Realitybites said:[quotehistorian said:
It refers to God's covenant with Abraham but it's a covenant that God renewed with Abraham's descendants repeatedly, including with the Jewish state of Israel. Israel also repeatedly violated that covenant and were punished by God repeatedly. The Babylonian Captivity & the Roman destruction of the Temple in 70 AD are the more dramatic examples.
There is no denying that God still has plans for Israel & they are still His people. The entire history of modern Israel points to that as they defeated their enemies over and over again despite all odds. Also, a study of end times prophecy makes it clear that Israel will play a role in God's ultimate plans.
The Abrahamic Covenant was not a conditional covenant, and therefore not subject to "renewal". Abraham's descendants include *all* the semitic people of that region regardless of their religious affliation or lack thereof.
The Mosaic Covenant was a conditional covenant with national Israel that began with the Exodus and *ended* with Israel's rejection of Christ and the desctruction of the temple. As I've said, no one for the past 2000 or so years has been able to practice the Jewish religion of the old testament. It's physically not possible even if you wanted to.
The study of end times prophecy you refer to is one viewed through a pre-millenial, pre-tribulation view of eschatology prevalent in Evangelicalism and based in the Scofield Reference Bible and John Darby's teaching. It is a minority view in Christendom. Even if Israel was destroyed tomorrow, it would not impede the return of Christ in the least. Should this modern UN created state that ranks in the top five in the world in percentage of sodomites persist and go on to build the temple, it will be to welcome the antichrist as their messiah - nothing more.
God's covenant was with Abraham, his son Isaac (not Ishmael), & Isaac's descendants: Jacob, the 12 tribes, and the nation of Israel.
God's interest in Israel did not end with the crucifixion & resurrection of Christ or the destruction of the temple in AD 70. The history of the modern state of Israel, their continued survival despite the impossible odds, & their numerous victories over their enemies make that clear (not to mention the survival of Jews all over the world in the centuries between). An honest look at recent history makes clear that God has blessed Israel (& every nation that has supported them) and cursed those determined to destroy them.
Israel was not created by the UN. It was created by the Jews themselves. The UN played a minor role but it was the Jews who declared their independence & fought a war of independence against the Arabs surrounding them. It was not unlike America's experience in the late 18th century, in broad terms.
Modern Jews do not have to practice their faith exactly the way Moses did for it to still be Judaism. I doubt their are many (or any?) Christian's who practice their faith exactly the way Jesus & the apostles did. Even if the numbers are small, God promised in the Old Testament to preserve a remnant and has kept that promise for almost 2,000 years.
Psalm 119:36