historian said:
God chose Paul for the mission he fulfilled and inspired all of his letters. They are as authoritative as any other scripture. If you have a problem with Paul, chances are you have a problem with God. Don't feel too bad: we all do. I am definitely a work in progress. I thank God for His love, patience, & grace.
To me, Paul is the only piece that does not make sense.
I get what the Catholic/Protestant line is. Luther and Acquinas loved Paul to an equal extend. If you are in favor of a strong Church that controls lives, Paul is your man. I am not a big fan of Paul, I find him arrogant, self-important, and judgmental.
Personally, if you look where Paul's teachings have taken us, it seems to me almost all the strife can be tied to something he said and the contradictions to the Gospels seem irreconcilable. But, that is just my view. We all have views and we all have things we disagree with but it doesn't let you abandon the greater idea.