Caddywampus said:
Last we all heard, this arena was supposed to be Baylor's new basketball arena. The fear for those of us that know better know where this is likely headed based upon similar situations around the country. And no, this is nothing new...and not "the way the sport is headed." It's about shared revenue with the City of Waco and their influence once they are allowed into the ownership of the facility. For example, take a look at the Hofheinz Pavillion in Houston, now known as the Fertitta Center. In 1967, when the well-intentioned UH alumn Judge Roy Hofheinz and his wife donated the lead gift to UH to have it built, it was his blessing for UH. That blew up. City of Houston taxpayer money got involved and the facility completely lost it's UH identity. Over the next 50 years, that place was pimped-out for every type of event you could imagine. From bull-riding to televangelists to rap concerts. For the City of Houston folks, not a problem. But if you were a UH true blood supporter, it was a pain and a regret. Yes, UH used it for basketball and other UH events...what is what built for. But they lost control of it when they allowed taxpayer money into the mix. And the sad part is, most of the money that built it was donated by UH alumni. But sad to say, off-UH events consumed 90% of the benefit. So ask yourself...."Why is Waco so interested in this arena?" Because they get to use it...and have to pay very little to do so with much of the say-so as to how it is used. And built mostly with Baylor donor money to boot. What city would not love that deal? It will wind up being a Baylor arena in name only before it is over. Just watch.
I strongly disagree and will revisit on 50 years. At some point you (and I) have to admit that we don't know all the details of the operation. And if you know about UH, so do the top Baylor decision makers. Many schools are sharing responsibilities, and unlike Waco, which hasn't had a true big event outside of the university in what feels like years, many of those colleges share with huge potential events. Waco won't dominate the place, like has been said, they have the HOT and the Ferrel Center. All will be fine - we all need to relax and find peace with the situation. This board is made for airing grievances, but this shouldn't be one of them.