JUST IN: CNN releases exit poll prompting Chris Wallace to say it would be "a miracle" if Harris could win "with that kind of headwind."
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 5, 2024
Interesting, but take this with a grain of salt.
One question found that most Americans were "dissatisfied" or "angry" with the path of the… pic.twitter.com/LkgptmWlvf
PSA: Any early exit poll results you see tomorrow will be total trash.
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 5, 2024
Don’t read them. Don’t share them.
They carry an error far greater than a normal poll and have a known Dem bias.
They said Kerry would win in ‘04. They said Hillary would win running away.
Harris flying the flag of the empire over the flag of the nation https://t.co/IiAjzfom1w
— Auron MacIntyre (@AuronMacintyre) November 6, 2024
Joy Reid calls Florida an "extreme right-wing fascist state" pic.twitter.com/IZGsGSDNOj
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 6, 2024
Jack Bauer said:
Florida is 26% Hispanic and 14% Black.Joy Reid calls Florida an "extreme right-wing fascist state" pic.twitter.com/IZGsGSDNOj
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 6, 2024
Redbrickbear said:Jack Bauer said:
Florida is 26% Hispanic and 14% Black.Joy Reid calls Florida an "extreme right-wing fascist state" pic.twitter.com/IZGsGSDNOj
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 6, 2024
Some one needs to tells the gays on South beach that they are living in a fascist state….
That was fast... pic.twitter.com/qII1bRzmHN
— APOCTOZ (@Apoctoz) November 6, 2024
Mothra said:Couldn't disagree more.The_barBEARian said:whiterock said:No matter how it turns out, Trump has run a spectacular campaign.The_barBEARian said:
I don't think any of the Republicans who ran in the primary could have done better than Trump.
-Wins the popular vote for the first time in decades
— βόρειος βαρύς (@BorealBaron) November 6, 2024
-Takes over the GOP
-Crushes the media
-Ignores dissident inflooencers, Feds and other backstabbers
-Survives assassination attempts and lawfare
-The first president to win two non-consecutive terms in 130 years
KNEEL pic.twitter.com/8KG6bE4tAQ
Hearing reports that Hillary Clinton has started throwing in the Democrats bullpen
— semaJ (@semaJ7272) November 6, 2024
Kamala Harris will not speak at Howard University tonight, one campaign official tells me. Large crowds have already begun to leave.
— Shawna Mizelle (@shawnamizelle) November 6, 2024
Cornyn statement now that he is officially running for Senate majority leader:
— Matthew Choi (@matthewichoi) November 6, 2024
"Chuck Schumer has broken the Senate, but I’m confident our new conservative majority can restore our institution to the essential role it serves in our constitutional republic." pic.twitter.com/q0Us8J2aFI
boognish_bear said:Cornyn statement now that he is officially running for Senate majority leader:
— Matthew Choi (@matthewichoi) November 6, 2024
"Chuck Schumer has broken the Senate, but I’m confident our new conservative majority can restore our institution to the essential role it serves in our constitutional republic." pic.twitter.com/q0Us8J2aFI
Donald Trump to Georgia pic.twitter.com/uqb9VEoktK
— Robert Griffin III (@RGIII) November 6, 2024
Redbrickbear said:boognish_bear said:Cornyn statement now that he is officially running for Senate majority leader:
— Matthew Choi (@matthewichoi) November 6, 2024
"Chuck Schumer has broken the Senate, but I’m confident our new conservative majority can restore our institution to the essential role it serves in our constitutional republic." pic.twitter.com/q0Us8J2aFI
Absolutely **** Cornyn and his liberal-conservative nonsense
Mothra said:whiterock said:YouGov Poll: Do you want Donald Trump to run for president again in 2024?
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) January 20, 2023
% of Republicans who say yes:
Dec 10, 2022: 45%
Dec 17, 2022: 49%
January 14, 2023: 59% https://t.co/MRVInfLZ2Z
Great. Awesome. So we nominate the self-aggrandizing buffoon only so that he can get his ass kicked.
Sounds like a swell plan.
Osodecentx said:I will be voting in the Republican primary. Since I first voted, I have voted for every Republican POTUS candidate & I hop to continue that. At the state level, I am finding Republican candidates who are substandard and a disgrace, so I find myself voting for more and more Democrats. You devote to the Republican Party no matter what will warm whiterocck's heart.Mothra said:If this was the 90's or even the 00's, I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you. But given the hard left turn the Democrat party has taken, if you don't vote for who the Republicans put up over the Democrat, then you aren't voting with your mind, but instead with your emotions. The primaries are where to effect change. Once it gets to a general election, however, you better use your brain and vote for the more conservative candidate.Osodecentx said:Any person who blindly votes a party, regardless of the candidate's beliefs and actions, is not conservative. I see many Republicans who would be better, but Never Trump.Mothra said:Any conservative who votes for someone other than the Republican candidate. You are essentially saying you prefer the current policies to Trump, and that's asinine.Osodecentx said:Who prefers woke madness?Mothra said:I don't want Trump either. But anyone who would call themselves conservative but prefers woke madness to Trump is a fool.Osodecentx said:Voting for a candidate who incited insurrection and suggests changing the Constitution (or ignoring it) isn't conservative. People who vote for him are not conservative.Mothra said:Amen to this. It shocks me that so many people miss this.whiterock said:why on earth would it matter? there is no Republican on the horizon who would not be an improvement over the current nutjob. Neither is there any Democrat on the horizon who would not be an improvement over the current nutjob.Osodecentx said:whiterock said:That's what will happen if you refuse to vote for the GOP nominee.Osodecentx said:Biden got elected in 2020 because people wanted no more Trump.whiterock said:^ ^ ^ this ^ ^ ^Oldbear83 said:^^ This ^^Redbrickbear said:muddybrazos said:They re-elected Ronna McRomney so the republicans basically told 90% of their voting base that they dont care what they think. Republicans are a useless and dead party.whiterock said:Nah, the neverTrumpers have already done that.Osodecentx said:whiterock said:Yep. Change needed. Thinking Dillion has a chance to beat McDaniel for C/RNCJohnny Bear said:
If Republicans continue to think they can solely rely on waging a traditional campaign based on things like rallies, other public appearances, selling better policy ideas/vision for the future, advertising, debates, the nominating convention, etc. it won't matter who the nominee is and I don't care if it's Ron DeSantis vs Kommie Harris. They're going to have to also have and execute a plan that confronts and competes with the dims "election month" tactics and deals with our largely dumbed down electorate that includes things like addressing mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, and massive early voting (before any debates even happen) to have a legit chance. Hopefully the last 2 failed election cycles that saw incredibly inept dims elected have taught them that.
I'm for Mike Lindell
Hope you don't cancel him
There are polls out there showing him with a plurality lead among GOP primary voters. But those "primary voters" are not who will be doing the voting for the RNC Chairman race. It will be the 168 members of the RNC (3 people from each state and territory) who do the voting. Doubt Lindell will get very close. One thing that both party committees will insist upon is some kind of experience within the party, or things related to party activities (i.e. fundraising for the party, former elected official of the party, etc....). Not saying Lindell isn't some kind of magician who come come in and transform. Who knows. Anything CAN happen. Just looking at how the 168 members of the RNC view the world. Every one of them has years of working in the party at one or more levels. Every one of them was elected at their state convention, by people dedicated enough to a partisan cause to attend a cascade of political conventions every 2 years. It is by definition a world of insiders....perhaps grassrootsy types, perhaps moderate or fundraising or wonky types who don't always agree on things. But all of them have spent much of their adult lives working on their passion to the degree that like minded people respect them enough to elect them precinct chair, county chair, state board of directors, state chairman, etc..... They do BELIEVE in the party. It would be hard to find a more discordant choice for such a worldview than a quirky TV pillow salesman who is drawn to controversy like the proverbial moth to the flame. To be clear, there is a role for a person like that in politics. Leadership of the party is not it.
It's a terrible political party that only cares about tax cuts and corporate interests….
And the Democrats somehow tend to be worse and openly anti-white.
And people wonder how Trump got elected.
Average Americans are desperate for something else.
Donald Trump did not get elected because America wanted Donald Trump.
He got elected in 2016 because people wanted no more Clintons, Bushes, Romneys or other plastic fakes.
So nominate Trump again and get more trading cards for $100 each while the nation gets another liberal POTUS.
That's okay as long as we elect liberal Democrats instead of RINOs
Who is it?
The old adage of cutting your nose off to spite your face is apropos here. We have some clueless "conservatives" on this board.
Anyone who prefers a Constitutional scofflaw is not conservative
Now, I believe Trump is dangerous because of his actions after the 2020 election. His attitude toward the Constitution should concern everyone. If he is your candidate, I won't be voting for him; twice is enough.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
ATL Bear said:
There is no justification to support Trump. None. He is the Democrats greatest weapon.
ATL Bear said:Trust me. You don't understand where Trump is today. He no longer excites bases he made in roads in before, and he's continuing to lose and alienate bases he requires in order to win. You're elevating a fairy tale based upon a perception of Trump that expired several years ago. The sooner he is sidelined and can get his tantrum and bridge burning over, the more likely DeSantis or whomever can move forward trying to win the election. Of course, it's possible Trump would try 3rd party since he doesn't have a magnanimous cell in his being. The first step is to stop propping him up and lying to ourselves that he can win.whiterock said:I know GOP chairman who would try to destroy anyone who went out and tried to register black and brown voters. Absolutely refused to do it. Stay away from Black or Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, etc....LIB,MR BEARS said:here is my triggerwhiterock said:Nope.Mothra said:
I am curious, if Ron DeSantis had an affair at some point, would that affect your ability to vote for him? I mean you've already come out fully throated supporting Trump despite what a piece of **** he is. Is it really going to sway you if DeSantis had an affair at some point while Trump was banging porn stars when his third wife was pregnant?
And I haven't come out full-throated to support Trump.
All I've done is point out that he is, in fact, electable. For some reason, that triggers you.
Picking a strategy (person) that motivates the opposition, motivates a large portion of the undecided against you and causes a large portion of like minded people to sit out the process.
Nothing about that sounds like a winning strategy and that triggers me.
The rationale?
"They aren't our voters. All we will do if we go try to organize them is increase turnout for Democrats."
Moderate GOP'ers always want to pick the Mitt Romney types who look the part and say nothing that would excite the GOP base (because presumably doing so would antagonize independents and motivate the Democrat base.) Blah blah blah, nuance and matte hair gel, giving speeches that sound like undecipherable characters from Peanuts.
"I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party" - when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?
Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people.
Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government's coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.
It is time to reassert our principles and raise them to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
--Ronald Reagan, CPAC speech 1975
Trust me, RDS is going to fire up Democrats just as much as Trump. Indeed, that's one of the most enduring things about RDS - he has the right enemies. So hug the cactus buddy, and get ready for incoming arty.
J.R. said:Sooooo....you really think Trumps is the nominee? You far right folks need to understand that that Trumps was solely responsible for losing the Presidency, House, and Senate. Ironically, he's a LOSER! As the great Alanis Morrisett would say......"Isn't Ironic". Loserwhiterock said:your analysis is consistently static.Mothra said:whiterock said:Mothra said:Trump hasn't rebounded from the midterms. His numbers have improved, but there is a reason that DeSantis is now winning many of the polls against him. His midterm showing, and Trump's poor showing, has affected the polls.whiterock said:Trump toxicity is an issue. So is Biden toxicity. Trump's should remain static; not so Biden's.Mothra said:For now. Let's wait and see if Americans wise up once DeSantic throws his hat in the ring.whiterock said:Mothra said:VP candidates for the Trump ticket?whiterock said:good article. we have a deep bench. Any of them would be an asset in governance. Lots of gravitas. The only real question is which would be the biggest asset on the ticket. In that regard, I'd rank them in descending order:Redbrickbear said:
[There is plenty of megalomania to go around in our political class. But it may be a more helpful exercise to regard the spate of announcements primarily as the preamble to the race for the vice presidency. What virtues, if any, do the contenders bring to the bottom of the ticket?
Trump needs a wartime consigliere, an America First Dick Cheney. Mike Pence's selection in 2016 was a canny effort to unify the traditional GOP coalition members behind Trump, the Odoacer from Queens; in 2023, the GOP, for better or worse, is Trump. The 2024 vice presidential candidate should be selected for two qualities: First, an adherence to and an ability to articulate the America First policy line, much as Cheney was able to be the face of Bush's foreign policy; second, competence and brutality in staffing and administration.
Trump's first term was marred by a paucity of staff and feckless management, as a collection of officials both career and political actively agitated against his policies, especially his foreign policy. Because of the flexibility of the vice president's brief, a 2024 vice president can be devoted to the war within the admin. (Perhaps this is not what Walter Mondale had in mind when he invented the modern vice presidency, but our children sometimes surprise us.)
Who are the options so far? ]
Pompeo is the closest equivalent to Cheney in the gravitas department. but not having won statewide office is a problem. He's too far removed from his roots in a too small red state to potentially help add any electoral votes. Same for the work for which he is acclaimed. Foreign policy chops matter in governance but rarely win much in the general.
Whatever Haley may lack in the vision thing, she is tough and plays the game well. One could question how much of an asset she'd be, but she could hardly be considered a liability to any ticket.
Scott is so grounded, I wonder if he could tolerate four years of close proximity to the golden haired bluster machine.
DeSantis is the obvious choice - highly successful large state governor palatable to both base and establishment. He will give Trump a serious test for the nomination. Might even win it.
You guys are a hoot...
The commentary is not advocacy, just noting that at this time Trump at the top of the ticket remains the most likely scenario.2024 National Republican Primary
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) February 17, 2023
Donald Trump: 46%
Ron DeSantis: 23%
Mike Pence: 7%
Nikki Haley: 6%
Mike Pompeo: 3%
Marco Rubio: 2%
Ted Cruz: 1%
Tim Scott: 1%
Donald Trump: 56%
Ron DeSantis: 44%
Harvard Caps/Harris | RV's | Feb 15-16https://t.co/6mkIE5tf2f pic.twitter.com/lvMaTX9N5j
Trump isn't going to have his pick of VP candidates, IMO, due to his toxicity. I suspect he goes with an outsider as opposed to anyone that runs against him.
Not a chance DeSantis joins the destined-for-failure revenge tour.
I noticed and couldn't save the link = there was a poll out today showing that RDS has lost 5pts on the "should run" question since Nov. My hunch then (Nov) was that the mid-terms and related spin would harm Trump in the short-term but that it was likely he'd bounce back to historical norms. That has basically happened in the GOP primary. Now, to watch the trend in polling against Biden. Everything is set up for Biden to crater. He is president. He is a weak leader. He has sold out to the woke brigades. he has very harmful policies in place across the full range of issues. And Trump should start attacking him relentlessly.
Not saying it couldn't settle in where it is now, or trend further in Biden's direction. Just looking at the pressures on the plates and making an assessment where they should move.
Agree that the mid-terms harmed Trumps numbers. Particularly early. But in the GOP primary polling they have rebounded from the lows (10-20pt improvement) and are approaching pre-mid-term numbers. DeSantis has hit a ceiling and in some polls and metrics has receded a few points. This is what we should have expected. The mid-term results were unexpected, disappointing, and the establishment struck the first messaging blow, thereby establishing the narrative. But Trumps base is large and solid. And now he's declared and campaigning while his biggest critics and most formidable potential have official duties which limit the time and energy they can devote to taking out Trump.
And one other factor : Trump hate is a strong potion, and not everybody has it. There are an awful lot of voters, General and primary, who understand and largely cede the negatives cited about Trump but (unlike the Trump critics) weigh them against attributes he brings to the table. Trump critics can see no attributes, ergo they cannot understand the man's enduring strength with voters. Nor can they even vaguely allow that circumstances might change in his favor.
They guy is still the most likely nominee.
We can't start slobbering or blubbering about it.
We just have to win.
Trumps unfavorability remains around 54%. His favorability remains 40%. That's about the same as it was after the midterms.
In short, if he's the nominee, this election is going to turn out just like the last one.
Looks like it will be another 6 years of democrat rule. Trump isn't winning anything.
1) it fails to account for Biden's favorability numbers. They are almost as bad now and will likely worsen.
2) it fails to account for the possibility of change in the favorability numbers of either candidate. They fluctuate.
3) people do vote for candidates they don't like, particularly when both of the nominees are unlikeable
I am very sympathetic to the argument that it would be wise to move on from Trump. But that doesn't mean it's not possible to re-elect Trump. More to the point, we need to think harder about HOW to re-elect Trump, because at this point he's the likely nominee.
None of that is advocacy. It's reality.
FLBear5630 said:He ain't dropping out. Actually, he is going burnt earth...ATL Bear said:
Trump could drop out. But he has no self awareness or honor, and the diehards can't quit him.
Trump is going to discredit the field and himself further (if that is possible). How anyone can vote for this idiot is beyond me.
DeSantis is only one with ability to beat Trump.
So, there are two ways this goes down to beat Trump. First is others dropping out early to create a 1 on 1 between Trump and DeSantis. Trump can talk all he wants, DeSantis will have actual governing achievements.
Second, if others jump out and take some early Primaries they can hold on until the Convention and throw in behind DeSantis where Trump would have no time to mount attacks.
If Trump wins, 4 more years of Biden-esque leadership. Trump cannot win a General.
Yes. I flipped after the assassination attempt, which was likely the seminal event for his campaign. Elon jumped on board as well as many others who disdained him. Then Biden's dementia was so obvious no one could hide it and he withdraws, and crazy Kamala gets elevated, a horrible candidate.The_barBEARian said:ATL Bear said:Trust me. You don't understand where Trump is today. He no longer excites bases he made in roads in before, and he's continuing to lose and alienate bases he requires in order to win. You're elevating a fairy tale based upon a perception of Trump that expired several years ago. The sooner he is sidelined and can get his tantrum and bridge burning over, the more likely DeSantis or whomever can move forward trying to win the election. Of course, it's possible Trump would try 3rd party since he doesn't have a magnanimous cell in his being. The first step is to stop propping him up and lying to ourselves that he can win.whiterock said:I know GOP chairman who would try to destroy anyone who went out and tried to register black and brown voters. Absolutely refused to do it. Stay away from Black or Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, etc....LIB,MR BEARS said:here is my triggerwhiterock said:Nope.Mothra said:
I am curious, if Ron DeSantis had an affair at some point, would that affect your ability to vote for him? I mean you've already come out fully throated supporting Trump despite what a piece of **** he is. Is it really going to sway you if DeSantis had an affair at some point while Trump was banging porn stars when his third wife was pregnant?
And I haven't come out full-throated to support Trump.
All I've done is point out that he is, in fact, electable. For some reason, that triggers you.
Picking a strategy (person) that motivates the opposition, motivates a large portion of the undecided against you and causes a large portion of like minded people to sit out the process.
Nothing about that sounds like a winning strategy and that triggers me.
The rationale?
"They aren't our voters. All we will do if we go try to organize them is increase turnout for Democrats."
Moderate GOP'ers always want to pick the Mitt Romney types who look the part and say nothing that would excite the GOP base (because presumably doing so would antagonize independents and motivate the Democrat base.) Blah blah blah, nuance and matte hair gel, giving speeches that sound like undecipherable characters from Peanuts.
"I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party" - when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?
Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people.
Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government's coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.
It is time to reassert our principles and raise them to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
--Ronald Reagan, CPAC speech 1975
Trust me, RDS is going to fire up Democrats just as much as Trump. Indeed, that's one of the most enduring things about RDS - he has the right enemies. So hug the cactus buddy, and get ready for incoming arty.
Are you ever right about anything?
But Trump stated that he didn't mind if someone tried to take another shot at him. So clearly not a "seminal event" unless you're a Jeffrey Sachs-level BSer.ATL Bear said:Yes. I flipped after the assassination attempt, which was likely the seminal event for his campaign. Elon jumped on board as well as many others who disdained him. Then Biden's dementia was so obvious no one could hide it and he withdraws, and crazy Kamala gets elevated, a horrible candidate.The_barBEARian said:ATL Bear said:Trust me. You don't understand where Trump is today. He no longer excites bases he made in roads in before, and he's continuing to lose and alienate bases he requires in order to win. You're elevating a fairy tale based upon a perception of Trump that expired several years ago. The sooner he is sidelined and can get his tantrum and bridge burning over, the more likely DeSantis or whomever can move forward trying to win the election. Of course, it's possible Trump would try 3rd party since he doesn't have a magnanimous cell in his being. The first step is to stop propping him up and lying to ourselves that he can win.whiterock said:I know GOP chairman who would try to destroy anyone who went out and tried to register black and brown voters. Absolutely refused to do it. Stay away from Black or Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, etc....LIB,MR BEARS said:here is my triggerwhiterock said:Nope.Mothra said:
I am curious, if Ron DeSantis had an affair at some point, would that affect your ability to vote for him? I mean you've already come out fully throated supporting Trump despite what a piece of **** he is. Is it really going to sway you if DeSantis had an affair at some point while Trump was banging porn stars when his third wife was pregnant?
And I haven't come out full-throated to support Trump.
All I've done is point out that he is, in fact, electable. For some reason, that triggers you.
Picking a strategy (person) that motivates the opposition, motivates a large portion of the undecided against you and causes a large portion of like minded people to sit out the process.
Nothing about that sounds like a winning strategy and that triggers me.
The rationale?
"They aren't our voters. All we will do if we go try to organize them is increase turnout for Democrats."
Moderate GOP'ers always want to pick the Mitt Romney types who look the part and say nothing that would excite the GOP base (because presumably doing so would antagonize independents and motivate the Democrat base.) Blah blah blah, nuance and matte hair gel, giving speeches that sound like undecipherable characters from Peanuts.
"I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party" - when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?
Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people.
Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government's coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.
It is time to reassert our principles and raise them to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
--Ronald Reagan, CPAC speech 1975
Trust me, RDS is going to fire up Democrats just as much as Trump. Indeed, that's one of the most enduring things about RDS - he has the right enemies. So hug the cactus buddy, and get ready for incoming arty.
Are you ever right about anything?
But have fun simpleton!
ATL Bear said:Yes. I flipped after the assassination attempt, which was likely the seminal event for his campaign. Elon jumped on board as well as many others who disdained him. Then Biden's dementia was so obvious no one could hide it and he withdraws, and crazy Kamala gets elevated, a horrible candidate.The_barBEARian said:ATL Bear said:Trust me. You don't understand where Trump is today. He no longer excites bases he made in roads in before, and he's continuing to lose and alienate bases he requires in order to win. You're elevating a fairy tale based upon a perception of Trump that expired several years ago. The sooner he is sidelined and can get his tantrum and bridge burning over, the more likely DeSantis or whomever can move forward trying to win the election. Of course, it's possible Trump would try 3rd party since he doesn't have a magnanimous cell in his being. The first step is to stop propping him up and lying to ourselves that he can win.whiterock said:I know GOP chairman who would try to destroy anyone who went out and tried to register black and brown voters. Absolutely refused to do it. Stay away from Black or Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, etc....LIB,MR BEARS said:here is my triggerwhiterock said:Nope.Mothra said:
I am curious, if Ron DeSantis had an affair at some point, would that affect your ability to vote for him? I mean you've already come out fully throated supporting Trump despite what a piece of **** he is. Is it really going to sway you if DeSantis had an affair at some point while Trump was banging porn stars when his third wife was pregnant?
And I haven't come out full-throated to support Trump.
All I've done is point out that he is, in fact, electable. For some reason, that triggers you.
Picking a strategy (person) that motivates the opposition, motivates a large portion of the undecided against you and causes a large portion of like minded people to sit out the process.
Nothing about that sounds like a winning strategy and that triggers me.
The rationale?
"They aren't our voters. All we will do if we go try to organize them is increase turnout for Democrats."
Moderate GOP'ers always want to pick the Mitt Romney types who look the part and say nothing that would excite the GOP base (because presumably doing so would antagonize independents and motivate the Democrat base.) Blah blah blah, nuance and matte hair gel, giving speeches that sound like undecipherable characters from Peanuts.
"I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party" - when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?
Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people.
Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government's coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.
It is time to reassert our principles and raise them to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
--Ronald Reagan, CPAC speech 1975
Trust me, RDS is going to fire up Democrats just as much as Trump. Indeed, that's one of the most enduring things about RDS - he has the right enemies. So hug the cactus buddy, and get ready for incoming arty.
Are you ever right about anything?
But have fun simpleton!
ATL Bear said:Yes. I flipped after the assassination attempt, which was likely the seminal event for his campaign. Elon jumped on board as well as many others who disdained him. Then Biden's dementia was so obvious no one could hide it and he withdraws, and crazy Kamala gets elevated, a horrible candidate.The_barBEARian said:ATL Bear said:Trust me. You don't understand where Trump is today. He no longer excites bases he made in roads in before, and he's continuing to lose and alienate bases he requires in order to win. You're elevating a fairy tale based upon a perception of Trump that expired several years ago. The sooner he is sidelined and can get his tantrum and bridge burning over, the more likely DeSantis or whomever can move forward trying to win the election. Of course, it's possible Trump would try 3rd party since he doesn't have a magnanimous cell in his being. The first step is to stop propping him up and lying to ourselves that he can win.whiterock said:I know GOP chairman who would try to destroy anyone who went out and tried to register black and brown voters. Absolutely refused to do it. Stay away from Black or Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, etc....LIB,MR BEARS said:here is my triggerwhiterock said:Nope.Mothra said:
I am curious, if Ron DeSantis had an affair at some point, would that affect your ability to vote for him? I mean you've already come out fully throated supporting Trump despite what a piece of **** he is. Is it really going to sway you if DeSantis had an affair at some point while Trump was banging porn stars when his third wife was pregnant?
And I haven't come out full-throated to support Trump.
All I've done is point out that he is, in fact, electable. For some reason, that triggers you.
Picking a strategy (person) that motivates the opposition, motivates a large portion of the undecided against you and causes a large portion of like minded people to sit out the process.
Nothing about that sounds like a winning strategy and that triggers me.
The rationale?
"They aren't our voters. All we will do if we go try to organize them is increase turnout for Democrats."
Moderate GOP'ers always want to pick the Mitt Romney types who look the part and say nothing that would excite the GOP base (because presumably doing so would antagonize independents and motivate the Democrat base.) Blah blah blah, nuance and matte hair gel, giving speeches that sound like undecipherable characters from Peanuts.
"I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party" - when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?
Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people.
Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government's coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.
It is time to reassert our principles and raise them to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
--Ronald Reagan, CPAC speech 1975
Trust me, RDS is going to fire up Democrats just as much as Trump. Indeed, that's one of the most enduring things about RDS - he has the right enemies. So hug the cactus buddy, and get ready for incoming arty.
Are you ever right about anything?
But have fun simpleton!
Hey I'm just hoping I won't regret it because the worst version of Trump decides to govern.Sam Lowry said:But Trump stated that he didn't mind if someone tried to take another shot at him. So clearly not a "seminal event" unless you're a Jeffrey Sachs-level BSer.ATL Bear said:Yes. I flipped after the assassination attempt, which was likely the seminal event for his campaign. Elon jumped on board as well as many others who disdained him. Then Biden's dementia was so obvious no one could hide it and he withdraws, and crazy Kamala gets elevated, a horrible candidate.The_barBEARian said:ATL Bear said:Trust me. You don't understand where Trump is today. He no longer excites bases he made in roads in before, and he's continuing to lose and alienate bases he requires in order to win. You're elevating a fairy tale based upon a perception of Trump that expired several years ago. The sooner he is sidelined and can get his tantrum and bridge burning over, the more likely DeSantis or whomever can move forward trying to win the election. Of course, it's possible Trump would try 3rd party since he doesn't have a magnanimous cell in his being. The first step is to stop propping him up and lying to ourselves that he can win.whiterock said:I know GOP chairman who would try to destroy anyone who went out and tried to register black and brown voters. Absolutely refused to do it. Stay away from Black or Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, etc....LIB,MR BEARS said:here is my triggerwhiterock said:Nope.Mothra said:
I am curious, if Ron DeSantis had an affair at some point, would that affect your ability to vote for him? I mean you've already come out fully throated supporting Trump despite what a piece of **** he is. Is it really going to sway you if DeSantis had an affair at some point while Trump was banging porn stars when his third wife was pregnant?
And I haven't come out full-throated to support Trump.
All I've done is point out that he is, in fact, electable. For some reason, that triggers you.
Picking a strategy (person) that motivates the opposition, motivates a large portion of the undecided against you and causes a large portion of like minded people to sit out the process.
Nothing about that sounds like a winning strategy and that triggers me.
The rationale?
"They aren't our voters. All we will do if we go try to organize them is increase turnout for Democrats."
Moderate GOP'ers always want to pick the Mitt Romney types who look the part and say nothing that would excite the GOP base (because presumably doing so would antagonize independents and motivate the Democrat base.) Blah blah blah, nuance and matte hair gel, giving speeches that sound like undecipherable characters from Peanuts.
"I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party" - when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?
Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people.
Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government's coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.
It is time to reassert our principles and raise them to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
--Ronald Reagan, CPAC speech 1975
Trust me, RDS is going to fire up Democrats just as much as Trump. Indeed, that's one of the most enduring things about RDS - he has the right enemies. So hug the cactus buddy, and get ready for incoming arty.
Are you ever right about anything?
But have fun simpleton!
ATL Bear said:Hey I'm just hoping I won't regret it because the worst version of Trump decides to govern.Sam Lowry said:But Trump stated that he didn't mind if someone tried to take another shot at him. So clearly not a "seminal event" unless you're a Jeffrey Sachs-level BSer.ATL Bear said:Yes. I flipped after the assassination attempt, which was likely the seminal event for his campaign. Elon jumped on board as well as many others who disdained him. Then Biden's dementia was so obvious no one could hide it and he withdraws, and crazy Kamala gets elevated, a horrible candidate.The_barBEARian said:ATL Bear said:Trust me. You don't understand where Trump is today. He no longer excites bases he made in roads in before, and he's continuing to lose and alienate bases he requires in order to win. You're elevating a fairy tale based upon a perception of Trump that expired several years ago. The sooner he is sidelined and can get his tantrum and bridge burning over, the more likely DeSantis or whomever can move forward trying to win the election. Of course, it's possible Trump would try 3rd party since he doesn't have a magnanimous cell in his being. The first step is to stop propping him up and lying to ourselves that he can win.whiterock said:I know GOP chairman who would try to destroy anyone who went out and tried to register black and brown voters. Absolutely refused to do it. Stay away from Black or Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, etc....LIB,MR BEARS said:here is my triggerwhiterock said:Nope.Mothra said:
I am curious, if Ron DeSantis had an affair at some point, would that affect your ability to vote for him? I mean you've already come out fully throated supporting Trump despite what a piece of **** he is. Is it really going to sway you if DeSantis had an affair at some point while Trump was banging porn stars when his third wife was pregnant?
And I haven't come out full-throated to support Trump.
All I've done is point out that he is, in fact, electable. For some reason, that triggers you.
Picking a strategy (person) that motivates the opposition, motivates a large portion of the undecided against you and causes a large portion of like minded people to sit out the process.
Nothing about that sounds like a winning strategy and that triggers me.
The rationale?
"They aren't our voters. All we will do if we go try to organize them is increase turnout for Democrats."
Moderate GOP'ers always want to pick the Mitt Romney types who look the part and say nothing that would excite the GOP base (because presumably doing so would antagonize independents and motivate the Democrat base.) Blah blah blah, nuance and matte hair gel, giving speeches that sound like undecipherable characters from Peanuts.
"I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party" - when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?
Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people.
Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government's coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.
It is time to reassert our principles and raise them to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
--Ronald Reagan, CPAC speech 1975
Trust me, RDS is going to fire up Democrats just as much as Trump. Indeed, that's one of the most enduring things about RDS - he has the right enemies. So hug the cactus buddy, and get ready for incoming arty.
Are you ever right about anything?
But have fun simpleton!
I guess we're all together on that!ATL Bear said:Hey I'm just hoping I won't regret it because the worst version of Trump decides to govern.Sam Lowry said:But Trump stated that he didn't mind if someone tried to take another shot at him. So clearly not a "seminal event" unless you're a Jeffrey Sachs-level BSer.ATL Bear said:Yes. I flipped after the assassination attempt, which was likely the seminal event for his campaign. Elon jumped on board as well as many others who disdained him. Then Biden's dementia was so obvious no one could hide it and he withdraws, and crazy Kamala gets elevated, a horrible candidate.The_barBEARian said:ATL Bear said:Trust me. You don't understand where Trump is today. He no longer excites bases he made in roads in before, and he's continuing to lose and alienate bases he requires in order to win. You're elevating a fairy tale based upon a perception of Trump that expired several years ago. The sooner he is sidelined and can get his tantrum and bridge burning over, the more likely DeSantis or whomever can move forward trying to win the election. Of course, it's possible Trump would try 3rd party since he doesn't have a magnanimous cell in his being. The first step is to stop propping him up and lying to ourselves that he can win.whiterock said:I know GOP chairman who would try to destroy anyone who went out and tried to register black and brown voters. Absolutely refused to do it. Stay away from Black or Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, etc....LIB,MR BEARS said:here is my triggerwhiterock said:Nope.Mothra said:
I am curious, if Ron DeSantis had an affair at some point, would that affect your ability to vote for him? I mean you've already come out fully throated supporting Trump despite what a piece of **** he is. Is it really going to sway you if DeSantis had an affair at some point while Trump was banging porn stars when his third wife was pregnant?
And I haven't come out full-throated to support Trump.
All I've done is point out that he is, in fact, electable. For some reason, that triggers you.
Picking a strategy (person) that motivates the opposition, motivates a large portion of the undecided against you and causes a large portion of like minded people to sit out the process.
Nothing about that sounds like a winning strategy and that triggers me.
The rationale?
"They aren't our voters. All we will do if we go try to organize them is increase turnout for Democrats."
Moderate GOP'ers always want to pick the Mitt Romney types who look the part and say nothing that would excite the GOP base (because presumably doing so would antagonize independents and motivate the Democrat base.) Blah blah blah, nuance and matte hair gel, giving speeches that sound like undecipherable characters from Peanuts.
"I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party" - when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?
Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people.
Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government's coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.
It is time to reassert our principles and raise them to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
--Ronald Reagan, CPAC speech 1975
Trust me, RDS is going to fire up Democrats just as much as Trump. Indeed, that's one of the most enduring things about RDS - he has the right enemies. So hug the cactus buddy, and get ready for incoming arty.
Are you ever right about anything?
But have fun simpleton!
Sam Lowry said:I guess we're all together on that!ATL Bear said:Hey I'm just hoping I won't regret it because the worst version of Trump decides to govern.Sam Lowry said:But Trump stated that he didn't mind if someone tried to take another shot at him. So clearly not a "seminal event" unless you're a Jeffrey Sachs-level BSer.ATL Bear said:Yes. I flipped after the assassination attempt, which was likely the seminal event for his campaign. Elon jumped on board as well as many others who disdained him. Then Biden's dementia was so obvious no one could hide it and he withdraws, and crazy Kamala gets elevated, a horrible candidate.The_barBEARian said:ATL Bear said:Trust me. You don't understand where Trump is today. He no longer excites bases he made in roads in before, and he's continuing to lose and alienate bases he requires in order to win. You're elevating a fairy tale based upon a perception of Trump that expired several years ago. The sooner he is sidelined and can get his tantrum and bridge burning over, the more likely DeSantis or whomever can move forward trying to win the election. Of course, it's possible Trump would try 3rd party since he doesn't have a magnanimous cell in his being. The first step is to stop propping him up and lying to ourselves that he can win.whiterock said:I know GOP chairman who would try to destroy anyone who went out and tried to register black and brown voters. Absolutely refused to do it. Stay away from Black or Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, etc....LIB,MR BEARS said:here is my triggerwhiterock said:Nope.Mothra said:
I am curious, if Ron DeSantis had an affair at some point, would that affect your ability to vote for him? I mean you've already come out fully throated supporting Trump despite what a piece of **** he is. Is it really going to sway you if DeSantis had an affair at some point while Trump was banging porn stars when his third wife was pregnant?
And I haven't come out full-throated to support Trump.
All I've done is point out that he is, in fact, electable. For some reason, that triggers you.
Picking a strategy (person) that motivates the opposition, motivates a large portion of the undecided against you and causes a large portion of like minded people to sit out the process.
Nothing about that sounds like a winning strategy and that triggers me.
The rationale?
"They aren't our voters. All we will do if we go try to organize them is increase turnout for Democrats."
Moderate GOP'ers always want to pick the Mitt Romney types who look the part and say nothing that would excite the GOP base (because presumably doing so would antagonize independents and motivate the Democrat base.) Blah blah blah, nuance and matte hair gel, giving speeches that sound like undecipherable characters from Peanuts.
"I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, "We must broaden the base of our party" - when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?
Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people.
Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government's coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.
It is time to reassert our principles and raise them to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
--Ronald Reagan, CPAC speech 1975
Trust me, RDS is going to fire up Democrats just as much as Trump. Indeed, that's one of the most enduring things about RDS - he has the right enemies. So hug the cactus buddy, and get ready for incoming arty.
Are you ever right about anything?
But have fun simpleton!