Paul Pelosi Attacked

19,904 Views | 357 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by whiterock
ATL Bear
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Sam Lowry said:

An anti-vax election-truther went all J6 on Pelosi's house a few weeks after Trump endorsed QAnon? I am absolutely shocked.
Sam with the wokism parlay there.
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ATL Bear said:

Sometimes crazy people do crazy stuff.

This board is proof of that lol
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Sam Lowry said:

An anti-vax election-truther went all J6 on Pelosi's house a few weeks after Trump endorsed QAnon? I am absolutely shocked.
Indeed, the terroristic threat from these people is grave, and likely to be the end of democracy as we know it. Look how many people they've killed and things they've blown up.
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This story is a great example of peak post-modernism.

it is not contested that the husband of the 3rd ranking officer in the USG was seriously assaulted in his home in the middle of the night by a person known to have serious mental disorder, a public charge illegal alien whose cognitive deficiencies are compounded by profound drug-induced psychosis to the point that he cannot hold a job and instead revels in eccentricities are so flamboyant that he becomes a minor celebrity for being a nudist living in a leftist commune in a famous gay neighborhood (of a city not exactly famous for ordinariness) where he co-habits with his former wife (herself a famous MIT-educated nudist leftist activist) after officiating at her marriage to third person of questionable sanity.

Once we get beyond that, we cannot discuss issues of common good: mental health policy, drug policy, public decency laws, immigration laws, better security for elected officials, etc....

Oh, no. We have to contort every notable event to serve one narrative or the other. Obviously this is Trump's fault, the alphabet media (predictably) leaps to sell. Stories emerge that the guy has espoused a handful of Qanon-type conspiracy theories. QED this is all Donald Trump's fault, thereby vindicating the Twitter ban of Trump, the impeachement(s) of Trump, and all prior & future investigations of Trump. Did Paul Pelosi have to risk sacrificing his life to finally stop Donald J. Trump???

That narrative, in the heat of a mid-term election in which Democrats are doing badly, propels what would otherwise have been whimsical whispers into full-throated counter-narratives hardly lacking in premise -- : "a friend named David" and all the holes & inconsistencies in the story which, fortified with police corroboration combined with past history (including a very recent car accident in which a young "non-Pelosi" was in the car), lend richly to rather more lurid explanations. These memes are so hilarious that they take on a life of their own, completely detached from the seriousness of urban crime reaching to the highest levels of elite society. (I have at least 5 side-splitters not appropriate for posting on public forum).

Amidst all this, any effort to actually talk about immigration policy, mental health policy, drug policy, urban crime policy, security levels for elected immediately denounced as counterrevolutionary counterproductive and an actual threat to democracy. Therefore: rightwing populism is at fault for inspiring this event, and we must do more to stop right wing disinformation.

Behold the post-truth age: cultural creativity reduced to nothing more than a competition for the most amusing conspiracy theories.

As my mother said explaining why she voted for Trump: "we are arguing about things that do not matter."

We gotta find a way to quit blaming problems on nebulous others and start dealing with substance: getting crazy people off the streets. getting drug addicts off the streets. That will get crime off the streets. And whenever we find ANY alien, legal or not, running afoul of our laws, we gotta quit wasting money on cops & courts & jails and just deport the *******s. They do not have a right to be here. If we can just fulfill that basic level of social contract, nobody will give a **** about gay commie nudists, and maybe there will be no need for iconoclastic institution busters like Donald J. Trump. But, at this moment, we have culture building institutions like the View as well as Governors of Blue States insisting that the GOP is manufacturing a narrative of "urban crime spiraling out of control" while simultaneously deriding what happened to Paul Pelosi as not an example of urban crime but of Maga run-amok.

So Maga on, boys.....they still ain't a-listening.

Sam Lowry
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ATL Bear said:

Sam Lowry said:

An anti-vax election-truther went all J6 on Pelosi's house a few weeks after Trump endorsed QAnon? I am absolutely shocked.
Sam with the wokism parlay there.
Do you really have to be woke to see the problem here?
Sam Lowry
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whiterock said:

But but whattabout Dems?
Edited for length and clarity.
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Sam Lowry said:

ATL Bear said:

Sam Lowry said:

An anti-vax election-truther went all J6 on Pelosi's house a few weeks after Trump endorsed QAnon? I am absolutely shocked.
Sam with the wokism parlay there.
Do you really have to be woke to see the problem here?
Come on Sam, even you have to see you have more than one problem by now ...
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

But but whattabout Dems?
Edited for length and clarity. spin.
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whiterock said:

We gotta find a way to quit blaming problems on nebulous others and start dealing with substance: getting crazy people off the streets. getting drug addicts off the streets. That will get crime off the streets. And whenever we find ANY alien, legal or not, running afoul of our laws, we gotta quit wasting money on cops & courts & jails and just deport the *******s. They do not have a right to be here. If we can just fulfill that basic level of social contract, nobody will give a **** about gay commie nudists, and maybe there will be no need for iconoclastic institution busters like Donald J. Trump.
I agree
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

ScruffyD said:

I get what you were comparing. Was just readying for the go-to argument. It is either BLM or Antifa that is the equivalent of an assassination attempt these days
How about an ACTUAL assassination of a teen republican for his political beliefs in North Dakota, after Biden's red Hell speech where he demonized republicans?

Or a Marco Rubio campaign worker who was brutally beaten within an inch of his life while canvassing?
{ Scruffy and all the other lefties quickly Google these, having not been told by their left-wing media sources about them...}
Forest Bueller
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Sam Lowry said:

An anti-vax election-truther went all J6 on Pelosi's house a few weeks after Trump endorsed QAnon? I am absolutely shocked.

He also said Jesus was the antichrist and that he had come as the Christ.

Blaming anybody for his actions is silly. The man was incredibly insane, he was an equal opportunity nut, nudist, hippy leftist, rightist, progressive, conspiracy theorist, but the bottom line is the guy is extremely insane and should have been institutionalized already, instead he was living out of an old yellow school bus.
Wrecks Quan Dough
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Yellow bus. A bus that is yellow. Have we pondered the meaning and depth of the yellow bus? The yellow bus is very deep. --Inner Veep
Harrison Bergeron
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whiterock said:

This story is a great example of peak post-modernism.

it is not contested that the husband of the 3rd ranking officer in the USG was seriously assaulted in his home in the middle of the night by a person known to have serious mental disorder, a public charge illegal alien whose cognitive deficiencies are compounded by profound drug-induced psychosis to the point that he cannot hold a job and instead revels in eccentricities are so flamboyant that he becomes a minor celebrity for being a nudist living in a leftist commune in a famous gay neighborhood (of a city not exactly famous for ordinariness) where he co-habits with his former wife (herself a famous MIT-educated nudist leftist activist) after officiating at her marriage to third person of questionable sanity.

Once we get beyond that, we cannot discuss issues of common good: mental health policy, drug policy, public decency laws, immigration laws, better security for elected officials, etc....

Oh, no. We have to contort every notable event to serve one narrative or the other. Obviously this is Trump's fault, the alphabet media (predictably) leaps to sell. Stories emerge that the guy has espoused a handful of Qanon-type conspiracy theories. QED this is all Donald Trump's fault, thereby vindicating the Twitter ban of Trump, the impeachement(s) of Trump, and all prior & future investigations of Trump. Did Paul Pelosi have to risk sacrificing his life to finally stop Donald J. Trump???

That narrative, in the heat of a mid-term election in which Democrats are doing badly, propels what would otherwise have been whimsical whispers into full-throated counter-narratives hardly lacking in premise -- : "a friend named David" and all the holes & inconsistencies in the story which, fortified with police corroboration combined with past history (including a very recent car accident in which a young "non-Pelosi" was in the car), lend richly to rather more lurid explanations. These memes are so hilarious that they take on a life of their own, completely detached from the seriousness of urban crime reaching to the highest levels of elite society. (I have at least 5 side-splitters not appropriate for posting on public forum).

Amidst all this, any effort to actually talk about immigration policy, mental health policy, drug policy, urban crime policy, security levels for elected immediately denounced as counterrevolutionary counterproductive and an actual threat to democracy. Therefore: rightwing populism is at fault for inspiring this event, and we must do more to stop right wing disinformation.

Behold the post-truth age: cultural creativity reduced to nothing more than a competition for the most amusing conspiracy theories.

As my mother said explaining why she voted for Trump: "we are arguing about things that do not matter."

We gotta find a way to quit blaming problems on nebulous others and start dealing with substance: getting crazy people off the streets. getting drug addicts off the streets. That will get crime off the streets. And whenever we find ANY alien, legal or not, running afoul of our laws, we gotta quit wasting money on cops & courts & jails and just deport the *******s. They do not have a right to be here. If we can just fulfill that basic level of social contract, nobody will give a **** about gay commie nudists, and maybe there will be no need for iconoclastic institution busters like Donald J. Trump. But, at this moment, we have culture building institutions like the View as well as Governors of Blue States insisting that the GOP is manufacturing a narrative of "urban crime spiraling out of control" while simultaneously deriding what happened to Paul Pelosi as not an example of urban crime but of Maga run-amok.

So Maga on, boys.....they still ain't a-listening.
You're not wrong. However, the fact this has generated eight pages of discussion proves it's working.
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ScruffyD said:

Yes, it is.

Just as me accusing you of having sex with a dog on the way to work this morning doesn't require you to prove otherwise.
My neighbor growing up had a dog named Scruffy. Now things are starting to make sense.
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Ok guys there were cameras. He clearly broke in. So that dispels one myth.

Since we haven't seen footage indicating otherwise, do we still assume they had gay sex after he broke in?

Or are we abandoning all that now, knowing it's a lost cause, and just moving on to that this guy was just a crazy person? Even though he has clearly stated what his motives were.
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ScruffyD said:

Ok guys there were cameras. He clearly broke in. So that dispels one myth.

Since we haven't seen footage indicating otherwise, do we still assume they had gay sex after he broke in?

Or are we abandoning all that now, knowing it's a lost cause, and just moving on to that this guy was just a crazy person? Even though he has clearly stated what his motives were.

Can you link to the video of the break in? I haven't seen it yet.
Wrecks Quan Dough
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ShooterTX said:

ScruffyD said:

Ok guys there were cameras. He clearly broke in. So that dispels one myth.

Since we haven't seen footage indicating otherwise, do we still assume they had gay sex after he broke in?

Or are we abandoning all that now, knowing it's a lost cause, and just moving on to that this guy was just a crazy person? Even though he has clearly stated what his motives were.

Can you link to the video of the break in? I haven't seen it yet.

Scruffy is the only one allowed to see the security footage. The rest of us must take his word for it.
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ScruffyD said:

Ok guys there were cameras. He clearly broke in. So that dispels one myth.

Since we haven't seen footage indicating otherwise, do we still assume they had gay sex after he broke in?

Or are we abandoning all that now, knowing it's a lost cause, and just moving on to that this guy was just a crazy person? Even though he has clearly stated what his motives were.
I bet they use black bars to conceal their privates in the sex video.
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ShooterTX said:

ScruffyD said:

Ok guys there were cameras. He clearly broke in. So that dispels one myth.

Since we haven't seen footage indicating otherwise, do we still assume they had gay sex after he broke in?

Or are we abandoning all that now, knowing it's a lost cause, and just moving on to that this guy was just a crazy person? Even though he has clearly stated what his motives were.

Can you link to the video of the break in? I haven't seen it yet.

Quick google search shows only WAPO with a headline supporting Scruffy. It's behind a paywall. And I refuse to subsidize the Washington Compost.
Wrecks Quan Dough
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whiterock said:

ShooterTX said:

ScruffyD said:

Ok guys there were cameras. He clearly broke in. So that dispels one myth.

Since we haven't seen footage indicating otherwise, do we still assume they had gay sex after he broke in?

Or are we abandoning all that now, knowing it's a lost cause, and just moving on to that this guy was just a crazy person? Even though he has clearly stated what his motives were.

Can you link to the video of the break in? I haven't seen it yet.

Quick google search shows only WAPO with a headline supporting Scruffy. It's behind a paywall. And I refuse to subsidize the Washington Compost.

Fox just ran a story headlined that Capitol Police had cameras on the Pelosi home but missed the hammer attack.
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ScruffyD said:

Yes, it is.

Just as me accusing you of having sex with a dog on the way to work this morning doesn't require you to prove otherwise.
My neighbor growing up had a dog named Scruffy. Now things are starting to make sense.
Your dog was smarter.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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ATL Bear
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Sam Lowry said:

ATL Bear said:

Sam Lowry said:

An anti-vax election-truther went all J6 on Pelosi's house a few weeks after Trump endorsed QAnon? I am absolutely shocked.
Sam with the wokism parlay there.
Do you really have to be woke to see the problem here?
You mean invent the problem. I'm going to say yes due to the fantastical projection and fear angle.
Harrison Bergeron
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Cobretti said:

He's not wrong.
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He Hate Me said:

ShooterTX said:

ScruffyD said:

Ok guys there were cameras. He clearly broke in. So that dispels one myth.

Since we haven't seen footage indicating otherwise, do we still assume they had gay sex after he broke in?

Or are we abandoning all that now, knowing it's a lost cause, and just moving on to that this guy was just a crazy person? Even though he has clearly stated what his motives were.

Can you link to the video of the break in? I haven't seen it yet.

Scruffy is the only one allowed to see the security footage. The rest of us must take his word for it.
We must give a guilty verdict before we can see what's on the recording…
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Forest Bueller said:

Sam Lowry said:

An anti-vax election-truther went all J6 on Pelosi's house a few weeks after Trump endorsed QAnon? I am absolutely shocked.

should have been institutionalized already, instead he was living out of an old yellow school bus.

There are thousands of mentally ill individuals in Denver , San Diego , LA , San Francisco and throughout Hawaii .

Many got brain damaged from ingesting the likes of meth , LSD and crack cocaine .

This whole narrative that illegal narcotics are a victimless crime is a sick lie .
Wrecks Quan Dough
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contrario said:

He Hate Me said:

ShooterTX said:

ScruffyD said:

Ok guys there were cameras. He clearly broke in. So that dispels one myth.

Since we haven't seen footage indicating otherwise, do we still assume they had gay sex after he broke in?

Or are we abandoning all that now, knowing it's a lost cause, and just moving on to that this guy was just a crazy person? Even though he has clearly stated what his motives were.

Can you link to the video of the break in? I haven't seen it yet.

Scruffy is the only one allowed to see the security footage. The rest of us must take his word for it.
We must give a guilty verdict before we can see what's on the recording…

We need to pass the bill before we read it.
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contrario said:

He Hate Me said:

ShooterTX said:

ScruffyD said:

Ok guys there were cameras. He clearly broke in. So that dispels one myth.

Since we haven't seen footage indicating otherwise, do we still assume they had gay sex after he broke in?

Or are we abandoning all that now, knowing it's a lost cause, and just moving on to that this guy was just a crazy person? Even though he has clearly stated what his motives were.

Can you link to the video of the break in? I haven't seen it yet.

Scruffy is the only one allowed to see the security footage. The rest of us must take his word for it.
We must give a guilty verdict before we can see what's on the recording…
much of the public sees the narratives and knows the media lies. ergo, the public distrusts most of what the media reports.

there is this old fable about a boy and a wolf......
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Some things are pretty straightforward. A crazy person (literally) attacked him in his home. Whenever something happens that doesn't make sense people try to make it make sense. You can't make sense of crazy people. Your world and theirs aren't the same.
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nein51 said:

Some things are pretty straightforward. A crazy person (literally) attacked him in his home. Whenever something happens that doesn't make sense people try to make it make sense. You can't make sense of crazy people. Your world and theirs aren't the same.
ergo the reason for our discontent - Republicans can't make sense of Democrats.
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whiterock said:

nein51 said:

Some things are pretty straightforward. A crazy person (literally) attacked him in his home. Whenever something happens that doesn't make sense people try to make it make sense. You can't make sense of crazy people. Your world and theirs aren't the same.
ergo the reason for our discontent - Republicans can't make sense of Democrats.

I don't think that's accurate at all. I think both sides can make sense. They choose not to. And both sides seem to think the entire party is made up of fringe elements. The super left and super right are very, very small minorities.

There are about 4-5 issues that neither side is going to agree upon ever.

Far left - abortions basically until birth
Far right - no abortions ever for any reason
Like 95% of humanity - abortion until week 12-16 (whatever, you get the idea)

There is compromise available on virtually everything. Compromise means both people are giving. So no one walks away entirely satisfied. We just continue to allow the fringe to shout down any reasonable discourse.
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nein51 said:

whiterock said:

nein51 said:

Some things are pretty straightforward. A crazy person (literally) attacked him in his home. Whenever something happens that doesn't make sense people try to make it make sense. You can't make sense of crazy people. Your world and theirs aren't the same.
ergo the reason for our discontent - Republicans can't make sense of Democrats.

I don't think that's accurate at all. I think both sides can make sense. They choose not to. And both sides seem to think the entire party is made up of fringe elements. The super left and super right are very, very small minorities.

There are about 4-5 issues that neither side is going to agree upon ever.

Far left - abortions basically until birth
Far right - no abortions ever for any reason
Like 95% of humanity - abortion until week 12-16 (whatever, you get the idea)

There is compromise available on virtually everything. Compromise means both people are giving. So no one walks away entirely satisfied. We just continue to allow the fringe to shout down any reasonable discourse.
If that were true, we would have a lot more compromise, and Democrats wouldn't be calling everyone who disagrees with them fascists, racists, sexists, bigots, this-or-thataphobes.

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He Hate Me said:

contrario said:

He Hate Me said:

ShooterTX said:

ScruffyD said:

Ok guys there were cameras. He clearly broke in. So that dispels one myth.

Since we haven't seen footage indicating otherwise, do we still assume they had gay sex after he broke in?

Or are we abandoning all that now, knowing it's a lost cause, and just moving on to that this guy was just a crazy person? Even though he has clearly stated what his motives were.

Can you link to the video of the break in? I haven't seen it yet.

Scruffy is the only one allowed to see the security footage. The rest of us must take his word for it.
We must give a guilty verdict before we can see what's on the recording…

We need to pass the bill before we read it.
Exactly, I figured that quote was applicable since this involved Pelosi.
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nein51 said:

You can't make sense of crazy people. Your world and theirs aren't the same.

Very true.

Have to just shake off their behavior and get them whatever medical treatment they will allow .

But most believe such treatment is an attempt to poison them.
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