ATL Bear said:
Redbrickbear said:
ATL Bear said:
TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:
ATL Bear said:
whiterock said:
The_barBEARian said:
ATL Bear said:
Vance ****ed that situation up and Trump went Trump as a follow on.
Zelensky ****ed up that situation.
The American public is beginning to see what a bunch of ingrates these people are.
There are people in this country that could really use every penny that gets sent to Ukraine as aid.
every now & then, you have a moment of clarity (that moment in bold), even if it is for the wrong reasons.
Lots & lots of people in both countries were involved in drafting that agreement. Lots & lots of people were involved in scheduling Zelinsky's trip to USA. Lots & lots of people got the WH ready to host the meeting, organize the press, to ballyhoo the signing of the agreement, etc..... It was all tied up in a package. All the two heads of state had to do was put a couple of bows on it. BOTH sides knew that.
And then Zelinsky came in and started negotiating in front of the press, as if he was going to get the American people to flood the phone lines to demand that Trump accede to Ukrainian demands. It was a stunning, sophomoric misread of the moment. Astounding. Note the Ukraine Ambassador's head in her hands as it was all unfolding. She'd done her job. And then Zelinsky showed up thinking his force of personality could transform the deal into more aid for "as long as it takes." And Trump & Vance handed Zelinsky great bit pieces of his own anatomy. I've been around a bit. Seen a demarche delivered to a head of state which threatened to "destroy your country" and proceeded to go on with a list of examples of how the destruction would be delivered. So this one was not particularly rough & tumble. Diplomacy can be a lot more blunt that Trump was today, trust me. But it was an enormous blunder by Zelinsky, from which he has no real face-saving extrication.
I am convinced that Zelinsky has a bad case of neverTrumper going on. He's got Euro heads of state complaining about Trump muscling them around to do what they've promised to do but never had (Nato constributions), and changing tactics in the Ukraine War, etc...... And he's had 4 years of Democrats filling his head with nonsense about how good he is and how bad Trump is. And the international media filling his head with nonsense. He's clearly isolated and out of touch with reality, at least to the extent that he does not understand how the landscape in America has changed. It might be in America's best interest to up the aid & remove the restrictions on how that aid is used, (and it is) but the policy opponents are winning the argument in the court of public opinion. That constrains options. What you do in situations like that is lock in your position (like by signing the deal your team negotiated for you) and come back later to get more. Instead, he wanted to win an argument on camera with a guy he clearly has misunderestimated.
Trump's de facto lend-lease (mines for munitions) is not a bad deal. It's the next best thing to a formal Nato commitment (which itself is a bad idea). but Zelinsky can't read a room. And now he's had his ass handed to him. On international TV.
If he's smart, he'll come back & sign.
And if I know Trump like I think I do, the price will go up. Zelinsky will either give up more, or get less for what he did. Would be magnanimous for Trump to leave the current deal on the table.
I can't say this is the most spectacular blunder in diplomatic history, because most of them happen behind closed doors......but Zelinsky really, really diminished himself today. If he wasn't gonna sign the agreement, he should not have come. He picked the no-win fight of all no-win fights.
Your twists of logic and positions befuddle me. If you haven't, check the Russian and Chinese channels. The fissure building in the West is being simultaneously met with further Russo Sino collaboration. Shoigu was just in Beijing.
You know damn well Vance went rogue after Zelensky. He (Vance) was touting points you've spent ad nauseum time making arguments against on this very forum. The administration has gone pro-Putin in a bizarre way. Yes, pro Putin. I'll admit Zelensky didn't help himself by losing his cool, especially with a volatile Trump, but this was a terrible moment for all. You know Putin can't be trusted, started this war (including back in 2014 which Zelensky was addressing), needs to have any expansionist plans thwarted, yet this administration is doing everything opposite of that. All over a deal that at best might have produced fruits well after Trump is out of office.
Perhaps after a cooling off period they can reconcile and move forward, but I fear Trump will dig in for ego reasons as much as anything, and Europe becomes the arbiter and beneficiary of the arrangement, or continues the war. All in time for a trade war with our allies and adversaries.
As the saying goes, "May you live in interesting times".
Trump will only dig in if Zelensky does not do what he should, or if Trump's playing a different angle...Like to unseat Zelensky.
Trump always works with people who disrespected him if they get on his page.
Just so we're clear, Ukraine is being asked to give up land, sovereignty, and mineral rights for a ceasefire
Let's run though this again for you ATL
1. That land is full of ethnic Russians who don't want to be part of Ukraine. And the government in Kyiv can not retake those areas by force….they have tried and failed for a decade (2014 to now)
2. Ukraine is not being asked to give up its sovereignty. It is and will remain sovereign and on a path to join the EU (sans the ethnic russian areas)
3. You seem to be against the mineral deal. How else are the American people supposed to be repaid for the 200+ billion we have given Ukraine?
You want Ukraine to never pay us back?
1. You keep piping this in, which is completely irrelevant. At worst, they wanted independence, not to be Russia.
2. Being withheld from joining defense alliances, dictating your security parameters, and even military size is hardly keeping your sovereignty.
1. I bring it up because you won't accept clear facts on the ground and the will of the people in those areas.
You also seem to think Kyiv should keep up a futile decades long struggle that has failed to bring those areas back under Ukrainian control….it is not going to work….period
2. Biden your boy already said NATO membership was off the table.
That was literally the position of the Liberals in DC
So now you are mad a Trump for carrying on the exact same US policy?
A few years down the road geo-political circumstance might change and there could be a chance for Ukraine to join (sans the ethnic Russian areas we discussed)
But you have to get peace now to make that a possible reality later