muddybrazos said:
whiterock said:
muddybrazos said:
Redbrickbear said:
FLBear5630 said:
J.R. said:
FLBear5630 said:
muddybrazos said:
boognish_bear said:
Only thing Biden has done worth a crap yet. Bibi doesnt care, though. He will probably keep trying to escalate this into a regional conflict thinking that he can draw America into yet another mid east war.
I don't think Israel wants a regional war, especially allies that they would have to coordinate with and worse clear tactics. They would much rather be left alone and finish off Gaza.
they can do that if they like, but they should get ZERO $ or airplanes, bombs ect from us. Tired of being their *****. They just do not care. Eff them.
When have they ever?
Uh we sell them weapons yearly…some years like this one…we send even more

Israel gets free taxpayer money from us and weapons and they use it to genocide Palestinians while Zionists like historian insist that the Palestinians are actually nazis.
Because they actually ARE.
If you'd ever stood around platter of roasted chicken and rice, and ate it it bare-handed with them (a cultural bonding deal), you'd understand just what ethno-centric, Jew-hating Nazis they really are.
It is hard to convey the ease and frequency with which an Arab can utter the coarsest anti-Semitic comments imaginable. They do it reflexively, as casually as observing what is the weather today. They don't do it in this country, of course. They know better. But go to their turf and stand alone in a room with a dozen or more of them and just "enjoy the show." It's so culturally ingrained theres no practical way of ever changing it, only Pavlovian deterrence, which is being taught as we speak.
I'm noit a fan of Isalm or Palestine but if a bunch of Jews all the sudden moved into my country and took it over I probably would hate them too. I really have no dog in the fight over there but the optics are very bad for Israel. That and their whole goyim have no souls so they can kill them if they want attitude rubs a lof of the rest of the world the wrong way. As an American I dont want a war over there and they have a habit of starting wars they drag us into. Lets all remember that Bibi and the neocons game planned the Iraq/Syria/Libya wars and helped get us to fight it for them.
Fallacies build upon falsehoods.
Demographic clearly refute the "sudden move" fallacy: Jews have been in Palestine for many thousands of years. It is their "homeland" stretching back so far the exact time of their emergence is hard to pinpoint. It is their homeland. In the recent era, they were a majority until the 4th century. The low point, 1600-1700's, Jews got as low as 20% of their population (due to the "sudden move" of islam into the equation). By the end of the 1800's (under Ottoman Rule, mind you), they had regained parity with Muslims. They reached a majority position BEFORE British Rule during the the 20th century.
Politics was the driving force in the rise of Palestinian terror = the formation of the Israeli state. Such would not have been contentious during the colonial period, as Arabs were mostly under colonial control themselves and islamism was dormant everywhere except among the intelligentsia (Sayyid Qtib and most of the early AQ movement were all academics). Since the formation of Israel occurred after the dispersal of colonial possessions, Arab worldview controlled states which were free to make/execute policy. And the existence of a Jewish state (or a Christian state....) in the islamic world was anathema to islamic sensibilities. The rise of islamism in the post-colonial period only accentuated the dynamic - the Arab states were mostly secular leftist regimes seeking to repress islamist sentiments, and virtue posturing against the Israeli state not only "felt right" to even the most ardent Baathist, but had the practical value of pandering to islamist sentiments that tended to undercut the appeal of the islamist movements. ("look how good a muslim Mubarak is...he attacked Israel!")
So all you're doing here is repeating Palestinian propaganda. The wars that Israel fought in the past and fight today are 100% about islam seeking to restore sharia in Palestine. It's not driven solely by anti-semitism. It's driven by the extreme intolerance that islam has toward ANY other faith. Americans, with all our adoration of multiculturalism, have a genetic aversion to recognizing the simple truth of what is driving Arab-Israeli conflict - the deepest and most irritable religious intolerance on the planet = islam. Palestinians have available to them everything any free citizen could want, if they'd just accept the existence of a Jewsh state next to them. The cannot bring themselves to do it. So here we are.
Like a citizen of most democracies, I don't want to get into a war anywhere. Unfortunately, most other countries are not democracies, particularly some of the largest and most powerful countries, and their leaders do not at all share our aversion to war. They can, will, and have brought war to us before. They are doing it again, as we speak.
WWIII has already started, friend. It's in the shatterzone, mostly between proxies for the two sides. But the table is set. The way to avoid my kids, and millions of kids of other parents, being directly involved in future conflict is to make sure that our proxies win the current conflicts. Disengaging from it all, folding our tents and coming home is not going to avoid anything. It's going to make the conflicts grow. It's going to make our adversaries stronger. It's going to bring a bigger war closer. That's not just the clear lesson of history, it's the stated intent of BOTH Russia and China, who are dead set on reordering maps.
We're going to win either way. It's madness not to win it while it's smaller and more manageable.