Doc Holliday said:
sombear said:
Doc Holliday said:
FLBear5630 said:
Doc Holliday said:
FLBear5630 said:
Doc Holliday said:
Redbrickbear said:
Bear8084 said:
Redbrickbear said:
step 1: Washington elites work with liberal NGO's and neo-Nazi Militia groups inside Ukraine to stage a violent coup and oust the previous pro-Moscow government.
Step 2: get Ukraine into a bloody conflict with Russia.
Step 3: import in massive numbers of cheap African pseudo-slaves
Step 4: profit?

LOL no.
Ruskies out! Muslims in!

And honestly….planned or not…the leadership in Kyiv does not have much choice but to import in 3rd world labor from Africa and the MENA region.
Since most real Ukrainians are not going to come home from the EU ever…

Think about that. You say it to show that Ukraine is in trouble. I see is that Ukrainians want to be in the EU, period. Zelensky is reading his people correctly, they believe they are more European than Russian and that their future is in the West. Yet, because Putin doesn't like it, he is allowed to invade. How the world can let Putin do this is remarkable.
Poland has the right idea, they are arming to the teeth, creating Fortress Poland. They are adopting NATO tactics and a combined arms approach. Poland sees what is happening and the reaction of the appeasers. I applaud their vision, Putin understands one thing. They know they are next.
The next step with psychopaths like Putin is that they were scared to stop me in Ukraine, will they really go to war over Latvia or Poland?
Why are you convinced Russia would go after other countries instead of just Ukraine? They've believed it's their territory for quite some time.
It's downright evil for them to do this, but Putin isn't Dr. Evil planning world domination.
Putin believes all the territory up to Berlin after WW2 is Russian territory won by the Russian Army!
They will go after the Baltics, Poland and the other former Warsaw Pact Nations because that is their nature. The fact that the now believe that Ukraine is theirs, after agreeing to their own sovereignty shows it. They agreed less than 50 years ago and here we are.
With what military power?!
It is illogical to believe Ukraine can defend and kick Russia's teeth in,...but Russia is somehow a huge threat to those countries THat makes your premise complete Bull sh it, I'm sorry, it makes absolutely no f uc king sense.
Respectfully . . . the argument that Russia's failure (so far) in Ukraine means he is not a threat to attack others is the worst possible argument. He has attacked is attacking others! He already has proven he's willing to do. Ukraine (3 times), Georgia, Chechnya, Moldova. And he sent troops to Kazakhstan and elsewhere.
You really think if we give him Ukraine, his interpretation of that is no more attacks anywhere?
Your argument assumes Putin is a reasonable actor. He's not. He's an evil nutcase whose lifelong dream (and that of his closest advisors) has been to reconstitute the old empire.
I don't think we should give him all of Ukraine. We should broker a peace deal, especially with damn near half a million dead Ukrainians. Then we get NATO together and make it impossible for them to even think about attacking anyone else.
I don't understand how ya'll want to hurt Russia so badly...but you don't want direct war with them. This proxy war isn't going to diminish them to the extent they back off for decades if you believe they would attack other countries. You need a hot war for that. They're purposely dragging this out.
This has gone on for far too long. Its going to continue for several years at this pace. I've already been told this wouldn't take as long as it already has, nor cost as much as it already has. I keep hearing "the end is near, Russia is weak"...then 6 months later its still ongoing.
Is it wrong of me to want humanity to stop killing each other? Is it wrong of me not to want to push our country further into extreme debt? This is where I'm coming from, but ya'll keep telling me I'm a Putin bootlicker.
I've not called you a Putin bootlicker. I do think there a couple of those on here. I've said numerous times, there are opposing arguments I very much understand. But, those who make stuff up about Nazis, Zelensky, Ukraine's history, the will of Ukrainians, Putin's "limited" aims, how much we're spending, how much Euros are spending, the status of the war, etc. must have another (I suspect pro-Putin/Russia) agenda.
I don't want to hurt Russia so badly. I've wished ever since Putin took over that we'd improve the relationship. I've done business in Russia for decades. I've actually dealt with the government. I'm convinced and have been for a long time that Putin has never wanted a better relationship with us or with the free world in general. Unfortunately, Romney was right. Russia is our #1 (or #2) geopolitical foe. He tries to fight us on everything and everywhere, publicly and privately.
As to Ukraine, he invaded a Euro Democracy. I believe we have a strong interest in stopping him and in standing up for free folks. We're far from perfect, as are our allies, but, to me, the best, freest, and most well-intentioned countries in the world are aligned on this.
I know hundreds of Russians. They are good folks. I have nothing against them. Putin and his cronies, however, are thugs who dream of the old empire. It takes 2 minutes on google to see they've said it numerous times.
Ukrainians overwhelmingly believe the fight is worth it and they do not want to give up any of their country to Putin. Who am I to tell them they're wrong? I hope I'd be brave and strong enough to fight like that for my country.
But, perhaps, most importantly . . . do you truly think Putin would agree to any reasonable deal? I do not.