I don't believe that's true.YoakDaddy said:Waco1947 said:Then talk to the ones who lob around "butcher" or "baby killer" if one is pro choiceRog said:Sorry I don't think it's cool to insinuate someone is a bomber/trying to take lives because he disagrees with their political beliefs on a message board... Also I think this might be the first time I've ever defended Florda on anything.cms186 said:"Sick"Rog said:That's a sick ****ing joke, but not surprising from you.cms186 said:it was a fairly obvious joke, who knew you Republicans were such Snowflakes? (everyone did)Doc Holliday said:
It's disgusting that you would imply or insinuate this is Florda. Absolutely disgusting.
This could very easily be a false flag attack to garner sympathy support for Democrats. Very similar to the dozens of fake acts of racism all across America.
Nothing about these attacks make any sense.I apologise most humbly if my sense of Humour offends you, I mut say, the deflection going on in here is amazing, outstanding work from some of you.
But if you are pro-choice, you are literally advocating killing babies.
A fertilized egg and a first-trimester fetus aren't a baby. Yet.
Just as I am not comfortable with the federal or a state government executing anyone, I am not comfortable with the federal government or a state telling women what they must and must not do with their bodies.
From my perspective, this issue is about people wanting to take agency away from women and give it to the government. I do not think a government should have that measure of control over people.
The belief that a fetus is a baby is religious. I also think abortion restrictions violate--and are fully intended to violate--separation of church and state. Most pro-lifers hold their position religious reasons. Some belief only God should have the power to make decisions regarding life and death, and that we should not intervene in that decision-making power in any way, including use of contraception and any form of self-administered euthenasia. I don't share that belief, and, in America, I want women to be free to decide for themselves about a pregnancy with no government intervention.
I know you and others on this sight neither understand nor agree with this position.
But it shouldn't otherwise preclude us from having a dialog.
But it does. Anything I say is suspect "cuz abortion."
And that disgust goes both ways, as I scorn conservativs who vote this issue believing they are prolife while refusing to "believe in" climate change and vote for people who will lead us toward solutions that will preserve life on the planet. That's my "pro-life" position. I'm for preserving the planet's ability to support us and the diverse array of other animals and plants we share the world with. "Dominion" should not involve destruction.