whiterock said:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Palestine_(region)Redbrickbear said:whiterock said:You are polishing up a long line of hundeschiesse that Jews up & suddenly all moved to Palestine. Did. Not. Happen.Redbrickbear said:muddybrazos said:I'm noit a fan of Isalm or Palestine but if a bunch of Jews all the sudden moved into my country and took it over I probably would hate them too. I really have no dog in the fight over...whiterock said:muddybrazos said:Israel gets free taxpayer money from us and weapons and they use it to genocide Palestinians while Zionists like historian insist that the Palestinians are actually nazis.Redbrickbear said:FLBear5630 said:When have they ever?J.R. said:they can do that if they like, but they should get ZERO $ or airplanes, bombs ect from us. Tired of being their *****. They just do not care. Eff them.FLBear5630 said:I don't think Israel wants a regional war, especially allies that they would have to coordinate with and worse clear tactics. They would much rather be left alone and finish off Gaza.muddybrazos said:Only thing Biden has done worth a crap yet. Bibi doesnt care, though. He will probably keep trying to escalate this into a regional conflict thinking that he can draw America into yet another mid east war.boognish_bear said:Biden's planned call with Netanyahu this morning is expected to be tense after the killing of 7 World Central Kitchen aid workers in an Israeli strike.
— Axios (@axios) April 4, 2024
"Biden is pissed. The temperature regarding Bibi is very high," a U.S. official says.
Uh we sell them weapons yearly…some years like this one…we send even more
Because they actually ARE.
If you'd ever stood around platter of roasted chicken and rice, and ate it it bare-handed with them (a cultural bonding deal), you'd understand just what ethno-centric, Jew-hating Nazis they really are.
It is hard to convey the ease and frequency with which an Arab can utter the coarsest anti-Semitic comments imaginable. They do it reflexively, as casually as observing what is the weather today. They don't do it in this country, of course. They know better. But go to their turf and stand alone in a room with a dozen or more of them and just "enjoy the show." It's so culturally ingrained theres no practical way of ever changing it, only Pavlovian deterrence, which is being taught as we speak.
Often times I have tried to bring up the hypothetical that Mexicans decide that Texas is their "holy land" and in mass they move into settle and take the land.
They drive Anglos into a small coastal strip around Galveston and going down the coast and out into the high plains around Lubbock (llano estacado).
They get the international community and China to declare a partition of Texas as lawful and legal.
They take the rest of the land and create a New Mexican nation.
How would Texas Anglos react? How should they react?
Now add in that the Mexicans are now militarily occupying the Texas panhandle (reserved for the Anglos) and are bringing in more settlers to settle/take more of the land.
And that this has been going on since 1967….55 years of occupation.
That did not happen?
[First Aliyah (1882-1903)
Between 1882 and 1903, approximately 35,000 Jews immigrated to the Ottoman Palestine, joining the pre-existing Jewish population which in 1880 numbered 20,000. The Jews immigrating arrived in groups that had been assembled, or recruited.]
[In the 1930s and 1940s, Zionist historians began to divide the next periods of immigration to Palestine into different phases, in a form which "created and presumed the unique traits of aliyah and the Zionist enterprise".[26] The currently accepted five-wave periodization was first published in Hebrew by sociologist David Gurevich in his 1944 work The Jewish Population of Palestine: Immigration, Demographic Structure and Natural Growth:[27] the First Aliyah and the Second Aliyah to Ottoman Palestine, followed by the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Aliyah to Mandatory Palestine.[27] Following Ruppin and Jacob Lestschinsky before him, Gurevich's use of the term Aliyah emphasized the ideological element of the immigration]
So the war today is a function of something that happened 150 years ago?
Muslims let more Jews into Palestine, so Hamas has to exterminate them all?
Is that what we call a strawman argument?
No one said Hamas is allowed to exterminate anyone….nor can they even do so against a nuclear armed Israeli State.
But the point remands that the modern Israel State is the product of 20th century immigration by people who came in from other lands. (Something you seem to deny even took place)
And that since 1967 they have been militarily occupying the Palestinian land and building settlements in violation of international law