Coach Aranda's call for unity

26,936 Views | 234 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by boognish_bear
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Texas Speaker of the House

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boognish_bear said:

This is ********!
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So, Abercrombie justifies burning, looting and rioting ? Well that's Just great. So if you don't feel like you'te respected, then go commit a major crime?
Surf Oso
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Timbear said:

So, Abercrombie justifies burning, looting and rioting ? Well that's Just great. So if you don't feel like you'te respected, then go commit a major crime?
You're about as bright as a 5 watt appliance bulb, madam or sir. From all your other insightful posts including this one, you just don't get it and probably never will.
Lately, newspaper mentioned cheap airfare
I've got to fly to Saint Somewhere
I'm close to bodily harm
Mitch Henessey
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Surf Oso said:

Timbear said:

So, Abercrombie justifies burning, looting and rioting ? Well that's Just great. So if you don't feel like you'te respected, then go commit a major crime?
You're about as bright as a 5 watt appliance bulb, madam or sir. From all your other insightful posts including this one, you just don't get it and probably never will.
Tim is best ignored. It's less clutter and you don't have to waste the brain cells reading his drivel.
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Ok, wise guys, tell me what Was meant by burn the village.
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What is really going on in our world today has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with racism or prejudice or any other semblance thereof.

What is going on is that there are a group of people who will stop at NOTHING to overthrow everything the USA ever stood for. The Constitution is headed out the door. You all know it. You see it coming and you cannot stop it. Only Jesus Christ who created all this can reclaim the love and freedom that he intended people created in His image to be. HOWEVER, having said that, this has nothing to do with police brutality and a divided country. There are those at this very minute who are backing EVERYTHING that is about to happen. Don't think for a minute that Seattle is just some rapper and anarchists taking over 6 blocks. It is coming to a city near all of us soon and you cannot stop it. There is more of them than there is of us. The more violence, the more mayhem and chaos they can create is just step one in the ultimate goal of one world government. But you can't do it without overthrowing the USA. Even some of our own military and an increasing number of REPUBLICANS are joining forces with this movement. The next time you see a police killing, a mass murder, and other violent events they are just one step closer to checking off each amendment to the Constitution. Soon there will be thought police, behavior police and you may live in a sweet little suburb, but they are coming.

The zombies of the Apocalypse are on the way. It is going to take time, and strategy, and lots of effort but they have all got it. While you and I get up each day, thank the Lord we live in America, and go about our day trying to live in a complex civil and just society they are going to do their job better than you do yours. The unstoppable force has been released from the gallows and it won't be long, maybe not even in our lifetime, but it is coming. I'm not talking about he end of the world. I'm talking about the ultimate takeover by those that are planning it of the entire world. They are waiting in the wings and pulling the strings of all that we see now.

Think about it. There is no way a movement like this could possibly be disjointed, unorganized, and not well-funded. This is Saul Alinsky on steroids. Soon the portable guillotines will be coming to visit you and it will all be justified because you do not conform to the philosophy of what is coming.

This is when Jesus Christ shall intervene. In the meantime, we fight for the cause, for freedom, for righteousness, independence and all we have always stood for but you cannot stop what is coming. It won't be tomorrow or next month, but slowly like a snail it is going to overwhelm everything and there WILL BE a point of no return.

In the meantime, we band together as Christian brothers and sisters and proclaim the name of the Lord to all whom shall have ears to hear. This is not Martin Luther King's vision. That ship has sailed. Each day is a gift to treasure while we've got it. I do not see why people like Chip and Joanna Gaines want to apologize for anything. That is not what they want. The people causing all this discord in our society are all just pawns in the Game of World Re-Order. All of this is just one small piece of the puzzle that none of us will be around to see completed.

PEOPLE GET READY. YOU CAN'T APOLOGIZE ENOUGH, YOU CAN'T CAPITULATE ENOUGH. NOTHING. The more victories they have empowers them to keep pushing for more and more til one day we all wake up and ask what the heck happen. Didn't we give you what you wanted. No you didn't. They want you gone and if you can't see it coming your not looking at the larger picture. Sad but true!!!

But all of you know we are the ultimate eternal victors so we endue and fight on and go about doing what we have to do for the sake of those who still believe the way we do. You have no other choice unless you join the other side.
Mitch Henessey
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wuzzybear said:

What is really going on in our world today has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with racism or prejudice or any other semblance thereof.

What is going on is that there are a group of people who will stop at NOTHING to overthrow everything the USA ever stood for. The Constitution is headed out the door. You all know it. You see it coming and you cannot stop it. Only Jesus Christ who created all this can reclaim the love and freedom that he intended people created in His image to be. HOWEVER, having said that, this has nothing to do with police brutality and a divided country. There are those at this very minute who are backing EVERYTHING that is about to happen. Don't think for a minute that Seattle is just some rapper and anarchists taking over 6 blocks. It is coming to a city near all of us soon and you cannot stop it. There is more of them than there is of us. The more violence, the more mayhem and chaos they can create is just step one in the ultimate goal of one world government. But you can't do it without overthrowing the USA. Even some of our own military and an increasing number of REPUBLICANS are joining forces with this movement. The next time you see a police killing, a mass murder, and other violent events they are just one step closer to checking off each amendment to the Constitution. Soon there will be thought police, behavior police and you may live in a sweet little suburb, but they are coming.

The zombies of the Apocalypse are on the way. It is going to take time, and strategy, and lots of effort but they have all got it. While you and I get up each day, thank the Lord we live in America, and go about our day trying to live in a complex civil and just society they are going to do their job better than you do yours. The unstoppable force has been released from the gallows and it won't be long, maybe not even in our lifetime, but it is coming. I'm not talking about he end of the world. I'm talking about the ultimate takeover by those that are planning it of the entire world. They are waiting in the wings and pulling the strings of all that we see now.

Think about it. There is no way a movement like this could possibly be disjointed, unorganized, and not well-funded. This is Saul Alinsky on steroids. Soon the portable guillotines will be coming to visit you and it will all be justified because you do not conform to the philosophy of what is coming.

This is when Jesus Christ shall intervene. In the meantime, we fight for the cause, for freedom, for righteousness, independence and all we have always stood for but you cannot stop what is coming. It won't be tomorrow or next month, but slowly like a snail it is going to overwhelm everything and there WILL BE a point of no return.

In the meantime, we band together as Christian brothers and sisters and proclaim the name of the Lord to all whom shall have ears to hear. This is not Martin Luther King's vision. That ship has sailed. Each day is a gift to treasure while we've got it. I do not see why people like Chip and Joanna Gaines want to apologize for anything. That is not what they want. The people causing all this discord in our society are all just pawns in the Game of World Re-Order. All of this is just one small piece of the puzzle that none of us will be around to see completed.

PEOPLE GET READY. YOU CAN'T APOLOGIZE ENOUGH, YOU CAN'T CAPITULATE ENOUGH. NOTHING. The more victories they have empowers them to keep pushing for more and more til one day we all wake up and ask what the heck happen. Didn't we give you what you wanted. No you didn't. They want you gone and if you can't see it coming your not looking at the larger picture. Sad but true!!!

But all of you know we are the ultimate eternal victors so we endue and fight on and go about doing what we have to do for the sake of those who still believe the way we do. You have no other choice unless you join the other side.
Have you come unhinged? This reads like the ramblings of a madman.
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Well I was an English Lit major at BU in '82! Maybe that's it. Challenge my words instead of calling me out! Refute the thesis. I'm all ears...or I guess eyes. Look at the bigger picture. If you want links I'll give them to you.
Surf Oso
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wuzzybear said:

Well I was an English Lit major at BU in '82! Maybe that's it. Challenge my words instead of calling me out! Refute the thesis. I'm all ears...or I guess eyes. Look at the bigger picture. If you want links I'll give them to you.
"What is really going on in our world today has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with racism or prejudice or any other semblance thereof."

You lost it right at the beginning. In 1968, two American athletes held up a fist in Mexico City in protest of how African Americans were being treated. The nation was aghast though it was not violent. Nothing much was done about their statement. About 50yrs later, a football player takes a knee. The statement: the exact same statement from a half-century earlier. Instead of listening and showing empathy, a portion of the population twisted that statement to be against soldiers, Veterans and the military though he clearly said it was not. The athlete become vilified, yet nothing was done. A few years later, yet another African American who was not resisting arrest was choked to death by a white policeman. The world saw it this time. For many, it's the straw that broke the camel's back.

Lately, newspaper mentioned cheap airfare
I've got to fly to Saint Somewhere
I'm close to bodily harm
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How about taking a trip to Central Africa for 2 weeks....then come back to the US and tell me you feel inequality. People are going to hate REGARDLESS of your skin color. People are going to hate regardless of your sexual orientation. You can't legislate common decency and morals.

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TrustTheProcess said:

How about taking a trip to Central Africa for 2 weeks....then come back to the US and tell me you feel inequality. People are going to hate REGARDLESS of your skin color. People are going to hate regardless of your sexual orientation. You can't legislate common decency and morals.

Thank you.
Mitch Henessey
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TrustTheProcess said:

How about taking a trip to Central Africa for 2 weeks....then come back to the US and tell me you feel inequality. People are going to hate REGARDLESS of your skin color. People are going to hate regardless of your sexual orientation. You can't legislate common decency and morals.

But we don't live in Central Africa. Most of us on this board live in America, where inequality is a big, big problem. The fact that people think racism and institutionalized injustice doesn't play a role in that inequality is another major problem we are yet to adequately address.

Look, I'm all for addressing poverty and inequality in Central Africa. If that's your heart and where you feel called, that's fantastic and by all means, go and do that. But don't use it as a red herring that allows you to brush aside legitimate issues that also exist at home.
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Mitch - - where is the inequality? We live in the Land of Opportunity, not in the Land of Get Free *****...

My point on Africa is that Black is the predominate race over there and yet there still exists racism in their own race.

Removing statues, changing names of mascots, etc. is not going to fix the issue. Throwing more money at it isn't going to fix the issue.

Black people have to want to change!! Name me one significant Black leader who has started or done something in the past generation ? More fatherless homes, more babies born out of wedlock, more abortions than any other race, 60% of prison inmates are black.....Yeah..

I will bet anything that the BLM organization will be riddled with corruption etc. in the next 5 years and blacks will still be where they are today...which by the way. If you are living in America - regardless of your financial situation, you are 100x better than 99% of the people living in Africa (who live on a dollar a day) when I hear about a immature 19 year old complaining about how offensive a t-shirt is.....well...
Mitch Henessey
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TrustTheProcess said:

Mitch - - where is the inequality? We live in the Land of Opportunity, not in the Land of Get Free *****...

My point on Africa is that Black is the predominate race over there and yet there still exists racism in their own race.

Removing statues, changing names of mascots, etc. is not going to fix the issue. Throwing more money at it isn't going to fix the issue.

Black people have to want to change!! Name me one significant Black leader who has started or done something in the past generation ? More fatherless homes, more babies born out of wedlock, more abortions than any other race, 60% of prison inmates are black.....Yeah..

I will bet anything that the BLM organization will be riddled with corruption etc. in the next 5 years and blacks will still be where they are today...which by the way. If you are living in America - regardless of your financial situation, you are 100x better than 99% of the people living in Africa (who live on a dollar a day) when I hear about a immature 19 year old complaining about how offensive a t-shirt is.....well...
Yeesh. Where to even start with this? Black people are happy in poverty? That is a flat-out racist idea and assumption. Just because you are not aware of black leaders in this past generation does not mean they don't exist. Stop relying on your own ignorance of issues as evidence that those issues do not exist.

If you want a fact-based, unemotional insight into the inequality in America and where it stems from, I encourage you to watch this video (disclaimer: it's 17+ minutes long and was done by the creator of Veggietales. Don't let either of those facts dissuade you from watching it.)

Yes, we live in a great country. You and I are extremely fortunate to have been born in both the place we were and in the time we were. Acknowledgement that America has some faults and systemic flaws does not invalidate that America is a great place to live, and much better than most of the rest of the world. You can recognize that we need to be better without being an anti-American zealot.
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Thank you Mitch. Apparently some are really working hard to make sure our competitors have a treasure trove of things to show potential Baylor recruits be they athletic recruits, academic recruits or faculty recruits to give them advantage over Baylor.
Surf Oso
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TrustTheProcess said:

Black people have to want to change!! Name me one significant Black leader who has started or done something in the past generation ? More fatherless homes, more babies born out of wedlock, more abortions than any other race, 60% of prison inmates are black.....Yeah..

I will bet anything that the BLM organization will be riddled with corruption etc. in the next 5 years and blacks will still be where they are today...which by the way. If you are living in America - regardless of your financial situation, you are 100x better than 99% of the people living in Africa (who live on a dollar a day) when I hear about a immature 19 year old complaining about how offensive a t-shirt is.....well...
Not only are you a bigot, you are an idiot

1. simply last President, Condoleezza Rice, Gen Powell, Robert Smith, Oprah Winfrey, Robert Johnson, Cathy Hughes... and that doesn't include sports stars or actors

2. BLM is not a national organization.
Lately, newspaper mentioned cheap airfare
I've got to fly to Saint Somewhere
I'm close to bodily harm
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PartyBear said:

Thank you Mitch. Apparently some are really working hard to make sure our competitors have a treasure trove of things to show potential Baylor recruits be they athletic recruits, academic recruits or faculty recruits to give them advantage over Baylor.

As far as that goes....I'm guessing the reactions to these topics are the same across other team's forums in the B12 and SEC.
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RG3 calls for white people to get involved

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Since the Great Society program under Pres Lyndon Johnson in the early 60's, $Billions have been given to the African American community. Money won't solve their problems. More Blacks need to view education as important . More Black men need to get married to the mother of their children, stay married, raise their children. More young black men need to have reasons to be thanking their Fathers for all they've done for them, not just their mothers. In short, changing a Statue, or the name of something might give them a good feeling for a few days, but then each individual must decide what he or she will do with their life, and take responsibility for it.
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Surf Oso said:

wuzzybear said:

Well I was an English Lit major at BU in '82! Maybe that's it. Challenge my words instead of calling me out! Refute the thesis. I'm all ears...or I guess eyes. Look at the bigger picture. If you want links I'll give them to you.
"What is really going on in our world today has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with racism or prejudice or any other semblance thereof."

You lost it right at the beginning. In 1968, two American athletes held up a fist in Mexico City in protest of how African Americans were being treated. The nation was aghast though it was not violent. Nothing much was done about their statement. About 50yrs later, a football player takes a knee. The statement: the exact same statement from a half-century earlier. Instead of listening and showing empathy, a portion of the population twisted that statement to be against soldiers, Veterans and the military though he clearly said it was not. The athlete become vilified, yet nothing was done. A few years later, yet another African American who was not resisting arrest was choked to death by a white policeman. The world saw it this time. For many, it's the straw that broke the camel's back.

Believe what you wish. All that is going on is the left and now the far left have sold their own down the river. LBJ was never for equal rights but he had to do it. The problem is all the left does is bait and switch. Vote for me and I'll make sure you get all the govt goodies you want. Then when the resources come in the lefts powers that be take em away. Thats why nothing has changed in what like 60 yrs. Not your fault, not my is the way the system is set up. But what I am saying is that there is a much much darker force at work that has nothing to do with racism. This is all leading to a "point of no return." Don't tell me you cannot see that. You know its coming soon...maybe not my lifetime since I'm an oldtimer. Don't tell me these seemingly unorganized anarchists are really that way. Some are, but they are being played. They'll never get what they want cuz the powers that be ALWAYS eat their own. That's the problem with these culture revolutions. Someone has to run it, enforce it, and at some point you reach the summit and it all goes downhill. What you posted above is totally irrelevant to my point. Follow the power and money trail and it will lead you to what this is GOING TO BECOME!!!
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Surf Oso said:

TrustTheProcess said:

Black people have to want to change!! Name me one significant Black leader who has started or done something in the past generation ? More fatherless homes, more babies born out of wedlock, more abortions than any other race, 60% of prison inmates are black.....Yeah..

I will bet anything that the BLM organization will be riddled with corruption etc. in the next 5 years and blacks will still be where they are today...which by the way. If you are living in America - regardless of your financial situation, you are 100x better than 99% of the people living in Africa (who live on a dollar a day) when I hear about a immature 19 year old complaining about how offensive a t-shirt is.....well...
Not only are you a bigot, you are an idiot

1. simply last President, Condoleezza Rice, Gen Powell, Robert Smith, Oprah Winfrey, Robert Johnson, Cathy Hughes... and that doesn't include sports stars or actors

2. BLM is not a national organization.
None of this is really about race. We are all being played. If you want to know the REAL story read and/or listen to anything Shelby Steele says. Heck, even Leo Terrell is starting to see it. The people at the top know the only way to take out the USA is to do it under the auspices of racism, prejudice, and all associated with that. But believe me if the Dems take total control of all 3 branches of govt YOU WILL GET AN EARLY WAKE UP CALL of what is going to happen cuz it will. All we can do is try to prolong the inevitable. Everywhere society is breaking down and it is high time WE THE PEOPLE put the right people in control for own sake. I'm really not sure but it may be too late for that. Once this starts it does not end well. I could care less about the crud I see in Seattle or Atlanta or Minneapolis because that is NOT the's the excuse they've been looking for to find a way to bring this country to its knees and they even politicize the dang virus.

What you mean BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is not a national organization. They sure are. They are the federales. They don't need to stinkin batches.
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Even when you read all these posts you know mass chaos is coming. We can't even agree on simple things let alone the agree on the solutions. For every person on this site there is an equally passionate argument against the other. Amazing!!!
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boognish_bear said:

RG3 calls for white people to get involved

Damn, I'm Asian.
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This is going to trigger the morons who allegedly are Baylor people calling BLM terrorists on the R&P board.
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PartyBear said:

This is going to trigger the morons who allegedly are Baylor people calling BLM terrorists on the R&P board.

From President the athletic academic departments at Baylor BLM is being recognized and given support.

The train has left the station and it's not stopping...time for some to get off the tracks and jump on board.
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boognish_bear said:

PartyBear said:

This is going to trigger the morons who allegedly are Baylor people calling BLM terrorists on the R&P board.

From President the athletic academic departments at Baylor BLM is being recognized and given support.

The train has left the station and it's not stopping...time for some to get off the tracks and jump on board.

Exactly!!! Baylor put out a statement in an email letter to the alums about 3 weeks ago (early on) stating Baylor supports BLM unequivocally.
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