historian said:
I should have realized that.
The difficulty is in finding the proper balance. The more I learn about economics & politics, the history of both, and contemporary examples, the more I lean towards the laissez faire side of things. The govt is parasitical & destructive. It cannot create anything, it only destroys or threaten to destroy. All too often what govt does is evil. Today, many Californians are finding out the hard way. Last year it was hurricane victims. There are many other examples across a wide spectrum of activities illustrating this daily.
Here is where we differ. In my opinion it is not Government, it is Politicians.
Government has done some great things under the right leadership. Newsome and the LA Mayor are criminal.
Under FDR (not a huge fan, but I agreed with his concept of putting people to work not just a handout.) his CCC put people to work and created the great National Parks we have. TVA was a huge success in modernizing the middle of the Nation. Apollo, Interstate system, just people having clean drinking water, wastewater, the list goes on. There are many difficult things that Government does better than any other form. Public service is and was viewed as a good thing. There are things that effect the whole that Government should provide.
So, I do not agree that Government is parasitic and destructive. Now, if the arguement is that Government CAN be parasitic and destructive, I agree. Same with businesses and people.