Ummmm.........that makes no sense.LIB,MR BEARS said:following rd2's logic, if I witness a rape, stopping the crime by shooting both the attacker and the victim stops an evil and prevents an even worse evil.Coke Bear said:I would disagree. While rape and incest are horrible acts, murdering an innocent is much worse.RD2WINAGNBEAR86 said:
We do agree that abortion is a horrible thing. Rape and incest are worse, in my opinion.
A rape or incest victim can heal (with extensive therapy, counseling, and time.) There is no healing from being murdered.
Where have I ever said the victim (mother) should die?
The reality is that I am almost 60 years old and my wife is 8 years behind me. Our child bearing years are behind us. Abortion is no longer an issue that directly affects us. It should probably be decided by those it directly affects.
I must admit, I am truly shocked at how many here seem to believe that rape victims should be forced to give birth to their rapist's baby.
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