Completely unserious objections, not even bothering to read up on his accomplishments. Furthest thing from a Trump crony.FLBear5630 said:What middle have you seen? The guy is a TV producer. If you are producing the State of the Union, yes. Great choice. Special Envoy to Great Britain on trade? What have you seen in that resume? The guy is going straight cronyism, sorry if skeptical. rolling the dice here big time. Maybe it is the Apprentice 2, looks more like Atlantic City to me. But, as you have seen in the past if I am wrong I will say it.whiterock said:Seems to me like he's appointing people who are committed to the agendas I support. Some of them, like Musk and Burnett, actually are not terribly partisan sources.FLBear5630 said:Do not have to watch MSNBC, this is playing out on all channels and social media sort of hard not to miss it.whiterock said:Man, quit watching MSNBC. That's pure propaganda over there and it's warping your perception of reality.FLBear5630 said:We are talking about it because Trump won and is doing this. We talked and railed on Biden for 4 years.whiterock said:I see what Musk is doing as a long-overdue counter-balance to what Democrats have done.FLBear5630 said:Talk about positioning. None of what you said has anything to do with a Billionaire directing Congress what can pass or not on social media. Whether it is Soros, Musk, or Bezos it is dead-wrong.whiterock said:What a great example of the intolerance of the moderate. Somehow, they never find it appropriate to say the left is crazy (open borders, modern monetary theory, wokeness, etc....) It's always middle ground fallacy - "both sides have gone nuts." (even though it's leftist insanity that created our current difficulty).FLBear5630 said:
We cannot have the Nation being run from "X" waiting for Elon to give thumbs up or down...
Chip is constantly portrayed as a right wing nut, but what exactly is crazy about wanting to stop deficit spending?
Isn't trillions of dollars of deficit spending an enormous problem?
Why is it that anyone who opposes trillions of dollars in annual deficits is a part of the problem?
Aren't the people demanding trillions of dollars in annual deficits THE problem?
No. Conservatives are not the problem here. Not one national emergency has been caused by conservative resistance the policies causing the problem.
Geez, the positioning bias...... Could it be that the real problem is the moderates? who are too willing to cut deals with leftists? who constantly cite voices of reason as worse than bad policy?
Democrats have done it forever, to move their party left, so why no critique of those guys?
Isn't the proper way to achieve balance to match what the Democrats are doing?
Please explain how this tantrum on Moderates has anything to do with Musk threatening to Primary anyone that disagrees with him using unlimited funds?
What is wrong with a donor pledging to fund a primary challenger against someone who does not play team ball?
It's been highly effective for Democrats. Why would we not want it to be highly effective for us?
The Post talked about both Parties and following process. You really think that Musk coming out and saying how to vote is good?
YES. If the policy is good, then pressure to vote for it is good.
What part of using a debt limit approval to force spending cuts (in an overall context of trillion-dollar deficits) is deleterious to the Republic?
I forget you are ex-CIA this is probably a dream op come true! : )
So who's being pragmatic and who's being idealistic?
I railed on Biden for 4 years, but you attacked Trump more often than you attacked Biden.
What's wrong? He is influencing policy, one person using money to get what he wants. That is not how the system is supposed to work. He wants to contribute, fine go ahead.
No, it's exactly how the system is supposed to work. Always. Everywhere. (in both place and time). Donors get access. Donors get influence. We've just never had a donor of Musk's stature weigh in so publicly to push a conservative cause like the left has done for decades. Curiously, you never complained about the wild-eyed leftism of Democrat donors, yet can't find a nice thing to say about a major Republican donor.
The quid quo pro is the problem. I don't care if it is Soros or Musk, right now they are showing to be the same.
Troll-esque idealism. Donors exist. In a truly free society, they have the right to do what a Soros/Musk and the like have done. There is no eliminating them from the process which does not undermine liberty itself. The lawfare by Soros-paid prosecutors against Trump (which you cheered on) is an example. Donors move needles. Takes an awful lot of assembly & speech by the masses to counteract it all. Usually, there is; and mostly, it does.
This time you like it. Slippery slope. But, like most of the others we will worry about down the road. Sick of having to deal with the down the roads.
Again, you are being uncharacteristically idealistic. Politics is about teaming up with others to make progress on your own agenda. If you really do hate what Biden did to the country and want to fix it, the absolute stupidest thing you could do is cancel a Musk type ally from the equation. He's a positive force for what you say you want.
Finally, all of this is not putting Trump in a stronger position. He is creating animosity, people don't like being extorted, this is no different than protection money to the mafia.
LOL "...Donald Trump creates animosity in politics..." as if there was never any animosity before he arrived. LOL. The LACK of animosity should be more alarming.
You guys are setting up for 2016 all over. He is appointing his Apprentice production staff to diplomatic positions! This is the worst cronyism since before Teddy Roosevelt who was dead against this type of government.
LOL like no president before him appointed trusted people who agreed with him?
You are characteristically, at least when it comes to Trump, ignoring pretty much anything he does. Hawking products,
Fundraising never ends in politics. He's different in the way he does it, perhaps in no small part because he CAN do it the way he does it and nobody else can. Either way, he can sell away for all I care. I will judge him on policy accomplishments. He has a good track record on that, too.
the CR fiasco,
it's not a fiasco. It's a process. The process would be a lot easier if Democrats were trying to solve problems rather than undermine him, ya know, or if the GOP moderates would join with their own caucus and do some serious fiscal responsibility exercises.
appointing Apprentice production staff to diplomatic posts, there is a lot here.
Typically superficial. Read up just a little bit on the guy you criticize and you'll see how foolish your comments are, on multiple levels. The guy's resume literally undermines your entire argument.
If it is Trump, you will find some way to rationalize. If not, it is reason to do away with Govt. You honestly with a straight face say that what Trump is doing is the way it should be done? Or if Obama did it you would be good with it?
With Trump, you will make up ways to savage his every action.
Dude. Trump is living in the middle here. I'm ok with it, because experience tells me he's not doing it to sideline conservatives. He's doing it to help me achieve more conservative policies than we have today. Pragmatism dictates I support that.
Your analysis has devolved into chaos, to the point where you are turning a guy who is a poster-boy for the kind of cross-the-aisle doer-creator public figures you advocate into garden variety Trump toadies.
Seriously. You are detached from reality.
-raised in a blue-collar home in Britain.
-enlisted in British Army, saw combat in Northern Ireland and the Falklands.
-emigrated to USA with nothing, built a business empire.
-President of United Artists
-CEO of MGM Media Group
-active philanthropist, outspoken Christian
-plays nice with both sides of the aisle.
-denounced Trump in 2016; now supports him. (could there be a lesson for you in that.)
C'mon dude. You're just playing troll here. Guy has an incredible life story, rags to riches, wide range of accomplishments rising to lead a Fortune 500 company. Exactly the kind of guy that gets tapped to fill an important Ambassador slot. He knows how to make things work, and has a resume purpose built for the job =
"Immigrant Hollywood Christian with military background who can raise money and lead large organizations..."