvard. I don't have a job with the government, responsible for the well-being of it citizens. I helped 2 neighbors turn off the water supply to their sprinkler systems that were gushing water. I walked the neighborhood looking for leaks and alerting homeowners. I called friends to make sure they were ok. Today I am viewing a leaking outdoor kitchen to see if we can isolate it's leak to get water back on at the main house.

Ted Cruz, a US senator that lives in my town, rallied all his rich friends to escape to a warm beach. If I knew mr Cruz personally, I kind of doubt I would like him very much.
"And then the dog stood up and saluted while all the neighbors went to their front porch and began singing God Bless America...."

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Thee University said:

BaylorBJM said:

Thee University said:

The woke factor on this board gets more sickening every week.

Amazing. I knew there were a few flamers on the Baylor campus in the late 70's and early 80's but they knew where the closet was. Are most of you liberals recent graduates or are you celebrating coming out from behind the curtain here for all to see?

Loud & proud?

You've been on a pretty big homophobic rant as of late.

One of my closest friend's growing up had an old, grumpy father like you. Always talked about "flamers" and closeted homos. It all came about suddenly. About 15 years later he came out. Guess he was dealing with the some things.

Perhaps you're next?
However, since you brought it up.........My limited experience in that world...
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bubbadog said:

D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

quash said:


I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

Edit: $2,000,000.00.
Yeah, but we all know she is just posturing because in her heart she hates real Americans, so Jesus isn't going to credit this as a sincere effort on her part. She's merely doing this to hide what she really is and dupe us into feeling that maybe she's not so terrible. Keep your trojan horse money, AOC, and burn in commie hell!

[emoticon assist available upon request]

Maybe Texans should actually send money to her campaign because she is so nice to get other people to send money in a time of need. Of course, if she gets her way, about half a million or so Texans who work in the oil and gas industry will be looking for new employment, so that $2,000,000 would represent about $4 each. Tough call.
Exactly. See how that evil little minx is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of good honest people like you by using what seems like a good deed to lure them into letting her destroy our way of life and sapping our precious bodily fluids instead of recognizing her for the handmaiden of Satan that she really is? I'm glad you saw right through this malicious stratagem, but a lot of people are probably going to get suckered.

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D. C. Bear
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bubbadog said:

D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

quash said:


I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

Edit: $2,000,000.00.
Yeah, but we all know she is just posturing because in her heart she hates real Americans, so Jesus isn't going to credit this as a sincere effort on her part. She's merely doing this to hide what she really is and dupe us into feeling that maybe she's not so terrible. Keep your trojan horse money, AOC, and burn in commie hell!

[emoticon assist available upon request]

Maybe Texans should actually send money to her campaign because she is so nice to get other people to send money in a time of need. Of course, if she gets her way, about half a million or so Texans who work in the oil and gas industry will be looking for new employment, so that $2,000,000 would represent about $4 each. Tough call.
Exactly. See how that evil little minx is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of good honest people like you by using what seems like a good deed to lure them into letting her destroy our way of life and sapping our precious bodily fluids instead of recognizing her for the handmaiden of Satan that she really is? I'm glad you saw right through this malicious stratagem, but a lot of people are probably going to get suckered.

I don't necessarily believe she is trying to fool anyone, she's quite clear about her desires for the future of an industry that provides support for millions of Texans. If she has her way, those millions lose their livelihoods. Doesn't mean she can't do something nice.
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Thee University said:

BaylorBJM said:

Thee University said:

The woke factor on this board gets more sickening every week.

Amazing. I knew there were a few flamers on the Baylor campus in the late 70's and early 80's but they knew where the closet was. Are most of you liberals recent graduates or are you celebrating coming out from behind the curtain here for all to see?

Loud & proud?

You've been on a pretty big homophobic rant as of late.

One of my closest friend's growing up had an old, grumpy father like you. Always talked about "flamers" and closeted homos. It all came about suddenly. About 15 years later he came out. Guess he was dealing with the some things.

Perhaps you're next?
My limited experience in that world showed me that far more homos came from the liberal "stance" than from the conservative side.
Depends on how much experience you've had knowing Baylor-trained Baptist song leaders.
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I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
The office of a senator has a lot of power and influence. He can be using that office and influence to see that people in need are getting assistance.
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bear2be2 said:

Eagle11Bear said:

So, my boss flies to his home in Malibu every time we have hurricanes. I say good for him. Is he supposed to stay and be miserable like everyone else? It's not like he can wave a magic wand and make everything go away. Neither can Cruz or Abbott or anyone else in this situation. It infuriates me that todays society is all about touchy feely. Seems like very few these days know how to put their big boy pants on. Always got to complain about something.

You're defending those who run from extreme weather events and telling those who can't to man up? I will never be able to understand the value system some of you guys have.
It's about using their office to insure that those in need are getting assistance, state and federal. Your boss isn't an elected state or U.S. official.
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D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

quash said:


I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

Edit: $2,000,000.00.
Yeah, but we all know she is just posturing because in her heart she hates real Americans, so Jesus isn't going to credit this as a sincere effort on her part. She's merely doing this to hide what she really is and dupe us into feeling that maybe she's not so terrible. Keep your trojan horse money, AOC, and burn in commie hell!

[emoticon assist available upon request]

Maybe Texans should actually send money to her campaign because she is so nice to get other people to send money in a time of need. Of course, if she gets her way, about half a million or so Texans who work in the oil and gas industry will be looking for new employment, so that $2,000,000 would represent about $4 each. Tough call.
Exactly. See how that evil little minx is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of good honest people like you by using what seems like a good deed to lure them into letting her destroy our way of life and sapping our precious bodily fluids instead of recognizing her for the handmaiden of Satan that she really is? I'm glad you saw right through this malicious stratagem, but a lot of people are probably going to get suckered.

I don't necessarily believe she is trying to fool anyone, she's quite clear about her desires for the future of an industry that provides support for millions of Texans. If she has her way, those millions lose their livelihoods. Doesn't mean she can't do something nice.
I hate to be the one who breaks this news, but even if AOC had never been born, the industry that provides support for millions of Texans is going to either decline or evolve. For a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with AOC, the world is going to move toward more renewable energy, and the creative destruction of the free marketplace is going to take a toll on the fossil fuel industry unless the government artificially props it up (and interferes with the market). It already happened to coal, and oil is on the same glide path.

GM's recent announcement should be read as a mere, terkel, upharsin, even if they can't pull it off in the timeframe they plan.
D. C. Bear
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bubbadog said:

D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

quash said:


I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

Edit: $2,000,000.00.
Yeah, but we all know she is just posturing because in her heart she hates real Americans, so Jesus isn't going to credit this as a sincere effort on her part. She's merely doing this to hide what she really is and dupe us into feeling that maybe she's not so terrible. Keep your trojan horse money, AOC, and burn in commie hell!

[emoticon assist available upon request]

Maybe Texans should actually send money to her campaign because she is so nice to get other people to send money in a time of need. Of course, if she gets her way, about half a million or so Texans who work in the oil and gas industry will be looking for new employment, so that $2,000,000 would represent about $4 each. Tough call.
Exactly. See how that evil little minx is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of good honest people like you by using what seems like a good deed to lure them into letting her destroy our way of life and sapping our precious bodily fluids instead of recognizing her for the handmaiden of Satan that she really is? I'm glad you saw right through this malicious stratagem, but a lot of people are probably going to get suckered.

I don't necessarily believe she is trying to fool anyone, she's quite clear about her desires for the future of an industry that provides support for millions of Texans. If she has her way, those millions lose their livelihoods. Doesn't mean she can't do something nice.
I hate to be the one who breaks this news, but even if AOC had never been born, the industry that provides support for millions of Texans is going to either decline or evolve. For a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with AOC, the world is going to move toward more renewable energy, and the creative destruction of the free marketplace is going to take a toll on the fossil fuel industry unless the government artificially props it up (and interferes with the market). It already happened to coal, and oil is on the same glide path.

GM's recent announcement should be read as a mere, terkel, upharsin, even if they can't pull it off in the timeframe they plan.

It will certainly both decline and evolve, but if she has her way its decline will be accelerated and subsidized by the very people whose livelihoods would be destroyed.
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“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

quash said:


I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

Edit: $2,000,000.00.
Yeah, but we all know she is just posturing because in her heart she hates real Americans, so Jesus isn't going to credit this as a sincere effort on her part. She's merely doing this to hide what she really is and dupe us into feeling that maybe she's not so terrible. Keep your trojan horse money, AOC, and burn in commie hell!

[emoticon assist available upon request]

Maybe Texans should actually send money to her campaign because she is so nice to get other people to send money in a time of need. Of course, if she gets her way, about half a million or so Texans who work in the oil and gas industry will be looking for new employment, so that $2,000,000 would represent about $4 each. Tough call.
Exactly. See how that evil little minx is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of good honest people like you by using what seems like a good deed to lure them into letting her destroy our way of life and sapping our precious bodily fluids instead of recognizing her for the handmaiden of Satan that she really is? I'm glad you saw right through this malicious stratagem, but a lot of people are probably going to get suckered.

I don't necessarily believe she is trying to fool anyone, she's quite clear about her desires for the future of an industry that provides support for millions of Texans. If she has her way, those millions lose their livelihoods. Doesn't mean she can't do something nice.
I hate to be the one who breaks this news, but even if AOC had never been born, the industry that provides support for millions of Texans is going to either decline or evolve. For a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with AOC, the world is going to move toward more renewable energy, and the creative destruction of the free marketplace is going to take a toll on the fossil fuel industry unless the government artificially props it up (and interferes with the market). It already happened to coal, and oil is on the same glide path.

GM's recent announcement should be read as a mere, terkel, upharsin, even if they can't pull it off in the timeframe they plan.

It will certainly both decline and evolve, but if she has her way its decline will be accelerated and subsidized by the very people whose livelihoods would be destroyed.
This is way bigger than her, but I get that you need someone to demonize.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
bubbadog said:

D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

D. C. Bear said:

bubbadog said:

quash said:


I've not read the thread but, here is my two cents:

Cruz is not a state official. Unless he wants to grab a shovel, split fire wood or climb a utility pole, he's just like everyone else. Once I knew my mom and my in-laws were good, I would have bolted for warmer environments as well. It only looks bad to people that are too dumb to know the difference between state and federal. Who here is one of those dumb ones?
AOC is federal. She gathered up $1,000,000 in aid from private donations, mostly from NY, for Texans.

You know, one of the dumb ones.

Edit: $2,000,000.00.
Yeah, but we all know she is just posturing because in her heart she hates real Americans, so Jesus isn't going to credit this as a sincere effort on her part. She's merely doing this to hide what she really is and dupe us into feeling that maybe she's not so terrible. Keep your trojan horse money, AOC, and burn in commie hell!

[emoticon assist available upon request]

Maybe Texans should actually send money to her campaign because she is so nice to get other people to send money in a time of need. Of course, if she gets her way, about half a million or so Texans who work in the oil and gas industry will be looking for new employment, so that $2,000,000 would represent about $4 each. Tough call.
Exactly. See how that evil little minx is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of good honest people like you by using what seems like a good deed to lure them into letting her destroy our way of life and sapping our precious bodily fluids instead of recognizing her for the handmaiden of Satan that she really is? I'm glad you saw right through this malicious stratagem, but a lot of people are probably going to get suckered.

I don't necessarily believe she is trying to fool anyone, she's quite clear about her desires for the future of an industry that provides support for millions of Texans. If she has her way, those millions lose their livelihoods. Doesn't mean she can't do something nice.
I hate to be the one who breaks this news, but even if AOC had never been born, the industry that provides support for millions of Texans is going to either decline or evolve. For a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with AOC, the world is going to move toward more renewable energy, and the creative destruction of the free marketplace is going to take a toll on the fossil fuel industry unless the government artificially props it up (and interferes with the market). It already happened to coal, and oil is on the same glide path.

GM's recent announcement should be read as a mere, terkel, upharsin, even if they can't pull it off in the timeframe they plan.

It will certainly both decline and evolve, but if she has her way its decline will be accelerated and subsidized by the very people whose livelihoods would be destroyed.
This is way bigger than her, but I get that you need someone to demonize.

Man o man...
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