TCU In The College Football Playoff

22,007 Views | 180 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by MilliVanilli
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MilliVanilli said:

Forest Bueller said:


MilliVanilli said:

Yeah it's actually funny stuff, because you're oblivious to your reputation and obsessed with other people you stalk.

The absolute lack of self awareness in this post is amazing.

You are describing yourself, not Moth....
Lulz, clutch those pearls a little harder there. Anyone that insults coach's wives and is factually divorced from basic empirical fact is a badge of honor to be compared as antithetical to.
Except I never "insulted" any coach's wife. I merely asked if you were Rhule's wife. You call that "bashing women" and "insulting wives." I call that intellectually dishonest spin by a troll with an agenda.

As for the facts I got "wrong," my review of the records was Briles had won 2 of the last 3 meetings. If their records over the course of the years is in fact 3-3, I will amend my comments from Briles beat Gary more often than not to "lately, Briles beat Gary more often than not," or "Yet, Briles was .500 against Gary."

Of course, it's not like I made the statement that Briles only recruited good QBs, RBs, and WRs. (See 15 non-QBs, RBs, and WRs drafted into the NFL under Briles).
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Thee University said:

Mothra said:

Thee University said:

Mothra said:

Thee University said:

Jacques Strap said:

Mothra said:

Thee University said:

Jacques Strap said:

K:No way they make the playoffs. They don't "play the right way". They are a spread team for crying out loud and I've read repeadely on this site posts by Thee and others that no spread team will EVER win it all much less make the playoffs. You can only beat Alabama if you play the game on their terms and out recruit them. It is KNOWN.
Lying MFer. What I said for YEARS that no Art Briles team would make it.

Patterson is different. He believes in Defense first. When he realized that he was not going to get there without a new Offense he went out and hired Sonny Cumbie. He has had a dedicated Special Teams coach for 3 years now.

Patterson is a complete coach and got closer to making the final four than pretender Briles.

If Baylor can't make it I hope that TCU does.

And yet Briles often beat him. Imagine that...
Well the point was that a number of spread teams have won a title and that was the point of the post. It was a obvious sarcastic internet banter and yet again we got to see Thee become irate and hurl insults at other posters including calling me a lying MFer over a little message board humor so I guess we got to see his true colors. Whatever. Put on ignore and move on to the discussion of whether our coaches are bad or the roster is depleted. I don't think it is either/or but I'm a pencil neck lying pearl clutching MFer so what do I know.

1. Our coaches are not bad. They are very good.

Sorry, but losses to Liberty and UTSA run counter to your opinions. Even you have admitted that with our talent, we shouldn't have lost those two games. Our "very good" coaches had 9 months to get us prepared to paste a patsy, and laid a big stinking rotten egg. Players admitted they were ill-prepared and over confident. Is that a talent issue or coaching? And then the very next week - after that wake up call and when we should have seen the most improvement - we had another dreadful performance. Again - when you acknowledge we should have beaten UTSA even with out alleged talent deficiency - that's on the coaches, not the lack of talent.

I know you enamored with the alleged new "attention" to defense and special teams that Rhule supposedly brings to our program, but anyone who can declare these coaches "very good" after what we've seen isn't thinking clearly. I think Rhule was a good coach at Temple, but there are countless good coaches at the lower levels that were unable to duplicate that success at the next level. Although this coaching staff is showing that may be the case here, the jury is still out. However, it is also out on the idea that Rhule and co. will be very good coaches for Baylor. The evidence simply does not support that opinion.

We will get there.

We are halfway into Season #1.

We have been horrifically embarrassed. We were not prepared for our first 2 games. I think we started seeing strides taken versus Duke & OU. OSU is very good and excellent in Stillwater.

I am certain the player's mental states are fragile and if they read 365 they will likely become further depressed.

I trust the professional, experienced and tenured staff Matt has hired to turn us around. Being winless at this point is a nightmare but I'm not jumping ship and QUITTING like many on this board have done. Not yet.
Fair enough, Thee. Points I agree with are Rhule has seemed to put a good staff together, save and except for the offensive coordinator. And I think his track record, while not necessarily an indicator that he will have success here, at least gives hope that he has the ability to turn it around. And he seems to be putting a good class together, if he can hold it together after a terrible season.

While I believe based on what I've seen thus far that Rhule's tenure here will be more akin to Steele's than Briles, I will be interested to know your opinion once the season is done. What is acceptable in your opinion, and when will it be time for a change?
If we don't win 3 games out of the next 6 I may drink the poison punch you guys have already consumed.

Time for a change fluctuates based upon many factors you and I are not privy to.

Once this train wreck is over and my turkey has settled we will know much more. Recruiting is critical. We need JC help in some positions and the 3 transformation we get will help.

All is not lost just yet.
I don't believe it's poisoned drink, just the reality of where we are. I would love more than anything to be wrong in my assessment, but based on what we've seen thus far, I am not sure how anyone can be optimistic moving forward, other than rely on the fact Rhule was good at Temple. If I saw a cogent strategy that I thought would work and was being executed properly, I would undoubtedly feel differently.

In either regard, I am content letting the season (and next) play out. I hope more than anything I am wrong and you are right, and will gladly eat crow. Let's revisit after Thanksgiving.
Thee University
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303Bear said:

Thee University said:

Allow me to retort to your bolded words. They scare me!

1. You have no sense of humor or you are indeed a Bubble Boy who wandered into 365 while looking for the Dr. Pepper Float hour at the SUB. The statement makes perfect sense to the majority of 365 posters who realize exactly what I was implying. You know nothing about me, but I appreciate the assumptions and smug self-assurance. The constant need to puff your chest through an internet message board is an interesting look at your own ego.

2. Objection your honor! Objection? I lied though. I will never talk Baylor Bubble Boy talk. More drivel.

3. You are 2/3 correct. Roberts & Steele did tear down but I think Morriss was actually restoring it a bit. I spent a few years on BFs pointing out the Roberts/Steele debacle only to have guys just like you embarrassingly defending Dave & Kevin. I don't need to remind you that I have been 100% correct in my early assessments of Reedy, Roberts, Steele & Briles. The Briles implosion was predicted years ago and was the easiest call. "guys like you", interesting that you know so much about people you have never met. Since I was not around online for the Steele or prior years, and since we do not know each other, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of any predictions you may or may not have made about them. I do, however, recall you only beginning to crow about Briles after Baylor began winning and gaining national attention. Then it was a constant diatribe of belittlement and put downs of the team.

Your comment that the scandal does not make national news if we were 2 or 4 wins per year is total BS. The wins were not the problem. What brought the house down was our borderline Miami thug attitude on and off the field. Our trailer trash talkin before, during and after the games. Our mall fight. Interviews without a shirt even after the microscopes arrived in Waco. No sit down, come to Jesus meeting 3 -4 years ago when the smoke signals started gathering over Waco. No respecting the media. Beating up on our patsie parade opponents. Taunting, Nugg Dancing, in-bred staff, poor leadership from AD & President. The list goes on. I think we have to agree to disagree on this one. And you are aware that there is still dancing on the sidelines, in addition to a little tykes basketball hoop, right?

My "unique perspective" as you put it leads me to believe that Rhule & crew are the right choice because we are seeing flashes of solid defense, very capable offense and improved special teams play. It takes time. Our place kicker is the best we have had in decades, true. The rest of our special teams play is roughly the same. We have historically had some great punters, out of necessity. Kick coverage has not looked markedly better than the last several years.

Defensively, we played about one and a half quarters of (mostly) solid defense against each of OU and KSU. The D against Liberty and OSU was atrocious. I would kill to have 4 more Clay Johnston's on the roster.

Offense has not looked good, with the lone exception of the second half of the OU game.

Attitude changes take time. If we have players that do not want to be a Baylor Bear and be a part of a program that has a chance to make history jerk their scholarships, demote them, make them do Oklahoma drills before, during and after practice.

I trust our professional coaches.

Those of you who have quit on the Bears need to haul @$$.
Glad you are optimistic. I do not see anything this year that gives me much hope for the future, but as I have not given up, I will not "haul @$$" as you put it.
I thought everyone on these bulletin boards puff their chests! You don't?

Don't make me call you a liar again. I NEVER belittle the team. I can recall only one or two times I questioned on a bulletin board a kids heart and when I did I don't think I used his name. I had much more scathing comments for the coach who allowed a kid who was not giving 100% to play.

You're damn right I eventually turned on Briles! It was blatantly obvious what he was doing to Baylor and it happened. Winning after losing for so long (remember my analogies of the addicted drug addict or the 98 lb weakling who has had sand kicked in his face for so long) causes good people to start accepting very bad things as the cost for being very very good.

I did not turn on Briles for the first couple of years. Heck, I did not turn on Reedy, Roberts, Steele or Morriss until AFTER they proved they could not get the job done and were taking us backwards. They had plenty of help (thank you Sloan & Stanton) and a few select Regents and power brokers who just like Democrats think that they are smarter than everyone else and know what is best for me and you.

We all have to cherry pick our rebuttals. You pick some bad to drive home your point, I pick some good ones. I remain a blinders-wearing Bear fan while many have quit. Primarily they quit because we no longer score every 45 seconds or throw the ball downfield enough. It was only about scoring lots of points with glorified track guys who benefitted from 7 on 7 in Texas HS football .

I'm a realist. I am fully capable of stopping support of Rhule but not until he has been given the same chance as we gave less qualified coaches from our past.

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MilliVanilli said:

There's another rant noone will be inclined to read, let's see what woman bashing this triggers you to justify.
Ex. No. 336.
Thee University
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One other thing..........lighten up and laugh a little. I worry about some of you. Seriously.
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Thee University said:

303Bear said:

Thee University said:

Allow me to retort to your bolded words. They scare me!

1. You have no sense of humor or you are indeed a Bubble Boy who wandered into 365 while looking for the Dr. Pepper Float hour at the SUB. The statement makes perfect sense to the majority of 365 posters who realize exactly what I was implying. You know nothing about me, but I appreciate the assumptions and smug self-assurance. The constant need to puff your chest through an internet message board is an interesting look at your own ego.

2. Objection your honor! Objection? I lied though. I will never talk Baylor Bubble Boy talk. More drivel.

3. You are 2/3 correct. Roberts & Steele did tear down but I think Morriss was actually restoring it a bit. I spent a few years on BFs pointing out the Roberts/Steele debacle only to have guys just like you embarrassingly defending Dave & Kevin. I don't need to remind you that I have been 100% correct in my early assessments of Reedy, Roberts, Steele & Briles. The Briles implosion was predicted years ago and was the easiest call. "guys like you", interesting that you know so much about people you have never met. Since I was not around online for the Steele or prior years, and since we do not know each other, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of any predictions you may or may not have made about them. I do, however, recall you only beginning to crow about Briles after Baylor began winning and gaining national attention. Then it was a constant diatribe of belittlement and put downs of the team.

Your comment that the scandal does not make national news if we were 2 or 4 wins per year is total BS. The wins were not the problem. What brought the house down was our borderline Miami thug attitude on and off the field. Our trailer trash talkin before, during and after the games. Our mall fight. Interviews without a shirt even after the microscopes arrived in Waco. No sit down, come to Jesus meeting 3 -4 years ago when the smoke signals started gathering over Waco. No respecting the media. Beating up on our patsie parade opponents. Taunting, Nugg Dancing, in-bred staff, poor leadership from AD & President. The list goes on. I think we have to agree to disagree on this one. And you are aware that there is still dancing on the sidelines, in addition to a little tykes basketball hoop, right?

My "unique perspective" as you put it leads me to believe that Rhule & crew are the right choice because we are seeing flashes of solid defense, very capable offense and improved special teams play. It takes time. Our place kicker is the best we have had in decades, true. The rest of our special teams play is roughly the same. We have historically had some great punters, out of necessity. Kick coverage has not looked markedly better than the last several years.

Defensively, we played about one and a half quarters of (mostly) solid defense against each of OU and KSU. The D against Liberty and OSU was atrocious. I would kill to have 4 more Clay Johnston's on the roster.

Offense has not looked good, with the lone exception of the second half of the OU game.

Attitude changes take time. If we have players that do not want to be a Baylor Bear and be a part of a program that has a chance to make history jerk their scholarships, demote them, make them do Oklahoma drills before, during and after practice.

I trust our professional coaches.

Those of you who have quit on the Bears need to haul @$$.
Glad you are optimistic. I do not see anything this year that gives me much hope for the future, but as I have not given up, I will not "haul @$$" as you put it.
I did not turn on Briles for the first couple of years. Heck, I did not turn on Reedy, Roberts, Steele or Morriss until AFTER they proved they could not get the job done and were taking us backwards. They had plenty of help (thank you Sloan & Stanton) and a few select Regents and power brokers who just like Democrats think that they are smarter than everyone else and know what is best for me and you.

We all have to cherry pick our rebuttals. You pick some bad to drive home your point, I pick some good ones. I remain a blinders-wearing Bear fan while many have quit. Primarily they quit because we no longer score every 45 seconds or throw the ball downfield enough. It was only about scoring lots of points with glorified track guys who benefitted from 7 on 7 in Texas HS football .

I'm a realist. I am fully capable of stopping support of Rhule but not until he has been given the same chance as we gave less qualified coaches from our past.

And yet, being a realist, you have to also admit that Briles' track star quick scoring offense worked, and took us to heights never before experienced. I can understand being upset at the lack of attention to defense and special teams, which were incredibly frustrating, but if the scandal had not happened, would you have still advocated for his dismissal because of the defense and special teams?

From a pure x's and o's standpoint and absent the scandal, the only way I could have seen taking such a position would have been if you felt Baylor had gotten to a place as a brand and with the level of talent that it no longer needed one of the most prolific offenses in college football to compete. Short of that, I don't know how you get rid of a coach who achieved the kind of success Briles did at little ol' Baylor.*

* Again, absent the scandal.
Thee University
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Mothra said:

Thee University said:

303Bear said:

Thee University said:

Allow me to retort to your bolded words. They scare me!

1. You have no sense of humor or you are indeed a Bubble Boy who wandered into 365 while looking for the Dr. Pepper Float hour at the SUB. The statement makes perfect sense to the majority of 365 posters who realize exactly what I was implying. You know nothing about me, but I appreciate the assumptions and smug self-assurance. The constant need to puff your chest through an internet message board is an interesting look at your own ego.

2. Objection your honor! Objection? I lied though. I will never talk Baylor Bubble Boy talk. More drivel.

3. You are 2/3 correct. Roberts & Steele did tear down but I think Morriss was actually restoring it a bit. I spent a few years on BFs pointing out the Roberts/Steele debacle only to have guys just like you embarrassingly defending Dave & Kevin. I don't need to remind you that I have been 100% correct in my early assessments of Reedy, Roberts, Steele & Briles. The Briles implosion was predicted years ago and was the easiest call. "guys like you", interesting that you know so much about people you have never met. Since I was not around online for the Steele or prior years, and since we do not know each other, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of any predictions you may or may not have made about them. I do, however, recall you only beginning to crow about Briles after Baylor began winning and gaining national attention. Then it was a constant diatribe of belittlement and put downs of the team.

Your comment that the scandal does not make national news if we were 2 or 4 wins per year is total BS. The wins were not the problem. What brought the house down was our borderline Miami thug attitude on and off the field. Our trailer trash talkin before, during and after the games. Our mall fight. Interviews without a shirt even after the microscopes arrived in Waco. No sit down, come to Jesus meeting 3 -4 years ago when the smoke signals started gathering over Waco. No respecting the media. Beating up on our patsie parade opponents. Taunting, Nugg Dancing, in-bred staff, poor leadership from AD & President. The list goes on. I think we have to agree to disagree on this one. And you are aware that there is still dancing on the sidelines, in addition to a little tykes basketball hoop, right?

My "unique perspective" as you put it leads me to believe that Rhule & crew are the right choice because we are seeing flashes of solid defense, very capable offense and improved special teams play. It takes time. Our place kicker is the best we have had in decades, true. The rest of our special teams play is roughly the same. We have historically had some great punters, out of necessity. Kick coverage has not looked markedly better than the last several years.

Defensively, we played about one and a half quarters of (mostly) solid defense against each of OU and KSU. The D against Liberty and OSU was atrocious. I would kill to have 4 more Clay Johnston's on the roster.

Offense has not looked good, with the lone exception of the second half of the OU game.

Attitude changes take time. If we have players that do not want to be a Baylor Bear and be a part of a program that has a chance to make history jerk their scholarships, demote them, make them do Oklahoma drills before, during and after practice.

I trust our professional coaches.

Those of you who have quit on the Bears need to haul @$$.
Glad you are optimistic. I do not see anything this year that gives me much hope for the future, but as I have not given up, I will not "haul @$$" as you put it.
I did not turn on Briles for the first couple of years. Heck, I did not turn on Reedy, Roberts, Steele or Morriss until AFTER they proved they could not get the job done and were taking us backwards. They had plenty of help (thank you Sloan & Stanton) and a few select Regents and power brokers who just like Democrats think that they are smarter than everyone else and know what is best for me and you.

We all have to cherry pick our rebuttals. You pick some bad to drive home your point, I pick some good ones. I remain a blinders-wearing Bear fan while many have quit. Primarily they quit because we no longer score every 45 seconds or throw the ball downfield enough. It was only about scoring lots of points with glorified track guys who benefitted from 7 on 7 in Texas HS football .

I'm a realist. I am fully capable of stopping support of Rhule but not until he has been given the same chance as we gave less qualified coaches from our past.

And yet, being a realist, you have to also admit that Briles' track star quick scoring offense worked, and took us to heights never before experienced. I can understand being upset at the lack of attention to defense and special teams, which were incredibly frustrating, but if the scandal had not happened, would you have still advocated for his dismissal because of the defense and special teams?

From a pure x's and o's standpoint and absent the scandal, the only way I could have seen taking such a position would have been if you felt Baylor had gotten to a place as a brand and with the level of talent that it no longer needed one of the most prolific offenses in college football to compete. Short of that, I don't know how you get rid of a coach who achieved the kind of success Briles did at little ol' Baylor.
I never advocated for his dismissal until all of the "very bad things" surfaced.

I simply advocated for him to clean up the gangster image we had earned by implementing needed DISCIPLINE, getting a REAL defensive coordinator and letting him have at least 40% of the practice time, stop scheduling patsies and instead schedule and embarrass the blue bloods while we could and devoting time and effort to SPECIAL TEAMS.

He was not here for long anyway. There was a time when I was good with his son taking over if he bolted to UT or some other plum job. He used and abused Baylor and we let him.
Thee University
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That success is tainted in the eyes of the nation (beyond Waco and BU households) and really did not have time or a Tier 1 bowl win to solidify us as relevant.

We were right there on the edge!
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Patterson already went undefeated in a season and would have mowed through the Big 12 in 2010.
TCU also followed the scheduling protocol and their athletic director was rewarded with a spot on the CFP committee. Not exactly a Longhorn or t.v. conspiracy with little private TCU.
Marco busting out champagne means Miller High Life for all or some sorta Boone's selection.

Fwiw, the ranking that counts is final ranking. No one 20 years from today will care about in season rankings. You don't put numbers on stadiums based on midseason rankings.
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xiledinok said:

Patterson already went undefeated in a season and would have mowed through the Big 12 in 2010.
TCU also followed the scheduling protocol and their athletic director was rewarded with a spot on the CFP committee. Not exactly a Longhorn or t.v. conspiracy with little private TCU.
Marco busting out champagne means Miller High Life for all or some sorta Boone's selection.

Fwiw, the ranking that counts is final ranking. No one 20 years from today will care about in season rankings. You don't put numbers on stadiums based on midseason rankings.
So, your point is Gary Patterson was a better coach than Briles? Ok. I suspect a number of people would agree. Still not sure why you felt the need to make that point. Did you think we had a shot at luring him away from TCU?
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Mothra said:

xiledinok said:

Patterson already went undefeated in a season and would have mowed through the Big 12 in 2010.
TCU also followed the scheduling protocol and their athletic director was rewarded with a spot on the CFP committee. Not exactly a Longhorn or t.v. conspiracy with little private TCU.
Marco busting out champagne means Miller High Life for all or some sorta Boone's selection.

Fwiw, the ranking that counts is final ranking. No one 20 years from today will care about in season rankings. You don't put numbers on stadiums based on midseason rankings.
So, your point is Gary Patterson was a better coach than Briles? Ok. I suspect a number of people would agree. Still not sure why you felt the need to make that point. Did you think we had a shot at luring him away from TCU?
Mainly he's just annihilating your claim that Briles "beat Gary more often than not" and the fact you're arguing with Thee about the well rounded coaching philosophy that made a MWC team a Rose Bowl champion, and a Big 12 team #3 and a Peach Bowl champion.

In contrast Briles' best finish was #7, and best bowl victory was an Alamo Bowl boat race.
Doc Holliday
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TCU is pretty damn good.

Wish we had Gary Patterson.
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Wrong, the dominating wins over UCLA and UNC in bowl games were better than the Alamo Bowl
Brian Ethridge
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MilliVanilli said:

There's another rant noone will be inclined to read, let's see what woman bashing this triggers you to justify.
Enough. No other warning will be given.
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MilliVanilli said:

Mothra said:

xiledinok said:

Patterson already went undefeated in a season and would have mowed through the Big 12 in 2010.
TCU also followed the scheduling protocol and their athletic director was rewarded with a spot on the CFP committee. Not exactly a Longhorn or t.v. conspiracy with little private TCU.
Marco busting out champagne means Miller High Life for all or some sorta Boone's selection.

Fwiw, the ranking that counts is final ranking. No one 20 years from today will care about in season rankings. You don't put numbers on stadiums based on midseason rankings.
So, your point is Gary Patterson was a better coach than Briles? Ok. I suspect a number of people would agree. Still not sure why you felt the need to make that point. Did you think we had a shot at luring him away from TCU?
Mainly he's just annihilating your claim that Briles "beat Gary more often than not" and the fact you're arguing with Thee about the well rounded coaching philosophy that made a MWC team a Rose Bowl champion, and a Big 12 team #3 and a Peach Bowl champion.

In contrast Briles' best finish was #7, and best bowl victory was an Alamo Bowl boat race.
There you go again, addressing posts not addressed to you. But I am the one with the stalking problem, LOL.

As for x, did he truly "annihilate" my claim? Hmm, I must have missed that. I didn't even see him address that point.

As for my discussion with Thee, at no time did I ever argue Patterson wasn't a good coach. To the contrary, I've repeatedly said he is a great coach - one of the best in college football. My point was that despite having such "well-rounded" teams, Patterson doesn't even have a winning record against Briles. As you said, 3-3, while winning only 1 of the last 2 meetings. Imagine that. Gary couldn't even dominate ol' Briles with his one-dimensional coaching philosophy.

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MrGolfguy said:

Wrong, the dominating wins over UCLA and UNC in bowl games were better than the Alamo Bowl
Lesser bowl games. The Russel Athletic Bowl and Holiday Bowl are a tier below the Alamo Bowl.
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Mothra said:

MilliVanilli said:

Mothra said:

xiledinok said:

Patterson already went undefeated in a season and would have mowed through the Big 12 in 2010.
TCU also followed the scheduling protocol and their athletic director was rewarded with a spot on the CFP committee. Not exactly a Longhorn or t.v. conspiracy with little private TCU.
Marco busting out champagne means Miller High Life for all or some sorta Boone's selection.

Fwiw, the ranking that counts is final ranking. No one 20 years from today will care about in season rankings. You don't put numbers on stadiums based on midseason rankings.
So, your point is Gary Patterson was a better coach than Briles? Ok. I suspect a number of people would agree. Still not sure why you felt the need to make that point. Did you think we had a shot at luring him away from TCU?
Mainly he's just annihilating your claim that Briles "beat Gary more often than not" and the fact you're arguing with Thee about the well rounded coaching philosophy that made a MWC team a Rose Bowl champion, and a Big 12 team #3 and a Peach Bowl champion.

In contrast Briles' best finish was #7, and best bowl victory was an Alamo Bowl boat race.
There you go again, addressing posts not addressed to you. But I am the one with the stalking problem, LOL.

As for x, did he truly "annihilate" my claim? Hmm, I must have missed that. I didn't even see him address that point.

As for my discussion with Thee, at no time did I ever argue Patterson wasn't a good coach. To the contrary, I've repeatedly said he is a great coach - one of the best in college football. My point was that despite having such "well-rounded" teams, Patterson doesn't even have a winning record against Briles. As you said, 3-3, while winning only 1 of the last 2 meetings. Imagine that. Gary couldn't even dominate ol' Briles with his one-dimensional coaching philosophy.

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MilliVanilli said:

Mothra said:

MilliVanilli said:

Mothra said:

xiledinok said:

Patterson already went undefeated in a season and would have mowed through the Big 12 in 2010.
TCU also followed the scheduling protocol and their athletic director was rewarded with a spot on the CFP committee. Not exactly a Longhorn or t.v. conspiracy with little private TCU.
Marco busting out champagne means Miller High Life for all or some sorta Boone's selection.

Fwiw, the ranking that counts is final ranking. No one 20 years from today will care about in season rankings. You don't put numbers on stadiums based on midseason rankings.
So, your point is Gary Patterson was a better coach than Briles? Ok. I suspect a number of people would agree. Still not sure why you felt the need to make that point. Did you think we had a shot at luring him away from TCU?
Mainly he's just annihilating your claim that Briles "beat Gary more often than not" and the fact you're arguing with Thee about the well rounded coaching philosophy that made a MWC team a Rose Bowl champion, and a Big 12 team #3 and a Peach Bowl champion.

In contrast Briles' best finish was #7, and best bowl victory was an Alamo Bowl boat race.
There you go again, addressing posts not addressed to you. But I am the one with the stalking problem, LOL.

As for x, did he truly "annihilate" my claim? Hmm, I must have missed that. I didn't even see him address that point.

As for my discussion with Thee, at no time did I ever argue Patterson wasn't a good coach. To the contrary, I've repeatedly said he is a great coach - one of the best in college football. My point was that despite having such "well-rounded" teams, Patterson doesn't even have a winning record against Briles. As you said, 3-3, while winning only 1 of the last 2 meetings. Imagine that. Gary couldn't even dominate ol' Briles with his one-dimensional coaching philosophy.

Glad we finally agree on something.
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Mothra said:

MilliVanilli said:

Mothra said:

MilliVanilli said:

Mothra said:

xiledinok said:

Patterson already went undefeated in a season and would have mowed through the Big 12 in 2010.
TCU also followed the scheduling protocol and their athletic director was rewarded with a spot on the CFP committee. Not exactly a Longhorn or t.v. conspiracy with little private TCU.
Marco busting out champagne means Miller High Life for all or some sorta Boone's selection.

Fwiw, the ranking that counts is final ranking. No one 20 years from today will care about in season rankings. You don't put numbers on stadiums based on midseason rankings.
So, your point is Gary Patterson was a better coach than Briles? Ok. I suspect a number of people would agree. Still not sure why you felt the need to make that point. Did you think we had a shot at luring him away from TCU?
Mainly he's just annihilating your claim that Briles "beat Gary more often than not" and the fact you're arguing with Thee about the well rounded coaching philosophy that made a MWC team a Rose Bowl champion, and a Big 12 team #3 and a Peach Bowl champion.

In contrast Briles' best finish was #7, and best bowl victory was an Alamo Bowl boat race.
There you go again, addressing posts not addressed to you. But I am the one with the stalking problem, LOL.

As for x, did he truly "annihilate" my claim? Hmm, I must have missed that. I didn't even see him address that point.

As for my discussion with Thee, at no time did I ever argue Patterson wasn't a good coach. To the contrary, I've repeatedly said he is a great coach - one of the best in college football. My point was that despite having such "well-rounded" teams, Patterson doesn't even have a winning record against Briles. As you said, 3-3, while winning only 1 of the last 2 meetings. Imagine that. Gary couldn't even dominate ol' Briles with his one-dimensional coaching philosophy.

Glad we finally agree on something.
Thee University
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Mothra said:

Thee University said:

303Bear said:

Thee University said:

Allow me to retort to your bolded words. They scare me!

1. You have no sense of humor or you are indeed a Bubble Boy who wandered into 365 while looking for the Dr. Pepper Float hour at the SUB. The statement makes perfect sense to the majority of 365 posters who realize exactly what I was implying. You know nothing about me, but I appreciate the assumptions and smug self-assurance. The constant need to puff your chest through an internet message board is an interesting look at your own ego.

2. Objection your honor! Objection? I lied though. I will never talk Baylor Bubble Boy talk. More drivel.

3. You are 2/3 correct. Roberts & Steele did tear down but I think Morriss was actually restoring it a bit. I spent a few years on BFs pointing out the Roberts/Steele debacle only to have guys just like you embarrassingly defending Dave & Kevin. I don't need to remind you that I have been 100% correct in my early assessments of Reedy, Roberts, Steele & Briles. The Briles implosion was predicted years ago and was the easiest call. "guys like you", interesting that you know so much about people you have never met. Since I was not around online for the Steele or prior years, and since we do not know each other, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of any predictions you may or may not have made about them. I do, however, recall you only beginning to crow about Briles after Baylor began winning and gaining national attention. Then it was a constant diatribe of belittlement and put downs of the team.

Your comment that the scandal does not make national news if we were 2 or 4 wins per year is total BS. The wins were not the problem. What brought the house down was our borderline Miami thug attitude on and off the field. Our trailer trash talkin before, during and after the games. Our mall fight. Interviews without a shirt even after the microscopes arrived in Waco. No sit down, come to Jesus meeting 3 -4 years ago when the smoke signals started gathering over Waco. No respecting the media. Beating up on our patsie parade opponents. Taunting, Nugg Dancing, in-bred staff, poor leadership from AD & President. The list goes on. I think we have to agree to disagree on this one. And you are aware that there is still dancing on the sidelines, in addition to a little tykes basketball hoop, right?

My "unique perspective" as you put it leads me to believe that Rhule & crew are the right choice because we are seeing flashes of solid defense, very capable offense and improved special teams play. It takes time. Our place kicker is the best we have had in decades, true. The rest of our special teams play is roughly the same. We have historically had some great punters, out of necessity. Kick coverage has not looked markedly better than the last several years.

Defensively, we played about one and a half quarters of (mostly) solid defense against each of OU and KSU. The D against Liberty and OSU was atrocious. I would kill to have 4 more Clay Johnston's on the roster.

Offense has not looked good, with the lone exception of the second half of the OU game.

Attitude changes take time. If we have players that do not want to be a Baylor Bear and be a part of a program that has a chance to make history jerk their scholarships, demote them, make them do Oklahoma drills before, during and after practice.

I trust our professional coaches.

Those of you who have quit on the Bears need to haul @$$.
Glad you are optimistic. I do not see anything this year that gives me much hope for the future, but as I have not given up, I will not "haul @$$" as you put it.
I did not turn on Briles for the first couple of years. Heck, I did not turn on Reedy, Roberts, Steele or Morriss until AFTER they proved they could not get the job done and were taking us backwards. They had plenty of help (thank you Sloan & Stanton) and a few select Regents and power brokers who just like Democrats think that they are smarter than everyone else and know what is best for me and you.

We all have to cherry pick our rebuttals. You pick some bad to drive home your point, I pick some good ones. I remain a blinders-wearing Bear fan while many have quit. Primarily they quit because we no longer score every 45 seconds or throw the ball downfield enough. It was only about scoring lots of points with glorified track guys who benefitted from 7 on 7 in Texas HS football .

I'm a realist. I am fully capable of stopping support of Rhule but not until he has been given the same chance as we gave less qualified coaches from our past.

And yet, being a realist, you have to also admit that Briles' track star quick scoring offense worked, and took us to heights never before experienced. I can understand being upset at the lack of attention to defense and special teams, which were incredibly frustrating, but if the scandal had not happened, would you have still advocated for his dismissal because of the defense and special teams?

From a pure x's and o's standpoint and absent the scandal, the only way I could have seen taking such a position would have been if you felt Baylor had gotten to a place as a brand and with the level of talent that it no longer needed one of the most prolific offenses in college football to compete. Short of that, I don't know how you get rid of a coach who achieved the kind of success Briles did at little ol' Baylor.*

* Again, absent the scandal.
Asterisks are a tainted program's best friend in the record books.
Thee University
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Mothra said:

xiledinok said:

Patterson already went undefeated in a season and would have mowed through the Big 12 in 2010.
TCU also followed the scheduling protocol and their athletic director was rewarded with a spot on the CFP committee. Not exactly a Longhorn or t.v. conspiracy with little private TCU.
Marco busting out champagne means Miller High Life for all or some sorta Boone's selection.

Fwiw, the ranking that counts is final ranking. No one 20 years from today will care about in season rankings. You don't put numbers on stadiums based on midseason rankings.
So, your point is Gary Patterson was a better coach than Briles? Ok. I suspect a number of people would agree. Still not sure why you felt the need to make that point. Did you think we had a shot at luring him away from TCU?
We tried to get Patterson before Briles.

Patterson called a coach meeting and went around the room asking each coach if they wanted to go to Baylor and coach in the Big 12. All said no and one even said something along the lines of, " Coach, why would we want to go to Waco? They are offering scholarships to kids we are not even recruiting".

We tried years ago and got shot down.
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Yes Patterson is better coach than Briles. Smarter and more honest. More ethical. That's why he's got a job and Briles is playing with free Baylor money in his early retirement.
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brokebear said:

Yes Patterson is better coach than Briles. Smarter and more honest. More ethical. That's why he's got a job and Briles is playing with free Baylor money in his early retirement.
He's smarter, I don't know if he's more ethical.
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“When they are wrong, what makes them wrong is that they lead to violations of the duties I have described in earlier chapters.”
– Jason Brennan
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brokebear said:

Yes Patterson is better coach than Briles. Smarter and more honest. More ethical. That's why he's got a job and Briles is playing with free Baylor money in his early retirement.
Patterson has done some things I'm not sure even Briles would have done.

And I'll give you a hint:

1) before anyone with a camera attended TCU games, he'd call timeout and verbally berate individual players to the point of ridicule. Even the networks had a problem with it.
2) 3 ex-wives.
3) screaming at team doctor on the sideline who is putting a player through concussion protocol.
4) showing up at a players surgery, waiting for his family to leave and then going in and telling the player he needs to be at practice the next day and that he's playing in the Sat game.

Patterson is quiet about Briles, because he knows he's no angel either.

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I'll add that someone I trust (with no allegiance to any football program) told me he personally saw Patterson give a player cash back before tcu joined the Big 12. If anyone conducted a serious investigation of his program, he'd be fishing with Briles like grumpy old men for the next 25 years.
“When they are wrong, what makes them wrong is that they lead to violations of the duties I have described in earlier chapters.”
– Jason Brennan
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brokebear said:

Yes Patterson is better coach than Briles. Smarter and more honest. More ethical. That's why he's got a job and Briles is playing with free Baylor money in his early retirement.
Patterson is a good coach, but a piece of crap in real life. A miserable a**hole. Everyone in the media knows it as well. Had the privilege of sitting next to a very high profile and respected sports broadcaster in DFW at a charity dinner several years ago, and the subject of Briles and Patterson came up. He was profuse in his praise of Briles, but said Patterson is one of the worst human beings he ever met. Told me a story about when he first met Patterson and what a complete @sshole Patterson was to him - a guy who is sports royalty in the DFW area. Was just a total d!ck.

I don't care how good Patterson is, I wouldn't want him at Baylor.
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Y'all are like a bunch of old women with gossip and BS to spew. This is a loser site. Goodbye forever.
Jacques Strap
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brokebear said:

Y'all are like a bunch of old women with gossip and BS to spew. This is a loser site. Goodbye forever.
Like every sports board ever in the history of Al Gore's internet.
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Regardless of his personal life or personality, one thing is for sure. Patterson is one Hell of a football coach. He does not rebuild. He just reloads.
"This is not an institution of football."
-- Dr. David Garland
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Mothra said:

brokebear said:

Yes Patterson is better coach than Briles. Smarter and more honest. More ethical. That's why he's got a job and Briles is playing with free Baylor money in his early retirement.
Patterson is a good coach, but a piece of crap in real life. A miserable a**hole. Everyone in the media knows it as well. Had the privilege of sitting next to a very high profile and respected sports broadcaster in DFW at a charity dinner several years ago, and the subject of Briles and Patterson came up. He was profuse in his praise of Briles, but said Patterson is one of the worst human beings he ever met. Told me a story about when he first met Patterson and what a complete @sshole Patterson was to him - a guy who is sports royalty in the DFW area. Was just a total d!ck.

I don't care how good Patterson is, I wouldn't want him at Baylor.
You're not wrong, he's a dirt bag, has zero charm.

Our former coach unfortunately had a folksy veneer but a pretty dubious behind the scenes manner.

Patterson in a perverse way was/ is more honest in that he can't hide what he is.
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Some of these comments about Patterson's personal life are hilarious. At Baylor, we think a Head Football Coach must be a babysitter, a therapist, a counselor, a chaperone, a security guard, a pastor, a fisher of men, never been married more than once, and sit at the right hand of God. Most importantly, he must kowtow daily and pledge his loyalty to the Baylor Board of Regents

At TCU, Pattterson is just a head football coach. And a pretty damn good one at that. He coaches football. And they let him coach football.
"This is not an institution of football."
-- Dr. David Garland
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80sBEAR said:

Some of these comments about Patterson's personal life are hilarious. At Baylor, we think a Head Football Coach must be a babysitter, a therapist, a counselor, a chaperone, a security guard, a pastor, a fisher of men, never been married more than once, and sit at the right hand of God.

At TCU, Pattterson is just a head football coach. And a pretty damn good one at that. He coaches football.
Yeah, it's an incredibly tall order to ask a coach to not be a scumbag or bend the rules behind the scenes.
Nick Nolte
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Mothra said:

brokebear said:

Yes Patterson is better coach than Briles. Smarter and more honest. More ethical. That's why he's got a job and Briles is playing with free Baylor money in his early retirement.
Patterson is a good coach, but a piece of crap in real life. A miserable a**hole. Everyone in the media knows it as well. Had the privilege of sitting next to a very high profile and respected sports broadcaster in DFW at a charity dinner several years ago, and the subject of Briles and Patterson came up. He was profuse in his praise of Briles, but said Patterson is one of the worst human beings he ever met. Told me a story about when he first met Patterson and what a complete @sshole Patterson was to him - a guy who is sports royalty in the DFW area. Was just a total d!ck.

I don't care how good Patterson is, I wouldn't want him at Baylor.
Wow. How is Matt Mosely in real life? pretty cool you go to meet him.
Nick Nolte
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Thee University said:

We tried to get Patterson before Briles.

Patterson called a coach meeting and went around the room asking each coach if they wanted to go to Baylor and coach in the Big 12. All said no and one even said something along the lines of, " Coach, why would we want to go to Waco? They are offering scholarships to kids we are not even recruiting".

We tried years ago and got shot down.
That story sounds made up. How would anyone possibly know that?
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