Why can't a Democrat be pro life?

29,321 Views | 287 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Florda_mike
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xiledinok said:

GrowlTowel said:

xiledinok said:

tommie said:

Gunny Hartman said:

tommie said:

Had Stormy Daniels gotten pregnant by Trump would he have encouraged her to have the baby or have the abortion?

What a ridiculous question. First of all, we have no way of knowing the answer to that. And secondly, even if he had encouraged her to have an abortion, we elected Trump to help make America strong, prosperous, and safe, not to be our moral compass.

We can absolutely answer that. It's an absolute answer. Yes. That motherfucjer would have been sucked out of her faster then you can say "Hoover" (shock value intentional)

But it also shows what I've always known. What you believe isn't what you believe. And the fact that you pick and choose when and where to apply your "values" is disturbing.

Your concern isn't with me. You need to address and justify your impositions within yourself.

Hoover. Hoover. Two more Trump babies gone.

It's so bad for the evangelicals that they hitched themselves onto Trump.
I feel sorry for them.
The Democrats just remind people they are going to stay out of their way.
When evangelical dudes are sitting around at Christmas talking about blowing up clinics, it doesn't take much to figure they have been brain washed into think it is the most important political issue.

Funny how people that mock evangelicals in every possible situation seem to care that they eventually took a page from the Democrats and voted for the person closest to their beliefs instead of waiting for a person exactly like their beliefs.

I wonder where they figured that out from?

I m not mocking them when I make fun of them for sitting around and having an actual conversation about blowing up a clinic at Christmas. A Christian like myself doesn't need the evangelical types who cry like an oppressed victim when things do not go their way in society.

They didn't have the balls to blow the clinic up. The brainwashing could not overcome putting it all on the line with nothing to gain deep down in their fearful souls.
You are just one weird dude aren't you? I thought maybe you were just a sports troll who liked to be noticed...but you are just one strange individual.
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Doc Holliday said:

Question for pro choice Christians.

You're in a room with a woman who is thinking about getting an abortion.
You tell the woman it's her choice if she wants an abortion or not because that's your stance.

What does Jesus think of you encouraging choice?
. If one is a pro choice Christian one does Not "encourage" abortions. You made a leap there.
I am thinking that Jesus sees the woman too as a child of God. Women are human and human rights are women's right.
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Waco1947 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Question for pro choice Christians.

You're in a room with a woman who is thinking about getting an abortion.
You tell the woman it's her choice if she wants an abortion or not because that's your stance.

What does Jesus think of you encouraging choice?
. If one is a pro choice Christian one does Not "encourage" abortions. You made a leap there.
I am thinking that Jesus sees the woman too as a child of God. Women are human and human rights are women's right.
Unless it's a little girl in the womb, then she's expendable.
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Quash said, "There could be common ground in the abortion debate but people like you refuse to occupy it. That's fine. Other folks are finding it and that's why abortion rates have come down."
My question:What is the correlation between common ground and abortions coming down?
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Canada " We just pretend it's no longer a human life when someone is callous enough to want to end their pregnancy for expedience sake or out of fear of sacrificing the status quo to own the responsibilities of their actions."

Callous, expediency, fear of the stats quo to own their responsibility are attributes of a pregnant woman that you know nothing about. You cannot make up stuff about women. In actuality you have no real idea but only biased assumptions
Gunny Hartman
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Waco1947 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Question for pro choice Christians.

You're in a room with a woman who is thinking about getting an abortion.
You tell the woman it's her choice if she wants an abortion or not because that's your stance.

What does Jesus think of you encouraging choice?
. If one is a pro choice Christian one does Not "encourage" abortions. You made a leap there.
I am thinking that Jesus sees the woman too as a child of God. Women are human and human rights are women's right.

Impossible to argue with such profundity
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Waco1947 said:

Canada " We just pretend it's no longer a human life when someone is callous enough to want to end their pregnancy for expedience sake or out of fear of sacrificing the status quo to own the responsibilities of their actions."

Callous, expediency, fear of the stats quo to own their responsibility are attributes of a pregnant woman that you know nothing about. You cannot make up stuff about women. In actuality you have no real idea but only biased assumptions
Says someone who says unborn girls are sub-human, stop your sanctimonious bull.

Judgment day will not kind to moral cowards such as you, goats among the sheep.
Doc Holliday
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Waco1947 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Question for pro choice Christians.

You're in a room with a woman who is thinking about getting an abortion.
You tell the woman it's her choice if she wants an abortion or not because that's your stance.

What does Jesus think of you encouraging choice?
. If one is a pro choice Christian one does Not "encourage" abortions. You made a leap there.
I am thinking that Jesus sees the woman too as a child of God. Women are human and human rights are women's right.
Of course you encourage it.

You vote for people that want the public to accept abortions. That's an endorsement because you aid in puttin them in power.

You tell people that choice is the right thing.

Do you think I'm encouraging people not to have an abortion? If yes, how?
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quash said:

303Bear said:

quash said:

MilliVanilli said:

quash said:

MilliVanilli said:

Florda_mike said:

Socialists are murderers and presently democrat party has become infested with socialists unfortunately
It's just lamentable that a universal truth such as let's not kill babies has gone away.

If liberals actually knew their history, they'd see many of their heroes (they would I guess now disavow) were champions of the sanctity of human life and it informed their liberalism.

You will not change any minds by confusing a fetus with a baby.

But you will cement your standing with the Red Team, and Florda will wave pompons for you.

Just because you're ignorant of Latin doesn't mean you have said anything intelligent.


  • an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby.
  • [/ol]
    Origin of fetus

    13501400; Middle English < Latin ftus bringing forth of young, hence that which is born, offspring, youngstill in the womb, equivalent to f- (v. base attested in L only in noun derivatives, as fmina woman, fcundusfecund, etc.; compare Greek thsthai to suck, milk, Old High German tan to suck, Old Irish denid (he) sucks)+ -tus suffix of v. action

    Damn that dictionary definition, what a pesky thing.

    No wonder liberalism has devolved into madness, compassion and humanity are semantics to you people.

    Here you were given a concise and civil history of a legacy you betray and your response is to put an exclamation point on stupid.

    If the dictionary makes you feel better, fine. I come from a legal background where those two words mean different things. But you already saw that in your dictionary where they put unborn before baby.

    Please. That is a thin argument and I think you know it. Legal and dictionary definitions differ in numerous places but lets not pretend that jurists do not often consult other sources. Moreover the latest version of Blacks Law dictionary defines Fetus as "In medical jurisprudence. An unborn child. An infant in ventre sa mdre." Notice the limit to medical jurisprudence, e.g., malpractice, etc. Moreover, you and I both know that parties can, and often do, define their own terms in legal documents.

    It seems disingenuous to claim that there is middle ground if only you would just occupy it when something as basic as language is still up for debate.

    You can't have a debate until you agree on terms. A fetus is not a baby. As the dictionary notes.
    Semantics. The fetus is human.

    That's vital. to any discussion.
    That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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    Waco1947 said:

    Canada " We just pretend it's no longer a human life when someone is callous enough to want to end their pregnancy for expedience sake or out of fear of sacrificing the status quo to own the responsibilities of their actions."

    Callous, expediency, fear of the stats quo to own their responsibility are attributes of a pregnant woman that you know nothing about. You cannot make up stuff about women. In actuality you have no real idea but only biased assumptions

    The US government says it is legal to kill your own unborn child....even late term.

    But that is not a Christian ( disciple of Christ ) position to take.....period .

    For you to constantly run around a claim to be a minister yet support abortion is the height of dishonesty and hypocrisy.

    Self deceiving fool.....you can deny, deflect and lie to your hearts content ....but it really is as simple as that .
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    Again no I am NOT pro abortion but I will be a defender of hope and justice for women. They are not be shunted aside by derisive and dismissive and demeaning comments about women's motives and values. It is none of your business.
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    Waco1947 said:

    Again no I am NOT pro abortion but I will be a defender of hope and justice for women. They are not be shunted aside by derisive and dismissive and demeaning comments about women's motives and values. It is none of your business.

    You do not believe a single word you typed. You have said in the past that unless you support abortion you are sexist.

    Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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    GrowlTowel said:

    Waco1947 said:

    Again no I am NOT pro abortion but I will be a defender of hope and justice for women. They are not be shunted aside by derisive and dismissive and demeaning comments about women's motives and values. It is none of your business.

    You do not believe a single word you typed. You have said in the past that unless you support abortion you are sexist.

    . But I do.
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    Waco1947 said:

    GrowlTowel said:

    Waco1947 said:

    Again no I am NOT pro abortion but I will be a defender of hope and justice for women. They are not be shunted aside by derisive and dismissive and demeaning comments about women's motives and values. It is none of your business.

    You do not believe a single word you typed. You have said in the past that unless you support abortion you are sexist.

    . But I do.

    So you admit it is better to toss women off the path to God rather than lead them to the kingdom?

    Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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    Waco1947 said:

    Again no I am NOT pro abortion but I will be a defender of hope and justice for women. They are not be shunted aside by derisive and dismissive and demeaning comments about women's motives and values. It is none of your business.
    You make it sound like abortion is a facial piercing, I'll be sure to let every homicidal maniac that's ever walked the earth they were demeaned by being judged and sentenced.

    Your kind uses fearful confusion as an election issue, you don't care about women at all, nor for children.

    What "hope" you give women by letting them terminate a human life and risk being butchered by an abortionist and self loathing themselves in the post partem aftermath.

    What hope you give people with a caste system of human life that says some people are better off dead than facing hypothetical hardship, because no one has ever overcome circumstances in history.

    By that standard anyone under the poverty line ought to be systematically executed as a mercy killing.

    "Justice" to kill a child who has done nothing to wrong a single soul ever.

    Perverse, shameful, you're frankly a despicable excuse for a person.

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    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.
    Gunny Hartman
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    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.

    What in the... Who in the hell hates pregnant women??
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    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.
    You're idiotic enough to think infanticide is compassion, so courageous of you.
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    Gunny Hartman said:

    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.

    What in the... Who in the hell hates pregnant women??
    It's part of the warped fantasy that infanticide erases unplanned pregnancy.
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    Gunny Hartman said:

    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.

    What in the... Who in the hell hates pregnant women??

    Gunny, if you look at Waco as an almost constantly drunken buffoon then it all begins to fall in place with him

    Idk if that's the case or he totally lacks any reasoning skills but we're talking Idiocracy level stuff from that dude almost 24/7!?
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    Florda_mike said:

    Gunny Hartman said:

    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.

    What in the... Who in the hell hates pregnant women??

    Gunny, if you look at Waco as an almost constantly drunken buffoon then it all begins to fall in place with him

    Idk if that's the case or he totally lacks any reasoning skills but we're talking Idiocracy level stuff from that dude almost 24/7!?

    I have a good friend who is personally pro-life, politically pro-choice. Actually works for a pro-life organization yet almost always votes Democrat. A very fine human being, thoughtful, reasonable, etc....but like most liberals today, is hopelessly romantic when it comes to politics and continues to see the Democrat Party as the party of the little guy and the GOP as the party of the Country Club and willfully oblivious to the mob of progressives that have taken over his party.
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    whiterock said:

    Florda_mike said:

    Gunny Hartman said:

    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.

    What in the... Who in the hell hates pregnant women??

    Gunny, if you look at Waco as an almost constantly drunken buffoon then it all begins to fall in place with him

    Idk if that's the case or he totally lacks any reasoning skills but we're talking Idiocracy level stuff from that dude almost 24/7!?

    I have a good friend who is personally pro-life, politically pro-choice. Actually works for a pro-life organization yet almost always votes Democrat. A very fine human being, thoughtful, reasonable, etc....but like most liberals today, is hopelessly romantic when it comes to politics and continues to see the Democrat Party as the party of the little guy and the GOP as the party of the Country Club and willfully oblivious to the mob of progressives that have taken over his party.

    I know what you mean

    Today it's getting hard for me to maintain friendships with these people

    Willfully oblivious, as you call it, is something I have less and less time for as I get older

    That's what makes me as I am on here

    God bless you
    Doc Holliday
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    Florda_mike said:

    Gunny Hartman said:

    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.

    What in the... Who in the hell hates pregnant women??

    Gunny, if you look at Waco as an almost constantly drunken buffoon then it all begins to fall in place with him

    Idk if that's the case or he totally lacks any reasoning skills but we're talking Idiocracy level stuff from that dude almost 24/7!?
    Leftism is a religion, that's why.
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    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.
    Can't see your hate, can you? That's sad for women. I know you don't 'hate pregnant women" but you have such of silly opinion of why they got pregnant.
    You are oblivious to their plight.
    Doc Holliday
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    Waco1947 said:

    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.
    Can't see your hate, can you? That's sad for women. I know you don't 'hate pregnant women" but you have such of silly opinion of why they got pregnant.
    You are oblivious to their plight.
    Women and their babies are TWO SEPARATE PEOPLE.
    This is not a women's rights, bodily rights or any kind of rights issue for the woman.

    It's a rights issue for life.

    You clearly don't value human life as you take the women's side over the babies side and endorse the murder.
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    Waco1947 said:

    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.
    Can't see your hate, can you? That's sad for women. I know you don't 'hate pregnant women" but you have such of silly opinion of why they got pregnant.
    You are oblivious to their plight.
    Hate is the fact you justify murder as compassion.
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    Waco1947 said:

    Waco1947 said:

    I am sorry for the women who have to live with vile hatred because they are pregnant. I'll stand with them.
    Can't see your hate, can you? That's sad for women. I know you don't 'hate pregnant women" but you have such of silly opinion of why they got pregnant.
    You are oblivious to their plight.

    Waco, Dude!!!

    You're replying ....... to yourself

    And it's early morning still!?

    Geez, you're killing me! Absolutely killing me!
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    In your mind - yes and your entitled to your opinion but it is none of your business with regards to pregnant women and you cannot make someone else conform to your opinion.
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    Bless your heart. You are so wrapped up in my me
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    So you still got nothing to say but reverso world. Is it any of your business as a citizen of the United States who rights are protected by the Constitution to make a woman have an abortion who also lives with those same right?
    As a Christian you certainly have a right to voice your opinion but not foist it on another human being in the USA.
    And yes I am Pro Life because I believe that after a child leaves the womb we should as citizens should help these women with healthcare, food, child care and education. That's a pro life position not simply a anti abortion position.
    I will say that pregnant women should have free prenatal care - that pro life.
    Doc Holliday
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    Waco1947 said:

    In your mind - yes and your entitled to your opinion but it is none of your business with regards to pregnant women and you cannot make someone else conform to your opinion.
    Pro abortionists aren't only making me conform to their opinion, they are using tax payer dollars of mine to fund it.

    It's wrong. You know it's wrong.

    Your problem isn't abortion or this topic...it's you not willing or wanting to disagree with the left because it's a religion for you.
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    Why should I respond to something you make up about me.
    Here is the issue:
    1) You cannot foist your faith onto another in the USA.
    2) If one is a pregnant woman in the USA then she is a citizen and has right to to her own health choices. It is none of your business. Libertarians get this idea and I think most citizens. Do you want govt managing your health issues?
    3) Are you willing as pro life person willing to give her education, health care and child care (for this child you want so badly to enter this world). If so then you are truly pro life. As I hear it you do you do not want any of these program.
    Doc Holliday
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    Waco1947 said:

    Why should I respond to something you make up about me.
    Here is the issue:
    1) You cannot foist your faith onto another in the USA.
    2) If one is a pregnant woman in the USA then she is a citizen and has right to to her own health choices. It is none of your business. Libertarians get this idea and I think most citizens. Do you want govt managing your health issues?
    3) Are you willing as pro life person willing to give her education, health care and child care (for this child you want so badly to enter this world). If so then you are truly pro life. As I hear it you do you do not want any of these program.
    Why should my tax dollars go to funding abortions? Does that not violate my views?

    My argument has nothing to do with religion being forced on these women.
    I have two principles:

    1.) The biological reality of the unborn child's identity. Every embryology textbook that is used today acknowledges that the human organism that emerges from fertilization is a living member of the human species.

    2.) My 2nd argument is about justice and equality. The idea that all human beings deserve equal protection under the law. If you're going to exclude an entire segment of the human family from this section of the law because they're small, dependent or biologically immature, or temporarily incapable of certain kinds of high level biological functioning...that's an injustice of the highest order. A lethal form of discrimination.

    This argument does not require me to be a theist of any kind.

    It's a human rights issue.

    I don't believe any institution such as planned parenthood should receive taxpayer funding as a mandatory legal principle. Tax payers shouldn't be required to hand over money to an organization that is the largest purveyor of abortion in America.

    You believe that aborting a baby is a betterment for the life of women.
    You believe it's not a life in the womb.
    Why you hold these thoughts despite you at some point fitting this criteria is beyond me.

    If it's going to be an economic burden on the woman, there are a lot of people like me who would gladly help her out. There are charities that exist for people like this and if you know of anybody I'm happy to give her some money.
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    Doc Holliday said:

    Waco1947 said:

    Why should I respond to something you make up about me.
    Here is the issue:
    1) You cannot foist your faith onto another in the USA.
    2) If one is a pregnant woman in the USA then she is a citizen and has right to to her own health choices. It is none of your business. Libertarians get this idea and I think most citizens. Do you want govt managing your health issues?
    3) Are you willing as pro life person willing to give her education, health care and child care (for this child you want so badly to enter this world). If so then you are truly pro life. As I hear it you do you do not want any of these program.
    Why should my tax dollars go to funding abortions? Does that not violate my views? >>>>>>>Why should my tax dollars go to an undeclared and unjustified war that kills our best, bravest or brightest or needlessly wounds their hearts and souls?? I still pay my taxes because I am citizen and my government has chosen this course so I pay. I also vote to change that policy but I don't with hold my taxes because I am a patriot and a citizen <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    My argument has nothing to do with religion being forced on these women.
    I have two principles:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Yes, it does. Your arguments are about God who you believe gave this "child' life.<<<<<<<<<<<

    1.) The biological reality of the unborn child's identity. Every embryology textbook that is used today acknowledges that the human organism that emerges from fertilization is a living member of the human species.>>>>>>>>>yep it emerges. we are agree.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    2.) My 2nd argument is about justice and equality. The idea that all human beings deserve equal protection under the law. If you're going to exclude an entire segment of the human family from this section of the law because they're small, dependent or biologically immature, or temporarily incapable of certain kinds of high level biological functioning...that's an injustice of the highest order. A lethal form of discrimination.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and we are back to my analogy. If these embryos or fetuses are indeed then we are back to analogy of saving 1,000 embryos who according to you are human. Let you will save only one.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    This argument does not require me to be a theist of any kind. >>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, this argument is about justice and equality. However, p[lease extend that argument to pregnant women,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    It's a human rights issue.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes for the embryos AND the Women<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    I don't believe any institution such as planned parenthood should receive taxpayer funding as a mandatory legal principle. Tax payers shouldn't be required to hand over money to an organization that is the largest purveyor of abortion in America.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nope>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    You believe that aborting a baby is a betterment for the life of women.
    You believe it's not a life in the womb.>>>>>>> No not the betterment. I don't know about the results but I do know it is their choice and not yours>>>>>>>>>>
    Why you hold these thoughts despite you at some point fitting this criteria is beyond me.>>>>>>>I don't understand<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    If it's going to be an economic burden on the woman, there are a lot of people like me who would gladly help her out. There are charities that exist for people like this and if you know of anybody I'm happy to give her some money.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>According to you there have been 55,000,000 abortions since Roe v Wade. Surely you see the economy of scale of helping all those women and children That's 110,000,000 people in need of health care, child care, and education. I have not seen the GOP step up to meet that need. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    I hope that this helpful
    Gunny Hartman
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    Waco1947 can't think, and thus can't be helped.

    (Clicks "stop watching" at the top of the thread)
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