whiterock said:
Redbrickbear said:
So now you are using the word stolen.
Ok, the past being what it is and all….should the USA steal more Indian land in 2023?
Should our Army occupy the last reservations and brutalize the local population?
Should we let settlers establish new settlements on the land and shoot rubber bullets and billy club Indians if they protest?
If the native Americans on a reservation decided to take a trip to Norman Oklahoma and slaughter hundreds of people I would absolutely stand behind the demolition of those people as well as any measures designed to make sure they couldn't do it again. As would any sane, rational person.
Would be interesting for him to finally disclose what motivates his antisemitism.
lol I would like to know what criticism of Palestinians has to do with "Islamophobia" or criticism of Israel has to do with "anti-semitism"
You use progressive terminology which is strange for someone who considers themselves conservative.
Not all Palestinians are even Muslims.
Not all Israelis are even Jews
But. wait. I thought you said Israel was an apartheid state? how could that be? Which statement is in error? The one above, or the prior one about apartheid state?
They most certainly practice apartheid (separateness) in the occupied territories.
I think that is what most people are alluding to when they use that term.
Different roads, schools, areas of cities, check points, etc depending on your ethnic group
the phrase "Israel is an apartheid state" is said (as you have repeatedly) with no qualifiers. Most are simply ignorant of how factually incorrect that truly is. Some even spin so badly as to say "occupied territories" as if to suggest that Gaza is occupied (which it was not) instead of pointing to reality - that only the West Bank is occupied territory. Only an even smaller number (like you) know that only the West Bank is occupied, yet still use the phrase "Israel is an apartheid state" (even though it's not exactly "apartheid" as the term itself was practiced in South Africa.)
But the phrase "apartheid" does have a lot more "oomph" than the word "occupied." So ends justify the means.
If you want qualifiers then that is reasonable.
Israel acts in the West Bank in an apartheid like fashion.
In the old Union of South Africa... Blacks were not consider citizens of South Africa...but citizens of various small Bantustans with not real power. They were subject to the all kind of cumbersome requirements on where they could live and travel.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BantustanThat is very similar to how Palestinians live in the West Bank.
[Amnesty International's new investigation shows that Israel imposes a system of oppression and domination against Palestinians...in order to benefit Jewish Israelis. This amounts to apartheid as prohibited in international law.
Laws, policies and practices which are intended to maintain a cruel system of control over Palestinians, have left them fragmented geographically and politically, frequently impoverished, and in a constant state of fear and insecurity.
Successive Israeli governments have pursued a strategy of establishing domination through discriminatory laws and policies which segregate Palestinians into enclaves, based on their legal status and residence.
Israel denies Palestinian citizens their rights to equal nationality and status, while Palestinians in the OPT face severe restrictions on freedom of movement. Israel also restricts Palestinians' rights to family unification in a profoundly discriminatory manner: for example, Palestinians from the OPT cannot gain residency or citizenship through marriage, which Jewish Israelis can.Israel also places severe limitations on Palestinians' civil and political rights, to suppress dissent and maintain the system of oppression and domination. For example, millions of Palestinians in the West Bank remain subject to Israel's military rule and draconian military orders adopted since 1967.]