Ted Cruz bails to Cancun

28,341 Views | 430 Replies | Last: 9 mo ago by boognish_bear
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bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

fadskier said:

bear2be2 said:

I think this thread is a pretty good illustration of why Republicans are losing the demographic fight the way they are. In many cases, they -- and their constituents -- have lost or abandoned all sense of shared suffering and community in favor of a brand of individualism that simply manifests itself as selfishness.

You can see that in the number of "So what ..." responses here from hard-core libertarian or conservative types. The "so what" here is that Ted Cruz doesn't feel any real connection to his constituents and is only concerned about himself and his own well-being. Beyond showing an extreme lack of leadership in a time of crisis, this just exposes him for the selfish ******* he is. It's really that simple.
I haven't noticed that they are losing any demographics. And what do you expect Cruz to do? Our electrical grid is not controlled by the federal or state government (thank goodness)

So you just need the appearance of care and concern? That's where we differ, I don't. I don't need a politician to pretend to care...which is why I thought it stupid for people like Waco47 to get angry when Trump didn't say "nice, hopeful things" when 3,000 people would die of COVID in a day. I don't need Biden to either but for the record Waco47 (or anyone else for that matter) hasn't been angry on this board that Biden hasn't issued any condolences or hopeful sayings when we top 3,000 deaths in a day.
I expect him -- and everyone else -- to do what little good he can in whatever sphere of influence he has. Go check on a neighbor. Bring them some groceries if they need it. You don't have to publicize it either. Do it because it's the right thing to do.

This isn't rocket science. It's being a good neighbor and community member. Hell, it's being a practicing Christian.

Nothing exposes a person's character like adversity. And Ted Cruz has proven yet again that he has none.
So anyone traveling right now is not a good neighbor nor a Christian?

I agree with you that Cruz is tone deaf, but wow.
Those who intentionally flee disaster for personal comfort while their neighbors suffer are poor neighbors IMO. And those who do that from leadership positions are particularly ****ty leaders.
I agree not a good look, but not nearly as big a deal as you are making it.

As up in arms as you are about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm, I am surprised you didn't post your outrage at Cuomo fudging the numbers on nursing home deaths when there were a couple of threads on that last week. We are literally talking about a guy who has blood on his hands, and not a peep from you.

You choose strange hills to die on.
You might want to reread this thread. I've made my thoughts on Cuomo very clear.

I don't post in a lot of threads on this board. That doesn't mean I don't have thoughts on those topics. I'm just more inclined to respond to the things said here I disagree with, so I tend to ignore those threads in which I'm part of a broad consensus. When you can find an instance of me defending any of those scumbags out of tribal allegiance, let me know. Otherwise, my silence can often be interpreted as agreement -- though likely to a more moderated degree.

And I have stronger thoughts on Ted Cruz than some others because he is my senator. His bull**** impacts me on a more local level.
If I missed your post on Cuomo, please direct me to it. I would think your outrage at what he did would be far greater than Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.
This thread's only four pages long. You can find them (there are multiple).

And I've been unequivocal in my outrage at that situation. Sorry your gotcha attempt didn't work out the way you'd hoped.
Found them. Glad to hear you seem somewhat upset about that after somebody called you out on it. Interesting how much more outraged you are about the "human scum" Ted Cruz, however.
You're really struggling here. No one called me out on that. The post introducing Cuomo into this thread (by BusyTarpDuster2017) wasn't in response to me -- or anyone else for that matter.

And the opinion I offered in response was unsolicited and without any "... but what about so-and-so?" Not all of us are partisan shills, Mothra.

And again, my opinions on Ted Cruz are stronger than on some others because I know him better. He's been a senator in my state for eight long years now. And when someone shows me who they are, I believe them.
Agreed. Cruz is human scum, not a Christian and should resign for taking a vacation during an ice storm.

Glad to hear you are somewhat upset about Cuomo lying about how many elderly people he killed.
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Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
You're a buffoon. I called for Trump to be impeached on January 6th, and said repeatedly I was glad the guy was gone and never to be heard from again. I have been repeatedly critical of the guy over the last 4 years, and said I had to hold my nose to vote for him.

Nice try.

Really because remember on 1/6 in real time while everyone was witnessing it you were musing maybe it was a bunch of white liberals in disguise? Then later you said it was no big deal?

Where did you call for Trump to be impeached on 1/6 or on any other date?
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quash said:

Mothra said:

J.B.Katz said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
False equivalance and whataboutism.

Cuomo's lying about nursing homes sounds bad. It's totally unrelated to the power grid collapse and winter storm in Texas. It doesn't excuse Abbott's bad response or the fact that the grid had inadequate weather safeguards.

Cuomo should be held responsible for his failures.

So should Abbott and any other Texas official whose actions or inactions resulted in the cold mess of power and water failures across the state.

Newsom was stupid to do exactly what his govt told everybody else in his state not to do. Seems I remember Deborah Birx going to a vacation house with family for Thanksgiving after telling everybody else not to travel for thanksgiving. Do as I say not as I do, is bad leadership.

Next are you boys going to say Antifia and BLM forced Cruz to board that plane and fly to Cancun?
If I was making a comparison of the two actions, you might have a point. Instead, however, I was comparing the outrage by our resident lefties at Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while recognizing they've been mostly silent about something that is actually far worse. We've seen him called "human scum," been told he's not a Christian, and that he should resign. And these same posters have said barely a peep about a governor in New York who literally has blood on his hands.

It's interesting the things people choose to get outraged about.

You've been told that one reason is that we are Texans. A New York governor really doesn't rate around here.

You got a summer place in the Catskills or you just don't mind ranging afield for Whatabouts?
If I was attempting to refute the points about Cruz made by those of your ilk, you might have a point. But I could care less about the POS.

I just find it interesting the things those of your ilk get outraged about.
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PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
You're a buffoon. I called for Trump to be impeached on January 6th, and said repeatedly I was glad the guy was gone and never to be heard from again. I have been repeatedly critical of the guy over the last 4 years, and said I had to hold my nose to vote for him.

Nice try.

Really because remember on 1/6 in real time while everyone was witnessing it you were musing maybe it was a bunch of white liberals in disguise? Then later you said it was no big deal?

Where did you call for Trump to be impeached on 1/6 or on any other date?
I recall you taking my words out of context. In that same thread you reference I said the guy should be impeached. Go look it up.
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bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident (selectively) outraged Dems.
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J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.
Coming soon to federal courts in Georgia and New York.
As they should....but will you accept a not guilty verdict? I doubt it. If he's guilty, then convict and sentence.
D. C. Bear
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fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.

We don't know because the House didn't bother with a real investigation. Now we have to wait on actual prosecutors and cases.
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Lincoln Project (what's left of it) will soon release ads and dox any conservative Texan doing anything except delivering hot soup and plumbing supplies to their neighbors. Going to work . . . how dare you! Walking your dog . . . not good enough! Working on your own house . . . selfish! Dining out . . . privilege! Driving to a hotel because your home is 34 degrees and no water . . . insensitive!
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sombear said:

Lincoln Project (what's left of it) will soon release ads and dox any conservative Texan doing anything except delivering hot soup and plumbing supplies to their neighbors. Going to work . . . how dare you! Walking your dog . . . not good enough! Working on your own house . . . selfish! Dining out . . . privilege! Driving to a hotel because your home is 34 degrees and no water . . . insensitive!
Why do these people and some people on this board look up to politicians? It's like they can't do anything for themselves unless a politician does it first.
Wrecks Quan Dough
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fadskier said:

sombear said:

Lincoln Project (what's left of it) will soon release ads and dox any conservative Texan doing anything except delivering hot soup and plumbing supplies to their neighbors. Going to work . . . how dare you! Walking your dog . . . not good enough! Working on your own house . . . selfish! Dining out . . . privilege! Driving to a hotel because your home is 34 degrees and no water . . . insensitive!
Why do these people and some people on this board look up to politicians? It's like they can't do anything for themselves unless a politician does it first for them.
Fixed it for you.
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How long do you want to ignore this user?
sombear said:

Lincoln Project (what's left of it) will soon release ads and dox any conservative Texan doing anything except delivering hot soup and plumbing supplies to their neighbors. Going to work . . . how dare you! Walking your dog . . . not good enough! Working on your own house . . . selfish! Dining out . . . privilege! Driving to a hotel because your home is 34 degrees and no water . . . insensitive!
Now that the useful idiots otherwise known as the Lincoln Project have completed their job, they're no longer useful, and the media is starting to release stories about the LP they sat on for months. They will probably have to change their name before running any news ads, given they've lost all credibility.
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Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
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D. C. Bear said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.

We don't know because the House didn't bother with a real investigation. Now we have to wait on actual prosecutors and cases.
Of course the insurrection was not his only crime. There was the extortion of Ukraine officials and the audio tape of his committing election fraud in Georgia just to name two more of several others committed.
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fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.
Coming soon to federal courts in Georgia and New York.
As they should....but will you accept a not guilty verdict? I doubt it. If he's guilty, then convict and sentence.
I'm irrelevant to these proceedings. I thought OJ was guilty but he wasn't convicted and no one care what I thought.

Its sad to have an ex pres in criminal court. As Trump would say, disgraceful.

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bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.
Doc Holliday
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Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.
Whats lost in all of this is Democrat posters on here NEVER explaining why their policies are good ideas. Their entire movement is GOP is racist and evil. I never hear them discuss why minimum wage hikes, massive regulations and their love of big government is good with documented statistics.
Wrecks Quan Dough
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Insurrection. LOL. You Democrats act like a few leftists and a few rightists stealing Nancy's laptop is the same thing as firing on Fort Sumter. The only real insurrection is done by Democrats acting in a somewhat organized and very violent fashion. Insurrection: it is not the same thing as trespassing, vandalism, and theft.
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Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.
Why even assume that people are being selective? Maybe they simply didn't notice your thread.

Or maybe all of the free time they had available to post on this site was spent on replying to topics where they had already posted. I certainly fall into that habit, guided by the little blue box at the upper right.

Or maybe they aren't familiar enough with the details of the story to feel informed enough to post about it. Earlier on this thread, one poster said he didn't really know that much about the details of the allegations about Cuomo, and you seemed outraged by it, as if this were proof of his hypocrisy. That kind of stuff is just a discussion killer.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Doc Holliday said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.
Whats lost in all of this is Democrat posters on here NEVER explaining why their policies are good ideas. Their entire movement is GOP is racist and evil. I never hear them discuss why minimum wage hikes, massive regulations and their love of big government is good with documented statistics.
Nobody on either side ever gets to spend much time talking about ideas because the discussions tend to devolve into insults and trivial bull*****
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I was listening to an update from Missouri City earlier about the storm. The mayor started it off with a summary and then passed the mic over to the State Rep. He comes on and starts talking about how they are going to investigate what happened and look into ERCOT, etc., etc. That's all good and well, but that's not the information I need now. I needed information on how much longer I'm going to have to boil my water. I'm sure others needed to know information on their electricity and water as well. I got a lot more useful information from the city council and staff about what's happening now. Not about stuff that can be taken care of much later. State and Federal politicians are useful for making phones calls but not for taking care of the details. Otherwise they just get in the way in times like these. I don't need Ted Cruz or any other politician to come to my house and boil water for me for a photo op.
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bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.
Why even assume that people are being selective? Maybe they simply didn't notice your thread.

Or maybe all of the free time they had available to post on this site was spent on replying to topics where they had already posted. I certainly fall into that habit, guided by the little blue box at the upper right.

Or maybe they aren't familiar enough with the details of the story to feel informed enough to post about it. Earlier on this thread, one poster said he didn't really know that much about the details of the allegations about Cuomo, and you seemed outraged by it, as if this were proof of his hypocrisy. That kind of stuff is just a discussion killer.
Not sure there is much discussion going on in this thread. Seems like it is more *****ing about Cruz being "human scum," and unchristian. Seems more piling on than anything. Don't know that passes for "discussion" in any reasonable sense of the word.

And that is why the post about Cuomo is apropos. If people are going to get up in arms about Cruz, one would think they would be even more outraged about Cuomo's behavior, which is a national story. Yet, it seems there isn't much outrage about that - though we have heard all manner of justification as to why.
Jack Bauer
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Ted Cruz returning back to Houston after "dropping off" kids in Cancun.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
He's an unreliable *******. Like most politicians.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.

This is more of the classic Mothra disengenuousness we've come to know. No one in this thread is judging Cruz on this incident alone. For those most harsh in their criticism, this just follows an established pattern of behavior from one of Washington's most unscrupulous swamp creatures.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.
Why even assume that people are being selective? Maybe they simply didn't notice your thread.

Or maybe all of the free time they had available to post on this site was spent on replying to topics where they had already posted. I certainly fall into that habit, guided by the little blue box at the upper right.

Or maybe they aren't familiar enough with the details of the story to feel informed enough to post about it. Earlier on this thread, one poster said he didn't really know that much about the details of the allegations about Cuomo, and you seemed outraged by it, as if this were proof of his hypocrisy. That kind of stuff is just a discussion killer.

Or maybe they were without power when that thread was started and weren't checking in regularly.

If you have a question about where someone stands on a topic, you can always ask them directly. But assuming someone's stance on topics they haven't addressed -- and then assigning motives to that -- is silly.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.

This is more of the classic Mothra disengenuousness we've come to know. No one in this thread is judging Cruz on this incident alone. For those most harsh in their criticism, this just follows an established pattern of behavior from one of Washington's most unscrupulous swamp creatures.
So your judgment that he is "human scum" and not a Christian is based on other factors. Got it. It's interesting that your most scathing attacks are reserved for guys who take a vacation during a snow storm, instead of politicians who are literally responsible for thousands of deaths. But as another poster suggested, Cuomo has a (D) instead of an (R) behind his name.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Mothra said:

quash said:

Mothra said:

J.B.Katz said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
False equivalance and whataboutism.

Cuomo's lying about nursing homes sounds bad. It's totally unrelated to the power grid collapse and winter storm in Texas. It doesn't excuse Abbott's bad response or the fact that the grid had inadequate weather safeguards.

Cuomo should be held responsible for his failures.

So should Abbott and any other Texas official whose actions or inactions resulted in the cold mess of power and water failures across the state.

Newsom was stupid to do exactly what his govt told everybody else in his state not to do. Seems I remember Deborah Birx going to a vacation house with family for Thanksgiving after telling everybody else not to travel for thanksgiving. Do as I say not as I do, is bad leadership.

Next are you boys going to say Antifia and BLM forced Cruz to board that plane and fly to Cancun?
If I was making a comparison of the two actions, you might have a point. Instead, however, I was comparing the outrage by our resident lefties at Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while recognizing they've been mostly silent about something that is actually far worse. We've seen him called "human scum," been told he's not a Christian, and that he should resign. And these same posters have said barely a peep about a governor in New York who literally has blood on his hands.

It's interesting the things people choose to get outraged about.

You've been told that one reason is that we are Texans. A New York governor really doesn't rate around here.

You got a summer place in the Catskills or you just don't mind ranging afield for Whatabouts?
If I was attempting to refute the points about Cruz made by those of your ilk, you might have a point. But I could care less about the POS.

I just find it interesting the things those of your ilk get outraged about.
You don't know my ilk. Obviously, as this was my "outrage" as posted way up in this thread: "Take my family where there's heat, water, and electricity? In a heartbeat. The senator can throw paper towels at people when he gets back."
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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good for him. better than being without electricity
How long do you want to ignore this user?
J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.
Coming soon to federal courts in Georgia and New York.
As they should....but will you accept a not guilty verdict? I doubt it. If he's guilty, then convict and sentence.
I'm irrelevant to these proceedings. I thought OJ was guilty but he wasn't convicted and no one care what I thought.

Its sad to have an ex pres in criminal court. As Trump would say, disgraceful.

Which is why a politician should not be your role model? Haven't you learned that lesson yet?!
How long do you want to ignore this user?
fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.
Coming soon to federal courts in Georgia and New York.
As they should....but will you accept a not guilty verdict? I doubt it. If he's guilty, then convict and sentence.
I'm irrelevant to these proceedings. I thought OJ was guilty but he wasn't convicted and no one care what I thought.

Its sad to have an ex pres in criminal court. As Trump would say, disgraceful.

Which is why a politician should not be your role model? Haven't you learned that lesson yet?!
Being a leader and a role model are 2 different things. Some people are both. Cruz is neither.

Woof all you want. I don't vote for *******s and Cruz has always been an *******.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Jack Bauer said:

Ted Cruz returning back to Houston after "dropping off" kids in Cancun.

Got to admit that's funny, and even though I think the outrage is ridiculous, I don't buy his story for a second.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.
Coming soon to federal courts in Georgia and New York.
As they should....but will you accept a not guilty verdict? I doubt it. If he's guilty, then convict and sentence.
I'm irrelevant to these proceedings. I thought OJ was guilty but he wasn't convicted and no one care what I thought.

Its sad to have an ex pres in criminal court. As Trump would say, disgraceful.

Which is why a politician should not be your role model? Haven't you learned that lesson yet?!
Being a leader and a role model are 2 different things. Some people are both. Cruz is neither.

Woof all you want. I don't vote for *******s and Cruz has always been an *******.
Why do you need someone to lead you? What could Cruz have done that would have altered your behavior during this winter weather?

What decisions would he have made for you that you can't make for yourself?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

J.B.Katz said:

fadskier said:

PartyBear said:

Mothra said:

PartyBear said:

Obviously that is the difference between you and I. I just finished telling you Cuomo should resign or be impeached if he broke the law. Again I have been busy. I haven't followed the NY situation entirely as I said. You will not take that position about any Republican and on top of that you get upset at people for calling out Republicans who have done terribly.

Oh, there are many differences between you and I. I am simply amazed at how glib you are on the subject of Cuomo. It's made national news, yet you seem more upset about Cruz taking a vacation during an ice storm.

And just to set the record straight, to the extent any politician is guilty of a crime and violates his oath of office, absolutely he should be impeached.

Really? I think not and you can't fool anyone here. Where did you call for Trump's resignation or impeachment? You defended those crimes through and through and opposed impeachments didn't you?
What crimes did Trump commit? I need a review.
Coming soon to federal courts in Georgia and New York.
As they should....but will you accept a not guilty verdict? I doubt it. If he's guilty, then convict and sentence.
I'm irrelevant to these proceedings. I thought OJ was guilty but he wasn't convicted and no one care what I thought.

Its sad to have an ex pres in criminal court. As Trump would say, disgraceful.

Which is why a politician should not be your role model? Haven't you learned that lesson yet?!
Being a leader and a role model are 2 different things. Some people are both. Cruz is neither.

Woof all you want. I don't vote for *******s and Cruz has always been an *******.
Are you feelings hurt by Biden too? He hasn't anything about poor old Texas. Aren't you the kind that has to hear touchy/feels stuff from our leaders? How will you go on?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

bubbadog said:

Mothra said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Really, really dumb on Cruz's part. He had to have known how bad this would look, and if he didn't, that might be worse. And especially after he had criticized someone for going to Cabo during a pandemic.

But still not as bad as killing nursing home patients and then covering it up, all while getting praise and an award from the left.
Of course, you won't see the resident libs and lib sympathizers complaining about that. Cruz should resign for flying to Cancun, but no mention whatsoever of a guy that literally has blood on his hands (I started a thread on this topic just last week).
This looks like just another manifestation of the whataboutism that makes it difficult to have a discussion on this board that gets beyond shallow finger-pointing.

Can we take it as a given, based on long experience, that "conservatives" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side and that "liberals" are rarely going to start threads calling out politicians from their side?

So I don't expect posters from either side to be responsible for being the first to post a critical thread about their side. I'm not going to complain that "conservatives" were strangely silent if they didn't start a thread criticizing Ted Cruz. Nor do I think it is incumbent on conservatives to post on the thread about Ted Cruz or else be treated as if they forfeit all credibility on the matter. If they choose for whatever reason not to chime in on that topic, I cannot rightfully assume that their silence means they think that Ted's actions were politically defensible.

I would measure people only by the opinions they actually post, not by the ones they don't post, and I would hope to be measured by the same standard.
I guess you simply don't find interesting the level of outrage exhibited by some toward Cruz for taking a vacation during an ice storm while nary a peep regarding a guy who truly has blood on his hands. I do, though I generally agree Cruz is a partisan POS.

Of course, it is worth noting that a number of conservatives on this thread have called Cruz out, while there are a couple of threads on Cuomo (one started by me last week) with not a single response from any of our resident outraged Dems.
I'm not particularly outraged. More of a disgusted shrug.

Leaving the state for a pleasure trip during a pandemic is bad form and bad politics -- sends a signal that he doesn't really care about people (did anyone prior to this think he really did?).

For the record, I think the Dems are dumb to be calling for him to resign. Instead, just make him wear this around his neck for the next four years and let him defend it to the voters.

Again, I don't think posters are obliged to weigh in on every thread. Call people out for what they actually post instead of assuming that they give Cuomo a pass simply because they didn't post on your thread. (I hadn't even noticed that there WAS a thread on Cuomo. I guess that makes me a bitter partisan.)
Generally agree,

And of course I am not suggesting everyone needs to weigh in on all topics. I just find the level of (selective) outrage at Cruz for this interesting in comparison to a guy that is responsible for thousands of elderly deaths.

This is more of the classic Mothra disengenuousness we've come to know. No one in this thread is judging Cruz on this incident alone. For those most harsh in their criticism, this just follows an established pattern of behavior from one of Washington's most unscrupulous swamp creatures.
So your judgment that he is "human scum" and not a Christian is based on other factors. Got it. It's interesting that your most scathing attacks are reserved for guys who take a vacation during a snow storm, instead of politicians who are literally responsible for thousands of deaths. But as another poster suggested, Cuomo has a (D) instead of an (R) behind his name.

If you're going to keep quoting me, at least quote me correctly. I said "human trash." And I never said that Cruz was not a Christian (though I've admittedly been unimpressed by his fruit). I said that helping those around you -- especially in times of crisis -- is what a practicing Christ follower would do, and I'll stand by that fairly uncontroversial opinion.

And you trying to paint me as one who sympathizes with Democratic scumbags is laughable. I have principles that extend beyond bull**** partisan lines. I could not care less about either of America's parties and have no desire or obligation to defend the ****bags in either.
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