If you believe in Art...

39,519 Views | 299 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Forest Bueller
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Keyser Soze said:

If Bliss had won more this same crowd would be crying about conspiracy to get Bliss and which regent provided the gun.

All of the mental gymnastics must get tiring for you guys. You have to convince yourselves of the moral vacuity of anyone who criticizes the BOR and our administration.

Yes, Briles was a winner and by all accounts a very decent man. It was an initial shock to deal with his departure, but the greater outrage to me was not that we let him go, it was how we have treated him since his departure. It sickens me how many in the Baylor camp revel in his demise. For whatever his failures might have been, I don't believe his behavior was as bankrupt as the behavior of many of his detractors.
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bear2be2 said:

Stranger said:

Thee University said:

ScottS said:

Bring back Briles!
Bring back Bliss!

Ignorance is bliss.
-Thomas Gray

You would know.

Now what does that comment have to do with the price of eggs in China? Were you slandering me, Dave Bliss or Thomas Gray?
I'm a Bearbacker
Thee University
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Chuckroast said:

Keyser Soze said:

It sickens me how many in the Baylor camp revel in his demise. For whatever his failures might have been, I don't believe his behavior was as bankrupt as the behavior of many of his detractors.

You are oblivious aren't you?

Revel in his demise? ________ him!

His lack of institutional control, his lack of instituting TRUE discipline and his horrible actions after getting caught/called out have done tremendous damage to Baylor University. Because of his actions and in-actions Baylor is reeling. $15M is a bargain compared to what we are reaping because of him. He did this to himself!

Baylor is at some fault though. Baylor should have called him in around 2011 and enrolled him in Baylor 101 classes. He should have been put on double secret probation and put on a short leash by the AD. Unfortunately, that amiable and scared AD did not do his job.
"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key"
Thee University
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Every time one of you practitioners of false idolatry posts revisionist history, prepare to be corrected.
"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key"
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Reverend said:

The score can't be evened because there is no accountability for the BoR. But they can still be criticized for covering their asses and ruining a man. There's not a lot of satisfaction in that, but it can damn sure be said. Anybody that's got a problem with that, too bad.
If the score was evened, there will be a lifetime ban and those tanking coaches will be held accountable for tanking and tampering with the football program while attempting to undermine the school post firing in 2016.
Baby Briles, Art's staff, Lebbys, and many more never were held accountable.

******** It's not just Baylor that wants to even the score. It is the American public. They watched from afar and never got a piece of the action.
Keyser Soze
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Chuckroast said:

Keyser Soze said:

If Bliss had won more this same crowd would be crying about conspiracy to get Bliss and which regent provided the gun.

All of the mental gymnastics must get tiring for you guys. You have to convince yourselves of the moral vacuity of anyone who criticizes the BOR and our administration.

Yes, Briles was a winner and by all accounts a very decent man. It was an initial shock to deal with his departure, but the greater outrage to me was not that we let him go, it was how we have treated him since his departure. It sickens me how many in the Baylor camp revel in his demise. For whatever his failures might have been, I don't believe his behavior was as bankrupt as the behavior of many of his detractors.

You are confused. There are tons of legitimate criticism, most of which involves being uniformed and reacting slowly. They for the most part admitted most of this in May of 2016. We don't really see criticism about that.

We do see things like "they are not telling us everything to cover their own butts". OK - then tell us the who what when and where ..... and for the most part we get crickets. I ask again .... more crickets followed by "no credibility, shill" .....

So I will ask you. Give us the details.

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xiledinok said:

On pourrait penser que si Art n'tait pas responsable, ses avocats et lui-mme affichs sur ce site l'auraient libr de son visage d'hritage du viol.
Le tribunal de l'opinion publique amricain<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->FileZilla Malwarebytes Rufus a pris sa dcision. Ils prfrent passer au football universitaire et aux ligues professionnelles respectes.
Art Briles sera toujours un ours Baylor et le stade McLane sera toujours la maison que Art Briles a construite.

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xiledinok said:

You would think if Art was not responsible, he and his lawyers posting on this site would have freed him from his face of rape legacy.
The America public's court of public opinion has made its decision. They would rather move on like college football and the respected professional leagues.
Art Briles will always be a Baylor Bear, and McLane Stadium will always be the house that Art Briles built.

I used to live where the stadium was built. It was in the late 1990s. It was well circulated that the school might use the property for a stadium or library.
Art was roiding up victories in high school at the time. I m pretty sure the stadium was planned well ahead of Art.
It was a matter of timing and the willingness to take on the stadium debt.
Your narrative would be a good one for people who do not know history, facts, backgrounds or money. You might want to research the properties on the river. The land has great history and a bit of bad luck associated with it.

Baylor was really excited when the Astros sold. I ll let you figure it out.
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X might make something of himself if he devoted as much time to something other than having every other post on this board. Sounds like he's 20 years or so out of school so he's young enough to still have a chance. It's probably too late for Thee and Old small hands Bear.
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Keyser Soze said:

If Bliss had won more this same crowd would be crying about conspiracy to get Bliss and which regent provided the gun.

Even for you, this is stupid.
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Thee University said:

Every time one of you practitioners of false idolatry posts revisionist history, prepare to be corrected.

Says the guy defending a dildo salesman and bank robber.

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SATXBear said:

Dman said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Thee University said:

rileyroo said:

Here is what I believe:

1) Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies.

2) BU failed some women and didn't want the facts to come out (so they opened the university pocket books and bought their silence). For that, I say shame on our University.

3) Art was not a bad man and took for the fall for many of the university failures. He is not completely blameless, but the hysteria about him was over the top.

4) BU took chances on athletes, but the same thing is done by all universities.

The saddest part of all of this is that we will probably never know the truth. The media posted outrageous statements over and over and the public bought it. We are forever labeled as the "rape" university. Where are all of the gang rapists? Why haven't they been prosecuted?

If anything good came out of this, it is that BU finally realized that they are a major university and cannot pretend to be a vacation bible school anymore. We have real problems.

It is too bad that Briles and company cannot ever tell their story without being dragged throught the mud again. I hope he gets to coach again because I believe in second chances and I truly believe that we didn't hear the whole story. I refuse to judge someone without knowing the facts in their entirety. I would want the same if I was accused of something so egregious.
Well congratulations poindexter. You judged without FACTS in their entirety. Thanks for telling us what you believe.

#1. Blame Ian instead of the BOR.
#2. That is a wild-@$$ed guess on your part. Who failed the women? Who bought silence?
#3. Art was a bad man for not doing his entire job and bringing in a cancerous element to his team. He built it. He drove it until it overheated, pulled to the side of the road with a strange smoke wafting out from underneath the Yugo, hopped out of the green and gold car and into the burnt orange Cadillac. Unfortunately for him the Caddy never had any intention of taking him to Austin.
#4 Great. Blame it all on the other schools. Baylor has made a few mistakes over the years but for the most part either vetted the bad apples out prior to arrival or let them go after one or two strikes.

We have a chance to shed the "rape U" image you mentioned above. We are working on it but it appears we earned a great deal of it.

My point you ask? You did a lot of judging without knowing the facts in their entirety.

His items 1 and 2 are utter nonsenses and is something repeated frequently on this free board.

Not only is it judging, but also lunacy.

Not lunacy; truth. Riley's #1 and #2 are true. 1) There was a Baylor commissioned study done by Margolis-Healy in 2014 specifically outlining our T9 deficiencies and non-compliance. That's why Patty Crawford was hired. The BOFR dang sure knew. 2) There were women coming out of the shadows to report SA claims with one going as far back as 1997. You bet the checkbook was open.

And that is why Starr was fired. He refused to implement title 9 reform. PH report helped expose more problems, so people got fired. No cover up.

No shlt, Sherlock. Old news. To Riley's point, "Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies." that you said was false is definitely true as I noted above with the regents knowing about T9 non-compliance through the 2014 Margolis-Healy report. Compliance was not a top priority (it was a Tier2 priority according to depos) and they didn't hold Starr accountable for 2 years until they fired him. Yeah, the verbal PH presentation identified even more.

Wrong again. They cleaned house to get rid of people not doing their job. You really love living in the crazy conspiracy world, don't you.

Hold on there, Clueless. If we cleaned house, why are Jackson, Holmes, Murdock, McCraw, and MLS still employed? RR and TLD are riding off into the sunset with no accountability while Livingstone herself stated in a recent article, "If you look at the actual changes that have taken place on campus, the vast majority of them were not related to the athletic department," she said. "Clearly the university understood that this was a much broader issue."

Just from the timeline below for Tevin Elliott, it's documented that 5 folks in leadership knew of allegations against him and watched him for >6 months before Briles was notified of the breadth of TE's activities. And that's not to mention a BOFR that knew of T9 non-compliances in 2014 with recommendations to fix.

So we've got documentation:
- October 5, 2011 email showing Doak and RR knew TE was "assaulting young women" (note the plural used from report)
- November 7, 2011 email noting that administration (Murdock, McCraw, and Martha Lou) knew of TE's "assaults" (note plural used from report),
- November 2011 football told of "an incident" (note singular used from report-unwanted contact)
- TE allegedly rapes a student on 4/15/12,
- Administration fully notifies football program on 4/25/12,
- Football program suspends Elliott on 4/27/12 the same day they learn Waco PD wants a cheek swab for their investigation.

From dated documents it appears football was never notified of breadth of the situation until 4/25/12. It further appears to me that that the clown show of RR, Doak, Murdock, McCraw, Martha Lou, were the problem. That's 5 senior folks in the administration that knew and did nothing. IMO they need to do time with TE. Fulking shameful!

You must be one of the attorneys sueing Baylor? It is common knowledge that a hundred employees in administration were relieved of duties after the scandal. What is your point? At least the BOR finally woke up and made serious changes.

Name one regent that resigned or one exec admin fired as a result of this scandal. Name just one.

Come over to the pay board. The mods have posted that many administrative people have been turned over since 2016. Also, many BOR members prior to 2014 are gone. The BOR that handled the 2016 scandal were just firemen putting out problems of the past. Maybe you should quit hating the school. Did you even attend Baylor?

You can't even name one outside of Athletics and Starr. Referral to the pay side is no way to live life kid. Research for yourself; ask serious questions. Baylor taught us to question.

BTW...I don't hate Baylor. I love Baylor; she's is in my genetic code so to speak. I am not a lawyer. I am a Baylor alum that's ashamed as to how our "leaders" treated victims, failed to deal with serious issues head-on, and refused to accept accountability and consequences then proclaimed "Christian Mission" when actions said otherwise. I'm happy that we're getting better, but we've still got decades of work to repair shattered lives and Baylor's reputation.

I can't help you anymore young man.

You never did.

If you consider yourself a friend of Baylor, she does not need enemies.

I'm heritage-alumni of Baylor. It's not about being an enemy; it's about stepping up and accepting accountability and consequences for all involved in our failures. Our scandal was not 100% football/athletics related. If you think I'm an enemy, go to your safe space, snowflake. Head in the sand, never question mentality is a huge reason why we are where we are. Adios.

So let me get this straight. According to SA.."friends
Of Baylor" look at this body of leaders who were
In charge of Baylor during the biggest University wide scandal (not just football), that has cost hundreds of milllions of dollars..who were reprimanded by their own FoF for meddling, conflicts, mismanagement, lack of oversight....I could go on. And then say "atta boy! Great job! Keep up the good work! Baylor is in great hands". Those are the friends.

"Enemies" of Baylor, those who step up and say..wow. These guys were asleep at the wheel. They needed a scandal that cost hundreds of millions of dollars and public black eye, and being under the public microscope and scrutiny to initiate MUCH needed reform, much of it aimed at them specifically. Maybe we can do better. We have qualified alternatives. You don't get to be a part of the problem and the solution. Those are the enemies?!

Who loves Baylor?

Nope. You misinterpret me.

Prior to 2015, the BOR were asleep at the wheel. After 2015, the BOR finally woke up and paid attention. Many of the BOR prior to 2015 were gone by 2016. Since 2016, several on the BOR have transitioned off and a hundred from the administration and athletic departments are gone. Just ask the moderators.

It seems like you and Yoak wake up everyday breathing fire and looking for a fight. Keep bashing our school and being haters if that makes you happy.

How many victims didn't receive the care they needed or were required by law to receive because of being "asleep at the wheel"? Again...how many regents resigned and how many exec admins were fired as a result of their incompetence outside of Starr and Athletics? Rolling off the board isn't the same as holding themselves and each other accountable and accepting consequences.
Thee University
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YoakDaddy said:

How many victims didn't receive the care they needed or were required by law to receive because of being "asleep at the wheel"? Again...how many regents resigned and how many exec admins were fired as a result of their incompetence outside of Starr and Athletics? Rolling off the board isn't the same as holding themselves and each other accountable and accepting consequences.
Have you ever read the BU BOR Statement of Commitment & Responsibilities?


"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key"
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YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Dman said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Thee University said:

rileyroo said:

Here is what I believe:

1) Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies.

2) BU failed some women and didn't want the facts to come out (so they opened the university pocket books and bought their silence). For that, I say shame on our University.

3) Art was not a bad man and took for the fall for many of the university failures. He is not completely blameless, but the hysteria about him was over the top.

4) BU took chances on athletes, but the same thing is done by all universities.

The saddest part of all of this is that we will probably never know the truth. The media posted outrageous statements over and over and the public bought it. We are forever labeled as the "rape" university. Where are all of the gang rapists? Why haven't they been prosecuted?

If anything good came out of this, it is that BU finally realized that they are a major university and cannot pretend to be a vacation bible school anymore. We have real problems.

It is too bad that Briles and company cannot ever tell their story without being dragged throught the mud again. I hope he gets to coach again because I believe in second chances and I truly believe that we didn't hear the whole story. I refuse to judge someone without knowing the facts in their entirety. I would want the same if I was accused of something so egregious.
Well congratulations poindexter. You judged without FACTS in their entirety. Thanks for telling us what you believe.

#1. Blame Ian instead of the BOR.
#2. That is a wild-@$$ed guess on your part. Who failed the women? Who bought silence?
#3. Art was a bad man for not doing his entire job and bringing in a cancerous element to his team. He built it. He drove it until it overheated, pulled to the side of the road with a strange smoke wafting out from underneath the Yugo, hopped out of the green and gold car and into the burnt orange Cadillac. Unfortunately for him the Caddy never had any intention of taking him to Austin.
#4 Great. Blame it all on the other schools. Baylor has made a few mistakes over the years but for the most part either vetted the bad apples out prior to arrival or let them go after one or two strikes.

We have a chance to shed the "rape U" image you mentioned above. We are working on it but it appears we earned a great deal of it.

My point you ask? You did a lot of judging without knowing the facts in their entirety.

His items 1 and 2 are utter nonsenses and is something repeated frequently on this free board.

Not only is it judging, but also lunacy.

Not lunacy; truth. Riley's #1 and #2 are true. 1) There was a Baylor commissioned study done by Margolis-Healy in 2014 specifically outlining our T9 deficiencies and non-compliance. That's why Patty Crawford was hired. The BOFR dang sure knew. 2) There were women coming out of the shadows to report SA claims with one going as far back as 1997. You bet the checkbook was open.

And that is why Starr was fired. He refused to implement title 9 reform. PH report helped expose more problems, so people got fired. No cover up.

No shlt, Sherlock. Old news. To Riley's point, "Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies." that you said was false is definitely true as I noted above with the regents knowing about T9 non-compliance through the 2014 Margolis-Healy report. Compliance was not a top priority (it was a Tier2 priority according to depos) and they didn't hold Starr accountable for 2 years until they fired him. Yeah, the verbal PH presentation identified even more.

Wrong again. They cleaned house to get rid of people not doing their job. You really love living in the crazy conspiracy world, don't you.

Hold on there, Clueless. If we cleaned house, why are Jackson, Holmes, Murdock, McCraw, and MLS still employed? RR and TLD are riding off into the sunset with no accountability while Livingstone herself stated in a recent article, "If you look at the actual changes that have taken place on campus, the vast majority of them were not related to the athletic department," she said. "Clearly the university understood that this was a much broader issue."

Just from the timeline below for Tevin Elliott, it's documented that 5 folks in leadership knew of allegations against him and watched him for >6 months before Briles was notified of the breadth of TE's activities. And that's not to mention a BOFR that knew of T9 non-compliances in 2014 with recommendations to fix.

So we've got documentation:
- October 5, 2011 email showing Doak and RR knew TE was "assaulting young women" (note the plural used from report)
- November 7, 2011 email noting that administration (Murdock, McCraw, and Martha Lou) knew of TE's "assaults" (note plural used from report),
- November 2011 football told of "an incident" (note singular used from report-unwanted contact)
- TE allegedly rapes a student on 4/15/12,
- Administration fully notifies football program on 4/25/12,
- Football program suspends Elliott on 4/27/12 the same day they learn Waco PD wants a cheek swab for their investigation.

From dated documents it appears football was never notified of breadth of the situation until 4/25/12. It further appears to me that that the clown show of RR, Doak, Murdock, McCraw, Martha Lou, were the problem. That's 5 senior folks in the administration that knew and did nothing. IMO they need to do time with TE. Fulking shameful!

You must be one of the attorneys sueing Baylor? It is common knowledge that a hundred employees in administration were relieved of duties after the scandal. What is your point? At least the BOR finally woke up and made serious changes.

Name one regent that resigned or one exec admin fired as a result of this scandal. Name just one.

Come over to the pay board. The mods have posted that many administrative people have been turned over since 2016. Also, many BOR members prior to 2014 are gone. The BOR that handled the 2016 scandal were just firemen putting out problems of the past. Maybe you should quit hating the school. Did you even attend Baylor?

You can't even name one outside of Athletics and Starr. Referral to the pay side is no way to live life kid. Research for yourself; ask serious questions. Baylor taught us to question.

BTW...I don't hate Baylor. I love Baylor; she's is in my genetic code so to speak. I am not a lawyer. I am a Baylor alum that's ashamed as to how our "leaders" treated victims, failed to deal with serious issues head-on, and refused to accept accountability and consequences then proclaimed "Christian Mission" when actions said otherwise. I'm happy that we're getting better, but we've still got decades of work to repair shattered lives and Baylor's reputation.

I can't help you anymore young man.

You never did.

If you consider yourself a friend of Baylor, she does not need enemies.

I'm heritage-alumni of Baylor. It's not about being an enemy; it's about stepping up and accepting accountability and consequences for all involved in our failures. Our scandal was not 100% football/athletics related. If you think I'm an enemy, go to your safe space, snowflake. Head in the sand, never question mentality is a huge reason why we are where we are. Adios.

So let me get this straight. According to SA.."friends
Of Baylor" look at this body of leaders who were
In charge of Baylor during the biggest University wide scandal (not just football), that has cost hundreds of milllions of dollars..who were reprimanded by their own FoF for meddling, conflicts, mismanagement, lack of oversight....I could go on. And then say "atta boy! Great job! Keep up the good work! Baylor is in great hands". Those are the friends.

"Enemies" of Baylor, those who step up and say..wow. These guys were asleep at the wheel. They needed a scandal that cost hundreds of millions of dollars and public black eye, and being under the public microscope and scrutiny to initiate MUCH needed reform, much of it aimed at them specifically. Maybe we can do better. We have qualified alternatives. You don't get to be a part of the problem and the solution. Those are the enemies?!

Who loves Baylor?

Nope. You misinterpret me.

Prior to 2015, the BOR were asleep at the wheel. After 2015, the BOR finally woke up and paid attention. Many of the BOR prior to 2015 were gone by 2016. Since 2016, several on the BOR have transitioned off and a hundred from the administration and athletic departments are gone. Just ask the moderators.

It seems like you and Yoak wake up everyday breathing fire and looking for a fight. Keep bashing our school and being haters if that makes you happy.

How many victims didn't receive the care they needed or were required by law to receive because of being "asleep at the wheel"? Again...how many regents resigned and how many exec admins were fired as a result of their incompetence outside of Starr and Athletics? Rolling off the board isn't the same as holding themselves and each other accountable and accepting consequences.

What does any of this have to do with Dr. Livingston's current administration and the current BOR? You are going to drive yourself crazy trying to seek some kind of revenge on an internet site. You are like Don Quixote...lol.
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Thee University said:

Chuckroast said:

Keyser Soze said:

It sickens me how many in the Baylor camp revel in his demise. For whatever his failures might have been, I don't believe his behavior was as bankrupt as the behavior of many of his detractors.

You are oblivious aren't you?

Revel in his demise? ________ him!

His lack of institutional control, his lack of instituting TRUE discipline and his horrible actions after getting caught/called out have done tremendous damage to Baylor University. Because of his actions and in-actions Baylor is reeling. $15M is a bargain compared to what we are reaping because of him. He did this to himself!

Baylor is at some fault though. Baylor should have called him in around 2011 and enrolled him in Baylor 101 classes. He should have been put on double secret probation and put on a short leash by the AD. Unfortunately, that amiable and scared AD did not do his job.
some fault??? Baylor kept Briles for several years after the Tevin Elliot and other sagas. For whatever CAB's faults were, our administration knew them. Either they were 100% complicit in CAB's bad behavior, or they knew he wasn't a bad guy, and they were hoping to fight through it.
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Keyser Soze said:

Chuckroast said:

Keyser Soze said:

If Bliss had won more this same crowd would be crying about conspiracy to get Bliss and which regent provided the gun.

All of the mental gymnastics must get tiring for you guys. You have to convince yourselves of the moral vacuity of anyone who criticizes the BOR and our administration.

Yes, Briles was a winner and by all accounts a very decent man. It was an initial shock to deal with his departure, but the greater outrage to me was not that we let him go, it was how we have treated him since his departure. It sickens me how many in the Baylor camp revel in his demise. For whatever his failures might have been, I don't believe his behavior was as bankrupt as the behavior of many of his detractors.

You are confused. There are tons of legitimate criticism, most of which involves being uniformed and reacting slowly. They for the most part admitted most of this in May of 2016. We don't really see criticism about that.

We do see things like "they are not telling us everything to cover their own butts". OK - then tell us the who what when and where ..... and for the most part we get crickets. I ask again .... more crickets followed by "no credibility, shill" .....

So I will ask you. Give us the details.

What?? That has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.
Keyser Soze
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Criticism of BOR - your paragraph 1
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Keyser Soze said:

Criticism of BOR - your paragraph 1

I had hoped that the remainder of my post had clarified what I was trying to say. I am not wanting to rehash whether or not Briles deserved to be fired . . . I was simply trying to make the observation that since he was fired, he has been treated very unfairly by our administration and that I believe our administration's behavior has been more egregious than his ever was.
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Thee University said:

YoakDaddy said:

How many victims didn't receive the care they needed or were required by law to receive because of being "asleep at the wheel"? Again...how many regents resigned and how many exec admins were fired as a result of their incompetence outside of Starr and Athletics? Rolling off the board isn't the same as holding themselves and each other accountable and accepting consequences.
Have you ever read the BU BOR Statement of Commitment & Responsibilities?


That's a better question for them because it's obvious from 10 out 13 pages from the FoF and 105 Recommendations that they haven't.

Kinda looks like they whiffed big time on No. 1 by not stewarding that "caring community" then fulked up bigger on No. 6 "Provide oversight, and review and approve strategies, policies and plans for ensuring legal and ethical compliance with all applicable internal and external rules and federal, state and local laws and regulations, institute effective controls to identify and address problems;"

Thanks for proving my point.
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SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Dman said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Thee University said:

rileyroo said:

Here is what I believe:

1) Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies.

2) BU failed some women and didn't want the facts to come out (so they opened the university pocket books and bought their silence). For that, I say shame on our University.

3) Art was not a bad man and took for the fall for many of the university failures. He is not completely blameless, but the hysteria about him was over the top.

4) BU took chances on athletes, but the same thing is done by all universities.

The saddest part of all of this is that we will probably never know the truth. The media posted outrageous statements over and over and the public bought it. We are forever labeled as the "rape" university. Where are all of the gang rapists? Why haven't they been prosecuted?

If anything good came out of this, it is that BU finally realized that they are a major university and cannot pretend to be a vacation bible school anymore. We have real problems.

It is too bad that Briles and company cannot ever tell their story without being dragged throught the mud again. I hope he gets to coach again because I believe in second chances and I truly believe that we didn't hear the whole story. I refuse to judge someone without knowing the facts in their entirety. I would want the same if I was accused of something so egregious.
Well congratulations poindexter. You judged without FACTS in their entirety. Thanks for telling us what you believe.

#1. Blame Ian instead of the BOR.
#2. That is a wild-@$$ed guess on your part. Who failed the women? Who bought silence?
#3. Art was a bad man for not doing his entire job and bringing in a cancerous element to his team. He built it. He drove it until it overheated, pulled to the side of the road with a strange smoke wafting out from underneath the Yugo, hopped out of the green and gold car and into the burnt orange Cadillac. Unfortunately for him the Caddy never had any intention of taking him to Austin.
#4 Great. Blame it all on the other schools. Baylor has made a few mistakes over the years but for the most part either vetted the bad apples out prior to arrival or let them go after one or two strikes.

We have a chance to shed the "rape U" image you mentioned above. We are working on it but it appears we earned a great deal of it.

My point you ask? You did a lot of judging without knowing the facts in their entirety.

His items 1 and 2 are utter nonsenses and is something repeated frequently on this free board.

Not only is it judging, but also lunacy.

Not lunacy; truth. Riley's #1 and #2 are true. 1) There was a Baylor commissioned study done by Margolis-Healy in 2014 specifically outlining our T9 deficiencies and non-compliance. That's why Patty Crawford was hired. The BOFR dang sure knew. 2) There were women coming out of the shadows to report SA claims with one going as far back as 1997. You bet the checkbook was open.

And that is why Starr was fired. He refused to implement title 9 reform. PH report helped expose more problems, so people got fired. No cover up.

No shlt, Sherlock. Old news. To Riley's point, "Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies." that you said was false is definitely true as I noted above with the regents knowing about T9 non-compliance through the 2014 Margolis-Healy report. Compliance was not a top priority (it was a Tier2 priority according to depos) and they didn't hold Starr accountable for 2 years until they fired him. Yeah, the verbal PH presentation identified even more.

Wrong again. They cleaned house to get rid of people not doing their job. You really love living in the crazy conspiracy world, don't you.

Hold on there, Clueless. If we cleaned house, why are Jackson, Holmes, Murdock, McCraw, and MLS still employed? RR and TLD are riding off into the sunset with no accountability while Livingstone herself stated in a recent article, "If you look at the actual changes that have taken place on campus, the vast majority of them were not related to the athletic department," she said. "Clearly the university understood that this was a much broader issue."

Just from the timeline below for Tevin Elliott, it's documented that 5 folks in leadership knew of allegations against him and watched him for >6 months before Briles was notified of the breadth of TE's activities. And that's not to mention a BOFR that knew of T9 non-compliances in 2014 with recommendations to fix.

So we've got documentation:
- October 5, 2011 email showing Doak and RR knew TE was "assaulting young women" (note the plural used from report)
- November 7, 2011 email noting that administration (Murdock, McCraw, and Martha Lou) knew of TE's "assaults" (note plural used from report),
- November 2011 football told of "an incident" (note singular used from report-unwanted contact)
- TE allegedly rapes a student on 4/15/12,
- Administration fully notifies football program on 4/25/12,
- Football program suspends Elliott on 4/27/12 the same day they learn Waco PD wants a cheek swab for their investigation.

From dated documents it appears football was never notified of breadth of the situation until 4/25/12. It further appears to me that that the clown show of RR, Doak, Murdock, McCraw, Martha Lou, were the problem. That's 5 senior folks in the administration that knew and did nothing. IMO they need to do time with TE. Fulking shameful!

You must be one of the attorneys sueing Baylor? It is common knowledge that a hundred employees in administration were relieved of duties after the scandal. What is your point? At least the BOR finally woke up and made serious changes.

Name one regent that resigned or one exec admin fired as a result of this scandal. Name just one.

Come over to the pay board. The mods have posted that many administrative people have been turned over since 2016. Also, many BOR members prior to 2014 are gone. The BOR that handled the 2016 scandal were just firemen putting out problems of the past. Maybe you should quit hating the school. Did you even attend Baylor?

You can't even name one outside of Athletics and Starr. Referral to the pay side is no way to live life kid. Research for yourself; ask serious questions. Baylor taught us to question.

BTW...I don't hate Baylor. I love Baylor; she's is in my genetic code so to speak. I am not a lawyer. I am a Baylor alum that's ashamed as to how our "leaders" treated victims, failed to deal with serious issues head-on, and refused to accept accountability and consequences then proclaimed "Christian Mission" when actions said otherwise. I'm happy that we're getting better, but we've still got decades of work to repair shattered lives and Baylor's reputation.

I can't help you anymore young man.

You never did.

If you consider yourself a friend of Baylor, she does not need enemies.

I'm heritage-alumni of Baylor. It's not about being an enemy; it's about stepping up and accepting accountability and consequences for all involved in our failures. Our scandal was not 100% football/athletics related. If you think I'm an enemy, go to your safe space, snowflake. Head in the sand, never question mentality is a huge reason why we are where we are. Adios.

So let me get this straight. According to SA.."friends
Of Baylor" look at this body of leaders who were
In charge of Baylor during the biggest University wide scandal (not just football), that has cost hundreds of milllions of dollars..who were reprimanded by their own FoF for meddling, conflicts, mismanagement, lack of oversight....I could go on. And then say "atta boy! Great job! Keep up the good work! Baylor is in great hands". Those are the friends.

"Enemies" of Baylor, those who step up and say..wow. These guys were asleep at the wheel. They needed a scandal that cost hundreds of millions of dollars and public black eye, and being under the public microscope and scrutiny to initiate MUCH needed reform, much of it aimed at them specifically. Maybe we can do better. We have qualified alternatives. You don't get to be a part of the problem and the solution. Those are the enemies?!

Who loves Baylor?

Nope. You misinterpret me.

Prior to 2015, the BOR were asleep at the wheel. After 2015, the BOR finally woke up and paid attention. Many of the BOR prior to 2015 were gone by 2016. Since 2016, several on the BOR have transitioned off and a hundred from the administration and athletic departments are gone. Just ask the moderators.

It seems like you and Yoak wake up everyday breathing fire and looking for a fight. Keep bashing our school and being haters if that makes you happy.

How many victims didn't receive the care they needed or were required by law to receive because of being "asleep at the wheel"? Again...how many regents resigned and how many exec admins were fired as a result of their incompetence outside of Starr and Athletics? Rolling off the board isn't the same as holding themselves and each other accountable and accepting consequences.

What does any of this have to do with Dr. Livingston's current administration and the current BOR? You are going to drive yourself crazy trying to seek some kind of revenge on an internet site. You are like Don Quixote...lol.

The answer is 0. No regents have resigned and nobody from Pat Neff was fired as a result of our massive fulk up besides Starr and athletics. As you can see from the regent's charge that Thee provided, they obviously didn't live up to their commitment and refuse to accept accountability. I can't believe Baylor issued you a degree or you missed those classes where you were taught to question and research.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Dman said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Thee University said:

rileyroo said:

Here is what I believe:

1) Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies.

2) BU failed some women and didn't want the facts to come out (so they opened the university pocket books and bought their silence). For that, I say shame on our University.

3) Art was not a bad man and took for the fall for many of the university failures. He is not completely blameless, but the hysteria about him was over the top.

4) BU took chances on athletes, but the same thing is done by all universities.

The saddest part of all of this is that we will probably never know the truth. The media posted outrageous statements over and over and the public bought it. We are forever labeled as the "rape" university. Where are all of the gang rapists? Why haven't they been prosecuted?

If anything good came out of this, it is that BU finally realized that they are a major university and cannot pretend to be a vacation bible school anymore. We have real problems.

It is too bad that Briles and company cannot ever tell their story without being dragged throught the mud again. I hope he gets to coach again because I believe in second chances and I truly believe that we didn't hear the whole story. I refuse to judge someone without knowing the facts in their entirety. I would want the same if I was accused of something so egregious.
Well congratulations poindexter. You judged without FACTS in their entirety. Thanks for telling us what you believe.

#1. Blame Ian instead of the BOR.
#2. That is a wild-@$$ed guess on your part. Who failed the women? Who bought silence?
#3. Art was a bad man for not doing his entire job and bringing in a cancerous element to his team. He built it. He drove it until it overheated, pulled to the side of the road with a strange smoke wafting out from underneath the Yugo, hopped out of the green and gold car and into the burnt orange Cadillac. Unfortunately for him the Caddy never had any intention of taking him to Austin.
#4 Great. Blame it all on the other schools. Baylor has made a few mistakes over the years but for the most part either vetted the bad apples out prior to arrival or let them go after one or two strikes.

We have a chance to shed the "rape U" image you mentioned above. We are working on it but it appears we earned a great deal of it.

My point you ask? You did a lot of judging without knowing the facts in their entirety.

His items 1 and 2 are utter nonsenses and is something repeated frequently on this free board.

Not only is it judging, but also lunacy.

Not lunacy; truth. Riley's #1 and #2 are true. 1) There was a Baylor commissioned study done by Margolis-Healy in 2014 specifically outlining our T9 deficiencies and non-compliance. That's why Patty Crawford was hired. The BOFR dang sure knew. 2) There were women coming out of the shadows to report SA claims with one going as far back as 1997. You bet the checkbook was open.

And that is why Starr was fired. He refused to implement title 9 reform. PH report helped expose more problems, so people got fired. No cover up.

No shlt, Sherlock. Old news. To Riley's point, "Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies." that you said was false is definitely true as I noted above with the regents knowing about T9 non-compliance through the 2014 Margolis-Healy report. Compliance was not a top priority (it was a Tier2 priority according to depos) and they didn't hold Starr accountable for 2 years until they fired him. Yeah, the verbal PH presentation identified even more.

Wrong again. They cleaned house to get rid of people not doing their job. You really love living in the crazy conspiracy world, don't you.

Hold on there, Clueless. If we cleaned house, why are Jackson, Holmes, Murdock, McCraw, and MLS still employed? RR and TLD are riding off into the sunset with no accountability while Livingstone herself stated in a recent article, "If you look at the actual changes that have taken place on campus, the vast majority of them were not related to the athletic department," she said. "Clearly the university understood that this was a much broader issue."

Just from the timeline below for Tevin Elliott, it's documented that 5 folks in leadership knew of allegations against him and watched him for >6 months before Briles was notified of the breadth of TE's activities. And that's not to mention a BOFR that knew of T9 non-compliances in 2014 with recommendations to fix.

So we've got documentation:
- October 5, 2011 email showing Doak and RR knew TE was "assaulting young women" (note the plural used from report)
- November 7, 2011 email noting that administration (Murdock, McCraw, and Martha Lou) knew of TE's "assaults" (note plural used from report),
- November 2011 football told of "an incident" (note singular used from report-unwanted contact)
- TE allegedly rapes a student on 4/15/12,
- Administration fully notifies football program on 4/25/12,
- Football program suspends Elliott on 4/27/12 the same day they learn Waco PD wants a cheek swab for their investigation.

From dated documents it appears football was never notified of breadth of the situation until 4/25/12. It further appears to me that that the clown show of RR, Doak, Murdock, McCraw, Martha Lou, were the problem. That's 5 senior folks in the administration that knew and did nothing. IMO they need to do time with TE. Fulking shameful!

You must be one of the attorneys sueing Baylor? It is common knowledge that a hundred employees in administration were relieved of duties after the scandal. What is your point? At least the BOR finally woke up and made serious changes.

Name one regent that resigned or one exec admin fired as a result of this scandal. Name just one.

Come over to the pay board. The mods have posted that many administrative people have been turned over since 2016. Also, many BOR members prior to 2014 are gone. The BOR that handled the 2016 scandal were just firemen putting out problems of the past. Maybe you should quit hating the school. Did you even attend Baylor?

You can't even name one outside of Athletics and Starr. Referral to the pay side is no way to live life kid. Research for yourself; ask serious questions. Baylor taught us to question.

BTW...I don't hate Baylor. I love Baylor; she's is in my genetic code so to speak. I am not a lawyer. I am a Baylor alum that's ashamed as to how our "leaders" treated victims, failed to deal with serious issues head-on, and refused to accept accountability and consequences then proclaimed "Christian Mission" when actions said otherwise. I'm happy that we're getting better, but we've still got decades of work to repair shattered lives and Baylor's reputation.

I can't help you anymore young man.

You never did.

If you consider yourself a friend of Baylor, she does not need enemies.

I'm heritage-alumni of Baylor. It's not about being an enemy; it's about stepping up and accepting accountability and consequences for all involved in our failures. Our scandal was not 100% football/athletics related. If you think I'm an enemy, go to your safe space, snowflake. Head in the sand, never question mentality is a huge reason why we are where we are. Adios.

So let me get this straight. According to SA.."friends
Of Baylor" look at this body of leaders who were
In charge of Baylor during the biggest University wide scandal (not just football), that has cost hundreds of milllions of dollars..who were reprimanded by their own FoF for meddling, conflicts, mismanagement, lack of oversight....I could go on. And then say "atta boy! Great job! Keep up the good work! Baylor is in great hands". Those are the friends.

"Enemies" of Baylor, those who step up and say..wow. These guys were asleep at the wheel. They needed a scandal that cost hundreds of millions of dollars and public black eye, and being under the public microscope and scrutiny to initiate MUCH needed reform, much of it aimed at them specifically. Maybe we can do better. We have qualified alternatives. You don't get to be a part of the problem and the solution. Those are the enemies?!

Who loves Baylor?

Nope. You misinterpret me.

Prior to 2015, the BOR were asleep at the wheel. After 2015, the BOR finally woke up and paid attention. Many of the BOR prior to 2015 were gone by 2016. Since 2016, several on the BOR have transitioned off and a hundred from the administration and athletic departments are gone. Just ask the moderators.

It seems like you and Yoak wake up everyday breathing fire and looking for a fight. Keep bashing our school and being haters if that makes you happy.

How many victims didn't receive the care they needed or were required by law to receive because of being "asleep at the wheel"? Again...how many regents resigned and how many exec admins were fired as a result of their incompetence outside of Starr and Athletics? Rolling off the board isn't the same as holding themselves and each other accountable and accepting consequences.

What does any of this have to do with Dr. Livingston's current administration and the current BOR? You are going to drive yourself crazy trying to seek some kind of revenge on an internet site. You are like Don Quixote...lol.

The answer is 0. No regents have resigned and nobody from Pat Neff was fired as a result of our massive fulk up besides Starr and athletics. As you can see from the regent's charge that Thee provided, they obviously didn't live up to their commitment and refuse to accept accountability. I can't believe Baylor issued you a degree or you missed those classes where you were taught to question and research.

It is common knowledge that Athletics, Admin, and BOR all screwed up prior to 2015. You are wrong. Admin, Athletics, and BOR all had replacements. Why don't you check in with our moderators. You are wrong on so many accounts. 100 employees in admin/athletics were removed over two years. Keep sticking your head in the sand though. You are not worth engaging.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
100 were "removed"? Somebody counts like a plaintiffs lawyer.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Yoak, looks like we have a handful of people on the forum who are either BOR shills or who disdain Briles so much, they can't be objective. Unfortunately they account for at least 1/3 of the posts any time Briles comes up. Take heart that the overwhelming majority who read these pages aren't fooled by the vocal minority.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Reverend said:

X might make something of himself if he devoted as much time to something other than having every other post on this board. Sounds like he's 20 years or so out of school so he's young enough to still have a chance. It's probably too late for Thee and Old small hands Bear.
It hasn't cost me a penny. I bet you have enhanced yourself since you remodeled your house and eventually sold it.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Dman said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Thee University said:

rileyroo said:

Here is what I believe:

1) Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies.

2) BU failed some women and didn't want the facts to come out (so they opened the university pocket books and bought their silence). For that, I say shame on our University.

3) Art was not a bad man and took for the fall for many of the university failures. He is not completely blameless, but the hysteria about him was over the top.

4) BU took chances on athletes, but the same thing is done by all universities.

The saddest part of all of this is that we will probably never know the truth. The media posted outrageous statements over and over and the public bought it. We are forever labeled as the "rape" university. Where are all of the gang rapists? Why haven't they been prosecuted?

If anything good came out of this, it is that BU finally realized that they are a major university and cannot pretend to be a vacation bible school anymore. We have real problems.

It is too bad that Briles and company cannot ever tell their story without being dragged throught the mud again. I hope he gets to coach again because I believe in second chances and I truly believe that we didn't hear the whole story. I refuse to judge someone without knowing the facts in their entirety. I would want the same if I was accused of something so egregious.
Well congratulations poindexter. You judged without FACTS in their entirety. Thanks for telling us what you believe.

#1. Blame Ian instead of the BOR.
#2. That is a wild-@$$ed guess on your part. Who failed the women? Who bought silence?
#3. Art was a bad man for not doing his entire job and bringing in a cancerous element to his team. He built it. He drove it until it overheated, pulled to the side of the road with a strange smoke wafting out from underneath the Yugo, hopped out of the green and gold car and into the burnt orange Cadillac. Unfortunately for him the Caddy never had any intention of taking him to Austin.
#4 Great. Blame it all on the other schools. Baylor has made a few mistakes over the years but for the most part either vetted the bad apples out prior to arrival or let them go after one or two strikes.

We have a chance to shed the "rape U" image you mentioned above. We are working on it but it appears we earned a great deal of it.

My point you ask? You did a lot of judging without knowing the facts in their entirety.

His items 1 and 2 are utter nonsenses and is something repeated frequently on this free board.

Not only is it judging, but also lunacy.

Not lunacy; truth. Riley's #1 and #2 are true. 1) There was a Baylor commissioned study done by Margolis-Healy in 2014 specifically outlining our T9 deficiencies and non-compliance. That's why Patty Crawford was hired. The BOFR dang sure knew. 2) There were women coming out of the shadows to report SA claims with one going as far back as 1997. You bet the checkbook was open.

And that is why Starr was fired. He refused to implement title 9 reform. PH report helped expose more problems, so people got fired. No cover up.

No shlt, Sherlock. Old news. To Riley's point, "Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies." that you said was false is definitely true as I noted above with the regents knowing about T9 non-compliance through the 2014 Margolis-Healy report. Compliance was not a top priority (it was a Tier2 priority according to depos) and they didn't hold Starr accountable for 2 years until they fired him. Yeah, the verbal PH presentation identified even more.

Wrong again. They cleaned house to get rid of people not doing their job. You really love living in the crazy conspiracy world, don't you.

Hold on there, Clueless. If we cleaned house, why are Jackson, Holmes, Murdock, McCraw, and MLS still employed? RR and TLD are riding off into the sunset with no accountability while Livingstone herself stated in a recent article, "If you look at the actual changes that have taken place on campus, the vast majority of them were not related to the athletic department," she said. "Clearly the university understood that this was a much broader issue."

Just from the timeline below for Tevin Elliott, it's documented that 5 folks in leadership knew of allegations against him and watched him for >6 months before Briles was notified of the breadth of TE's activities. And that's not to mention a BOFR that knew of T9 non-compliances in 2014 with recommendations to fix.

So we've got documentation:
- October 5, 2011 email showing Doak and RR knew TE was "assaulting young women" (note the plural used from report)
- November 7, 2011 email noting that administration (Murdock, McCraw, and Martha Lou) knew of TE's "assaults" (note plural used from report),
- November 2011 football told of "an incident" (note singular used from report-unwanted contact)
- TE allegedly rapes a student on 4/15/12,
- Administration fully notifies football program on 4/25/12,
- Football program suspends Elliott on 4/27/12 the same day they learn Waco PD wants a cheek swab for their investigation.

From dated documents it appears football was never notified of breadth of the situation until 4/25/12. It further appears to me that that the clown show of RR, Doak, Murdock, McCraw, Martha Lou, were the problem. That's 5 senior folks in the administration that knew and did nothing. IMO they need to do time with TE. Fulking shameful!

You must be one of the attorneys sueing Baylor? It is common knowledge that a hundred employees in administration were relieved of duties after the scandal. What is your point? At least the BOR finally woke up and made serious changes.

Name one regent that resigned or one exec admin fired as a result of this scandal. Name just one.

Come over to the pay board. The mods have posted that many administrative people have been turned over since 2016. Also, many BOR members prior to 2014 are gone. The BOR that handled the 2016 scandal were just firemen putting out problems of the past. Maybe you should quit hating the school. Did you even attend Baylor?

You can't even name one outside of Athletics and Starr. Referral to the pay side is no way to live life kid. Research for yourself; ask serious questions. Baylor taught us to question.

BTW...I don't hate Baylor. I love Baylor; she's is in my genetic code so to speak. I am not a lawyer. I am a Baylor alum that's ashamed as to how our "leaders" treated victims, failed to deal with serious issues head-on, and refused to accept accountability and consequences then proclaimed "Christian Mission" when actions said otherwise. I'm happy that we're getting better, but we've still got decades of work to repair shattered lives and Baylor's reputation.

I can't help you anymore young man.

You never did.

If you consider yourself a friend of Baylor, she does not need enemies.

I'm heritage-alumni of Baylor. It's not about being an enemy; it's about stepping up and accepting accountability and consequences for all involved in our failures. Our scandal was not 100% football/athletics related. If you think I'm an enemy, go to your safe space, snowflake. Head in the sand, never question mentality is a huge reason why we are where we are. Adios.

So let me get this straight. According to SA.."friends
Of Baylor" look at this body of leaders who were
In charge of Baylor during the biggest University wide scandal (not just football), that has cost hundreds of milllions of dollars..who were reprimanded by their own FoF for meddling, conflicts, mismanagement, lack of oversight....I could go on. And then say "atta boy! Great job! Keep up the good work! Baylor is in great hands". Those are the friends.

"Enemies" of Baylor, those who step up and say..wow. These guys were asleep at the wheel. They needed a scandal that cost hundreds of millions of dollars and public black eye, and being under the public microscope and scrutiny to initiate MUCH needed reform, much of it aimed at them specifically. Maybe we can do better. We have qualified alternatives. You don't get to be a part of the problem and the solution. Those are the enemies?!

Who loves Baylor?

Nope. You misinterpret me.

Prior to 2015, the BOR were asleep at the wheel. After 2015, the BOR finally woke up and paid attention. Many of the BOR prior to 2015 were gone by 2016. Since 2016, several on the BOR have transitioned off and a hundred from the administration and athletic departments are gone. Just ask the moderators.

It seems like you and Yoak wake up everyday breathing fire and looking for a fight. Keep bashing our school and being haters if that makes you happy.

How many victims didn't receive the care they needed or were required by law to receive because of being "asleep at the wheel"? Again...how many regents resigned and how many exec admins were fired as a result of their incompetence outside of Starr and Athletics? Rolling off the board isn't the same as holding themselves and each other accountable and accepting consequences.

What does any of this have to do with Dr. Livingston's current administration and the current BOR? You are going to drive yourself crazy trying to seek some kind of revenge on an internet site. You are like Don Quixote...lol.

The answer is 0. No regents have resigned and nobody from Pat Neff was fired as a result of our massive fulk up besides Starr and athletics. As you can see from the regent's charge that Thee provided, they obviously didn't live up to their commitment and refuse to accept accountability. I can't believe Baylor issued you a degree or you missed those classes where you were taught to question and research.

It is common knowledge that Athletics, Admin, and BOR all screwed up prior to 2015. You are wrong. Admin, Athletics, and BOR all had replacements. Why don't you check in with our moderators. You are wrong on so many accounts. 100 employees in admin/athletics were removed over two years. Keep sticking your head in the sand though. You are not worth engaging.

Yes, it's common knowledge they all screwed up. Do your reasearch dumbas. 0 board resignations and 0 fired outside of Starr and athletics. Telling me to check with somebody else is weak. You're just the kind of alum, yet you're so ignorant that I'm not convinced you are, that regents want....one who doesn't question. Adios.
George Truett
How long do you want to ignore this user?
PrideBU said:

Please reply to this post with the quote,

"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear"...
"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear even though he would have left us for the 'Horns if they had given him what he wanted!"
How long do you want to ignore this user?
YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Dman said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

YoakDaddy said:

SATXBear said:

Thee University said:

rileyroo said:

Here is what I believe:

1) Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies.

2) BU failed some women and didn't want the facts to come out (so they opened the university pocket books and bought their silence). For that, I say shame on our University.

3) Art was not a bad man and took for the fall for many of the university failures. He is not completely blameless, but the hysteria about him was over the top.

4) BU took chances on athletes, but the same thing is done by all universities.

The saddest part of all of this is that we will probably never know the truth. The media posted outrageous statements over and over and the public bought it. We are forever labeled as the "rape" university. Where are all of the gang rapists? Why haven't they been prosecuted?

If anything good came out of this, it is that BU finally realized that they are a major university and cannot pretend to be a vacation bible school anymore. We have real problems.

It is too bad that Briles and company cannot ever tell their story without being dragged throught the mud again. I hope he gets to coach again because I believe in second chances and I truly believe that we didn't hear the whole story. I refuse to judge someone without knowing the facts in their entirety. I would want the same if I was accused of something so egregious.
Well congratulations poindexter. You judged without FACTS in their entirety. Thanks for telling us what you believe.

#1. Blame Ian instead of the BOR.
#2. That is a wild-@$$ed guess on your part. Who failed the women? Who bought silence?
#3. Art was a bad man for not doing his entire job and bringing in a cancerous element to his team. He built it. He drove it until it overheated, pulled to the side of the road with a strange smoke wafting out from underneath the Yugo, hopped out of the green and gold car and into the burnt orange Cadillac. Unfortunately for him the Caddy never had any intention of taking him to Austin.
#4 Great. Blame it all on the other schools. Baylor has made a few mistakes over the years but for the most part either vetted the bad apples out prior to arrival or let them go after one or two strikes.

We have a chance to shed the "rape U" image you mentioned above. We are working on it but it appears we earned a great deal of it.

My point you ask? You did a lot of judging without knowing the facts in their entirety.

His items 1 and 2 are utter nonsenses and is something repeated frequently on this free board.

Not only is it judging, but also lunacy.

Not lunacy; truth. Riley's #1 and #2 are true. 1) There was a Baylor commissioned study done by Margolis-Healy in 2014 specifically outlining our T9 deficiencies and non-compliance. That's why Patty Crawford was hired. The BOFR dang sure knew. 2) There were women coming out of the shadows to report SA claims with one going as far back as 1997. You bet the checkbook was open.

And that is why Starr was fired. He refused to implement title 9 reform. PH report helped expose more problems, so people got fired. No cover up.

No shlt, Sherlock. Old news. To Riley's point, "Our board of regents knew that BU screwed up by not having an adequate Title IX office in place (and that they were partially responsible). They proceeded to clean house to distract from their inadequacies." that you said was false is definitely true as I noted above with the regents knowing about T9 non-compliance through the 2014 Margolis-Healy report. Compliance was not a top priority (it was a Tier2 priority according to depos) and they didn't hold Starr accountable for 2 years until they fired him. Yeah, the verbal PH presentation identified even more.

Wrong again. They cleaned house to get rid of people not doing their job. You really love living in the crazy conspiracy world, don't you.

Hold on there, Clueless. If we cleaned house, why are Jackson, Holmes, Murdock, McCraw, and MLS still employed? RR and TLD are riding off into the sunset with no accountability while Livingstone herself stated in a recent article, "If you look at the actual changes that have taken place on campus, the vast majority of them were not related to the athletic department," she said. "Clearly the university understood that this was a much broader issue."

Just from the timeline below for Tevin Elliott, it's documented that 5 folks in leadership knew of allegations against him and watched him for >6 months before Briles was notified of the breadth of TE's activities. And that's not to mention a BOFR that knew of T9 non-compliances in 2014 with recommendations to fix.

So we've got documentation:
- October 5, 2011 email showing Doak and RR knew TE was "assaulting young women" (note the plural used from report)
- November 7, 2011 email noting that administration (Murdock, McCraw, and Martha Lou) knew of TE's "assaults" (note plural used from report),
- November 2011 football told of "an incident" (note singular used from report-unwanted contact)
- TE allegedly rapes a student on 4/15/12,
- Administration fully notifies football program on 4/25/12,
- Football program suspends Elliott on 4/27/12 the same day they learn Waco PD wants a cheek swab for their investigation.

From dated documents it appears football was never notified of breadth of the situation until 4/25/12. It further appears to me that that the clown show of RR, Doak, Murdock, McCraw, Martha Lou, were the problem. That's 5 senior folks in the administration that knew and did nothing. IMO they need to do time with TE. Fulking shameful!

You must be one of the attorneys sueing Baylor? It is common knowledge that a hundred employees in administration were relieved of duties after the scandal. What is your point? At least the BOR finally woke up and made serious changes.

Name one regent that resigned or one exec admin fired as a result of this scandal. Name just one.

Come over to the pay board. The mods have posted that many administrative people have been turned over since 2016. Also, many BOR members prior to 2014 are gone. The BOR that handled the 2016 scandal were just firemen putting out problems of the past. Maybe you should quit hating the school. Did you even attend Baylor?

You can't even name one outside of Athletics and Starr. Referral to the pay side is no way to live life kid. Research for yourself; ask serious questions. Baylor taught us to question.

BTW...I don't hate Baylor. I love Baylor; she's is in my genetic code so to speak. I am not a lawyer. I am a Baylor alum that's ashamed as to how our "leaders" treated victims, failed to deal with serious issues head-on, and refused to accept accountability and consequences then proclaimed "Christian Mission" when actions said otherwise. I'm happy that we're getting better, but we've still got decades of work to repair shattered lives and Baylor's reputation.

I can't help you anymore young man.

You never did.

If you consider yourself a friend of Baylor, she does not need enemies.

I'm heritage-alumni of Baylor. It's not about being an enemy; it's about stepping up and accepting accountability and consequences for all involved in our failures. Our scandal was not 100% football/athletics related. If you think I'm an enemy, go to your safe space, snowflake. Head in the sand, never question mentality is a huge reason why we are where we are. Adios.

So let me get this straight. According to SA.."friends
Of Baylor" look at this body of leaders who were
In charge of Baylor during the biggest University wide scandal (not just football), that has cost hundreds of milllions of dollars..who were reprimanded by their own FoF for meddling, conflicts, mismanagement, lack of oversight....I could go on. And then say "atta boy! Great job! Keep up the good work! Baylor is in great hands". Those are the friends.

"Enemies" of Baylor, those who step up and say..wow. These guys were asleep at the wheel. They needed a scandal that cost hundreds of millions of dollars and public black eye, and being under the public microscope and scrutiny to initiate MUCH needed reform, much of it aimed at them specifically. Maybe we can do better. We have qualified alternatives. You don't get to be a part of the problem and the solution. Those are the enemies?!

Who loves Baylor?

Nope. You misinterpret me.

Prior to 2015, the BOR were asleep at the wheel. After 2015, the BOR finally woke up and paid attention. Many of the BOR prior to 2015 were gone by 2016. Since 2016, several on the BOR have transitioned off and a hundred from the administration and athletic departments are gone. Just ask the moderators.

It seems like you and Yoak wake up everyday breathing fire and looking for a fight. Keep bashing our school and being haters if that makes you happy.

How many victims didn't receive the care they needed or were required by law to receive because of being "asleep at the wheel"? Again...how many regents resigned and how many exec admins were fired as a result of their incompetence outside of Starr and Athletics? Rolling off the board isn't the same as holding themselves and each other accountable and accepting consequences.

What does any of this have to do with Dr. Livingston's current administration and the current BOR? You are going to drive yourself crazy trying to seek some kind of revenge on an internet site. You are like Don Quixote...lol.

The answer is 0. No regents have resigned and nobody from Pat Neff was fired as a result of our massive fulk up besides Starr and athletics. As you can see from the regent's charge that Thee provided, they obviously didn't live up to their commitment and refuse to accept accountability. I can't believe Baylor issued you a degree or you missed those classes where you were taught to question and research.

It is common knowledge that Athletics, Admin, and BOR all screwed up prior to 2015. You are wrong. Admin, Athletics, and BOR all had replacements. Why don't you check in with our moderators. You are wrong on so many accounts. 100 employees in admin/athletics were removed over two years. Keep sticking your head in the sand though. You are not worth engaging.

Yes, it's common knowledge they all screwed up. Do your reasearch dumbas. 0 board resignations and 0 fired outside of Starr and athletics. Telling me to check with somebody else is weak. You're just the kind of alum, yet you're so ignorant that I'm not convinced you are, that regents want....one who doesn't question. Adios.

Funny how you have no data to support anything you say. It does not matter anyway, because Baylor has moved on without you.
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George Truett said:

PrideBU said:

Please reply to this post with the quote,

"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear"...
"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear even though he would have left us for the 'Horns if they had given him what he wanted!"
Yes, he would have, as most major college football coaches would. But it seems nobody has a problem with Matt Rhule interviewing for jobs at the conclusion of each season. Why is that, George? Why is Rhule not held to the same standard?
"Never underestimate Joe's ability to **** things up!"

-- Barack Obama
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George Truett said:

PrideBU said:

Please reply to this post with the quote,

"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear"...
"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear even though he would have left us for the 'Horns if they had given him what he wanted!"
Yes, he would have, as most major college football coaches would. But it seems nobody has a problem with Matt Rhule interviewing for jobs at the conclusion of each season. Why is that, George? Why is Rhule not held to the same standard?

1. Matt Rhule has never flirted with a direct competitor to Baylor University, as Briles did on three occasions.
2. Rhule's discussions with the NFL have never occurred while our season was ongoing or impacted our team's performance.
3. A bunch of people have had problems with Rhule's NFL interviews, so your entire premise here is flawed.
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bear2be2 said:


George Truett said:

PrideBU said:

Please reply to this post with the quote,

"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear"...
"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear even though he would have left us for the 'Horns if they had given him what he wanted!"
Yes, he would have, as most major college football coaches would. But it seems nobody has a problem with Matt Rhule interviewing for jobs at the conclusion of each season. Why is that, George? Why is Rhule not held to the same standard?

1. Matt Rhule has never flirted with a direct competitor to Baylor University, as Briles did on three occasions.
2. Rhule's discussions with the NFL have never occurred while our season was ongoing or impacted our team's performance.
3. A bunch of people have had problems with Rhule's NFL interviews, so your entire premise here is flawed.

1. In the real world (outside of BaylorLand) competitors try to hire away talent all the time.
2. I long for the days when scoring just 42 points in a game was considered a poor performance.
3. For the record, I don't care if Rhule is hired away by the Texas Longhorns or the New England Patriots at this point. I say good for him if he can better his situation. That is what most of us strive for.
"Never underestimate Joe's ability to **** things up!"

-- Barack Obama
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bear2be2 said:


George Truett said:

PrideBU said:

Please reply to this post with the quote,

"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear"...
"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear even though he would have left us for the 'Horns if they had given him what he wanted!"
Yes, he would have, as most major college football coaches would. But it seems nobody has a problem with Matt Rhule interviewing for jobs at the conclusion of each season. Why is that, George? Why is Rhule not held to the same standard?

1. Matt Rhule has never flirted with a direct competitor to Baylor University, as Briles did on three occasions.
2. Rhule's discussions with the NFL have never occurred while our season was ongoing or impacted our team's performance.
3. A bunch of people have had problems with Rhule's NFL interviews, so your entire premise here is flawed.

Briles probably saw then the same clown show that we see now. Can't say I blame him for looking around if he was looking for a better fit.
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bear2be2 said:


George Truett said:

PrideBU said:

Please reply to this post with the quote,

"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear"...
"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear even though he would have left us for the 'Horns if they had given him what he wanted!"
Yes, he would have, as most major college football coaches would. But it seems nobody has a problem with Matt Rhule interviewing for jobs at the conclusion of each season. Why is that, George? Why is Rhule not held to the same standard?

1. Matt Rhule has never flirted with a direct competitor to Baylor University, as Briles did on three occasions.
2. Rhule's discussions with the NFL have never occurred while our season was ongoing or impacted our team's performance.
3. A bunch of people have had problems with Rhule's NFL interviews, so your entire premise here is flawed.

1. In the real world (outside of BaylorLand) competitors try to hire away talent all the time.
2. I long for the days when scoring just 42 points in a game was considered a poor performance.
3. For the record, I don't care if Rhule is hired away by the Texas Longhorns or the New England Patriots at this point. I say good for him if he can better his situation. That is what most of us strive for.
1. In other industries, sure. It is not common at all for college head football coaches to leave their jobs for others within their same conference, and when it happens, it is noteworthy. To suggest that it would have been normal for Art to leave Baylor for Tech after Year 2 or Baylor for Texas after 2013 is disingenuous at best.
2. If you thought we played up to the standard that 2013 team had set in that UCF game, you weren't paying a lick of attention that season. And to excuse a 10-point loss (that wasn't even that close) in a game we were favored to win by 17 points in such a flippant way shows how little objectivity (and ultimately, credibility) you have on this topic.
3. Fair enough. But I doubt very seriously you would actually have this reaction if Matt Rhule took a job for in-state rival in our own conference. That's not going to happen, though, so it's a moot point.
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Chuckroast said:

bear2be2 said:


George Truett said:

PrideBU said:

Please reply to this post with the quote,

"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear"...
"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear even though he would have left us for the 'Horns if they had given him what he wanted!"
Yes, he would have, as most major college football coaches would. But it seems nobody has a problem with Matt Rhule interviewing for jobs at the conclusion of each season. Why is that, George? Why is Rhule not held to the same standard?

1. Matt Rhule has never flirted with a direct competitor to Baylor University, as Briles did on three occasions.
2. Rhule's discussions with the NFL have never occurred while our season was ongoing or impacted our team's performance.
3. A bunch of people have had problems with Rhule's NFL interviews, so your entire premise here is flawed.
Briles probably saw then the same clown show that we see now. Can't say I blame him for looking around if he was looking for a better fit.
Art had a lapdog for an AD and an adoring fan base that would overlook his quirks and flaws for a few extra wins each year. He couldn't have asked for a better situation than he had at Baylor. Unfortunately, he had to go and screw it up by taking unnecessary chances on a few real dip****s and failing to hold them accountable once on campus.
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bear2be2 said:


bear2be2 said:


George Truett said:

PrideBU said:

Please reply to this post with the quote,

"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear"...
"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear even though he would have left us for the 'Horns if they had given him what he wanted!"
Yes, he would have, as most major college football coaches would. But it seems nobody has a problem with Matt Rhule interviewing for jobs at the conclusion of each season. Why is that, George? Why is Rhule not held to the same standard?

1. Matt Rhule has never flirted with a direct competitor to Baylor University, as Briles did on three occasions.
2. Rhule's discussions with the NFL have never occurred while our season was ongoing or impacted our team's performance.
3. A bunch of people have had problems with Rhule's NFL interviews, so your entire premise here is flawed.

1. In the real world (outside of BaylorLand) competitors try to hire away talent all the time.
2. I long for the days when scoring just 42 points in a game was considered a poor performance.
3. For the record, I don't care if Rhule is hired away by the Texas Longhorns or the New England Patriots at this point. I say good for him if he can better his situation. That is what most of us strive for.
1. In other industries, sure. It is not common at all for college head football coaches to leave their jobs for others within their same conference, and when it happens, it is noteworthy. To suggest that it would have been normal for Art to leave Baylor for Tech after Year 2 or Baylor for Texas after 2013 is disingenuous at best.
2. If you thought we played up to the standard that 2013 team had set in that UCF game, you weren't paying a lick of attention that season. And to excuse a 10-point loss (that wasn't even that close) in a game we were favored to win by 17 points in such a flippant way shows how little objectivity (and ultimately, credibility) you have on this topic.
3. Fair enough. But I doubt very seriously you would actually have this reaction if Matt Rhule took a job for in-state rival in our own conference. That's not going to happen, though, so it's a moot point.

You and others infer so much meaning from Baylor's loss to UCF that season. That matchup was an incredible let down for us - heck we were favored by 17. The game was pretty meaningless for us. It's a huge statement game for UCF. You see many inexplicable performances every bowl season (I.e. Georgia's loss to Texas). It's one meaningless game, and yet we're still talking about our loss to UCF years later as if it signaled something of importance.
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Chuckroast said:

bear2be2 said:


bear2be2 said:


George Truett said:

PrideBU said:

Please reply to this post with the quote,

"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear"...
"Art Briles Will Always Be A Baylor Bear even though he would have left us for the 'Horns if they had given him what he wanted!"
Yes, he would have, as most major college football coaches would. But it seems nobody has a problem with Matt Rhule interviewing for jobs at the conclusion of each season. Why is that, George? Why is Rhule not held to the same standard?

1. Matt Rhule has never flirted with a direct competitor to Baylor University, as Briles did on three occasions.
2. Rhule's discussions with the NFL have never occurred while our season was ongoing or impacted our team's performance.
3. A bunch of people have had problems with Rhule's NFL interviews, so your entire premise here is flawed.

1. In the real world (outside of BaylorLand) competitors try to hire away talent all the time.
2. I long for the days when scoring just 42 points in a game was considered a poor performance.
3. For the record, I don't care if Rhule is hired away by the Texas Longhorns or the New England Patriots at this point. I say good for him if he can better his situation. That is what most of us strive for.
1. In other industries, sure. It is not common at all for college head football coaches to leave their jobs for others within their same conference, and when it happens, it is noteworthy. To suggest that it would have been normal for Art to leave Baylor for Tech after Year 2 or Baylor for Texas after 2013 is disingenuous at best.
2. If you thought we played up to the standard that 2013 team had set in that UCF game, you weren't paying a lick of attention that season. And to excuse a 10-point loss (that wasn't even that close) in a game we were favored to win by 17 points in such a flippant way shows how little objectivity (and ultimately, credibility) you have on this topic.
3. Fair enough. But I doubt very seriously you would actually have this reaction if Matt Rhule took a job for in-state rival in our own conference. That's not going to happen, though, so it's a moot point.

You and others infer so much meaning from Baylor's loss to UCF that season. That matchup was an incredible let down for us - heck we were favored by 17. The game was pretty meaningless for us. It's a huge statement game for UCF. You see many inexplicable performances every bowl season (I.e. Georgia's loss to Texas). It's one meaningless game, and yet we're still talking about our loss to UCF years later as if it signaled something of importance.
Coming off our first Big 12 Championship and it was our first BCS Bowl Game berth to show Baylor was for real and to make a statement no matter who we were playing. But the HC decided to flirt with Texas, distracts the whole team, who seem to come out unfocused and just lay an egg on national TV during a big time game. It wasn't meaningless, Baylor wasn't some Blue Blood snubbed from the BCS National Championship Game and didn't care, it was a big time game that was supposed to show Baylor was ready for a huge game like that...and showed that wasn't the case. To say it was meaningless is wrong and trying to cover for Briles and his flirtations with in state rivals before a very important game.
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