Redbrickbear said:
whiterock said:
Redbrickbear said:
sombear said:
Doc Holliday said:
FLBear5630 said:
Doc Holliday said:
FLBear5630 said:
Doc Holliday said:
Redbrickbear said:
Bear8084 said:
Redbrickbear said:
step 1: Washington elites work with liberal NGO's and neo-Nazi Militia groups inside Ukraine to stage a violent coup and oust the previous pro-Moscow government.
Step 2: get Ukraine into a bloody conflict with Russia.
Step 3: import in massive numbers of cheap African pseudo-slaves
Step 4: profit?

LOL no.
Ruskies out! Muslims in!

And honestly….planned or not…the leadership in Kyiv does not have much choice but to import in 3rd world labor from Africa and the MENA region.
Since most real Ukrainians are not going to come home from the EU ever…

Think about that. You say it to show that Ukraine is in trouble. I see is that Ukrainians want to be in the EU, period. Zelensky is reading his people correctly, they believe they are more European than Russian and that their future is in the West. Yet, because Putin doesn't like it, he is allowed to invade. How the world can let Putin do this is remarkable.
Poland has the right idea, they are arming to the teeth, creating Fortress Poland. They are adopting NATO tactics and a combined arms approach. Poland sees what is happening and the reaction of the appeasers. I applaud their vision, Putin understands one thing. They know they are next.
The next step with psychopaths like Putin is that they were scared to stop me in Ukraine, will they really go to war over Latvia or Poland?
Why are you convinced Russia would go after other countries instead of just Ukraine? They've believed it's their territory for quite some time.
It's downright evil for them to do this, but Putin isn't Dr. Evil planning world domination.
Putin believes all the territory up to Berlin after WW2 is Russian territory won by the Russian Army!
They will go after the Baltics, Poland and the other former Warsaw Pact Nations because that is their nature. The fact that the now believe that Ukraine is theirs, after agreeing to their own sovereignty shows it. They agreed less than 50 years ago and here we are.
With what military power?!
It is illogical to believe Ukraine can defend and kick Russia's teeth in,...but Russia is somehow a huge threat to those countries THat makes your premise complete Bull sh it, I'm sorry, it makes absolutely no f uc king sense.
Respectfully . . . the argument that Russia's failure (so far) in Ukraine means he is not a threat to attack others is the worst possible argument. He has attacked is attacking others! He already has proven he's willing to do. Ukraine (3 times), Georgia, Chechnya, Moldova. And he sent troops to Kazakhstan and elsewhere.
Its almost like you are making the argument that Russia is very interesting in protecting its traditional sphere of influence and giving us examples of how they are staying inside of that traditional regional sphere. (Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan)
I mean you use Chechnya as an example....My God man....Chechnya is a part of the Russian Federation! That is like criticizing the UK for using troops in Belfast.
What you have not proved is that Russia is interested in expanding its sphere of influence or in world domination.
While leaving out why the USA had troops in 100+ countries and is now waging a proxy war on Russia's borders in Ukraine.
Get back to me when Russia has troops in Canada or is funding Mexico in a war against us.
Right now they look like a declining regional power desperately trying to hang on to their borderlands....while we look like a massive military-economic-cultural Hegemon that is not happy with anything less than surrounding the Russian state with hostile forces.
Well, there is their invasion of Ukraine.....
There have been Russian troops in the lands of Ukraine since the time of the old Czardom of Russia during the great Cossack uprisings against the Poles in the 1600s.
It's well within their traditional sphere of influence.,a%20Cossack%20Hetmanate%20in%20Ukraine.
Let's not act like for 1 second like Moscow has not had serious strategic interests in the Ukraine for at least 400 years.
They have been involved in the Ukraine longer than the United States has even existed.
Well, there is their invasion of Ukraine...... LOL
You know, before Moscow, there was Novgorod. And before Novgorod, there was Kiev. And for more centuries than you cite, Kiev was the dominant power in the region (400yrs). There are maps showing Ukraine stretching as far south as Georgia. And the Ottomans owning/controlling Crimea. And for a good long while, Moscow and Kiev each paid tribute to Mongolian Khans. So if we are going to levy historical arguments, which era of history do we choose as instructive? And if dynamics indicate that one center of power is rising while another is fading, must we sit by and watch helplessly? If it is clear that we have more benefit from one outcome than the other, why should we not support the side that will win?
Here's a short thumbnail of what I suspect history will write about modern Russia by the end of this century:
"In 1917, a backward Russia emerged from Czarist control badly in need of reform, and adopted communism. World dynamics in the mid-20th century afforded Russia a pathway to achieve the zenith of its historical geo-political power at the end of WWII. But communism proved to be a destructive force. Instead of reforming Russia into a position of world dominance, it hollowed Russia out in 70 years as thoroughly as it had taken the Czarist regimes 7 centuries to do. With the fall of the cold war, all of Eastern Europe save tiny Belarus had chosen to adopt Western European political and economic systems. To stave off further isolation, Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. But the same traditional Russian weaknesses - stifling autocracy fortified by kleptocracy - became apparent. Russia failed and had to withdraw in ignominy, executing a peace far worse than the Treaty of Paris in 1856. Russia had to do more than de-militarize the Black Sea. It actually had to cede control over Crimea and formally recognize that a resurgent Ukraine would drift out of the Russian orbit. The disastrous outcome forced regime change in Moscow, which led to ....."
Putin will have a legacy worse than Nicholas I. Unlike Nicholas I, Putin added nothing to mother Russia. History seems poised to say about him that he staunchly defended the Russian tradition of socio-political backwardness relative to Europe and therefore presided over continuous decline, punctuated by one foreign policy debacle after another. Lest you think that is pie in the sky, just look what is happening. EVERY European country is contributing to the Ukrainian cause. They are PLAINLY trying to achieve the course I have laid out = total isolation of Russia, right down to Finland and Sweden joining Nato.
The most powerful nation on earth is under no moral, legal, or logical encumbrance to sit idly by while events of such import unfold and allow others to influence the course of affairs to their benefit. This is not Burma or Rwanda we're talking about. This is a part of the world which impacts in some way almost everything that matters to us, to include an obligation of mutual defense that would commit our sons & daughters, to include mine. The path to peace involves a Ukrainian victory in Crimea.......