No, it's not just the western bloc, and I don't think your definition is any better than mine.
It goes far beyond North America and Europe. A strong majority of free, democratic countries with advanced economies are supporting Ukraine militarily. Again, for example, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Cambodia, Jordan, Israel, Pakistan, Morocco, Columbia, United Arab Emirates.
That is a massive coalition, almost unprecedented against a major nation.
And this does not include the dozens of other countries providing direct economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine - Argentina, Chile, China (yes, China), India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.
Only a few countries are supporting Russia militarily, and only a few more are helping them economically.
Yes, countries are continuing to trade with Russia, but they trade with Ukraine also.
In your list of 195, about 1/3 don't send aid anywhere because they can't - Central America, most of Africa, Asia, for example. Another 40 have populations under 1 million.