Trump Indicted

19,787 Views | 423 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by whiterock
Doc Holliday
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HuMcK said:


Half of our country is dumber than a tree stump with dog piss on it. Very sad. And that's all I'm gonna say about that!!!

Less than half by the looks of it, about 35-38%, at least on this one narrow issue.

They haven't even seen the evidence or case lmao
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That cuts both ways. You're sitting there talking about how political and weak the case is, like basically all Republicans are currently saying, but we don't even know the charges yet.
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HuMcK said:

That cuts both ways. You're sitting there talking about how political and weak the case is, like basically all Republicans are currently saying, but we don't even know the charges yet.
yeah, we do know the Stormy Daniels stuff. Nothing there. But have they found anything new? Probably not. But lawfare is lawfare.
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HuMcK said:

That cuts both ways. You're sitting there talking about how political and weak the case is, like basically all Republicans are currently saying, but we don't even know the charges yet.

Strongly doubt there are any ' Felony crimes' attributed to Trump by this municipal district attorney that you would admit to be implausible.

You'd declare Trump 'guilty' of selling heroin to underage pregnant mothers just to put the man you hate behind bars .

Chortling in glee how such action had ' saved our democracy'.
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KaiBear said:

HuMcK said:

That cuts both ways. You're sitting there talking about how political and weak the case is, like basically all Republicans are currently saying, but we don't even know the charges yet.

Strongly doubt there are any ' Felony crimes' attributed to Trump by this municipal district attorney that you would admit to be implausible.

You'd declare Trump 'guilty' of selling heroin to underage pregnant mothers just to put the man you hate behind bars .

Chortling in glee how such action had ' saved our democracy'.

"Municipal" attorney? That's certainly an interesting spin.

We shall see what the charges end up being, but I think it's safe to say that anyone dismissing them before even knowing what they are isn't credible or worth listening to.
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HuMcK said:

KaiBear said:

HuMcK said:

That cuts both ways. You're sitting there talking about how political and weak the case is, like basically all Republicans are currently saying, but we don't even know the charges yet.

Strongly doubt there are any ' Felony crimes' attributed to Trump by this municipal district attorney that you would admit to be implausible.

You'd declare Trump 'guilty' of selling heroin to underage pregnant mothers just to put the man you hate behind bars .

Chortling in glee how such action had ' saved our democracy'.

"Municipal" attorney? That's certainly an interesting spin.

We shall see what the charges end up being, but I think it's safe to say that anyone dismissing them before even knowing what they are isn't credible or worth listening to.

Guilty till proven innocent………is that your view for all defendants ?

Or just ones you hate ?

Regardless if one hates Trump or not ( and he certainly disgusts me ) this particular DA ran for office publicly declaring his intention to 'get Trump ' .

And the obvious resulting slanted prosecution should give anyone ( even those with limited intellect ) serious food for thought .

Will a 'friendly ' judge for the situation be found …..of course .

Will enough Trump hating jurors be found in Manhattan to declare Trump….. ' guilty ' …….( of something/anything )……naturally .

Will the entire case be eventually tossed out on appeal ?

Every practicing attorney on this board knows it will.

So this entire process is an abomination……not just toward an ex president

But a not so subtle threat to the American people at large .

' Keep your mouth shut, play along with the woke insanity infesting our country ….or you WILL be next .'

Cause very few Americans have the money necessary to defend themselves from such dishonest prosecution.

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sombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

sombear said:

Wangchung said:

Losing the Lottery is most probable. Multiple judges in multiple cases with completely different claims by completely different people all coming to the exact same finding is as improbable as winning fifty lotteries.
Trump's own lawyers have said under oath their claims were BS.
I rather think the actual words were different, but I am sure you heard what you wanted.
AG Barr, Campaign Manager Stempien, Attorney Ellis, Ivanka, Jared, Campaign Data Expert Oczkowksi, Acting AG Donahue, Campaign Attorney Cannon, Trump Attorney Eastman, trusted advisor Kellyanne Conway, and many more friends and advisors all told Trump he lost and that he was given bad information.

Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis publicly and in court proceedings admitted she lied about fraud.

Numerous Trump attorneys throughout the Country admitted in court and/or State Bar proceedings that they lied in court filings about fraud. Numerous were convicted, ordered to pay fines, and/or disbarred.

Sydney Powell admitted her legal filings were false. In fact, she said "no reasonable person would have believed they were statements of fact." Giuliani, who himself admitted to lying, testified that Powell's claims " went beyond the bounds of rationality, common sense, and the law."

After himself claiming widespread voter fraud in pleadings, Giuliani later admitted he did not have evidence of such fraud and retracted the pleadings. These were about GA, AZ, PA, Dominion, and more.

Trump's own team distanced themselves from Linn Wood's conspiracy theories, and Wood's primary defense was "I didn't read the pleadings before filing."

Every judge in every state dismissed Trump's claims and most sanctioned the attorneys. These judges were ultra-conservative to ultra-liberal and everything in between. Many had ruled for Trump in other significant matters unrelated to election fraud.

Trump knew better and lied to us. He still knows better and continues to lie.

Worse, he allowed the real issues to go unreported because he is too lazy to learn the difference between fraud and irregularities.
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RMF5630 said:

sombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

sombear said:

Wangchung said:

Losing the Lottery is most probable. Multiple judges in multiple cases with completely different claims by completely different people all coming to the exact same finding is as improbable as winning fifty lotteries.
Trump's own lawyers have said under oath their claims were BS.
I rather think the actual words were different, but I am sure you heard what you wanted.
AG Barr, Campaign Manager Stempien, Attorney Ellis, Ivanka, Jared, Campaign Data Expert Oczkowksi, Acting AG Donahue, Campaign Attorney Cannon, Trump Attorney Eastman, trusted advisor Kellyanne Conway, and many more friends and advisors all told Trump he lost and that he was given bad information.

Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis publicly and in court proceedings admitted she lied about fraud.

Numerous Trump attorneys throughout the Country admitted in court and/or State Bar proceedings that they lied in court filings about fraud. Numerous were convicted, ordered to pay fines, and/or disbarred.

Sydney Powell admitted her legal filings were false. In fact, she said "no reasonable person would have believed they were statements of fact." Giuliani, who himself admitted to lying, testified that Powell's claims " went beyond the bounds of rationality, common sense, and the law."

After himself claiming widespread voter fraud in pleadings, Giuliani later admitted he did not have evidence of such fraud and retracted the pleadings. These were about GA, AZ, PA, Dominion, and more.

Trump's own team distanced themselves from Linn Wood's conspiracy theories, and Wood's primary defense was "I didn't read the pleadings before filing."

Every judge in every state dismissed Trump's claims and most sanctioned the attorneys. These judges were ultra-conservative to ultra-liberal and everything in between. Many had ruled for Trump in other significant matters unrelated to election fraud.

Trump knew better and lied to us. He still knows better and continues to lie.

Worse, he allowed the real issues to go unreported because he is too lazy to learn the difference between fraud and irregularities.
And the kicker is he outperformed his own internal polling. They knew they were going to lose. They knew PA and MI were done mid-afternoon election day when the rural numbers were clear. Their internals had them down in WI, GA, and AZ, and they had FL a virtual tie.
Sam Lowry
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whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

whiterock said:

RMF5630 said:

4th and Inches said:

RMF5630 said:

chriscbear said:

Dems cheated via massive mail in votes in Atlanta etc. The participation rate of registered voters in Atlanta etc , all heavy Dem districts, was like 88%. Normally its like 55% to 57%. This can't be. So however they CHEATED. Cleavlend had a voter participation rate of like 56% in 2020. So however they cheated, they cheated. They tried to mailout 2.2 million ballots in Harris County, TX. Ken Paxton put a stop to it via the courts.
Yet, there does not seem to be proof 3 years later. Everything you say MAY be true, nothing has turned up to support that it really happened. Even Trump with all his money has noting credible. On the voting machines FOX is being sued and the case has been approved to go forward.

I agree that States did not follow their rules and vote harvesting, extended periods and drop boxes influenced the outcome. But there has been nothing credible to indicate those votes were fraudulent.

Or, the WHOLE Nation is in on a conspiracy against Trump and hiding the truth. The Dems, GOP, Green Party, Courts, Congress, State Legislatures, Federal Law Enforcement, State Law Enforcement, All Supervisors of Elections, every media (domestic and international) except FOX.

All those people are in co-hoots to make sure that Biden wins and poor Donald loses?????

As some point, all of us have to look at the peer reviewed data and say we lost. If it was true at least one State something would have stuck by now!

We ran the wrong candidate and A LARGE percentage over 80 million did not like Trump. We are not talking "W" or Bill Clinton who even if you disagreed with their politics are likeable. Trump is one of the most unlikable people on the Planet, disliked universally. And that is going to be our Candidate the GOP will fight for till the end. Just DO NOT get it. Move on.
counting votes that are not in accordance with state rules are fraudulent votes.

Few want to challenge the way is was done but the ones that have challenged so far have been successful in proving that votes were incorrectly counted. Rules have been changed in places because of it.

Call it election fraud, call it election law violations, call it whatever.. it happened, there is proof it happened and it some places, it will happen again.

It changes nothing.

No, they are not fraudulent. They may not be allowed but they are someone's vote. That is not fraud. They are not fake, duplicate or created, they are a person's vote. There is a level of fraud in every election. There is no evidence that fraud occurred in 2020 any more than normal.

Get over it, Trump lost. After all the speculation can you link us to just one State where there is credible evidence fraud threw the election to Biden. You can't, it doesn't exist. All we have is tinfoil hat conspiracy theories.

Trump lost and will lose again if we are stupid enough to run him.

yes, the election was decided by fraud. Rejected ballot rate in NY primary? 5%. Reject rate in general? 0.000% In blue counties in swing states, every single ballot that arrived was counted, whether it matched legal requirements or not. In AZ, GA, WI, etc....the key swing states, that was the difference.

We will be doing that this go-around, no matter who is our candidate.

Do you believe Trump would n the 2020 election?

If we apply the same primary reject rate to general election ballots in blue counties, it's a mathematical certainty.

Remember, the actual margin of victory was a 5-digit number spread across three states. These elections are being decided in a very small number of very large blue counties.

"The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do."
-Joseph Stalin

Fill the blue ecosystem with ballots. Work hard to get them cast. Count them all. 100%.
Very simple business model
Almost foolproof.
Until the other side starts doing the same.

The red counties will have to step up. Fill the ecosystem with ballots. Work hard to get them cast. COUNT EVERY ONE (just like the other side does).

It's going to be quite a spectacle when Republicans get busted for doing all the things they imagine Democrats did in 2016.
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Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

whiterock said:

RMF5630 said:

4th and Inches said:

RMF5630 said:

chriscbear said:

Dems cheated via massive mail in votes in Atlanta etc. The participation rate of registered voters in Atlanta etc , all heavy Dem districts, was like 88%. Normally its like 55% to 57%. This can't be. So however they CHEATED. Cleavlend had a voter participation rate of like 56% in 2020. So however they cheated, they cheated. They tried to mailout 2.2 million ballots in Harris County, TX. Ken Paxton put a stop to it via the courts.
Yet, there does not seem to be proof 3 years later. Everything you say MAY be true, nothing has turned up to support that it really happened. Even Trump with all his money has noting credible. On the voting machines FOX is being sued and the case has been approved to go forward.

I agree that States did not follow their rules and vote harvesting, extended periods and drop boxes influenced the outcome. But there has been nothing credible to indicate those votes were fraudulent.

Or, the WHOLE Nation is in on a conspiracy against Trump and hiding the truth. The Dems, GOP, Green Party, Courts, Congress, State Legislatures, Federal Law Enforcement, State Law Enforcement, All Supervisors of Elections, every media (domestic and international) except FOX.

All those people are in co-hoots to make sure that Biden wins and poor Donald loses?????

As some point, all of us have to look at the peer reviewed data and say we lost. If it was true at least one State something would have stuck by now!

We ran the wrong candidate and A LARGE percentage over 80 million did not like Trump. We are not talking "W" or Bill Clinton who even if you disagreed with their politics are likeable. Trump is one of the most unlikable people on the Planet, disliked universally. And that is going to be our Candidate the GOP will fight for till the end. Just DO NOT get it. Move on.
counting votes that are not in accordance with state rules are fraudulent votes.

Few want to challenge the way is was done but the ones that have challenged so far have been successful in proving that votes were incorrectly counted. Rules have been changed in places because of it.

Call it election fraud, call it election law violations, call it whatever.. it happened, there is proof it happened and it some places, it will happen again.

It changes nothing.

No, they are not fraudulent. They may not be allowed but they are someone's vote. That is not fraud. They are not fake, duplicate or created, they are a person's vote. There is a level of fraud in every election. There is no evidence that fraud occurred in 2020 any more than normal.

Get over it, Trump lost. After all the speculation can you link us to just one State where there is credible evidence fraud threw the election to Biden. You can't, it doesn't exist. All we have is tinfoil hat conspiracy theories.

Trump lost and will lose again if we are stupid enough to run him.

yes, the election was decided by fraud. Rejected ballot rate in NY primary? 5%. Reject rate in general? 0.000% In blue counties in swing states, every single ballot that arrived was counted, whether it matched legal requirements or not. In AZ, GA, WI, etc....the key swing states, that was the difference.

We will be doing that this go-around, no matter who is our candidate.

Do you believe Trump would n the 2020 election?

If we apply the same primary reject rate to general election ballots in blue counties, it's a mathematical certainty.

Remember, the actual margin of victory was a 5-digit number spread across three states. These elections are being decided in a very small number of very large blue counties.

"The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do."
-Joseph Stalin

Fill the blue ecosystem with ballots. Work hard to get them cast. Count them all. 100%.
Very simple business model
Almost foolproof.
Until the other side starts doing the same.

The red counties will have to step up. Fill the ecosystem with ballots. Work hard to get them cast. COUNT EVERY ONE (just like the other side does).

It's going be quite a spectacle when Republicans get busted for doing all the things they imagine Democrats did in 2016.
We are down to Stalin's words of wisdom... DOOOM...
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quash said:

Mothra said:

Cobretti said:

So most Americans are in favor of political prosecutions as well.

What should be the procedure for holding politicians accountable for possibly criminal behavior?

This made me laugh

"We'll have a mug shot," Trump-era deputy White House press secretary Hogan Gidley recently reassured reporters. "For the record, it will be the most manly, most masculine, most handsome mug shot of all time." Yes, that was said in jest.
D. C. Bear
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When NYT reporter comments that some legal scholars think this case is shaky and talks about other cases (Georgia, Jan. 7) having more potential, I am not led to expect a conviction. In the meantime, Trump is, with the willing help of the media, sucking up as much oxygen as possible.
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Sam Lowry
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quash said:

Mothra said:

Cobretti said:

So most Americans are in favor of political prosecutions as well.

What should be the procedure for holding politicians accountable for possibly criminal behavior?

The same as we do for anyone else. Not just by the strict letter of the law, but with a larger sense of justice and the good of society. If we cross this line, there needs to be a damned good reason.
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Doc Holliday
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Someone from the Manhattan DA's office leaked that Trump is being indicted with 34 Class E felonies.

Leaking a grand jury disclosure is also a Class E felony...but we all know they can commit crimes while charging crimes simultaneously and nobody cares.
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Doc Holliday said:

Someone from the Manhattan DA's office leaked that Trump is being indicted with 34 Class E felonies.

Leaking a grand jury disclosure is also a Class E felony...but we all know they can commit crimes while charging crimes simultaneously and nobody cares.
They already ignored the statute of limitations, the jurisdiction regarding alleged federal offences and known exculpatory evidence, so why would they start obeying the law now?
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Doc Holliday
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Oldbear83 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Someone from the Manhattan DA's office leaked that Trump is being indicted with 34 Class E felonies.

Leaking a grand jury disclosure is also a Class E felony...but we all know they can commit crimes while charging crimes simultaneously and nobody cares.
They already ignored the statute of limitations, the jurisdiction regarding alleged federal offences and known exculpatory evidence, so why would they start obeying the law now?
Yep. Our elites can shut down the world economy and violently stop dissent. They can do anything they want.

If you complain, you're a Fox watching "white supremacist" or "adjacent".

Keep a diary so you can remember the way it used to be.
Doc Holliday
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HuMcK said:

That cuts both ways. You're sitting there talking about how political and weak the case is, like basically all Republicans are currently saying, but we don't even know the charges yet.
34 counts for falsifying business records? It really doesn't really make any sense. Felonies for not providing enough description in the accounting system? How were any records falsified?

It was recorded as expense. There is no material impact if it were recorded as a different type of expense, it's the same bottom line and same taxable income.
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Doc Holliday said:

HuMcK said:

That cuts both ways. You're sitting there talking about how political and weak the case is, like basically all Republicans are currently saying, but we don't even know the charges yet.
34 counts for falsifying business records? It really doesn't really make any sense. Felonies for not providing enough description in the accounting system? How were any records falsified?

It was recorded as expense. There is no material impact if it were recorded as a different type of expense, it's the same bottom line and same taxable income.
Maybe he classified it as a current expense when it should have been capitalized and amortized.
Doc Holliday
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whitetrash said:

Doc Holliday said:

HuMcK said:

That cuts both ways. You're sitting there talking about how political and weak the case is, like basically all Republicans are currently saying, but we don't even know the charges yet.
34 counts for falsifying business records? It really doesn't really make any sense. Felonies for not providing enough description in the accounting system? How were any records falsified?

It was recorded as expense. There is no material impact if it were recorded as a different type of expense, it's the same bottom line and same taxable income.
Maybe he classified it as a current expense when it should have been capitalized and amortized.

The fact they they're throwing so many charges at him screams they don't have a slam dunk case
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Doc Holliday
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Dragging this out to elections:

Doc Holliday
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Link to indictment and lmao its a farce. Same exact offense listed 34 times, just different dates
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Doc Holliday said:

Link to indictment and lmao its a farce. Same exact offense listed 34 times, just different dates
I am not a criminal attorney, but based on my review, this is even weaker than I suspected. They don't identify the underlying criminal conduct that make this charge a felony, other than to say Trump violated "state and federal election laws." That means, as was reported last week, they're going to try and spin this into a felony by saying it was a campaign finance violation - one of the weakest routes they can take.

Now I know why they wanted the indictment sealed. There is no bombshell allegation. It's so weak, I suspect they wanted to avoid the criticism of it going public.

As suspected, this has "political prosecution" written all over it.
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Sam Lowry said:

I don't see the DA's angle on this. How does it benefit anyone, except maybe Trump?

Any ideas here?
Democrats Throw Biggest-Ever Fundraiser For Trump Campaign
NEW YORK, NY Donald Trump's campaign fundraising is breaking records thanks to a lavish fundraiser hosted by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and the Democrat Party.
Sources say that as Trump arrived at a New York courthouse for the fundraiser this morning, his campaign raised millions from energized citizens eager to support the only presidential candidate indicted by a Soros-funded DA.
"At this point, if someone hasn't been indicted by a corrupt Soros DA, can you even trust that person?" said local Trump voter Bubba Gruggs, while clicking the "donate" button on the latest email from the Trump campaign.
Experts say that the Trump indictment will firm up his base of supporters who believe the country is run by corrupt, out-of-touch bureaucrats who also happen to be Satanic pedophiles and alienate him with kooky conspiracy theorists who think that America's leaders can be trusted.
At publishing time, it had been revealed that half the donations to the Trump campaign came from Democrat activists who are desperately hoping he runs again.

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Jack Bauer
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Mothra said:

Doc Holliday said:

Link to indictment and lmao its a farce. Same exact offense listed 34 times, just different dates
I am not a criminal attorney, but based on my review, this is even weaker than I suspected. They don't identify the underlying criminal conduct that make this charge a felony, other than to say Trump violated "state and federal election laws." That means, as was reported last week, they're going to try and spin this into a felony by saying it was a campaign finance violation - one of the weakest routes they can take.

Now I know why they wanted the indictment sealed. There is no bombshell allegation. It's so weak, I suspect they wanted to avoid the criticism of it going public.

As suspected, this has "political prosecution" written all over it.
Far weaker than I expected. Man, I actually gave Bragg the benefit of the doubt and assumed he had more. Ouch.
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Oldbear83 said:

sombear said:

Wangchung said:

Losing the Lottery is most probable. Multiple judges in multiple cases with completely different claims by completely different people all coming to the exact same finding is as improbable as winning fifty lotteries.
Trump's own lawyers have said under oath their claims were BS.
I rather think the actual words were different, but I am sure you heard what you wanted.

They outright said in some cases they had no evidence of their claims. Im sure you heard "yet."
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riflebear said:

This week on "JB Katz Takes Manhattan"!
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