Sermon at Prestonwood

30,942 Views | 241 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by 80sBEAR
Keyser Soze
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The real question is if your spouse is looking over your shoulder while you are reading this thread, will they think you considerate of them or a real freak.
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OsoCoreyell said:

YoakDaddy said:

OsoCoreyell said:

YoakDaddy said:

OsoCoreyell said:

YoakDaddy said:

OsoCoreyell said:

TellMeYouLoveMe said:

OsoCoreyell said:

YoakDaddy said:

Keyser Soze said:

Stranger said:

. . . deleted threads make me think we're dialed into Pravda365.

Seriously, when did a little free speech harm anybody around here?

Makes me wonder who applied pressure?
This site is private property not a public forum.

Just a guess, but the drivel spewed by about a dozen CAB faithful is not beneficial to this community as a whole.

Actually that thread had very little CAB drivel. The thread critiqued his shout out to Murff and not the content of his 20 minute sermon. To my recollection nobody questioned his spirituality, but cynically challenged the hiring process.

I criticized the fact that the theme was Man Up and that's what the BOR members who were in the audience should have done by being accountable to alumni, faculty, and stakeholders and the documented fact (look it up) that Murff as CFO wrecked Guaranty Bank to the tune of $3 billion dollars.
You're hilarious and a broken record. You also don't know a thing about what went down at Guaranty Bank.
I do. And I know what a mortgage backed security is as well. Since you opened this up, Guaranty's failure was directly related to the mortgage backed securities it held on it''s balance sheet. At the best of Murff, they had bought millions of these assets not having an earthly clue what they were worth and not making any effort to forecast their value when the OBVIOUSLY overheated mortgage industry was about to go south.

You don't have to take my word for it and interpret what I said as opinion. The bank examiners that reviewed Guaranty were far more brutal than I. Not to mention the former Guaranty employees around town that just love to share their story.

He'll never be a bank CEO again. Let that sink in.

The bank examiners! Ha! Which one? C.K. Lee? That comment shows just how little you really know about the situation.

Here's a question you can ask yourself...Why did serious big-hitters like Carl Icahn, Bob Rolling, and David Einhorn, put so much cash into Guaranty Bank AFTER the beginning of the crisis? When the bonds in question weren't just known but actually named and listed for public information? Are they morons? Did Ron fool them?

If you want to criticize the BOR for failings in how they handled things as BU regents, that's a topic that is appropriate to discuss. But this other stuff is pure ad hominem (another thing you can look up). Oh, you've talked to some angry former employees around town? Well then you must be an expert on Ron's character. You heard that Neal Jeffrey is a preacher at the dreaded and feared Prestonwood? He cannot possibly be a person of honest intent capable of acting in good faith! Oh, a guy owns an online pharmacy that sells about 100,000 SKUs, some of which include the same stuff that CVS and Walgreens sell? Let's call him a "dildo salesman." You guys are a lot more like Buddy Jones than you'd like to admit.

Character questions are extremely relevant. I personally do not expect perfection. What I do expect, and Baylor deserves, is leadership that doesn't have a shady past.
There is nothing "shady" about Ron's past. Even if you want to blame him entirely for the value of the bonds (funny how none of the hedge fund guys that lost more money than anyone did that), he didn't do any of it underhandedly or in the "shade."

So a bank failure to the tune $3 billion isn't shady? Wow. Now that's some damm fine leadership! He demonstrates fiduciary responsibility so well he should be a regent!

No, a bank failure in and of itself is not at all shady. Businesses fail all of the time for non shady reasons. If you want to criticize Ron and say that he handled things the wrong way for Baylor, OK. That's not a dumb conversation to have. But to say that he's "shady" because he was the CFO of a thrift that was statutorily required to invest in real estate at the height of the 2008 crisis is not just intellectually lazy or dishonest, it's just stupid. Do you seriously think Icahn and Einhorn would have let it go if Ron has been "shady?"

So maybe shady was the wrong word. For that I am sorry since it may be interpreted as borderline criminal and I don't believe he or any regent have done anything of that sort.

What is intellectually lazy is to deflect responsibility upon the rules of the game and the coincidence of his role in light of the economic climate at the time. Taking the Man Up theme to heart, maybe he and others who have been on the board for several years need to accept responsibility for their years of oversight failure and resign.
I think any thrift with any scale at that time was in a lot of trouble no matter who was at the helm. The whole system that was in place for thrifts was the result of a political hack-job dating back to the 1960's. That's why the thrifts of any scale all went down hard in 2008 and the OTS was disbanded and absorbed into the OTC. So whether you like it or not, the "rules of the game" at that time are not just relevant, they were pretty much determinative. My only point in all of this is that if you want to argue about the BU Regents and the actions they took as Regents, there's probably some discussion worth having there. There will be differing views, but I think there are some legitimate things to discuss that require serious self-reflection. There are even many regents and former regents who believe that as well.

But if someone wants to say that Ron is a bad guy because he was the CFO of a failed thrift in 2008, I do not believe that is accurate or fair.

Did I not just apologize for using the word "shady"? I never even said he was a bad guy, but the "everybody does it excuse" is just lame. It is fair to point out that he's been part of the massive failure of 2 organizations. Coincidence or bad luck?
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Did I not just apologize for using the word "shady"? I never even said he was a bad guy, but the "everybody does it excuse" is just lame. It is fair to point out that he's been part of the massive failure of 2 organizations. Coincidence or bad luck?
Agree. It's not personal. This is about Baylor. We don't have the luxury of pawning off this situation on someone that could potentially make it worse. He's just not a good choice, period. That's how Baylor got into this mess.

My point all along is that Baylor can do better than this. Baylor has a wealth of qualified graduates and certainly there are people loyal to the cause. I'm not preaching doom, I'm saying these Regents aren't the answer.

The stonewalling of the alumni and the smokescreens are hurting confidence in the direction that''s been chosen.
This site leaks private information to Baylor Regents and Administration
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Keyser Soze said:

I think they got the firing of the big three correct in late May 2016 ..... beyond that most anything is fair game. Just think a lot of the dildo / bank failure stuff is Ad Hom frequently tossed out by those that cling to conspiracies about that same May 2016 head lopping.

Wrong. Guaranty is becoming a case study for business schools in bad decision making. And people in the Texas banking scene talk. They know who did what. If he needs to resurrect his banking career, he should go do just that. i won't stand in his way. This isn't the time to risk the Baylor enterprise on someone that just left a catastrophe.

And bank failures, ANY bank failures, are by default catastrophes.

Wrong guy, wrong place, wrong time.

You seem content on denying that he was responsible for a failure, but yet can't produce qualifications for the role he is in... care to explain???
This site leaks private information to Baylor Regents and Administration
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Yes, we all realize Milli Vanilli is your Google search history, usually naked pictures of them, for some reason you like to post these pictures of your obsession whenever you're retreating from the facts about yourself.

It's an interesting security blanket.
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MilliVanilli said:

Yes, we all realize Milli Vanilli is your Google search history, usually naked pictures of them, for some reason you like to post these pictures of your obsession whenever you're retreating from the facts about yourself.

It's an interesting security blanket.

It is fascinating that you chose a screen name of someone that lied, cheated, and deceived. Actually, it is perfect!
"This is not an institution of football."
-- Dr. David Garland
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Forest Bueller said:

xiledinok said:

TellMeYouLoveMe said:

just tell us how many of Richard's precious dildos we need to sell to obtain a board seat at Baylor

And tell your board cronies not to bother with that lame regent application, everyone saw right through it. We know how the backroom deal works.

How many regents sell products that end up in stores that are subject to zoning restrictions in certain US cities?

Question, can Dick Willis' dicks be sold next door to this fine Baptist Church? Signed Lifelong Methodist who never attended a church or school at the time a dildo salesman ran it.
Now now X, have you ever gone to that site and seen the prices they put on these things. These are not just dildo's, these are "luxury sexual enhancement items" otherwise how do you sell a $5 piece of plastic for $69.

Could it be the great marketing? Those fancy product descriptions would cause an 8th grade p.e. class to chuckle.
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Keyser Soze said:

The real question is if your spouse is looking over your shoulder while you are reading this thread, will they think you considerate of them or a real freak.

If she isn't naive and has a college degree, it is easily explainable. She might remind you that Walgreens carries some of these devices but probably not the ones we are discussing. The marketing is substantially different online.
Keyser, I wish we would have Pharmaca create a "Tim Tebow" rubber gag football to stop the preaching and allow for real action.
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80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

Yes, we all realize Milli Vanilli is your Google search history, usually naked pictures of them, for some reason you like to post these pictures of your obsession whenever you're retreating from the facts about yourself.

It's an interesting security blanket.

It is fascinating that you chose a screen name of someone that lied, cheated, and deceived. Actually, it is perfect!
If that were my intent I would've chosen Jim Ward.

What's more interesting is how you are so evidently a manic bi-polar personality that pretends his mood swings are playfulness and not derangement.

Keyser Soze
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As I said, anything beyond the firing of the big 3 is fair game.

I have no problem deferring to you on the details of the failure of Guaranty, but it is also wrong to deny that there are many really good people with Lehman Brothers, Bear Sterns, Merrill Lynch, Countrywide or any number of sub-prime failures in their rear view mirror.

Will gladly discuss qualifications later.

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MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

Yes, we all realize Milli Vanilli is your Google search history, usually naked pictures of them, for some reason you like to post these pictures of your obsession whenever you're retreating from the facts about yourself.

It's an interesting security blanket.

It is fascinating that you chose a screen name of someone that lied, cheated, and deceived. Actually, it is perfect!
If that were my intent I would've chosen Jim Ward.

What's more interesting is how you are so evidently a manic bi-polar personality that pretends his mood swings are playfulness and not derangement.

I am far from a perfect man but I do not lie, cheat, and deceive. So much so that I don't hide behind an anonymous screen name and constantly hurl insults at strangers. So do you not think that Milli Vanilli did not lie, cheat, and deceive when they were caught lip-syncing? This is not a trick question. A simple yes or no will suffice.
"This is not an institution of football."
-- Dr. David Garland
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80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

Yes, we all realize Milli Vanilli is your Google search history, usually naked pictures of them, for some reason you like to post these pictures of your obsession whenever you're retreating from the facts about yourself.

It's an interesting security blanket.

It is fascinating that you chose a screen name of someone that lied, cheated, and deceived. Actually, it is perfect!
If that were my intent I would've chosen Jim Ward.

What's more interesting is how you are so evidently a manic bi-polar personality that pretends his mood swings are playfulness and not derangement.

I am far from a perfect man but I do not lie, cheat, and deceive. So much so that I don't hide behind an anonymous screen name and constantly hurl insults at strangers. So do you not think that Milli Vanilli did not lie, cheat, and deceive when they were caught lip-syncing? This is not a trick question. A simple yes or no will suffice.
It's cute watching you get indignant about being treated in proportion to the vile way you behave.

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MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

Yes, we all realize Milli Vanilli is your Google search history, usually naked pictures of them, for some reason you like to post these pictures of your obsession whenever you're retreating from the facts about yourself.

It's an interesting security blanket.

It is fascinating that you chose a screen name of someone that lied, cheated, and deceived. Actually, it is perfect!
If that were my intent I would've chosen Jim Ward.

What's more interesting is how you are so evidently a manic bi-polar personality that pretends his mood swings are playfulness and not derangement.

I am far from a perfect man but I do not lie, cheat, and deceive. So much so that I don't hide behind an anonymous screen name and constantly hurl insults at strangers. So do you not think that Milli Vanilli did not lie, cheat, and deceive when they were caught lip-syncing? This is not a trick question. A simple yes or no will suffice.
It's cute watching you get indignant about being treated in proportion to the vile way you behave.

That is the kind of answer I expected from you. Carry on. You just keep doing your thing.
"This is not an institution of football."
-- Dr. David Garland
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80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

Yes, we all realize Milli Vanilli is your Google search history, usually naked pictures of them, for some reason you like to post these pictures of your obsession whenever you're retreating from the facts about yourself.

It's an interesting security blanket.

It is fascinating that you chose a screen name of someone that lied, cheated, and deceived. Actually, it is perfect!
If that were my intent I would've chosen Jim Ward.

What's more interesting is how you are so evidently a manic bi-polar personality that pretends his mood swings are playfulness and not derangement.

I am far from a perfect man but I do not lie, cheat, and deceive. So much so that I don't hide behind an anonymous screen name and constantly hurl insults at strangers. So do you not think that Milli Vanilli did not lie, cheat, and deceive when they were caught lip-syncing? This is not a trick question. A simple yes or no will suffice.
It's cute watching you get indignant about being treated in proportion to the vile way you behave.

That is the kind of answer I expected from you. Carry on. You just keep doing your thing.
Yes, you are quite butthurt about being called out for behaving as a petulant whining child, but you do nothing to change and then wonder why doubling down on whining only leads to you melting down into a deranged manic episode on the world wide web.

Classic coward, can't take back what you dish out.
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MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

Yes, we all realize Milli Vanilli is your Google search history, usually naked pictures of them, for some reason you like to post these pictures of your obsession whenever you're retreating from the facts about yourself.

It's an interesting security blanket.

It is fascinating that you chose a screen name of someone that lied, cheated, and deceived. Actually, it is perfect!
If that were my intent I would've chosen Jim Ward.

What's more interesting is how you are so evidently a manic bi-polar personality that pretends his mood swings are playfulness and not derangement.

I am far from a perfect man but I do not lie, cheat, and deceive. So much so that I don't hide behind an anonymous screen name and constantly hurl insults at strangers. So do you not think that Milli Vanilli did not lie, cheat, and deceive when they were caught lip-syncing? This is not a trick question. A simple yes or no will suffice.
It's cute watching you get indignant about being treated in proportion to the vile way you behave.

That is the kind of answer I expected from you. Carry on. You just keep doing your thing.
Yes, you are quite butthurt about being called out for behaving as a petulant whining child, but you do nothing to change and then wonder why doubling down on whining only leads to you melting down into a deranged manic episode on the world wide web.

Classic coward, can't take back what you dish out.

Okay Milli. Whatever.
"This is not an institution of football."
-- Dr. David Garland
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80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

80sBEAR said:

MilliVanilli said:

Yes, we all realize Milli Vanilli is your Google search history, usually naked pictures of them, for some reason you like to post these pictures of your obsession whenever you're retreating from the facts about yourself.

It's an interesting security blanket.

It is fascinating that you chose a screen name of someone that lied, cheated, and deceived. Actually, it is perfect!
If that were my intent I would've chosen Jim Ward.

What's more interesting is how you are so evidently a manic bi-polar personality that pretends his mood swings are playfulness and not derangement.

I am far from a perfect man but I do not lie, cheat, and deceive. So much so that I don't hide behind an anonymous screen name and constantly hurl insults at strangers. So do you not think that Milli Vanilli did not lie, cheat, and deceive when they were caught lip-syncing? This is not a trick question. A simple yes or no will suffice.
It's cute watching you get indignant about being treated in proportion to the vile way you behave.

That is the kind of answer I expected from you. Carry on. You just keep doing your thing.
Yes, you are quite butthurt about being called out for behaving as a petulant whining child, but you do nothing to change and then wonder why doubling down on whining only leads to you melting down into a deranged manic episode on the world wide web.

Classic coward, can't take back what you dish out.

Okay Milli. Whatever.
Love that faux high ground, very Gary Pattersonesque.

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TellMeYouLoveMe said:

I can kick your asses all day. Here's what everyone reading wants to know:

What is the process for adding regents to the board. The real process. Not the crap paper application and the photo op, but the handshake scheme that's being controlled by a few .

Way too many people on that board have suspect credentials and qualifications.

Until that's changed, I can sit here in the cheap seats and fire away.

You're not gonna get answers from Keyser to any of these questions. That guy will defend the BOR on these boards, no matter what.
Keyser Soze
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How come you don't call out those that defend a convicted rapist all the time?

Keyser Soze
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And I did answer Einstein
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Keyser Soze said:

How come you don't call out those that defend a convicted rapist all the time?

Because the word convicted means absolutely nothing in McLennan County
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Robemcdo said:

Keyser Soze said:

How come you don't call out those that defend a convicted rapist all the time?

Because the word convicted means absolutely nothing in McLennan County
Ah, the Canadian virtue signaler...minus any virtue.
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Keyser Soze said:

How come you don't call out those that defend a convicted rapist all the time?

If you are talking about Sam U., his conviction was overturned (as several people originally said his conviction was crap and would be overturned). If you are talking about Tevin E., there are several people (many of whom were right about the Sam U. case) claiming he was wrongfully convicted and have put out several posts/things that would serve to any person, without an agenda, as reasonable doubt and, you have an AD with a history of doing unethical practices as an attorney as the one getting convictions. That doesn't mean that I am pushing the whole "Tevin is innocent" thing but it also means I'm not ready to say the guy is guilty either. I'm waiting to see this play out in much the same way I have done with the Sam U. case.
Keyser Soze
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Elliott has already been to the appeals court and was soundly rejected. All that is in addition to the long list of others that say he raped them too.

I have been very clear that I do not know the specifics of Murff's actions at Guaranty. I have no problems with TellMe's criticisms and in regards to banking assume he know far more than me - that said, I don't see how my comments about taint of sub prime failures makes you horribly unqualified legit - thousands of good people are associated with that failure. The specifics of Murff? Don't know.

I have been critical of Buddy and you have never seen me defend Stone either. I don't agree with all the transparency and think the BOR likely should have cleaned house more on the admin side. That said most of what you see me reply to is nothing but wild speculation by T shirt fans - most of that has nothing to support the speculation or is flat out wrong.

A good discussion of the qualifications for regents would be a great topic on the R&P board. Here, on the the football board, calling a guy dildo salesmen or bank fail guy is typically lazy Ad Hom attacks when we should really just be questioning the football related decisions on the football board - problem is the CABers are out of ammo in that regard.

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The regent board is too big.
Keyser, wouldn't a number like 9 make more sense than 39?

I m sorry but threatening Tagive Peni with deportation because he wouldn't cooperate with a criminal investigation is not corruption. Whatever he was doing in the United States, which clearly wasn't getting an education, is not important enough to trump the law. American Rugby players want to compete overseas. That's says it all for me.
Reyna intimidated the robe.
Keyser Soze
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Yes, agree smaller size better
D. C. Bear
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xiledinok said:

The regent board is too big.
Keyser, wouldn't a number like 9 make more sense than 39?

I m sorry but threatening Tagive Peni with deportation because he wouldn't cooperate with a criminal investigation is not corruption. Whatever he was doing in the United States, which clearly wasn't getting an education, is not important enough to trump the law. American Rugby players want to compete overseas. That's says it all for me.
Reyna intimidated the robe.

Lying about evidence is.
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D. C. Bear said:

xiledinok said:

The regent board is too big.
Keyser, wouldn't a number like 9 make more sense than 39?

I m sorry but threatening Tagive Peni with deportation because he wouldn't cooperate with a criminal investigation is not corruption. Whatever he was doing in the United States, which clearly wasn't getting an education, is not important enough to trump the law. American Rugby players want to compete overseas. That's says it all for me.
Reyna intimidated the robe.

Lying about evidence is.

He had a lawyer but oh yeah Shill and Briles picked the lawyer for him. It wasn't ethical but I wouldn't call it corrupt. I m surprised ICE wasn't notified the minute they had a problem. However, after Twin Peaks, I shouldn't be a surprised.

The regents should be embarrassed about Briles and Shill picking representation for Sam. At the end of the day, the football program was ran the way Art wanted to run. It will be the last one he runs.
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Briles ran our program no differently than all blue bloods. Good or bad. And no differently than the blue bloods still are. If that's not what you want, fair enough. The situation could have been corrected, but the BOR wanted him gone.
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Timbear said:

Briles ran our program no differently than all blue bloods. Good or bad. And no differently than the blue bloods still are. If that's not what you want, fair enough. The situation could have been corrected, but the BOR wanted him gone.
I agree but would ask why the BoR (more than likely 3 or 4 individuals in particular) wanted him gone. I will always believe the Title IX business was nothing more than a shiny bauble.
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1. The fight between the old BAA and the new Baylor. 2. The Alumni building was torn down to make way for the new Stadium. 3. Judge Starr's political history and his then current stands on various issues. 4. The loss of control, by the BOR, of our new national football program. 5. Fund raising by old and new groups at Baylor. 6. The "chip on the shoulder" attitude of Briles. 7. Briles teams beating Texas and Ok in football. 8. Espn's loss of revenue as a result. 9. The Briles offense threatening to dramatically change college football, and the blue blood control as evidenced by Saban trying to get the hurry up offense banned. The sexual assault scandal, which has not brought down any other major program doing worse, gave ESPN, Texas, ok and the Big 12 and the Board members who honestly don't Baylor to be a football powerhouse a legitimate sounding reason to hang on to. All other schools have corrected their problems while retaining their staffs. All of these factors contributed to the belief that if Briles is gone, everything will be back to the way "it should be".
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xiledinok said:

D. C. Bear said:

xiledinok said:

The regent board is too big.
Keyser, wouldn't a number like 9 make more sense than 39?

I m sorry but threatening Tagive Peni with deportation because he wouldn't cooperate with a criminal investigation is not corruption. Whatever he was doing in the United States, which clearly wasn't getting an education, is not important enough to trump the law. American Rugby players want to compete overseas. That's says it all for me.
Reyna intimidated the robe.

Lying about evidence is.

He had a lawyer but oh yeah Shill and Briles picked the lawyer for him. It wasn't ethical but I wouldn't call it corrupt. I m surprised ICE wasn't notified the minute they had a problem. However, after Twin Peaks, I shouldn't be a surprised.

The regents should be embarrassed about Briles and Shill picking representation for Sam. At the end of the day, the football program was ran the way Art wanted to run. It will be the last one he runs.

Yet why stop there when cleaning house? It was much bigger than just football..The university was run the way the BoR wanted...after a quarter of a Billion dollars and should be the last they run. It would at any other school.
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Dman said:

xiledinok said:

D. C. Bear said:

xiledinok said:

The regent board is too big.
Keyser, wouldn't a number like 9 make more sense than 39?

I m sorry but threatening Tagive Peni with deportation because he wouldn't cooperate with a criminal investigation is not corruption. Whatever he was doing in the United States, which clearly wasn't getting an education, is not important enough to trump the law. American Rugby players want to compete overseas. That's says it all for me.
Reyna intimidated the robe.

Lying about evidence is.

He had a lawyer but oh yeah Shill and Briles picked the lawyer for him. It wasn't ethical but I wouldn't call it corrupt. I m surprised ICE wasn't notified the minute they had a problem. However, after Twin Peaks, I shouldn't be a surprised.

The regents should be embarrassed about Briles and Shill picking representation for Sam. At the end of the day, the football program was ran the way Art wanted to run. It will be the last one he runs.

Yet why stop there when cleaning house? It was much bigger than just football..The university was run the way the BoR wanted...after a quarter of a Billion dollars and should be the last they run. It would at any other school.
So because you're ignorant of the house cleaning that has transpired it must not have happened. Lots of people have been dismissed, they just aren't click bait to report like a football coach.

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Timbear said:

1. The fight between the old BAA and the new Baylor. 2. The Alumni building was torn down to make way for the new Stadium. 3. Judge Starr's political history and his then current stands on various issues. 4. The loss of control, by the BOR, of our new national football program. 5. Fund raising by old and new groups at Baylor. 6. The "chip on the shoulder" attitude of Briles. 7. Briles teams beating Texas and Ok in football. 8. Espn's loss of revenue as a result. 9. The Briles offense threatening to dramatically change college football, and the blue blood control as evidenced by Saban trying to get the hurry up offense banned. The sexual assault scandal, which has not brought down any other major program doing worse, gave ESPN, Texas, ok and the Big 12 and the Board members who honestly don't Baylor to be a football powerhouse a legitimate sounding reason to hang on to. All other schools have corrected their problems while retaining their staffs. All of these factors contributed to the belief that if Briles is gone, everything will be back to the way "it should be".
Pretty good list. Add Briles' "old Texas" attitude toward falseness and it'll be complete. Wait...there was this kicker.
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Dman said:

xiledinok said:

D. C. Bear said:

xiledinok said:

The regent board is too big.
Keyser, wouldn't a number like 9 make more sense than 39?

I m sorry but threatening Tagive Peni with deportation because he wouldn't cooperate with a criminal investigation is not corruption. Whatever he was doing in the United States, which clearly wasn't getting an education, is not important enough to trump the law. American Rugby players want to compete overseas. That's says it all for me.
Reyna intimidated the robe.

Lying about evidence is.

He had a lawyer but oh yeah Shill and Briles picked the lawyer for him. It wasn't ethical but I wouldn't call it corrupt. I m surprised ICE wasn't notified the minute they had a problem. However, after Twin Peaks, I shouldn't be a surprised.

The regents should be embarrassed about Briles and Shill picking representation for Sam. At the end of the day, the football program was ran the way Art wanted to run. It will be the last one he runs.

Yet why stop there when cleaning house? It was much bigger than just football..The university was run the way the BoR wanted...after a quarter of a Billion dollars and should be the last they run. It would at any other school.

I m all for reducing the number to 9 but don't think for a minute that the robe isn't the major reason they are settling.
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bearlyafarmer said:

Timbear said:

1. The fight between the old BAA and the new Baylor. 2. The Alumni building was torn down to make way for the new Stadium. 3. Judge Starr's political history and his then current stands on various issues. 4. The loss of control, by the BOR, of our new national football program. 5. Fund raising by old and new groups at Baylor. 6. The "chip on the shoulder" attitude of Briles. 7. Briles teams beating Texas and Ok in football. 8. Espn's loss of revenue as a result. 9. The Briles offense threatening to dramatically change college football, and the blue blood control as evidenced by Saban trying to get the hurry up offense banned. The sexual assault scandal, which has not brought down any other major program doing worse, gave ESPN, Texas, ok and the Big 12 and the Board members who honestly don't Baylor to be a football powerhouse a legitimate sounding reason to hang on to. All other schools have corrected their problems while retaining their staffs. All of these factors contributed to the belief that if Briles is gone, everything will be back to the way "it should be".
Pretty good list. Add Briles' "old Texas" attitude toward falseness and it'll be complete. Wait...there was this kicker.

Not really an attitude but rather ignorance. I wouldn't insult old Texas. They understood business and business relationships. The entire conference was upset because while they all were scheduling to make money to allow guys like Art to get overpaid to ridiculous proportions for having all O and nothing else, we were playing Monroe and that junior college.
The conference warned Art to schedule better. Of course, Baylor still hasn't gotten tv money. The university justs passes off the cost to paying students to make up the difference.
It wasn't a conspiracy it was the fact Power 5 didn't like Art. 64 out of 65 teams did what they were asked while we blew them off (after producing zero bowl money until 2010).

Art played a pr game and got put down like a bad hunting dog. The NCAA is made up of schools not coaches. He took on a school.
Now, the NFL will not touch him.
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