ShooterTX said:
Redbrickbear said:
ShooterTX said:
Redbrickbear said:
sombear said:
Redbrickbear said:
sombear said:
Redbrickbear said:
ShooterTX said:
Jack Bauer said:
the Israelis are the evil ones...
They are not as bad as Hamas…but they are certainly no Boy Scouts
They have been waging a pretty ruthless war against the Arabs in the area since 1948…all to create an ethnic-Jewish homeland.

As is often the case, you ignore who started all these wars and battles.
Come on now...its been a tit for tat conflict over there since 1948
(PS its also not our problem)
Starting three wars and multiple intifadas . . . Not tit for tat.
Obviously the Palestinians would view a 60 year occupation of the West Bank...their country (and Gaza until 2005) as a provocation and illegal act.
[The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has been under military occupation by Israel since 7 June 1967, when Israeli forces captured the territory...during the Six-Day War. The status of the West Bank as a militarily occupied territory has been affirmed by the International Court of Justice ]
[Israel's occupation is illegal and indistinguishable from a "settler-colonial" situation, which must end, as a pre-condition for Palestinians to exercise their right to self-determination, the UN's independent expert on the occupied Palestinian territory said on Thursday.]
As always, you started the story in the middle. You forgot the wars in 1948, 1967, 1973 and countless other acts of terrorism.
No one forgot anything.
Its been a constant conflict since 1948 (really it began even earlier with the first Zionist settlements before that)
[From 1897 to 1948, the primary goal of the Zionist movement was to establish the basis for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and thereafter to consolidate it.]
But just like the Irish & British tit for tat violence we have to ask when it will end.
Eventually the British gave the Irish a State (at least of some kind)....when will Israel pull out of the West Bank and give the Palestinians a State?
My goodness... where have you been? Israel has been trying to do this for decades, but the Arabs refuse to allow the Jews to live in their own state of Israel.
Do you seriously not know this?
Come on bud
Israel has also NOT wanted to create a real Palestinian State...they have avoided the issue for decades kicking the can down the road.
(Mainly because they want the West Bank..for strategic reasons and for settlement)[Israel and its allies have long held that a Palestinian state, if one is formed at all, must be the result of negotiations between Israel and Palestinians, most likely the
final result and reward of a peaceful settlement. As long as Israel at least paid lip service to the idea of a two-state solution, many countries patiently awaited the results of such negotiationsor, to describe the situation more accurately, they passively ignored that such negotiations weren't happening.
Now, however, the truth can no longer be avoided, nor can the urgency for a cease-fire and at least some movement toward a grand peace.
Netanyahu has publicly proclaimed, several times, that he will not accept a Palestinian state. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, though a critic of the prime minister's war policy on some grounds, was recently
captured on tape saying the same thing.
Saudi Arabia's rulers desperately want to "normalize" relations with Israel, which they see as a potent ally in their larger rivalry with Iran, but they demand that Israel at least pretend to support the
idea of resuming
negotiations toward a two-state solution. This is a very low bar, but Netanyahu refuses to clear even that. In part this is because he fears that if he did so, some of his coalition partners would resign, forcing new elections, which he would almost certainly lose. (If
just five members of his coalition quit, his majority in parliament would vanish.) But as the Gallant tape indicates,
top Israeli officials also oppose a two-state solution]