[AI Sermons To Order
A pastor who subscribes e-mails:
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the Logos software, but it is huge in Protestant, and especially Evangelical circles for exegeting scripture. My initial response to this is strong, because it smacks of laziness, and perhaps something more sinister.
Many evangelical pastors pride themselves on their preaching prowess, as the sermon is often the high point of the service, as opposed to the celebration of communion. However, we often have pastors who will steal other's sermons, and this seems to be in the same vein. To be fair, the demands of vocational ministry are great, and I am often guilty of giving my sermon preparation short shrift due to the difficulty in balancing family and ministry obligations. That said…
Your work on AI has really struck a chord with me. I would be curious about your two cents on this.
What he's talking about is a prompt from the organization for which he works urging pastors to sign up for Logos AI software, because it's a "game-changer in sermon preparation."
How are users of Logos software to know how the software was programmed? What are its biases? If pastors outsource sermon prep to the Machine, they are getting sermons created with the Machine's biases. And if they haven't done the work themselves, they might not even know. Then they will put their authority as spiritual leaders behind messages that might not be true, or at least not true to their confession's understanding of Scripture. In this way, religious truth can be changed without pastors or their people understanding what is happening to them.
What's more, if pastors learn to rely on AI for sermons, and stop doing the work themselves, they will forget how to exegete Scripture and think for themselves. I am not good at math, and always defer to a calculator. I couldn't do anything but basic math if you put a gun to my head. That's not the worst thing, because mathematics follows fixed laws. Not so with Scriptural analysis and theologizing. But overreliance on AI will make the Machine your real pastor.
It's the same with the use of AI to write papers for college students. If you don't do the work yourself, not only are you presenting the Machine's judgments as your own, but you are also losing the capacity to reason. Soon enough, you defer to the Machine for all your judgments.] -Rod Dreher