Wangchung said:
FLBear5630 said:
Wangchung said:
FLBear5630 said:
Wangchung said:
Mothra said:
Wangchung said:
Mothra said:
Wangchung said:
Mothra said:
The_barBEARian said:
Mothra said:
Did you forget the man had a full Republican congress for the first two years of his presidency?
He had the House and John McCain.
Obamacare remains the law of the land today due to John McCain.
Always someone else's fault.
Context never matters to a Bidophile, either. Seriously, though, without a supermajority Trump was not free to pass anything he liked. The democrats stopped everything they could and ignoring that fact, or trying to downplay that fact, doesn't change anything.
Speaking of a complete lack of context, have you ever asked yourself why Trump needed a super majority to get anything done, Trumpster? Could it be his behavior and style did not rally people to his cause? Could it be he was so vindictive and personal in his attacks on McCain, that his inability to behave like an adult or presidential was the reason that McCain failed to vote the way he wanted?
You Always Trumpers love to point the fingers at everyone but Trump himself. It's NEVER Trump's fault. He overpromises a border wall? Dems fault. He spends like a drunken liberal in violation of his campaign promises to reduce the debt and deficit? Not enough Repubs would vote like he wanted. Fails to overturn Obamacare? All on McCain. But never Trump.
I would submit, Trumpster, that you suffer from the same lack of context of which you accuse others. You can't see past the nose on your face.
Silly Bidophile, always blaming Trump for how democrats responded to him. Your triggers are not anyone's concern but your own, Bidophile. Mean tweets are not worse than world war 3 and a broken immigration system, not even if you Bidophiles REALLY hate mean teeets:
Your reading comprehension is atrocious, Trumpist. I don't absolve Dems of responsibility. I simply have the ability to place blame where blame is due, and recognize (unlike you) that Trump shares a lot of blame for his failures as a president. I don't absolve him of all responsibility, as you do.
Of course mean tweets aren't worse than WWIII and open borders, which if you had actually read and attempted to comprehend my previous posts, you would see is why I have advocated holding one's nose and voting for Trump for the past 3 years.
In the future, I would suggest trying to think rationally, instead of getting all up in your emotions. In other words, try not to behave like a Trumpist. It makes you look like a buffoon, and having read your posts over the years, I know you're not as stupid as your last post suggests you are.
A buffoon runs around guffawing about the wall not being built and Mexico not paying for it while ignoring all context as to why it wasn't built. Buffoons run around whining about spending bills but ignore that democrats wrote those bills while feigning ignorance, (or maybe it's genuine) , as to what a supermajority is and why it matters when it comes to President Trump getting what he wanted. You can play pretend all you like but democrats and RINOs exist, their investigations based on Democrat campaign lies existed, their version of Pravda exists, their denial of any wall funding and border security happened, TWO democrat controlled impeachments happened. I know, I know, in your world it's ALL Trump's fault, all the time. Being a Bidophile means facts don't matter, only emotional arguments count. Democrats refused to work with Trump, tore up his State of the Union speech right behind him on national television, lied continually about everything he said or did and even more so about things he never said or did but it's all Orange Man Bad's fault for not forcing the democrats and media to work with him, or some stupid **** like that.
So why would you support sending the same person back? It is like having someone negotiate horrible deals for you because the other side doesn't trust the guy. So you send the same guy back to do the next deal?
Why? They MAY NOT work with others. They DEFINETLY won't work with Trump. So, send in Trump...
Yeah, makes sense.
May not be his fault. May not have done anything wrong. That doesn't matter. We use different PMs all the time because not everyone is cut out to work with certain groups. Noo value judgement.
Yes, let the hecklers veto your choice and find someone like them so they will "pass bills." That sounds a lot like voting democrat to keep democrats happy.
Dems? What does what I said have anything to do with Dems?
Trump wasn't able to do it last time, will polarize everyone after 2020 and has a history of self-destructing why send him back? That is your best choice?
Send in the guy that couldn't pass anything with Both Houses, got impeached twice and has been indicted for his last stint as President. Than, wonder why nothing got done. It will be the Democrats, Deep State, RINOs, Euros, etc... See a pattern?
Yes, the pattern is democrats lying about, investigating and impeaching a president in pursuit of more power for the democrat party. You mention that you see the democrat's behavior but then claim pointing out their behavior is a pattern of making excuses for Trump? You pretend that the lack of a supermajority doesn't matter but that's just you playing pretend here.
Yeah, the Dems behavior was transparent and obvious. Yet, idiot Trump fell into every trap.
He was sloppy on calls knowing they were being monitored (numerous times),
He never shut up (often making disparaging remarks any sane person knew would be used
He put himself in a precarious situation on Jan 6th telling a mob to go to Congress while in session,
He sulked after losing to Biden costing the GOP Georgia/Senate,
He was bullied into closing the economy,
He lost in court an astounding 55% of the time on his EOs
He couldn't keep a Cabinet together ( he set a record for turnover)
Of the dozens that served in his Cabinet 4 endorsed him in 2024
So send him back? He showed he wasn't up to the task last time. This is the best we got??? Donald Trump?