BearN said:FLBear5630 said:What NATO nation will want to attack Israel besides Turkey? NATO is not attacking Israel. Turkey has been in NATO for 70 years, you think they are going to now go to Russia, Iran and China??BearN said:historian said:Redbrickbear said:Realitybites said:
Meanwhile, in the country with the second largest military in NATO...● JUST IN | During a rally in support of Palestine, Turkish President Erdoğan mentioned, 'We can come at any night unexpectedly,' and hundreds of thousands of Turkish citizens chanted, 'Turkish military to Gaza' in response
— The Spot (@Spotnewsth) October 28, 2023
Our dear friends the Turks….It will be interesting interesting to see how neocons keep their sanity if Turkey declares war, escalation ensues, Israel hits Turkey with an airstrike, and Erdogan invokes Article 5.
— Laocoon of Troy (@LaocoonofTroy) October 29, 2023
I do not think NATO members would be obligated to help Turkey in a war they declared & started, especially if they allied themselves with terrorists.
Hopefully Islamofascist Erdogan is just blowing smoke & won't actually follow through with his insane rhetoric. It's a very foolish & dangerous game he is playing.
If Turkey were to declare war on Israel, and Israel retaliates, those other countries may not be obligated to attack Israel , but they may just want to anyway.
The first part of your question - when I said "other countries" along with Turkey, I wasn't thinking exclusively NATO countries, so that was my bad. Probably none. But who knows what other NATO countries are thinking. The whole world is drunk on Anti-semitism right now.
Regarding your second question, could Turkey ditch NATO to join Russia, China, Iran, Syria, and the rest in fighting against Israel? Absolutely. WILL they? That remains to be seen. But Just listen to Erdogan. That sounds like a man ready to go to war with Israel. Then where does that leave us? Fight a NATO member or side with Israel? Or do nothing?
The whole world is not "drunk on Anti-semitism right now." While it is definitely on the rise & very prominent in some places, those are in Muslim countries or western countries with significant Muslim populations. As Henry Kissinger pointed out a couple weeks ago, it was foolish of European countries to import large numbers of foreigners with radically different cultures. We see that manifested in recent weeks & months in places like London & Paris (remember the riots they experienced over the summer?). It's been an ongoing problem for decades but is worse now because of the larger numbers, socioeconomic strains, & the terror attacked by Hamas. Kissinger's mind is still sharp at 100 years old!