FLBear5630 said:
Oldbear83 said:
FLBear5630 said:
Fre3dombear said:
FLBear5630 said:
boognish_bear said:
Seems to be a lot of info coming from 1 source - X.
Is anyone on this Board using multiple sources? Just seems whenever I click on the post, I am taken to X.
Is this info wrong? Do you dislike chamath because he doesn't look like 70% of America? Does that invalidate his opinion? Is the math wrong? Is it even a problem?
Share your favorite sources? What are your top 5 to form your diversified, well Informed opinion? I hope to become smarter and better informed
If I have to explain the issue with the controlling of info, it is not worth it. You honestly see no problem with any of this?
Honestly, we see you are struggling to accept a second Trump Administration, FLBear, and so you desperately grasp at anything to complain about that might even distantly be connected to The Donald.
You are going to have a rough four years ahead.
You're complaining about bannon as he makes your case against Elon? He's like the best advocate you've got.
4 years? That is optimistic. Keep going like the last few weeks it will be 18 months. Keep threatening Congress it will be exactly like last time, 2 years of being frustrated by Congress and 2 years of being attacked when they lose the House at midterms. The election is the beginning, not the end.
Yeah, it will be tough. Watching Trump make unforced errors through tweets and ego. Four more wasted years of BS, while China moved forward. It amazes me you don't get it. But, if comparing this to the Rush Limbaugh Show is the level of thought?
You must not pay attention. Nothing will make it different than last time. The fact they hate him so much is he's exposing how he's screwing you is your family their family over and he's the only thing in the way of that.
Apparently you're cool with historic inflation, the left trying to assassinate their competition, weaponizing the government against anyone that's in their way, wars across the planet, millions needlessly dead across 3 wars in 4 years.
What da f are you talking about? Lmao. Quit watching whatever is freaking you out. You're are way out of step with what is happening.
But yes, Elon gonna ruin america by talking h1b and trying to reduce nonsense spending a bit before we have 1930 deutschland
It's amazing they can panic otherwise seemingly intelligent posters. Wow
What happened the last few weeks that hs you panicked like a little girl? Breathe brother. We ok.