Wangchung said:
Redbrickbear said:
EatMoreSalmon said:
Redbrickbear said:
Jacques Strap said:
I love how item 6 is just thrown in there…
"support Israel because they support homosexual degenerate behavior and sodomy"
there is a difference between "supporting" and "not murdering"
Sure, Just such a goofy thing to throw in there.
Imagine showing that list to an average American in 1995, much less 1945, and they scroll through it reading about democratic parties and not target civilians…then get to LGBTQIA+ and are like "what the hell is this"
That is specifically mentioned to shut down the "queers for Palestine!" people.
The queer Left does not support Palestinians because they are unaware of muslim views on homosexuality…but because it codes them as 3rd world brown people (good)
The Queer Left does not oppose Israel because it's not supportive enough of LQBTQ+….but because it codes then as Western-White-European (bad)
Pointing out that Muslims don't like gays has no effect on western liberals….just like pointing out to campus liberals and Americans blacks that the Democratic Party was historically the party of slavery & segregation…it's an argument that conservatives think is compelling but it isn't. It has no effect
Modern Liberals & Blacks code the modern Dem party as anti-white (good) and the GOP as pro-white (bad)
Nothing else matters….conservatives fail to realize this because they still think we are in the era of ideas and not the era of pure tribalism