sombear said:It would be silly to argue there is no corruption relative to money we are spending. And I would say that about any government, including our own, let alone Eastern Europe.historian said:
I never said that there was a direct correlation or a cause-and-effect relationship between Ukraine and the other issues. It's really quite simple: whatever the issues with Ukraine are they are not nearly as important as our own border. Not one more penny should go to Ukraine into our own border is secured. Also we should have a complete audit so we know exactly where the money that we have sent has gone. If there is corruption and fraud then that should be taken into account and maybe the money should be reduced or cut off for that reason. It's one thing to help Ukraine defend them selves it's another thing to enrich Zelenskyy or somebody else.
Yes, it's Biden but he doesn't have total control. Congress controls the purse and they can limit what is spent on anything if they only show enough spine and do their jobs. In the end, our discussions on these boards are merely academic: we aren't in congress and have no control. We can only discuss what we think should be done and maybe try to influence our congressmen.
As for Trump, you are making the case for re-electing him.
But keep in mind, a strong majority of what we have sent is actual supplies - weapons, equipment, materials, etc. While not impossible, it was far easier to track and control these things.
As for money, we are sending a relatively low amount. Countries all over the world are sending monetary aide - military and non-military. But, we are sending some of course. Fortunately, there have been relatively few stories about actual theft, etc. Plus, as much as we all criticize big finance, their involvement gives me greater confidence. Unlike governments, they are not keen on burning money.
If we are sending weapons, ammo, etc I wonder to what extent our own military is doing without. I know that might sound difficult to believe but the government is a huge unwieldy leviathan with gross inefficiencies everywhere. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that Biden has been reckless with the process. To be honest, it's more difficult to believe it was done effectively. One only needs to look at his record on Afghanistan, the border, the economy, appointments to government positions, etc to see a seemingly endless list of failures.
On top of that, Congress has allotted billions of dollars for Ukraine. That is money.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
Psalm 119:36