How can you even say the above when you have argued ad nauseum in the Ukraine thread about how Russia should be able (or has a right/claim) to take back Crimea and the East under historical ethnic auspices.Redbrickbear said:ATL Bear said:Stop dodging and just come out and say what you believe. You're not being coy or fooling anyone with your volley of questions. At least barbearian has the guts to admit his angle.Redbrickbear said:ATL Bear said:Of course ethnic conflict occurs. I've been around some of the worst ones. That's not what your racialism projects on your topics. You believe/support/argue separation along ethno-racial lines in so many of these discussion. You love pulling history into it because societies were much more segmented along those lines centuries ago.Redbrickbear said:ATL Bear said:Some of us don't live in a world prism of racial conflict like you. You want it because you believe in it. I just keep exposing you for it..Redbrickbear said:Osodecentx said:ATL Bear said:The ethno-racial make up of regions/states/nations throughout their history. Something you interject often, and now answered for the third f-ing time.Redbrickbear said:ATL Bear said:I've answered it, you just don't like the answer or inference.Redbrickbear said:ATL Bear said:1. In certain contexts, yes, but not in every one.Redbrickbear said:ATL Bear said:Your racialist historicity is your constant posting of historical demographics that get brought unnecessarily into conversations.Redbrickbear said:ATL Bear said:Weird take since those aren't my opinions, and your racialist historicity is irrelevant.Redbrickbear said:ATL Bear said:
It was also White Anglo Saxon Protestants that were oppressing us, fought against us, executed us, and pillaged our country. They fought us again later on as well multiple times. So I ask, why does WASP matter?
1. Well those WASPy Brits were just trying to put down a rebellious secessionist movement that was illegal under British law
I think you have told us several times how you don't like secessionists and rebels.
So you can't really hate on them for that right?
2. I think you know well that it matters in terms of replacing the historic population of a country with another.
If Israel opened its borders to mass migration from Africa or the Islamic world then it would no longer be Israel right?
You guys who want closed borders for Israel and open borders for the West are some strange cats
What exactly is "racalist historicity" would define that...and how exactly is that something you attribute to me
And you dodged the question...
If Israel opened its borders to mass migration from Africa or the Islamic world then it would no longer be Israel right? Is that an accurate or inaccurate statement?
And Israel would be Israel regardless of what their immigration policy is because it's a nation. It might be different culturally or otherwise, but it would still be Israel.
1. Demographics are often relevant to the topic…wars, economics, etc….not sure of the specific situation you think was unwarranted or unnecessary.
2. You think "Israel would be Israel" with replacing the Jews of Israel with Somali Muslims…and would by magic not be completely transformed? That is a very interesting take
I think are confusing the continuance of a State with the continuance of a Nation.
You still did not give me a definition of what "racialist historicity" is…..
You constantly bring your ethno-race angles into conversations that have no relevance. For example, what is the relevance of your Israel immigration question? Some coy way of proving Israel would cease to be a Jewish driven culture if they overwhelmed the population with non Jewish foreigners? Well duh! Maybe you can pull up one of the umpteen posts you've made about the population make up of the Israel/Palestine region pre-1900 showing how Israel was Muslim and not Jewish before. You know, that racialist historicity stuff.
1. Simply being honest I don't bring up ethno-race angles in every conversation.
2. You still not define what "racialist historicity" is....and I have asked you several times. I am starting to think you just made up the term and don't even have a definition of it.
3. That is not a coy way of asking the this case I am asking the question straight up. How can you be a Jewish State but have a population made up of say super majority Somali Muslims? How does that work?
Israel is defined by law as a Jewish State.
[JERUSALEM Israel passed a new "nation-state law" last week that's sparking both celebration and fierce debate over the very nature of Israel itself.
The law does three big things:
[ol]It states that "the right to exercise national self-determination" in Israel is "unique to the Jewish people."] [/ol]
Honeslty bud…you know you haven't
What is "racialist historicity"
If you can spend the time to type out things on this forum you can spend the time to give us a definition…
And you keep dogging the question about how Israel can be Israel without Jews as a majority people
What do I need to say other than Israel can be Israel with Jews as a minority. Heck, I've advocated for something that could likely do that as a resolution of the Palestinian issue. Have Israel annex Gaza and the West Bank and just have a greater Israel.
Israel annex a group of people who are launching rockets at your citizens and celebrating a murderous foray that killed over 1,000 citizens. Gaza's want Jews eradicated from the world arth. I just don't understand how a 2 state solution works if 1 state wants Jews dead & won't control their radical elements
ATL thinks people caring about ethnicity or race is what is strange
He lives in a world where such things should not be noticed or cared about. (Very lightly held identifications)
Of course in the real world it's something lots of people in lots of countries care about.
But to him that is "racialist historicity"
So he will developed utopian ideas in his head (like a One-State solution where Arabs and Jews are forced into a single country) and then act shocked with the whole thing turns into a bloodbath or a dysfunctional failed State.
I guess I'm confused by your line of argument….
Are you arguing ethnic-racial conflict does not in fact exist?
Or is your beef just when people point out it exists on earth?
(I'm certainly not arguing it's the source of all problems but I am not denying it exists either)
Wiki seems to have a pretty long list of current ethnic conflicts on earth.
Are these inaccurate? Are they not real?
Does someone need to let wiki know that the Yugoslav wars were not ethnic conflicts and that the conflict in Rwanda was not ethnic in nature?
Like usual…you are making assumptions about my beliefs.
I do not "believe/support/argue" for forced separation along ethnic-racial lines.
But I do believe nations/peoples/ethnic groups have every right to determine who they give citizenship to and who they invite into their communities.
Do you believe/support/argue for forced integration along ethno-racial lines?
You certainly seem to…and you really seem to hate the past where societies were more segmented on these lines.
Are you looking forward to a magic utopian future where such distinctions will be obliterated? Maybe by force….
Please buddy... you have dodged on here more than anyone.
I have come out and said many times what I actually believe....including in the post above that you apparently did not read.
So I will re-post what I said verbatim
"I do not 'believe/support/argue' for forced separation along ethnic-racial lines.
But I do believe nations/peoples/ethnic groups have every right to determine who they give citizenship to and who they invite into their communities"
I have said it many times....but you continue to not like the answer
This has nothing to do with citizenship or border policies. You do actually believe in forced, enforced, or even passive ethno racial segregation.