Redbrickbear said:
whiterock said:
Redbrickbear said:
ATL Bear said:
Redbrickbear said:
ATL Bear said:
Redbrickbear said:
ATL Bear said:
Redbrickbear said:
ATL Bear said:
muddybrazos said:
This Syria situation is only going to end well for Israel which is par for the course. More refugees will be pushed into Europe while Israel gets to steal more land and block off Iran. The world wouldve been better off with Quadaffi still in Libya, Saddam still in Iraq and Assad still in Syria and any opinion to the contrary is just CIA/Mossad propaganda.
This is not a conspiracy and anyone familiar with the plans laid out in the Clean Break memo knows exactly what is happening and what is coming next.
lol..wut?? Some of you guys need to detox from social media. It's turned into the biggest psyop exercise ever conducted.
I doubt "greater Israel" is a policy of the actual government in Tel Aviv (they are smart after all and not interested in pie in the sky fantasy)
But let's not act like the idea just came out of thin air.
Ultra-radical settlers and some ultra-orthodox float the idea that it's a biblical command to expand the State to the Euphrates River…it's an idea that has been around for centuries
Luckily they are a extreme minority

[The "Royal Grant" to Abraham consisting of all the land east of the Brook of Egypt and west of the Euphrates, north of Kadesh and south of Hamath, from a 1919 book by Clarence Larkin.]
You can play historo/biblio-fantasy all you want, but the guy posted a map that had Mecca and Medina as part of "Greater" Israel.
I'm not playing anything
And I didn't post the map with Mecca on it
I made a factual statement about the concept of greater Israel as it has been historically and still is (a real but minority concept)
A concept is not a fact. Just FYI.
I never said it was
You are arguing against yourself
I said it was a concept a few extremist minorities argue for...that is all
Well, you're the one who decided to chime in on the idiotic assertion that Israel (not some extreme minority) is pursuing a Greater Israel into Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
You made the false claim that its a concept that does not exist...when it does
I made the factual statement that it is an extremist concept that does in fact exist
Not sure why you are so trigged by this.....
Greater Israel, Greater Serbia, Greater Russia....all concepts that exist to one or more degree with varying levels of support
Greater Russia is a thing, for sure. They will invade and kill and destroy and genocide and ethnic cleans to achieve it. Done it for centuries. Done it recently. Doing exactly that exactly now, as a matter of fact.
Israel, on the other hand has handed back almost all of the territories it has seized in wars in which it has been attacked. So there really isn't any historical or current precedent for a "greater Isreal" and rather more evidence to the contrary.
1. Mentioning various other "greater x" projects does not mean they are all the same. Not sure why you even feel the need to talk about the greater russian project....I am not defending it.
2. The modern Israeli State conquering and settling the West Bank and Golan heights could certainly be considered a "greater Israel" project.
Sorta. Kinda. Remember, Israel once occupied Gaza, but pulled out and turned over administration to the Palestinians. Jordan once illegally ANNEXED and occupied the West Bank, too, but they lost it in the 6-Day War.
What Hamas did on Oct 7 could be considered a "greater Palestine" project, too.
Why do you think the international community keeps passing resolutions against both occupations/settlements.
The international community has been passing anti-Israeli resolutions for 60+ years because most nations are dependent on imported oil, a disproportionate amount of which comes from islamic countries that hate Israel for religious reasons.
Though Israel has certainly show that it will give back land for long term peace...aka the Sinai situation with Egypt
No sober, objective analysis of events in the last 75 could reasonably depict Israel as an aggressor state seeking to expand its borders at the expense of its neighbors. It is Israel which has repeatedly been attacked, by states and terror groups seeking to destroy it in entirety. In those wars, Israel's territorial gains can best be described as consolidation, to obtain defensible borders. Israeli armies have not entered, much less occupied the capitols any of its neighbors. It has given back substantially more acreage in exchange for peace than it has gained. At almost every opportunity, Israeli actions are strategically defensive. That would include what Israel is doing in Syria. They are seeking to ensure that the new Syrian state does not step into massive arsenals of weapons which can be used against Israel, directly or by proxies, and to forestall instability in Syrian approaches to Israel which could generate threats independent of any agendas underway in Damascus.
Six Druze villages in southern Syria have asked to be annexed into Israel, for their own protection. That makes a ton of sense - Israel has a vastly superior record of pluralism than any islamic society.
The Druze faith is a splinter of Shia Islam. They actually do not consider themselves Muslim, but the muslim sects do. In that context, a Sunni regime in Damascus with any islamist tendencies at all would be alarming to the Druze. Sorta/Kinda...conceptually, the Druze are to islam what Mormonism is the Christianity. Druze are a bit more separated than that, but you get the idea...
At one of my posts, I used to drink Turkish coffee at least once a week with a Druze gentleman who owned a food distribution company I passed on the way to work. He was a very entertaining fellow. Great sense of humor. I think about him often.