Where is the left in your scenario? When you're ready for "peace, peace," you think they'll just go along with it and not want their revenge in turn? Or are they somehow eliminated along the way?Married A Horn said:
Let me put it in a different light for you;
Were the Jews in Nazi Germany smart to just keep on following the law of the land? That stuff started in what? 1933? Earlier? They only followed the law... and 6 million got killed.
What about the Soviet Union? I dont even know how many were killed according to their laws.
Red China? Anyone got a number there?
You see, you would have us get screwed over by 'legalities' until its too late and we are forced to roll over and legally die. I prefer to stop their evil communist marxist fascists socialists ways before we get to that point. Ignoring courts has precedents. Ignoring criminal-exparte-legislating-from the-bench judges who are protecting the communists is a much better place to make a stand than when you are in front of a firing squad.
Win the war. Then go back to peace.
Civilization isn't something you can just switch on and off. Once it's gone, it's gone. And demagogues like Trump will always have their followers up in arms. It's the only way they survive. If Trump succeeds beyond all expectations and accomplishes everything he set out to do, in four years you'll be just as angry as you are today. Believe me, he'll make sure of it.