4 pilots dead after vaccinated!

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Sage said:

A Warning to the People of the US and to the Whole World - from St. Michael Archangel

July 4, 2021 @10:30 am
St Rosalie's Parish Campus, Hampton Bays, New York

Lo and Behold! I am Michael the Archangel, Defender of the People of the World and most particularly on this day the Protector of the Sovereign Nation of the United States of America.

This is a Warning to all of you who call yourselves the patriotic defenders of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America!

You have five years to right the wrongs that your enemies have caused you, or your nation will crash and burn like all great nations of the past that have fallen victim to satan, lucifer, all the demons in hell, and their satanic minions among you who are doing the work of the evil one to destroy God's plan for humanity and to usher in the demonically inspired New World Order.

You have five years now to save your nation! Those among you who are truly Powerful Prayer Warriors have been vigilantly aware of the demonic plan and many of you are doing God's work to defend your nation and its sovereignty, but there are many among the citizens of the United States of America, who have fallen asleep and are oblivious to the plan of satan to destroy your nation.

You have five years to awaken those who are asleep and who have deliberately, unknowingly, or unwittingly adopted many of the attributes of the satanic plan through anarchism, socialism, and communism. Yet, these poor souls are clinging to political affiliations of their past which no longer exist, and which have been subtly replaced by the brainwashing that is leading many of your citizens blindly to accept the current affairs in your government, your corporations, your institutions, your educational systems, and your media and entertainment and to accept the 'woke' religion of the satanic new world order.

You have five years now to counter-charge against the demonic forces who are attempting to divide you by charges of racism. This is satan's plan to keep you divided so that your nation will topple in five years ushering in the demonic new world order that has already gained much of the power and control over your nation. It is up to you, the Powerful Prayer Warriors, to reach out to your family members and friends who are asleep in this demonic snare and awaken them to the reality that this is the ultimate struggle of Good versus Evil in this Universe and to convince them that their "woke" agenda is not, in reality, an awakening to truth but to a further slumber in the brainwashing trap of the evil one and his minions.

You have five years to wake up America! Or the future of your nation is doomed to oblivion, just as it has been planned by satan to strip the nationality and sovereignty of the United States of America, a nation that has been created and inspired by the Father in Heaven to be a shining example to the rest of the world.

You have five years to defeat satan and his minions. You must recall now that I have been delivering Messages from Heaven to you since November 30, 1984. I invite you to research and respond to all my messages to humanity in the past 37 years and to recognize the importance of these messages to the citizens of the United States of America, as well as to all of humanity.

Be aware that many people around the world are as awakened to God's plan as you, the Powerful Prayer Warriors are aware, and the rest of the world consisting of Children of God are counting on you to return the United States of America to the righteous path that has been designed for you by the Father in Heaven, for the people of the world recognize now the urgency of your success in defeating the enemy - the evil one, his minions and their new world order. For as the United States of America goes in the next five years, so goes the rest of the world. It is up to you the Powerful Prayer Warriors to defeat the evil and save not only your country but the rest of the world.

You have five years! The clock is ticking, and time is running out! Are you listening? Are you listening?

Your decision today on July 4, 2021, will determine where your country will be in five years, and even if it will continue to exist on that day - July 4, 2026 - which may or may not be a celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the founding of the United States of America.

Powerful Prayer Warriors the decision is yours to return your nation to its God-ordained glory or to allow the evil one to destroy all that there is - for the loss of your nation will ultimately mean the loss of humanity in the whole world to the bondage and chains of the demons and their minions!

The future is yours only if you answer this call to discernment, prayer, and to arms to defend not only your nation but the entire world from the grip of satan!

Finally, I again ask you to ponder the words of my first message on November 30, 1984, and each and every continuing message; all of which have consistently warned of the End Times ahead.

Now we have reached the final stage of these End Times!

Message ended 10:57 am


Nov 30, 1984 - St Michael Archangel

Vietnam War Memorial - The Wall - Washington DC - approx. 10:00 pm

To The People of the United States of America - 1984

Your forefathers created one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all. These were men of high ideals, spiritually guided and inspired to create a nation and a civilization to be admired and respected, to set an example for the rest of the world. In exercising their free will under God's guidance and direction, they created a Constitution and a Bill of Rights for every man, woman, and child to live in freedom in the pursuit of happiness. Yet, these high minded and spiritual men were soon replaced by others who, in the exercise of their free will, chose to put their egos before God and to joust with God's plan.

You became a nation of spoilers, man against man, brother against brother, government against citizens, and the chosen nation became a warrior with and against other nations.

You have become a nation of criminals and murderers. You murder in wars. You murder the innocent. You murder your children. Your leaders create laws to justify the murders, to attempt to make wrongs right, to rewrite morals and ethics to support your own earthbound greeds and desires.

You have become a nation further and further from the spirit and the influence of God. You have created sciences and philosophies to support activities that only recognize earthbound realities, that not only refuse to recognize the spiritual nature of man himself, but refuse to recognize even the existence of God!

You have taken God and his works of prayer and meditation out of your government, out of your institutions, out of your schools. You have done everything you can to deny his existence, and you find yourself in a world filled with wars, hatred, starvation, and death, and you do not understand why the rest of the world does not follow your 'shining' example.

You are a nation at war with itself, filled with hatred, prejudice, crime, drugs, and murder. Yet, when the few of you who do look to God asking him why all these things are allowed to happen, you do not hear His answer!

You are members of the human race, universally created by God and given individually a free will by divine right, and you would not wish to have it any other way. Yet every little act of free will that man has exercised from the beginning of time, that was not in accordance with God's plan, multiplied in its impact and its negativity on the future of man. Every simple act of aggression multiplied into acts of world war. Every simple act of greed multiplied into worldwide human suffering and starvation. Every act of destruction of God's environment on Earth multiplied into destructive forces of nature, earthquakes, floods, pestilence, nuclear destruction and nuclear waste. Every act of violence escalated into acts of murder and the extermination of ethnic people for their appearance or beliefs.

Yet, God created a nation of high ideals for you to survive other empires and civilizations that crumbled into oblivion for their leaders placed themselves as men above God, and now those empires and civilizations are but piles of dust or buried under the waters. You sit on the edge of the new millennium, poised for the future of mankind, and you are headed, as all great civilizations of the past, to be reduced to piles of dust, to be covered over by the waters.

Yet, God comes to you again, to appeal to you as a people, to appeal to you as a nation, to appeal to your leaders! His army of angels is visiting upon you with a life force of energy, a spiritual energy radiated by the Creator to all mankind. Many of you feel the vibrancy of his energy and his divine presence. He is communicating with you spiritually to raise yourself to a level of spiritual transformation that is necessary for those of you who hear him to spread His message and His energy, to recognize that He is coming!

Guided by prayer and meditation, all men, women, and children may answer His call, but it must be soon.

Time is running out!

The angels are coming!

Do you hear them?

Are you listening?

Are you listening?

Message Ended: November 30, 1984


Did anyone take Saint Michael's picture when he appeared, or video and record his appearance?? This is an amazing claim. Surely someone made a video. Give us some documentation. I always thought he was reported to be an archangel. How did he become a Saint?
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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Sage said:

What a joke. Surely you're smart enough not to fall for this tripe.
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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Sage said:

Our Lord said to St. Faustina:

Encourage souls to say the Chaplet which I have given you... Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of death... When they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the Merciful Saviour... Priests will recommend it to sinners as their last hope of salvation. Even if there were a sinner most hardened, if he were to recite this chaplet only once, he would receive grace from my infinite mercy... I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in my mercy... Through the Chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My will.

Importance of the Chaplet of Mercy for the Dying

Jesus said:

"Write that when they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between my Father and the dying person, not as a just judge but as the merciful Saviour."


Superstitious incantations are always entertaining.

Macbeth (Act IV, Scene I): "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble."
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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I just wish TS needed as much proof on Global Warming or anything triggering his TDS as he needs about God!
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If you really wish to know...

July 5, 2021

“The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

“No matter what hardship you may be going through never underestimate the power of prayer with conviction.”
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[1] And on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalen cometh early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre; and she saw the stone taken away from the sepulchre. [2] She ran, therefore, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and saith to them: They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him. [3] Peter therefore went out, and that other disciple, and they came to the sepulchre. [4] And they both ran together, and that other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. [5] And when he stooped down, he saw the linen cloths lying; but yet he went not in.

[6] Then cometh Simon Peter, following him, and went into the sepulchre, and saw the linen cloths lying, [7] And the napkin that had been about his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but apart, wrapped up into one place. [8] Then that other disciple also went in, who came first to the sepulchre: and he saw, and believed. [9] For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead. [10] The disciples therefore departed again to their home.

[11] But Mary stood at the sepulchre without, weeping. Now as she was weeping, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre, [12] And she saw two angels in white, sitting, one at the head, and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had been laid. [13] They say to her: Woman, why weepest thou? She saith to them: Because they have taken away my Lord; and I know not where they have laid him. [14] When she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing; and she knew not that it was Jesus. [15] Jesus saith to her: Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, thinking it was the gardener, saith to him: Sir, if thou hast taken him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

[16] Jesus saith to her: Mary. She turning, saith to him: Rabboni (which is to say, Master). [17] Jesus saith to her: Do not touch me, for I am not yet ascended to my Father. But go to my brethren, and say to them: I ascend to my Father and to your Father, to my God and your God. [18] Mary Magdalen cometh, and telleth the disciples: I have seen the Lord, and these things he said to me. [19] Now when it was late that same day, the first of the week, and the doors were shut, where the disciples were gathered together, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them: Peace be to you. [20] And when he had said this, he shewed them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore were glad, when they saw the Lord.

  • [19] "The doors were shut": The same power which could bring Christ's whole body, entire in all its dimensions, through the doors, can without the least question make the same body really present in the sacrament; though both the one and the other be above our comprehension.

[21] He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you. [22] When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. [23] Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained. [24] Now Thomas, one of the twelve, who is called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. [25] The other disciples therefore said to him: We have seen the Lord. But he said to them: Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.

  • [23] "Whose sins": See here the commission, stamped by the broad seal of heaven, by virtue of which the pastors of Christ's church absolve repenting sinners upon their confession.

[26] And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them. Jesus cometh, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said: Peace be to you. [27] Then he saith to Thomas: Put in thy finger hither, and see my hands; and bring hither thy hand, and put it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing. [28] Thomas answered, and said to him: My Lord, and my God. [29] Jesus saith to him: Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed. [30] Many other signs also did Jesus in the sight of his disciples, which are not written in this book.

[31] But these are written, that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God: and that believing, you may have life in his name.

(John 20:1-31 ~ Douay-Rheims)
“The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

“No matter what hardship you may be going through never underestimate the power of prayer with conviction.”
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Florda_mike said:

I just wish TS needed as much proof on Global Warming or anything triggering his TDS as he needs about God!
I expect objective empirical evidence for claims about what is going on with climate. You should too. Climate change is a fact. It has been around for as long has we've had an atmosphere. There have been periods much warmer and much colder than now, brought about from forces we have no control over. Barring some intervening event (for example, asteroid impact), we appear to be headed into a warming trend, maybe. Regardless of what we do with regard to carbon emissions, even if we could reduce them to zero today, sea level is going to rise over the next 100 to 500 years by at least 27 feet from melting of the Greenland ice sheet. Better learn how to adapt to what is coming.
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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TexasScientist said:

Florda_mike said:

I just wish TS needed as much proof on Global Warming or anything triggering his TDS as he needs about God!
I expect objective empirical evidence for claims about what is going on with climate. You should too. Climate change is a fact. It has been around for as long has we've had an atmosphere. There have been periods much warmer and much colder than now, brought about from forces we have no control over. Barring some intervening event (for example, asteroid impact), we appear to be headed into a warming trend, maybe. Regardless of what we do with regard to carbon emissions, even if we could reduce them to zero today, sea level is going to rise over the next 100 to 500 years by at least 27 feet from melting of the Greenland ice sheet. Better learn how to adapt to what is coming.

Kinda made my point didn't you

I was in Waco last week. Saw results of February freeze still everywhere, bushes and palm trees destroyed everywhere. I assume you think that's Global Warming? Mom had man taking dead trees and bushes out yesterday

Then we went to Magnolia and elsewhere in maximum mid 80s temperatures. Mid July and mid 80s highs in Waco??? I know your young dumb ass has never seen mid July this cool because I only remember one when I was 16-17 and I'm 65! Swimming pool water was cold. Afternoon and evening showers most everyday. Weird for Waco! I'll go on and tell you, THAT AIN'T GLOBAL WARMING!!! No way no how

If you narcissist libs would having started with Global Cooling for your research grant money scams you'd have stood better chance of populace believing you but you fools went with Warming and as usual, you were wrong

God makes sure you evil no gooses are wrong!

Omg I mentioned God to TS. Prepare the exorcism as he replies incoherently
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Florda_mike said:

TexasScientist said:

Florda_mike said:

I just wish TS needed as much proof on Global Warming or anything triggering his TDS as he needs about God!
I expect objective empirical evidence for claims about what is going on with climate. You should too. Climate change is a fact. It has been around for as long has we've had an atmosphere. There have been periods much warmer and much colder than now, brought about from forces we have no control over. Barring some intervening event (for example, asteroid impact), we appear to be headed into a warming trend, maybe. Regardless of what we do with regard to carbon emissions, even if we could reduce them to zero today, sea level is going to rise over the next 100 to 500 years by at least 27 feet from melting of the Greenland ice sheet. Better learn how to adapt to what is coming.

Kinda made my point didn't you

I was in Waco last week. Saw results of February freeze still everywhere, bushes and palm trees destroyed everywhere. I assume you think that's Global Warming? Mom had man taking dead trees and bushes out yesterday

Then we went to Magnolia and elsewhere in maximum mid 80s temperatures. Mid July and mid 80s highs in Waco??? I know your young dumb ass has never seen mid July this cool because I only remember one when I was 16-17 and I'm 65! Swimming pool water was cold. Afternoon and evening showers most everyday. Weird for Waco! I'll go on and tell you, THAT AIN'T GLOBAL WARMING!!! No way no how

If you narcissist libs would having started with Global Cooling for your research grant money scams you'd have stood better chance of populace believing you but you fools went with Warming and as usual, you were wrong

God makes sure you evil no gooses are wrong!

Omg I mentioned God to TS. Prepare the exorcism as he replies incoherently
You obviously didn't read what I wrote or what I've written before on climate change. You can't take one weather event or even season and make any predictions on the direction of climate temperature. There is one thing that is for sure. We've been measuring ocean temperatures rising for years. Simple physics will tell you there will be consequences. On the other hand, if you look at historic ice cycles, we're due to be entering a global cooling cycle. My point is and always has been, is that historically global temperatures rise and fall due mostly to events we cannot control. We have to adapt. Do you write your posts, or does Jack Daniels help you out?
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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TexasScientist said:

Florda_mike said:

TexasScientist said:

Florda_mike said:

I just wish TS needed as much proof on Global Warming or anything triggering his TDS as he needs about God!
I expect objective empirical evidence for claims about what is going on with climate. You should too. Climate change is a fact. It has been around for as long has we've had an atmosphere. There have been periods much warmer and much colder than now, brought about from forces we have no control over. Barring some intervening event (for example, asteroid impact), we appear to be headed into a warming trend, maybe. Regardless of what we do with regard to carbon emissions, even if we could reduce them to zero today, sea level is going to rise over the next 100 to 500 years by at least 27 feet from melting of the Greenland ice sheet. Better learn how to adapt to what is coming.

Kinda made my point didn't you

I was in Waco last week. Saw results of February freeze still everywhere, bushes and palm trees destroyed everywhere. I assume you think that's Global Warming? Mom had man taking dead trees and bushes out yesterday

Then we went to Magnolia and elsewhere in maximum mid 80s temperatures. Mid July and mid 80s highs in Waco??? I know your young dumb ass has never seen mid July this cool because I only remember one when I was 16-17 and I'm 65! Swimming pool water was cold. Afternoon and evening showers most everyday. Weird for Waco! I'll go on and tell you, THAT AIN'T GLOBAL WARMING!!! No way no how

If you narcissist libs would having started with Global Cooling for your research grant money scams you'd have stood better chance of populace believing you but you fools went with Warming and as usual, you were wrong

God makes sure you evil no gooses are wrong!

Omg I mentioned God to TS. Prepare the exorcism as he replies incoherently
You obviously didn't read what I wrote or what I've written before on climate change. You can't take one weather event or even season and make any predictions on the direction of climate temperature. There is one thing that is for sure. We've been measuring ocean temperatures rising for years. Simple physics will tell you there will be consequences. On the other hand, if you look at historic ice cycles, we're due to be entering a global cooling cycle. My point is and always has been, is that historically global temperatures rise and fall due mostly to events we cannot control. We have to adapt. Do you write your posts, or does Jack Daniels help you out?

Actually I don't need Jack Daniels after reading posts like yours above that describes cool events as Global Warming

Your post made me feel drunk with a natural high after reading it
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Florda_mike said:

TexasScientist said:

Florda_mike said:

TexasScientist said:

Florda_mike said:

I just wish TS needed as much proof on Global Warming or anything triggering his TDS as he needs about God!
I expect objective empirical evidence for claims about what is going on with climate. You should too. Climate change is a fact. It has been around for as long has we've had an atmosphere. There have been periods much warmer and much colder than now, brought about from forces we have no control over. Barring some intervening event (for example, asteroid impact), we appear to be headed into a warming trend, maybe. Regardless of what we do with regard to carbon emissions, even if we could reduce them to zero today, sea level is going to rise over the next 100 to 500 years by at least 27 feet from melting of the Greenland ice sheet. Better learn how to adapt to what is coming.

Kinda made my point didn't you

I was in Waco last week. Saw results of February freeze still everywhere, bushes and palm trees destroyed everywhere. I assume you think that's Global Warming? Mom had man taking dead trees and bushes out yesterday

Then we went to Magnolia and elsewhere in maximum mid 80s temperatures. Mid July and mid 80s highs in Waco??? I know your young dumb ass has never seen mid July this cool because I only remember one when I was 16-17 and I'm 65! Swimming pool water was cold. Afternoon and evening showers most everyday. Weird for Waco! I'll go on and tell you, THAT AIN'T GLOBAL WARMING!!! No way no how

If you narcissist libs would having started with Global Cooling for your research grant money scams you'd have stood better chance of populace believing you but you fools went with Warming and as usual, you were wrong

God makes sure you evil no gooses are wrong!

Omg I mentioned God to TS. Prepare the exorcism as he replies incoherently
You obviously didn't read what I wrote or what I've written before on climate change. You can't take one weather event or even season and make any predictions on the direction of climate temperature. There is one thing that is for sure. We've been measuring ocean temperatures rising for years. Simple physics will tell you there will be consequences. On the other hand, if you look at historic ice cycles, we're due to be entering a global cooling cycle. My point is and always has been, is that historically global temperatures rise and fall due mostly to events we cannot control. We have to adapt. Do you write your posts, or does Jack Daniels help you out?

Actually I don't need Jack Daniels after reading posts like yours above that describes cool events as Global Warming

Your post made me feel drunk with a natural high after reading it
You need to get some glasses, because that's not what I said. If you don't need Jack, you should quit using him as an aide.
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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The prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled

Message from Jesus the Good Shepherd

June 30, 2021

My flock, My Peace be with you.

Sheep of my Flock, the Luciferian government of the New World Order has already begun to subjugate humanity; its agenda has begun with the existing pandemic vaccines, with which it intends to decimate much of the world's population. His evil plans also include sponsoring riots and demonstrations against democratically constituted governments in order to create chaos and anarchy, which will destabilize democracies, weaken them, and thus be able to introduce atheistic communism to gain strength and take over countries and governments.

The persecution, especially of Christians and Catholics and the destruction and desecration of temples and religious places are other of his plans, with which he tries to put an end to the faith of the People of God. The pretext of the pandemic has been used to close the Houses of my Father all over the world. I feel a great sadness to see how many of my Pastors have lent themselves to the game of conspirators and wicked men, to weaken my Church and suppress my Holy Sacrifice. New conspiracies and deceptions around the pandemic will be invented by the emissaries of evil in order to keep humanity confined for longer periods of time and thus be able to close my Temples permanently, to desecrate and destroy them; thus the prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled, which speaks of the cessation of the Holy Sacrifice and the abomination of the desolation of the Temple. (Daniel 12:11)

My flock, in the time of crisis and famine, the Elites who direct the New World Order want to start weakening the economies of the world, especially those of the poorest countries so that when the planned war comes, paper money will disappear forever. They also want to reduce agricultural and meat production, to flood the world with transgenic foods, created in laboratories also to decimate the world population, with the appearance of new viruses, diseases and pandemics. These genetically modified products will be shipped and distributed to people in poorer nations or in developing nations. Everything, my flock, has been planned by the children of darkness to subdue the nations and to decrease the world's population, so that when the Antichrist appears everything will be subdued, and he will find no resistance and so he can be praised as the savior of the world and as the awaited messiah. Therefore be prepared, My flock, materially and spiritually, for the time of the great conspiracies and deceptions is approaching; time of the great spiritual combat, where you will be purified like gold in fire.

I leave you My Peace, I give you My Peace. Repent and be converted for the Kingdom of God is near.

Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd

My flock, make my messages of salvation known to the whole world.

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Message from Saint Michael
July 13, 2021

Beloved children of God:


Novelties, contrary to the Law of God, drag human creatures into the abyss.
Some of those chosen for the service of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ do not pray and indulge in social intercourse. This, together with evil thoughts, leads them to fall into misconduct with which the devil delights.

THE YOUTH, IN ABSOLUTE DISOBEDIENCE, HAS FALLEN INTO TOTAL BASENESS WHERE VALUES HAVE BEEN BURIED SO AS NOT TO KNOW ABOUT THEM. Belief in God is something old, false and noisy, which will attract to the youth the disease, touching them in a particular way so that they mend their ways. Even so, some will rather be lost than acknowledge that they live in evil. The music of the youth is aberrant, their words are offensive to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and to Our Queen and Mother.

Beloved People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:

The evil plan of the elite has profited from the mind of mankind. It has sold them, through technology, the "fun" needed for infidelity in homes and has created a psychologically dependent childhood of winning heroes, without human respects.

Hatred towards the faithful representatives of Our Lord and King Jesus Christ brings about the persecution of some bishops and priests within the Vatican without the Holy Fear of God; thus causing the Church of Our Lord and King Jesus Christ to pass through the Blood of the martyrs.

Fear not, the glory is reserved for the faithful to the Holy Trinity and to Our Queen and Mother.

Carry the Word of God with haste, without rest and without fear; give everything so that the Divine Word may be heard by your brothers.

The earth will tremble with force at one and the other point.

Humanity will be united in fear looking upwards.... From the universe comes the cause of fear.

People of God:

Pray with the heart.

Grow spiritually in the midst of so much spiritual desolation. You are not alone, continue tirelessly praying for the salvation of souls.



The sickness continues.

People of God, do not falter. You are strengthened by the Holy Trinity, by Our Queen and Mother and by My Heavenly Legions, which are at the service of the People of God.


RECOGNIZE YOURSELVES, TRANSFORM YOURSELVES INTO WHAT YOU SHOULD BE AND HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO BE UNTIL NOW. Attract from the Holy Spirit the necessary goods so that you may be creatures that feed on Divine Love.

Take the Divine Mercy so that you may confront the evil that disconcerts the Church. "They will strike the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered" (Mt.26:31).

Be attentive!

Prepare as much as possible and share with your brothers who do not have, so that they may prepare themselves.

Be cautious, humanity will enter into fear and food will disappear.

Be cautious, share with those who do not have, so that little by little you may provide yourselves with what is necessary.



My Sword spans the continents, fear not.
Our King and Lord Jesus Christ is with His People.
Blessed are those who by their Faith will be saved.

Celebrate Our Mother under the Advocation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. (July 16)

I bless you.

With the Blood of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ I cover you.

Do not fear, you are not alone.

St. Michael the Archangel


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Sage said:

The prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled

Message from Jesus the Good Shepherd

June 30, 2021

My flock, My Peace be with you.

Sheep of my Flock, the Luciferian government of the New World Order has already begun to subjugate humanity; its agenda has begun with the existing pandemic vaccines, with which it intends to decimate much of the world's population.

Who is this New Word Order, and where is it located, and why would they want to subjugate humanity?

His evil plans also include sponsoring riots and demonstrations against democratically constituted governments in order to create chaos and anarchy, which will destabilize democracies, weaken them, and thus be able to introduce atheistic communism to gain strength and take over countries and governments.

Do you mean like the riot Trump sponsored 1/6? Why communism instead of fascism or some other autocratic form?

The persecution, especially of Christians and Catholics and the destruction and desecration of temples and religious places are other of his plans, with which he tries to put an end to the faith of the People of God.

How are Christians and Catholics (I didn't know Catholics aren't Christians) being persecuted. They are in the majority. It's pretty hard for the minority to persecute the majority. Out of all the temples and religious places around the world, what percentage has been desecrated or destroyed?

The pretext of the pandemic has been used to close the Houses of my Father all over the world.

Where have there been permanent closures?

I feel a great sadness to see how many of my Pastors have lent themselves to the game of conspirators and wicked men, to weaken my Church and suppress my Holy Sacrifice.

Are you talking about the pastors who are sexual predators? Or the ones who opened their churches and died from Covid? Doesn't dying form Covid weaken the Church numbers?

New conspiracies and deceptions around the pandemic will be invented by the emissaries of evil in order to keep humanity confined for longer periods of time and thus be able to close my Temples permanently, to desecrate and destroy them; thus the prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled, which speaks of the cessation of the Holy Sacrifice and the abomination of the desolation of the Temple. (Daniel 12:11)

Do you mean like the deception and conspiracy theories promoted by your post?

My flock, in the time of crisis and famine, the Elites who direct the New World Order want to start weakening the economies of the world, especially those of the poorest countries so that when the planned war comes, paper money will disappear forever.

Do you mean elites like Tucker Carlson (Swanson)? Who are these elites of the NWO and why would they want to weaken the world economies; wouldn't that hurt them financially? Why would they care if paper money disappeared, the vast majority of the money supply is not held in paper currency or coinage.

They also want to reduce agricultural and meat production, to flood the world with transgenic foods, created in laboratories also to decimate the world population, with the appearance of new viruses, diseases and pandemics. These genetically modified products will be shipped and distributed to people in poorer nations or in developing nations.

That doesn't make sense. One of the most conducive means for pathogens to jump the species barrier is through meat consumption. Why would elites want to decimate the world population, that would negatively impact their finances, they need people to buy things?

Everything, my flock, has been planned by the children of darkness to subdue the nations and to decrease the world's population, so that when the Antichrist appears everything will be subdued, and he will find no resistance and so he can be praised as the savior of the world and as the awaited messiah.

Who are the children of darkness, and where are they located making these plans to subdue the nations and decrease the world's population? If there were such a thing as the Antichrist, doesn't Trump fit the description?

Therefore be prepared, My flock, materially and spiritually, for the time of the great conspiracies and deceptions is approaching; time of the great spiritual combat, where you will be purified like gold in fire.

You mean like those being circulated on the internet and like you post on this board? How do you purify someone like gold in fire? Is that like when the church burned witches and heretics?

I leave you My Peace, I give you My Peace. Repent and be converted for the Kingdom of God is near.

That doesn't seem too peaceful to me!

Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd

My flock, make my messages of salvation known to the whole world.


“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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Sage said:

Message from Saint Michael
July 13, 2021

Beloved children of God:


Novelties, contrary to the Law of God, drag human creatures into the abyss.
Some of those chosen for the service of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ do not pray and indulge in social intercourse. This, together with evil thoughts, leads them to fall into misconduct with which the devil delights.

THE YOUTH, IN ABSOLUTE DISOBEDIENCE, HAS FALLEN INTO TOTAL BASENESS WHERE VALUES HAVE BEEN BURIED SO AS NOT TO KNOW ABOUT THEM. Belief in God is something old, false and noisy, which will attract to the youth the disease, touching them in a particular way so that they mend their ways. Even so, some will rather be lost than acknowledge that they live in evil. The music of the youth is aberrant, their words are offensive to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and to Our Queen and Mother.

Beloved People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:

The evil plan of the elite has profited from the mind of mankind. It has sold them, through technology, the "fun" needed for infidelity in homes and has created a psychologically dependent childhood of winning heroes, without human respects.

Hatred towards the faithful representatives of Our Lord and King Jesus Christ brings about the persecution of some bishops and priests within the Vatican without the Holy Fear of God; thus causing the Church of Our Lord and King Jesus Christ to pass through the Blood of the martyrs.

Fear not, the glory is reserved for the faithful to the Holy Trinity and to Our Queen and Mother.

Carry the Word of God with haste, without rest and without fear; give everything so that the Divine Word may be heard by your brothers.

The earth will tremble with force at one and the other point.

Humanity will be united in fear looking upwards.... From the universe comes the cause of fear.

People of God:

Pray with the heart.

Grow spiritually in the midst of so much spiritual desolation. You are not alone, continue tirelessly praying for the salvation of souls.



The sickness continues.

People of God, do not falter. You are strengthened by the Holy Trinity, by Our Queen and Mother and by My Heavenly Legions, which are at the service of the People of God.


RECOGNIZE YOURSELVES, TRANSFORM YOURSELVES INTO WHAT YOU SHOULD BE AND HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO BE UNTIL NOW. Attract from the Holy Spirit the necessary goods so that you may be creatures that feed on Divine Love.

Take the Divine Mercy so that you may confront the evil that disconcerts the Church. "They will strike the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered" (Mt.26:31).

Be attentive!

Prepare as much as possible and share with your brothers who do not have, so that they may prepare themselves.

Be cautious, humanity will enter into fear and food will disappear.

Be cautious, share with those who do not have, so that little by little you may provide yourselves with what is necessary.



My Sword spans the continents, fear not.
Our King and Lord Jesus Christ is with His People.
Blessed are those who by their Faith will be saved.

Celebrate Our Mother under the Advocation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. (July 16)

I bless you.

With the Blood of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ I cover you.

Do not fear, you are not alone.

St. Michael the Archangel


Let's see, isn't St. Michael the equivalent of the Greek god Poseidon?

How about getting him to find out why the Good Shepherd let all of those good Catholics die at Surfside Florida? Let us know what he says.
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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Dr. Maurice Sklar:

David Wilkerson:

Dumitru Duduman:

“The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

“No matter what hardship you may be going through never underestimate the power of prayer with conviction.”
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Sage said:

Dr. Maurice Sklar:

David Wilkerson:

Dumitru Duduman:

Not to worry. America survived Trump and is still here.
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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I hope you are right...

Time discovers truth...

“The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

“No matter what hardship you may be going through never underestimate the power of prayer with conviction.”
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Your incompetence is unmatched
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Florda_mike said:

Your incompetence is unmatched
Still waiting for you to tell me who is the Cabal?
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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Sage said:

I hope you are right...

Time discovers truth...

Yep, like this morning's news is breaking on how lucky we were that the Joint Chiefs took steps and made plans to prevent a Trump attempted coup.
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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TexasScientist said:

Sage said:

I hope you are right...

Time discovers truth...

Yep, like this morning's news "ON CNN" is breaking on how lucky we were that the Joint Chiefs took steps and made plans to prevent a Trump attempted coup.

Fify and the reason you saw that is because your libtards installed by your lovely obama know that unbelievable vote fraud is fixing to be exposed and allow the real President DJT to rightfully claim his throne over your installed Dementia Puppet Biden!

You're a loser baby, a big fat loser in life until you change most everything about you!
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Florda_mike said:

TexasScientist said:

Sage said:

I hope you are right...

Time discovers truth...

Yep, like this morning's news "ON CNN" is breaking on how lucky we were that the Joint Chiefs took steps and made plans to prevent a Trump attempted coup.

Fify and the reason you saw that is because your libtards installed by your lovely obama know that unbelievable vote fraud is fixing to be exposed and allow the real President DJT to rightfully claim his throne over your installed Dementia Puppet Biden!

You're a loser baby, a big fat loser in life until you change most everything about you!

Ah, Team August. I bet there are more here.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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Florda_mike said:

TexasScientist said:

Sage said:

I hope you are right...

Time discovers truth...

Yep, like this morning's news "ON CNN" is breaking on how lucky we were that the Joint Chiefs took steps and made plans to prevent a Trump attempted coup.

Fify and the reason you saw that is because your libtards installed by your lovely obama know that unbelievable vote fraud is fixing to be exposed and allow the real President DJT to rightfully claim his throne over your installed Dementia Puppet Biden!

You're a loser baby, a big fat loser in life until you change most everything about you!
So, who is the "real President DJT" and what throne are you advocating he take - that of a fascist dictator. That's the only we way he can take office, as a dictator. And you deny being a conspiracty theorist or QAnoner, while spewing their message? Still waiting for you to disclose who is the Cabal?
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
Whiskey Pete
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TexasScientist said:

Florda_mike said:

TexasScientist said:

Sage said:

I hope you are right...

Time discovers truth...

Yep, like this morning's news "ON CNN" is breaking on how lucky we were that the Joint Chiefs took steps and made plans to prevent a Trump attempted coup.

Fify and the reason you saw that is because your libtards installed by your lovely obama know that unbelievable vote fraud is fixing to be exposed and allow the real President DJT to rightfully claim his throne over your installed Dementia Puppet Biden!

You're a loser baby, a big fat loser in life until you change most everything about you!
So, who is the "real President DJT" and what throne are you advocating he take - that of a fascist dictator. That's the only we way he can take office, as a dictator. And you deny being a conspiracty theorist or QAnoner, while spewing their message? Still waiting for you to disclose who is the Cabal?
Another, "hey guys, hello! I'm still stuck on Trump's dick" post.

We know TS, we know.
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“The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

“No matter what hardship you may be going through never underestimate the power of prayer with conviction.”
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Hey punk, do you know who invented the label "conspiracy theorist?"

Does anyone hear know the answer to this simple question?
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Florda_mike said:

Hey punk, do you know who invented the label "conspiracy theorist?"

Does anyone hear know the answer to this simple question?

It wasn't the CIA, sorry.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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What fresh boomer hell is happening on this thread and why am I still reading?
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quash said:

Florda_mike said:

Hey punk, do you know who invented the label "conspiracy theorist?"

Does anyone hear know the answer to this simple question?

It wasn't the CIA, sorry.

Well Quash gets it right, then he finds a CIA hit piece and misdirects us from CIA

As expected the left diverts
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Rawhide said:

TexasScientist said:

Florda_mike said:

TexasScientist said:

Sage said:

I hope you are right...

Time discovers truth...

Yep, like this morning's news "ON CNN" is breaking on how lucky we were that the Joint Chiefs took steps and made plans to prevent a Trump attempted coup.

Fify and the reason you saw that is because your libtards installed by your lovely obama know that unbelievable vote fraud is fixing to be exposed and allow the real President DJT to rightfully claim his throne over your installed Dementia Puppet Biden!

You're a loser baby, a big fat loser in life until you change most everything about you!
So, who is the "real President DJT" and what throne are you advocating he take - that of a fascist dictator. That's the only we way he can take office, as a dictator. And you deny being a conspiracty theorist or QAnoner, while spewing their message? Still waiting for you to disclose who is the Cabal?
Another, "hey guys, hello! I'm still stuck on Trump's dick" post.

We know TS, we know.
When you have nothing of substance, resort to ad hom attack.
“It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding.” ~ Upton Sinclair
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TexasScientist said:

Rawhide said:

TexasScientist said:

Florda_mike said:

TexasScientist said:

Sage said:

I hope you are right...

Time discovers truth...

Yep, like this morning's news "ON CNN" is breaking on how lucky we were that the Joint Chiefs took steps and made plans to prevent a Trump attempted coup.

Fify and the reason you saw that is because your libtards installed by your lovely obama know that unbelievable vote fraud is fixing to be exposed and allow the real President DJT to rightfully claim his throne over your installed Dementia Puppet Biden!

You're a loser baby, a big fat loser in life until you change most everything about you!
So, who is the "real President DJT" and what throne are you advocating he take - that of a fascist dictator. That's the only we way he can take office, as a dictator. And you deny being a conspiracty theorist or QAnoner, while spewing their message? Still waiting for you to disclose who is the Cabal?
Another, "hey guys, hello! I'm still stuck on Trump's dick" post.

We know TS, we know.
When you have nothing of substance, resort to ad hom attack.

You poor little boy
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Florda_mike said:

quash said:

Florda_mike said:

Hey punk, do you know who invented the label "conspiracy theorist?"

Does anyone hear know the answer to this simple question?

It wasn't the CIA, sorry.

Well Quash gets it right, then he finds a CIA hit piece and misdirects us from CIA

As expected the left diverts

I say facts, tools say hit piece.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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