historian said:
I think we need the debt ceiling and that it should never be raised again. In fact, it should be lowered every year. Congress should not get paid one penny while we have these huge deficits: $1 trillion in new debt every 100 days. That is totally insane.
Trump & company have a chance to fix it. I'm not sure I trust they will. If they fail, they deserve criticism for that failure the same as Congress deserves criticism every time it fails.
The key is the need for change. The current insane spending levels cannot continue indefinitely.
The first problem is that the debt has been growing for decades. Any plan to address the crisis will have to have short, medium and long-term components, must be crafted in a way that answers attacks from critics and the media. and disconnects the plan from individuals creating it, so it doesn't die as soon as its patrons leave office.
There have been some efforts before to address the Debt crisis, but they all failed for various reasons. My takeaway from this is not that there is no solution, but we should recognize and praise small wins, not because we will settle for that, but because there needs to be a trend focusing on success and not failure, and we need people to explain why these are wins.
Trump's team will not solve the problem completely. As I noted above, this is a 20-year project at shortest and will take backbones in the next
ten Congresses to succeed in that time frame. Trump's team is doing the right thing, I like the DOGE concept. because it can - at worst - accomplish something like Proxmire's "Golden Fleece Award", and given some clout they can help pressure cuts in all that fat in government.
This is where I believe we can make some immediate impact, if only to put the brakes on some of Biden's
going-out-the-door spending. Trump has a strong approval rating for the first time, and it's time to invest it in telling the federal bureaucrats that cuts are coming, and they can either take part in the process or throw a tantrum and have their budgets cut anyway.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier