Was Barack Obama really a Christian?

13,736 Views | 132 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by quash
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It is known that Barack Obama ran on the idea that he was a practicing Christian. However, when you consider what he actually did during his Presidency, it is very difficult to claim that he was standing up for the Gospel and honoring God. Here, is a run down of some of the things he supported during his Presidency:


December 2009- The annual White House Christmas cards, rather than focusing on Christmas or faith, instead highlight things such as the family dogs. And the White House Christmas tree ornaments which include figures such as Mao Tse-Tung and a drag queen.

March 2009- The Obama administration shut out pro-life groups from attending a White House-sponsored health care summit.

April 2009- In a deliberate act of disrespect, Obama nominated three pro-abortion ambassadors to the Vatican; of course, the pro-life Vatican rejected all three.

April 2009- When speaking at Georgetown University, Obama orders that a monogram symbolizing Jesus' name be covered when he is making his speech.

September 16, 2009- The Obama administration appoints as EEOC Commissioner Chai Feldblum, who asserts that society should "not tolerate" any "private beliefs," including religious beliefs, if they may negatively affect homosexual "equality."

May 2009- The White House budget eliminates all funding for abstinence-only education and replaces it with "comprehensive" sexual education, repeatedly proven to increase teen pregnancies and abortions. He continues the deletion in subsequent budgets.

May 2009- Obama officials assemble a terrorism dictionary calling pro-life advocates violent and charging that they use racism in their "criminal" activities.

May 2009- Obama declines to host services for the National Day of Prayer (a day established by federal law) at the White House.

July 2009- The Obama administration illegally extends federal benefits to same-sex partners of Foreign Service and Executive Branch employees, in direction violation of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

October 19, 2010- Obama begins deliberately omitting the phrase about "the Creator" when quoting the Declaration of Independence an omission he has made on no less than seven occasions.

August 2010- The Obama administration cuts funding for 176 abstinence education programs.

January 2011- After a federal law was passed to transfer a WWI Memorial in the Mojave Desert to private ownership, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that the cross in the memorial could continue to stand, but the Obama administration refused to allow the land to be transferred as required by law, and refused to allow the cross to be re-erected as ordered by the Court.

February 2011- Although he filled posts in the State Department, for more than two years Obama did not fill the post of religious freedom ambassador, an official that works against religious persecution across the world.

April 2011- For the first time in American history, Obama urges passage of a non-discrimination law that does not contain hiring protections for religious groups, forcing religious organizations to hire according to federal mandates without regard to the dictates of their own faith, thus eliminating conscience protection in hiring.

November 2011- Unlike previous presidents, Obama studiously avoids any religious references in his Thanksgiving speech.

November 2011- President Obama opposes inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt's famous D-Day Prayer in the WWII Memorial.

February 2012- The Obama administration forgives student loans in exchange for public service, but announces it will no longer forgive student loans if the public service is related to religion.

January 2013- Pastor Louie Giglio is pressured to remove himself from praying at the inauguration after it is discovered he once preached a sermon supporting the biblical definition of marriage.

March 2014- The Obama administration seeks funding for every type of sex-education except that which reflects traditional moral values.

Source: Dark Agenda: The War To Destroy Christian America by David Horowitz
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/DARK-AGENDA-Destroy-Christian-America/dp/163006114X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1H1LTVDFA86OR&keywords=dark+agenda+david+horowitz&qid=1566281470&s=gateway&sprefix=dark+agenda+%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-1
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He wasn't even an American.
Buddha Bear
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Ya, he was faking it when he led a church choir in singing "Amazing Grace" on national television.
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The black nationalist 'church' he attended faithfully for 20 years, suggests he was not.
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He was Muslim plain and simple and you cite samples that each backs up my claim

When you're born of Muslim father you are known to be 100% Muslim and if you convert to another "faith" then you're marked for execution. There's never been any Muslim or Muslim organization to publicly address obama needing killed nor has there been an attempt on his life. Muslims knew the signs he was friend to them and you cite some of the signs

I know a white southerner that married then divorced a Muslim woman and he knows how Muslim women walk behind and cower to their privately abusive husbands. He says watching obama and Michelle is like watching an obvious Muslim couple

Enough for me
Buddha Bear
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Florida Mike, the resident Muslim expert learned from his Fox News addiction.

I'm not a fan of any religion, and Islam probably has the worst extremist tendencies of them all (followed by Christianity, Buddhism, then Hinduism by my personal experience around practicing religious types).

But Obama wasn't a Muslim. A person would only say that to insult him, and to appease their inner anger toward him.
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Buddha, you know as well as anyone, if his dad was Muslim then Obama was too. You know he was born a Muslim! That's simply how it works and you SHOULD know it and probably do?

I can't stand the man because was an anti Christian Muslim and I certainly don't just pretend and call him Muslim because I can't stand him. Life is too short to pretend about all this and I don't have time to pretend about anyone especially an American president!

Some of you smart folks are considered smart because you believe and know ONLY what you read. You have to read between lines to know obama was Muslim and I've made a lifetime reading tween lines to make a living.

A simple example I've never seen a "journalist" ever have the balls to question is his name change, and YOU know this throughout your travels but won't admit it for whatever reason! Why did he change his name to a Muslim name??? Why did Barry change name to Barrack? Why change Soreito to Obama? And why call his middle name Hussein? Do you know what that Muslim name translates to? Do that simple research if you still deny the obvious

And to the OP, thanks for this great topic, seriously

You at least address the obvious

Thanks again
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Just like with Trump, I'm not looking for a Pastor in Chief. I didn't vote for him either. He did some unChristian things just like Trump does on his Twitter. That said, he virtue signaled his Christianity all the time unlike Trump.

IMO Obama being our first black president, he squandered an opportunity to be in those inner cities building those up and really doing something for the black community.

He and Michael are gone. There's no need to rehash his 8 years.
corncob pipe
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Buddha Bear said:

But Obama wasn't a Muslim. A person would only say that to insult him, and to appease their inner anger toward him.

Most assuredly not, after all, the grandson of, and the son of, and the stepson of, a Muslim ....

Is not a Muslim
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3... Years... Later...
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Mike should officially go ahead and change his name to Florida Dunning Kruger (pause while he looks that up).

Even for this board, this thread would have been sad eleven years ago.

But he we are, or course...
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He damn sure was a puppet
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Obama....a foreign born Muslim who tried to pass himself off as a Christian for political reasons.

One quote that was not mentioned. On his Muslim apology tour he said , "the most beautiful sound in the world is the evening call to prayer across the Muslim world"

He also directed NASA to be used as an outreach to the Muslim world.

If you did not see he was Muslim and a focused Anti-christian, then you are plain and simply blind.
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I'll take "People Who Don't Realize They Are Dumb" for a $1,000.00, Alex.
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Booray said:

I'll take "People Who Don't Realize They Are Dumb" for a $1,000.00, Alex.

And the answer is, this political party opposed the voting rights act and used the KKK as its political terrorism arm.
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I don't think he is muslim or christian rather he is a marxist/globalist who is probably an atheist.
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I had a friend growing up that had a Christian mom and a Jewish dad. His dad was not involved in his life from birth and my friend knew almost nothing about Judaism. Because of birth, he was a Jew, but he was one of the strongest Christians I knew. I'm not sure how much a sperm donor matters to religious beliefs, which by all accounts, is al Obama's dad was.

I don't know what Obama's true beliefs were, none of us will ever know. I'll never understand why so many people get caught up with the religious beliefs of politicians. Politicians have the biggest God-complex of anyone and they will say whatever it takes to get them elected so they can feed their fragile little ego. Policies should be much more important than what they say in public or believe in private regarding religion.
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I think there was an interview where he said "my Muslim faith" and the journalist corrected him.
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contrario said:

I had a friend growing up that had a Christian mom and a Jewish dad. His dad was not involved in his life from birth and my friend knew almost nothing about Judaism. Because of birth, he was a Jew, but he was one of the strongest Christians I knew. I'm not sure how much a sperm donor matters to religious beliefs, which by all accounts, is al Obama's dad was.

I don't know what Obama's true beliefs were, none of us will ever know. I'll never understand why so many people get caught up with the religious beliefs of politicians. Politicians have the biggest God-complex of anyone and they will say whatever it takes to get them elected so they can feed their fragile little ego. Policies should be much more important than what they say in public or believe in private regarding religion.
You are not considered a jew unless your mother is a jew unless you convert, i guess.
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muddybrazos said:

contrario said:

I had a friend growing up that had a Christian mom and a Jewish dad. His dad was not involved in his life from birth and my friend knew almost nothing about Judaism. Because of birth, he was a Jew, but he was one of the strongest Christians I knew. I'm not sure how much a sperm donor matters to religious beliefs, which by all accounts, is al Obama's dad was.

I don't know what Obama's true beliefs were, none of us will ever know. I'll never understand why so many people get caught up with the religious beliefs of politicians. Politicians have the biggest God-complex of anyone and they will say whatever it takes to get them elected so they can feed their fragile little ego. Policies should be much more important than what they say in public or believe in private regarding religion.
You are not considered a jew unless your mother is a jew unless you convert, i guess.
I don't know the rules, but I do know if you know nothing about Judaism, you aren't a Jew, same with all other religions.
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What church does Trump attend
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robby44 said:

What church does Trump attend

Not one led by a hate filled black nationalist who is buddy buddy with Farrakhan. What religion does POTUS need to be?
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I've never commented on the politics board and I never will again, but I couldn't let this crap slide:

May 2009- The White House budget eliminates all funding for abstinence-only education and replaces it with "comprehensive" sexual education, repeatedly proven to increase teen pregnancies and abortions. He continues the deletion in subsequent budgets.

This is literally the opposite of true. Areas where abstinence-only is taught have higher rates of teen pregnancy, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, STDs, poor birth outcomes. Do you really think teaching teenagers about their contraceptive options would cause MORE pregnancies?

Teenagers are going to have sex. Period. Teach them how to do it without spreading disease and getting pregnant. Abortion is extremely rare in other developed, western nations precisely because of this.
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Buddha Bear said:

Ya, he was faking it when he led a church choir in singing "Amazing Grace" on national television.

Yeah I actually think he was. Can't say I blame him. You have to at least fake it in order to participate in politics in this country. Still no atheist in Congress? Is that even statistically possible?

Anyways, agree with Maher, Obama's a "drop dead atheist".
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Buddha Bear said:

Ya, he was faking it when he led a church choir in singing "Amazing Grace" on national television.
How does that negate all his other fruit? Also, are you really a Buddhist or just aping the name buddha?
Sailor Bear
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I'm gonna regret posting on this board, but I've got a hot take for you, OP. Not a single point you listed is "unchristian." Have a great day!
Johnny Bear
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GolemIII said:

robby44 said:

What church does Trump attend

Not one led by a hate filled black nationalist who is buddy buddy with Farrakhan. What religion does POTUS need to be?
Great point, Golem. And for what it's worth, Trump has previously claimed to be Presbyterian.
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ScottS said:

I think there was

LOL, this right here is the politics board in a nutshell. From the department of "I'm hearing...." What I want to believe is my reality exacerbated by social media confirmation. We are getting dumber as a society.

Couldn't care less about Obama's religious affiliation or Trump's hypocritical infidelities and selfish narcissism or otherwise. You could run satanic ceremonies on the front lawn for all I care as long as country is being run well and rule of law is being followed.
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Bearish said:

I'm gonna regret posting on this board, but I've got a hot take for you, OP. Not a single point you listed is "unchristian." Have a great day!
You have a great day too. However, your bible must read differently than mine. In mine, Christians aren't ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and they do not hide their faith under a bushel. I wonder if you are not letting your politics get the best of you.
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muddybrazos said:

contrario said:

I had a friend growing up that had a Christian mom and a Jewish dad. His dad was not involved in his life from birth and my friend knew almost nothing about Judaism. Because of birth, he was a Jew, but he was one of the strongest Christians I knew. I'm not sure how much a sperm donor matters to religious beliefs, which by all accounts, is al Obama's dad was.

I don't know what Obama's true beliefs were, none of us will ever know. I'll never understand why so many people get caught up with the religious beliefs of politicians. Politicians have the biggest God-complex of anyone and they will say whatever it takes to get them elected so they can feed their fragile little ego. Policies should be much more important than what they say in public or believe in private regarding religion.
You are not considered a jew unless your mother is a jew unless you convert, i guess.
Generally how it "works". Interesting convention.
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Prairie_Bear said:

ScottS said:

I think there was

LOL, this right here is the politics board in a nutshell. From the department of "I'm hearing...." What I want to believe is my reality exacerbated by social media confirmation. We are getting dumber as a society.

Couldn't care less about Obama's religious affiliation or Trump's hypocritical infidelities and selfish narcissism or otherwise. You could run satanic ceremonies on the front lawn for all I care as long as country is being run well and rule of law is being followed.
Yes... well as long as they appoint Originalist-leaning justices to the SCOTUS.
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Good old Talibaptist folklore with O being foreign born and a Muslim. I do miss the entertaining birther women attempting to drag down my white race. This thread delivers.
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Someone asked the other day about when this board died. It was soon after the Baylorfans merger and this became an alt right nut job echo chamber.
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GolemIII said:

The hate filled black nationalist 'church' he attended faithfully for 20 years, led by a despicable hateful 'pastor' who is a friend of Farrakhan, spewed evil garbage week upon week and acted as his spiritual advisor, suggests he was not. Like our resident troll, he is a racist black nationalist who values Christianity only in as much as he can twist it to push his political agendas.


Obama hated anything he associated with Anglo culture.

By default he also attacked the ethics and standards of millions of black Christians.
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xiledinok said:

Good old Talibaptist folklore with O being foreign born and a Muslim. I do miss the entertaining birther women attempting to drag down my white race. This thread delivers.

The author who compiled this information is David Horowitz who is an agnostic Jew.
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