Senate Dems Trying to Get Kavanaugh under FBI Investigation

23,557 Views | 237 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by Jack Bauer
Doc Holliday
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HuMcK said:

Edmond Bear said:

HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

Jinx 2 said:

Ruth Marcus has this right:

...There must be a full investigation, beginning with FBI interviews of both Christine Blasey Ford, who made the accusation, and Kavanaugh himself, likely followed by some form of hearing. Though I would put nothing past the people who stole a Supreme Court seat from Merrick Garland, even this crew of Senate Republicans cannot muscle through the nomination, bleating about the unfairness of 11th-hour complaints.

The urgency is to investigate, not to rush to confirm a lifetime appointment. Surely a few Republican senators retain enough sense of institutional responsibility to insist on that if not because it is clearly the right thing to do, because in the era of #MeToo, their female constituents will not tolerate such rug-sweeping.

Exactly what is there to investigate?

- Nothing sexual happened.
- How can u investigate something 30 yrs ago when there was not sexual assault or murder?
- she admitted she didn't know where she was or how she got there but she remembers him?
- this was so serious Feinstein sat on it for 2 months. How is that caring for a woman?
- this lady is also a Democrat fundraiser, u all don't think this was all planned for her to come out a few days before?
- but don't worry, it's over. Republicans will fall for it again and give in.
- if true a drunken act (where there was no crime) in high school should wipe away 30 yrs of one of the brightest careers in our history?

Republicans if they fall for this haven't learned anything since 2016. But I have to hand it to Dems. It's a win/win for them. Even if he is confirmed they get to trash GOP for not caring about woman and 'assault' and it will work when voting happens. Dirty little Dems win again.

There were other qualified names to nominate who almost certainly wouldn't have had this issue in their past, including a woman named Amy Coney Barrett or Baylor's own Don Willett. McConnell even pushed for Trump (through the media) to not pick Kavanaugh, but Trump just had to try and get the "Presidents are above the law and can't be subpoenaed" guy on SCOTUS before his sh/t potentially hits the fan.

How much y'all wanna bet McConnell knew what was coming the same way he knew Roy Moore was a loser with disqualifying behavior in his past? And now here we are with the GOP staring a failed SCOTUS nomination in the face because they insist on nominating political operatives who protect their partisan interests over distinguished jurists.

I think what people are trying to show you is that no matter who was put up as the nominee, some last second, half-cocked accusation would have been made by Democrats trying to block nominee X.

Not everyone had the same amount of exposure as Kavanaugh does. Beyond this sexual assault matter, Kavanaugh was already a relatively unpopular SCOTUS nominee because of his untruths in testimony to Congress over the Bush-era stolen emails issue and his role in Ken Starr's investigation of Clinton. He has baggage that other qualified people don't...but he also holds legal views that may prove favorable to a sitting POTUS currently under investigation.

Sure the Dems would have gone after any nominee put forward, and after what happenned with Merrick Garland that's going to be S.O.P. for the foreseeable future, but do you think they would have had this level of success if the nominee was Willett or Barrett? I don't.
Oh enough with the BS and fake virtue signalling.

You don't actually have concerns about just don't want him on the supreme court and you're trying to paint a narrative that is laughable at best, especially because you know RBG's old ass will die soon and the SC will be stacked with actual people that uphold the constitution.

It's clear to me that you just want to bend the rules for your favorite people but not for those you oppose. If you didn't, you'd be making a scene and uproar over Keith Ellison...but you haven't.
Doc Holliday
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Hearing a second accuser named Anita Delay is coming forward.
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The really sad part of this is that Dems are doing their best to destroy a candidate that in my opinion, may very well uphold Roe vs. Wade. Kavanaugh seems to be more about the law and less about politics.
"Never underestimate Joe's ability to **** things up!"

-- Barack Obama
Scratchy Bear
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HuMcK said:

Edmond Bear said:

HuMcK said:

riflebear said:

Jinx 2 said:

Ruth Marcus has this right:

...There must be a full investigation, beginning with FBI interviews of both Christine Blasey Ford, who made the accusation, and Kavanaugh himself, likely followed by some form of hearing. Though I would put nothing past the people who stole a Supreme Court seat from Merrick Garland, even this crew of Senate Republicans cannot muscle through the nomination, bleating about the unfairness of 11th-hour complaints.

The urgency is to investigate, not to rush to confirm a lifetime appointment. Surely a few Republican senators retain enough sense of institutional responsibility to insist on that if not because it is clearly the right thing to do, because in the era of #MeToo, their female constituents will not tolerate such rug-sweeping.

Exactly what is there to investigate?

- Nothing sexual happened.
- How can u investigate something 30 yrs ago when there was not sexual assault or murder?
- she admitted she didn't know where she was or how she got there but she remembers him?
- this was so serious Feinstein sat on it for 2 months. How is that caring for a woman?
- this lady is also a Democrat fundraiser, u all don't think this was all planned for her to come out a few days before?
- but don't worry, it's over. Republicans will fall for it again and give in.
- if true a drunken act (where there was no crime) in high school should wipe away 30 yrs of one of the brightest careers in our history?

Republicans if they fall for this haven't learned anything since 2016. But I have to hand it to Dems. It's a win/win for them. Even if he is confirmed they get to trash GOP for not caring about woman and 'assault' and it will work when voting happens. Dirty little Dems win again.

There were other qualified names to nominate who almost certainly wouldn't have had this issue in their past, including a woman named Amy Coney Barrett or Baylor's own Don Willett. McConnell even pushed for Trump (through the media) to not pick Kavanaugh, but Trump just had to try and get the "Presidents are above the law and can't be subpoenaed" guy on SCOTUS before his sh/t potentially hits the fan.

How much y'all wanna bet McConnell knew what was coming the same way he knew Roy Moore was a loser with disqualifying behavior in his past? And now here we are with the GOP staring a failed SCOTUS nomination in the face because they insist on nominating political operatives who protect their partisan interests over distinguished jurists.

I think what people are trying to show you is that no matter who was put up as the nominee, some last second, half-cocked accusation would have been made by Democrats trying to block nominee X.

Not everyone had the same amount of exposure as Kavanaugh does. Beyond this sexual assault matter, Kavanaugh was already a relatively unpopular SCOTUS nominee because of his untruths in testimony to Congress over the Bush-era stolen emails issue and his role in Ken Starr's investigation of Clinton. He has baggage that other qualified people don't...but he also holds legal views that may prove favorable to a sitting POTUS currently under investigation.

Sure the Dems would have gone after any nominee put forward, and after what happenned with Merrick Garland that's going to be S.O.P. for the foreseeable future, but do you think they would have had this level of success if the nominee was Willett or Barrett? I don't.
So let me get this straight...The Dems want to investigate Kavanaugh for being a sexual predator in retaliation for investigating Clinton for being a sexual predator.
Doc Holliday
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riflebear said:

They obviously can't remember because they weren't falling-down hammered at the time.
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Canada2017 said:


What a bunch of unethical, dishonest, despicable people.

Time to check the "R" box in November and in 2020. I have lost all respect for the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party of Tip O Neill is dead.

The Democratic Party that represented the American middle class, the American worker and the American poor is finished.

Barrack Hussein Obama killed it and carried the carcass so far to the left that all political truth, ethics and common sense has been replaced with absolute lunacy and lies.

The Democratic Party has moved left. But it was Bernie Sanders who did it, over BHO's and Hillary Clinton's objection. And there are still plenty of center-left Dems.
Doc Holliday
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Booray said:

Canada2017 said:


What a bunch of unethical, dishonest, despicable people.

Time to check the "R" box in November and in 2020. I have lost all respect for the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party of Tip O Neill is dead.

The Democratic Party that represented the American middle class, the American worker and the American poor is finished.

Barrack Hussein Obama killed it and carried the carcass so far to the left that all political truth, ethics and common sense has been replaced with absolute lunacy and lies.

The Democratic Party has moved left. But it was Bernie Sanders who did it, over BHO's and Hillary Clinton's objection. And there are still plenty of center-left Dems.
Not for long. 10 years and they will be too old/dead and voted out.

Good luck, you'll be voting for socialism, super high taxes, "free" college/healthcare and essentially a major depression.

Sound good?
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Doc Holliday said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:


What a bunch of unethical, dishonest, despicable people.

Time to check the "R" box in November and in 2020. I have lost all respect for the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party of Tip O Neill is dead.

The Democratic Party that represented the American middle class, the American worker and the American poor is finished.

Barrack Hussein Obama killed it and carried the carcass so far to the left that all political truth, ethics and common sense has been replaced with absolute lunacy and lies.

The Democratic Party has moved left. But it was Bernie Sanders who did it, over BHO's and Hillary Clinton's objection. And there are still plenty of center-left Dems.
Not for long. 10 years and they will be too old/dead and voted out.

Good luck, you'll be voting for socialism, super high taxes, "free" college/healthcare and essentially a major depression.

Sound good?

I won't be voting for those things. If that is what a candidate stands for, he or she won't get my vote regardless of party affiliation. Unlike you, who would vote for Lucifer if he was a Republican.
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Booray said:

Doc Holliday said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:


What a bunch of unethical, dishonest, despicable people.

Time to check the "R" box in November and in 2020. I have lost all respect for the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party of Tip O Neill is dead.

The Democratic Party that represented the American middle class, the American worker and the American poor is finished.

Barrack Hussein Obama killed it and carried the carcass so far to the left that all political truth, ethics and common sense has been replaced with absolute lunacy and lies.

The Democratic Party has moved left. But it was Bernie Sanders who did it, over BHO's and Hillary Clinton's objection. And there are still plenty of center-left Dems.
Not for long. 10 years and they will be too old/dead and voted out.

Good luck, you'll be voting for socialism, super high taxes, "free" college/healthcare and essentially a major depression.

Sound good?

IUnlike you, who would vote for Lucifer if he was a Republican.

Not possible. He's a lifetime Democrat and he's recruiting in a big way right now.
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This person was very clear she wanted to stay anonymous when she wrote the letter in July. But in Aug she hires a lawyer and takes a polygraph. IF she wanted to stay anonymous why would she do that? Very odd.

Biggest Sham and a few GOP Senators are going to fall for it. If I was Trump and Kavanaugh isn't voted in I'd pick the most conservative of the remaining on the list and go that route and say screw it. Kavanaugh was one of the most middle of the road for Dems and yet they are going to shoot themselves In the foot.

Sam Lowry
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Public hearings are scheduled for Monday. This stuff is brilliant. If I didn't know better, I'd think Professor Ford was a closet Republican.
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Watching the replays of Anita Hill's testimony and the insulting badgering of her by some of the same old codgers still in Congress will serve only to further piss off already pissed off women.

In hindsight, it's stunning and hard to ignore just how badly she was treated. That's not likely to happen this time around.

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riflebear said:

This person was very clear she wanted to stay anonymous when she wrote the letter in July. But in Aug she hires a lawyer and takes a polygraph. IF she wanted to stay anonymous why would she do that? Very odd.

Biggest Sham and a few GOP Senators are going to fall for it. If I was Trump and Kavanaugh isn't voted in I'd pick the most conservative of the remaining on the list and go that route and say screw it. Kavanaugh was one of the most middle of the road for Dems and yet they are going to shoot themselves In the foot.


This nominee is a moderate.

And frankly....super qualified.

This last minute BS is totally disgusting and ridiculous.
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Canada2017 said:

riflebear said:

This person was very clear she wanted to stay anonymous when she wrote the letter in July. But in Aug she hires a lawyer and takes a polygraph. IF she wanted to stay anonymous why would she do that? Very odd.

Biggest Sham and a few GOP Senators are going to fall for it. If I was Trump and Kavanaugh isn't voted in I'd pick the most conservative of the remaining on the list and go that route and say screw it. Kavanaugh was one of the most middle of the road for Dems and yet they are going to shoot themselves In the foot.


This nominee is a moderate.

And frankly....super qualified.

This last minute BS is totally disgusting and ridiculous.

I recall another moderate, super qualified nominee named Merrick Garland. His name was even mentioned by a Republican Senator as acceptable before he was nominated.
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HuMcK said:

Canada2017 said:

riflebear said:

This person was very clear she wanted to stay anonymous when she wrote the letter in July. But in Aug she hires a lawyer and takes a polygraph. IF she wanted to stay anonymous why would she do that? Very odd.

Biggest Sham and a few GOP Senators are going to fall for it. If I was Trump and Kavanaugh isn't voted in I'd pick the most conservative of the remaining on the list and go that route and say screw it. Kavanaugh was one of the most middle of the road for Dems and yet they are going to shoot themselves In the foot.


This nominee is a moderate.

And frankly....super qualified.

This last minute BS is totally disgusting and ridiculous.

I recall another moderate, super qualified nominee named Merrick Garland. His name was even mentioned by a Republican Senator as acceptable before he was nominated.
I remember the Biden Rule.

Funny how two people can look at the same set of facts and remember things differently.
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It could easily be faked, but this seems like the kind of thing some law enforcement officers should check into and figure out.
Doc Holliday
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HuMcK said:

It could easily be faked, but this seems like the kind of thing some law enforcement officers should check into and figure out.

Ford said she never told anyone...
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If only Hillary were President we would get to the bottom of this fast.

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You are getting a good look at what Democrats think of their voting base. They think they are stupid and clueless and they just believe everything they say.

This is an insane tweet. ONLY Feinstein & her staff had the name of the person (and her state Democrat rep) but she is blaming the media (who they leaked to) for outing her? Can't make this stuff up.

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What would likely have happened to Christine Blasey if she'd told what happened to her when it happened:
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riflebear said:

If only Hillary were President we would get to the bottom of this fast.

It's amazing how quickly people forget.
Scratchy Bear
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riflebear said:

You are getting a good look at what Democrats think of their voting base. They think they are stupid and clueless and they just believe everything they say.

This is an insane tweet. ONLY Feinstein & her staff had the name of the person (and her state Democrat rep) but she is blaming the media (who they leaked to) for outing her? Can't make this stuff up.

It sounds to me this story is fizzling out quickly. First she wanted to speak. Now she doesn't. But maybe she does. She didn't want to stay anonymous anymore. But now she does. So now they have to blame every action she takes on someone else. This whole thing reeks of fraud.
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Of course this wasn't a legit polygraph. Plus she took it after hiring her Soros lawyer all while telling them she wanted to stay silent. They knew exactly what the plan was all along. Soros stages protests in an amazing way all over the world. People don't think this was staged months ago and the timing of when to come out?

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Another witness debunking the story

Scratchy Bear
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HuMcK said:

It could easily be faked, but this seems like the kind of thing some law enforcement officers should check into and figure out.

Spare me. If someone came into a police station or came forward to a law enforcement agency with that story, they would tell them to get lost. It sounds like she was stood up at the prom 35 years ago and is still bitter about it.
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HuMcK said:

It could easily be faked, but this seems like the kind of thing some law enforcement officers should check into and figure out.

Facebook would not be my venue of choice to impart such information; if this woman believes the charges to be true and has other stories, she should contact her congress rep and senator.

Kavanaugh should withdraw his nomination, but he won't. If he's confirmed, he will serve under the embarrassing shadow of the president who nominated him.
Doc Holliday
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Jinx 2 said:

HuMcK said:

It could easily be faked, but this seems like the kind of thing some law enforcement officers should check into and figure out.

Facebook would not be my venue of choice to impart such information; if this woman believes the charges to be true and has other stories, she should contact her congress rep and senator.

Kavanaugh should withdraw his nomination, but he won't. If he's confirmed, he will serve under the embarrassing shadow of the president who nominated him.
So anytime a SCOTUS appointee has an accusation against him or her they should automatically withdraw their nomination?
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Jinx 2 said:

HuMcK said:

It could easily be faked, but this seems like the kind of thing some law enforcement officers should check into and figure out.

Facebook would not be my venue of choice to impart such information; if this woman believes the charges to be true and has other stories, she should contact her congress rep and senator.

Kavanaugh should withdraw his nomination, but he won't. If he's confirmed, he will serve under the embarrassing shadow of the president who nominated him.
1 reason why he should withdraw? Lets say it's 100% true. Two drunk people get crazy in a room and NOTHING happens except the girl got scared and left. She never tells anyone. Worst case he pinned her down on the bed and tried to take her suit off while both were drunk but again, nothing happened and she left.

Kavanaugh has a 30yr+ distinguished career where 100s of women on both sides of the aisle gush about his character and professionalism. One even introduced him to Congress who is an ultra liberal. Not one other accusation about him even remotely hurting a female the last 30 years but now 36yrs later w/ ZERO evidence he's supposed to flush his entire career? Not only zero evidence, the two other people named have denied it and the lady doesn't even remember what year or where it was or when it was.

75% of the men in our country would have to resign their job if this is how we started to run the judicial system. I know Democrats live by guilty until proven innocent but that's not how the United States works.
Even you are smart enough to know this is 100% about politics and stopping his nomination.

ATL Bear
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Desperate times call for desperate measures. What a pathetic state of affairs.
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All of this ridiculous BS is to merely delay any confirmation vote until the midterms are concluded.

End of story
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... said:

... Kavanaugh should withdraw his nomination, but he won't. If he's confirmed, he will serve under the embarrassing shadow of the president who nominated him.
It doesn't seem to bother Sotomayor or Kagan.
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riflebear said:

Jinx 2 said:

HuMcK said:

It could easily be faked, but this seems like the kind of thing some law enforcement officers should check into and figure out.

Facebook would not be my venue of choice to impart such information; if this woman believes the charges to be true and has other stories, she should contact her congress rep and senator.

Kavanaugh should withdraw his nomination, but he won't. If he's confirmed, he will serve under the embarrassing shadow of the president who nominated him.
1 reason why he should withdraw? Lets say it's 100% true. Two drunk people get crazy in a room and NOTHING happens except the girl got scared and left. She never tells anyone. Worst case he pinned her down on the bed and tried to take her suit off while both were drunk but again, nothing happened and she left.

Kavanaugh has a 30yr+ distinguished career where 100s of women on both sides of the aisle gush about his character and professionalism. One even introduced him to Congress who is an ultra liberal. Not one other accusation about him even remotely hurting a female the last 30 years but now 36yrs later w/ ZERO evidence he's supposed to flush his entire career? Not only zero evidence, the two other people named have denied it and the lady doesn't even remember what year or where it was or when it was.

75% of the men in our country would have to resign their job if this is how we started to run the judicial system. I know Democrats live by guilty until proven innocent but that's not how the United States works.
Even you are smart enough to know this is 100% about politics and stopping his nomination.

75% of men in this country? Really?

Then men in this country aren't held to a very high standard of treatment of women, are they?

Just as being drunk isn't a valid excuse for killing or injuring someone with your car, it's not a valid excuse for boorish behavior that includes sexual assault you may not even remember, even if you're just a teenager committing a youthful indiscretion.

Obviously, this isn't career-ending for Kavanaugh--as, justly, have allegations of harassment or outright abuse against politicians across the spectrum, recently including Blake Farenthold and Al Franken, or journalists such as John Hockenberry (who just wrote a whiny, complaining column) or Jian Gomeshi, who was banished from hosting a pubic radio program when it came out that Gomeshi liked to hit and choke women, hard, as a prelude to or during sex (he claimed the violence was consensual; women disagreed).

Kavanaugh can remain a federal judge on the D.C. circuit. That's also a prestigious lifetime appointment.

He may be confirmed, but the events of the past week have given a few folks from Trump districts who might otherwise normally oppose Kavanaugh as too far to the right or feel disgusted by his dissembling and bland refusal to answer questions during his confirmation hearing or even the rush job the GOP has put on getting Kavanaugh on the court before the midterns a good enough reason for opposing his nomination, even if they do so on the grounds that the vote is being forced too soon.

There's also a segment of the population who will never view Gorsuch or Kavanaugh, if he's confirmed, with the same respect as other justices because of the way they got their seats and the president who nominated him. Trump has little respect for the rule of law and the Department of Justice, but by toeing the party line on these appointments, he maintains the loyalty of McConnell. I'm sure Kavanaugh doesn't care, just as Thomas hasn't, though he has been viewed for years as someone who shouldn't have been confirmed but was. And McConnell and Co. certainly don't care. But because of what the Republicans did re: Merrick Garland and the way they've behaved with this nomination, SCOTUS has less legitimacy. And that's solely on Republicans.
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You were saying Jinx?

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