nein51 said:
ShooterTX said:
nein51 said:
ShooterTX said:
nein51 said:
And in 2023 should we still be using terms like "camel jockey"?
You prefer "raghead"?
Not really. She's an anti semite, by definition a racist, and an extremely unpleasant person who doesn't see the irony in all the things she enjoys here should couldn't there…but the racial epithets make you no better than her [even though I'm on your side].
Your both being racists she's just being more overt about it.
I didn't know that raghead was referring to a specific person.... who is this "she" that you are talking about?
I thought raghead was just a derogatory slang for muslim.
The conversation you replied to was about Rashida Tlaib. She is neither a camel jockey nor a raghead.
She's an awful human being for her views. Calling her racial slurs detracts from how awful she is because it makes the person talking about her look just as awful.
Calling someone a racial epithet is definitely not helpful, it makes it near impossible to hear anything else after that for most, and it is a signal that the person using them *may* be a bigot, OR it may be harmless joke from someone who doesn't know how to read the room in the 21st century.
But in this day and age, where you can get canceled, lose a job, or get the **** beat out of you just for mentioning the letter that follows m, then yeah, best to avoid that with all people groups. Especially when ragheads have been known to murder people for much less than being called a raghead.
It is ludicrous that we live in an age where people no longer believe sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Instead, we live in a world now where if you say a word someone doesn't like, the mob thinks they are justified in breaking your bones.
We live in a clown world where someone thinks calling someone a racial epithet is the moral equivalent of advocating genocide, but here we are.