Cohen to tell all in Open Session

27,719 Views | 305 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by drahthaar
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Jinx: Accuses others of 'fear-mongering', them immediately accuses her opponents of 'killing the planet' on

absolutely no evidence.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Doc Holliday
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Anyone else notice that Democrats on this committee can hardly even put together sentences without thinking really hard or sounding like they have marbles in their mouths?

It's painful to watch.

Low IQ's.
Forest Bueller
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fadskier said:

Cracks me up that Cohen is going to jail for lying to congress, and admits that is testimony was worked on with Democrats and people find him credible. If Trump has done things wrong, they need someone who hasn't lied or worked with the enemy.

again, no wonder you believed Ford.
I thought there was supposed to be something about Russian collusion.

Instead we hear a perpetual liar, who literally looks and sounds like a human worm a coached human worm at that, going on and on and on about what a terrible person Trump is.

Just another dog and pony show, with no purpose, and no end.

Just imagine if a person with motivation got a chance to get on the stand to say everything bad they wished to about Bill Clinton, or JFK or Nixon or LBJ, just run them down perpetually in front of the American public, with no defined beginning, no defined end and no defined purpose.... just bring up every real and IMAGINED thing Trump has done wrong for the past 15 years. It was a stupid exercise in futility, that a few jelots will grasp onto as yet another reason to impeach Trump.
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Not that you guys will read it, but:

How GOP leaders came to view climate change as fake science:

WASHINGTON The campaign ad appeared during the presidential contest of 2008. Rapid-fire images of belching smokestacks and melting ice sheets were followed by a soothing narrator who praised a candidate who had stood up to President George W. Bush and "sounded the alarm on global warming."

It was not made for a Democrat, but for Senator John McCain, who had just secured the Republican nomination.

It is difficult to reconcile the Republican Party of 2008 with the party of 2017, whose leader, President Trump, has called global warming a hoax, reversed environmental policies that Mr. McCain advocated on his run for the White House, and this past week announced that he would take the nation out of the Paris climate accord, which was to bind the globe in an effort to halt the planet's warming.
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What's hilarious is that all of the Republicans adored and worshipped Cohen last year when he was perjuring himself. Now, all of them saying that this is a waste of time and beneath the dignity of the chamber, must remember they invited Diamond and [freaking] Silk to testify last year.

(Mike drop).
Make Racism Wrong Again
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Boy Rashida Tlaib (D - Islamic State) went full throttle

Accused Mark Meadows of using a black female Trump employee as a 'prop'

Is there anything more racist than that?
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There is no man-made Climate Change.

Just accept it and work on addressing real problems, like the opioid epidemic, gang violence, and corruption in both major political parties.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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I don't recall anyone here who was a Cohen fan.

You sound desperate, cinque.

You didn't 'drop the mike', you fumbled the facts.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

I don't recall anyone here who was a Cohen fan.

You sound desperate, cinque.

You didn't 'drop the mike', you fumbled the facts.
Stop. You recall what you want to recall. And desperate? Did you watch TV today?
Make Racism Wrong Again
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Our country is run by a bunch of mobsters
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cinque said:

Oldbear83 said:

I don't recall anyone here who was a Cohen fan.

You sound desperate, cinque.

You didn't 'drop the mike', you fumbled the facts.
Stop. You recall what you want to recall. And desperate? Did you watch TV today?
I recall facts, you seem to dwell in delusion.

And yes, if you seriously place your hopes on Cohen making a case against Trump, you really are quite desperate.

And I've been working all day, but I knew the facts all along so what I'm hearing is old news.

Grow up, son, you lost again but don't even understand it yet.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Forest Bueller
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cinque said:

What's hilarious is that all of the Republicans adored and worshipped Cohen last year when he was perjuring himself. Now, all of them saying that this is a waste of time and beneath the dignity of the chamber, must remember they invited Diamond and [freaking] Silk to testify last year.

(Mike drop).
Cohen has always been a sleaze, not sure who adored him.

Diamond and Silk, they are a comedy act, you realize that I would agree with you there.
Johnny Bear
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J.R. said:

Our country is run by a bunch of mobsters
Only if you think our country is run by the current majority in the House of Representatives.
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GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
Forest Bueller
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Waco1947 said:

GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
No need to watch FOX, anybody that thinks Cohen and truth belong in the same sentence though, well those two words do not belong together.
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Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Johnny Bear said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Jinx 2 said:

This hearing makes me want to take a bath--and it's more the grandstanding by the likes of the viciously stupid Jim Jordan than the perfidy and years of complicity Cohen is now confessing.
And just how is Rep Jordan stupid? I'll give you viciously attacking because he was correct in his opening statement. You didn't have any problem with the stupid Chairman denying Jordan's request to follow the rules set forth by the very House that dumb ass Chairman presides over today?

Maryland just surpassed New Jersey and Chicago as political sleaze capital.
"Ardent climate change denier." All of those guys are stupid.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R.-Ohio) is many things: an ardent climate change denier, a fierce opponent of reproductive rights, an advocate for "traditional" marriage and a staunch defender of the President's right to straight-up lie to the American people. He is also alleged to be something else: an ignorer of rampant campus sexual abuse, per 2018 reports that Jordan turned a blind eye to Ohio State University wrestlers' allegations against a team doctor during his time as an assistant coach at OSU. (In 2018, Ohio State hired a law firm to conduct an ongoing investigation into the claims; the investigation is "nearing its conclusion," per the campus newspaper the Ohio State University Lantern.)

...On social media, many people found Jordan's behavior galling, particularly in light of allegations that Jordan, who served as assistant wrestling coach to the OSU wrestling team from 1987 to 1995, had turned a blind eye to sexual abuse allegations against team doctor Dr. Richard Strauss.

Strauss is alleged to have had abused more than 1,000 student athletes in 15 varsity sports during his tenure at the university. (He took his own life in 2005.) Many of Strauss's victims have accused Jordan of having prior knowledge of Strauss' history of abuse, explicitly naming Jordan in a class-action lawsuit filed last July in U.S. District Court in Ohio against Ohio State University.

So basically, anyone who doesn't agree with you? Does Jim Jordan prevent women from getting pregnant? Reproductive rights? How can anyone in this day and age get away with telling women that they can or cannot get pregnant? I had not heard of this.
Agreeing or not agreeing with me has nothing to do with climate change denial, which is seriously stupid at a time when businesses, city and state governments and lots of private actors are acknowledging that climate change is a fact, its impact is occuring faster than projected, and we are in big trouble. Guys like Jordan are really hurting us at the national level because they're all talk and no brain, and they don't care about policy--just grandstanding.

Not only that, Jordan apparently turned a blind eye to sexual abuse perpetrated by a team doctor at Ohio State. That's not an issue that's going away, and it IS revealing of Jordan's character.
Very few people deny that climate is changing. It is always changing. The disagreement comes in the affect man has on the change. Oh and yes, let's certainly believe actors. Are you kidding with that?

Oh and BTW, even you used the word "apparently" but you are convinced of his wrong-doings. No wonder you believed Ford.
Of course the climate changes. It has changed in cycles over time that mankind always has been and always will be powerless to change or impact (for good or bad) in any material way. There are natural forces that are simply way beyond the power of humanity to control or change and the climate is one of them. So called man-made climate change is the biggest hoax, con-job to make people like Al Gore rich, farce of the last 50 years and one of the fastest ways to destroy our economy and our country as we know it is to go down the path of wasting $trillions on this lunacy.
No you bigot!!! We need at least half your income and you'll be required to pay $10k a year to drive your vehicle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The world is ending in 12 years unless we do something about climate change...and by that I mean give your hard earned money to the government because they're so efficient and responsible with money!

This sort of fearmongering is silly. You're half my age. You're going to live with the consequences of f--king up the only planet we have a lot longer than I am. You need a dose of Doctor-wokemup.

I've been doing environmental work for 20+ years....Gore, AOC, Warren, et al don't know shlt about the environment.

Seriously, with air permitting for greenhouse gases from industrial sources in the US that I've followed in detail for the last decade, the linked clip of what "Dale" says is extremely true. It's about control....not the environment.

corncob pipe
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ValhallaBear said:

abortion post in 3....2...

already in (top of page 4)

"Not to Democrats...even after they're born, you can kill them..all while your methodist peacher (i.e. Waco) watches idly by..."
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fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

This hearing makes me want to take a bath--and it's more the grandstanding by the likes of the viciously stupid Jim Jordan than the perfidy and years of complicity Cohen is now confessing.
Why did I know that you'd buy his story hook, line, and sinker? Take your meds for your TDS.
Same way I knew that you and most others on this forum think Trump is inerrant and never lies. Or, if you acknowledge that he does make mistakes and does lie ocasionally or even often, you'll find an excuse for his behavior, like you did about his statement that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Someone on this forum made fun of people for taking Trump at his word on the wall promise. Well, we didn't. What we didn't think is that he'd be stupid enough to shut down the government in a naked attempt to put taxpayer dollars to use for no better purpose than for him to say he kept a campaign promise he knew would never happen.
Show me where I said Trump never lies? I never thought that Trump meant that Mexico would write a check for the wall. If you did, you were stupid. And there are many people, millions in fact, who believe a wall is needed. You are just still upset that Hillary lost.
You know, like where he is in this super secret conspiracy with the Russians, but he has to ask them in a televised speech to get Hillary's emails? Yes, yes people really are so stupid.
Jack and DP
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Did Cohen tell all?
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Osodecentx said:

Did Cohen tell all?
Doc Holliday
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J.R. said:

Our country is run by a bunch of mobsters
Yes. This is true.

You're getting it now. The majority of both parties are mobsters.
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J.R. said:

Our country is run by a bunch of mobsters

Not currently.

Clinton Murder Inc has been put on hiatus.
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Forest Bueller said:

Waco1947 said:

GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
No need to watch FOX, anybody that thinks Cohen and truth belong in the same sentence though, well those two words do not belong together.
Wrong! He's in jail for lying. He learned his lesson and he is telling the truth. YOur President is a damn liar.
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Waco1947 said:

GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the sterling lineup of Anderson Cooper, Cuomo, Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow.

Fox is just as bigoted as the above and has it's share of dufus but news died a couple of decades ago with the advent of CNN. Every feature is an editorial, not a fact.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Waco1947 said:

GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the sterling lineup of Anderson Cooper, Cuomo, Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow.

Fox is just as bigoted as the above and has it's share of dufus but news died a couple of decades ago with the advent of CNN. Every feature is an editorial, not a fact.
No, I am aware of bias - progressive and. Onservative. FOX is simply the flagship of the idiocy of trumpism. It's the most recognizable silliness of the right. You may not watch but they are the leading edge of drudge, brietbart,
Forest Bueller
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Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller said:

Waco1947 said:

GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
No need to watch FOX, anybody that thinks Cohen and truth belong in the same sentence though, well those two words do not belong together.
Wrong! He's in jail for lying. He learned his lesson and he is telling the truth. YOur President is a damn liar.

You are funny, I did not vote for Trump.

Someone who is a perpetual liar never tells the truth, I can tell you Cohen has not learned his lesson, he only blames others for his woes, he is still doing that. A man who has learned his lesson takes full responsibility.

As far as voting Trump, now that 44 Democratic Senators refused to sign on to protect the life of a born child, any person the Republicans put on the ticket will get my vote next time.

The democrat party has taken an overwhelmingly evil turn. Any R. will get my vote next time. I hope it's Nikki Haley.
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One of the great things about surrounding yourself with crooks, liar, cheats and idiots is that when any of them turn on you, you can call them a crook, liar, cheat or idiot.
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Waco1947 said:

GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
Pure delusion, to use the word 'truth' in connection to today's antics.

Enjoy your rants now Waco, this will cost Democrats in 2020.

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller said:

Waco1947 said:

GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
No need to watch FOX, anybody that thinks Cohen and truth belong in the same sentence though, well those two words do not belong together.
Wrong! He's in jail for lying. He learned his lesson and he is telling the truth. YOur President is a damn liar.
1. Trump is your President too, Waco. Your tantrums can't change that fact.

2. Still no evidence of even a single crime by President/Candidate Trump. Sucks for you I know, but denying it is just going to make your reconciliation with reality that much harder.

3. Cohen was coached by the Democrats about what to say today, and he still could not give them what they wanted.

Seriously Waco, you might need better meds to deal with this whole situation.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

xiledinok said:

I love all these quotes on this thread by no name right wingers who the general public doesn't care about or even know.
Cohen is killing Trump. Cohen is getting attacked by politicians trying to hold onto their dwindling power base. The problem is these Republican congressmen are no names. Cohen was a Trump loyalist.
Jesus. All this time I've been ashamed to read your posts on every section of this board because I thought you were a Republican. So glad you have clarified.

I guess you call yourself Progressive Democrat. I call your party Confiscatory Democrat.

I don't live on the party tree.
The senior Republican on the committee represented strong but he is lesser known than AOC and she's been there 5 minutes.
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Jinx 2 said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Jinx 2 said:

This hearing makes me want to take a bath--and it's more the grandstanding by the likes of the viciously stupid Jim Jordan than the perfidy and years of complicity Cohen is now confessing.
And just how is Rep Jordan stupid? I'll give you viciously attacking because he was correct in his opening statement. You didn't have any problem with the stupid Chairman denying Jordan's request to follow the rules set forth by the very House that dumb ass Chairman presides over today?

Maryland just surpassed New Jersey and Chicago as political sleaze capital.
"Ardent climate change denier." All of those guys are stupid.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R.-Ohio) is many things: an ardent climate change denier, a fierce opponent of reproductive rights, an advocate for "traditional" marriage and a staunch defender of the President's right to straight-up lie to the American people. He is also alleged to be something else: an ignorer of rampant campus sexual abuse, per 2018 reports that Jordan turned a blind eye to Ohio State University wrestlers' allegations against a team doctor during his time as an assistant coach at OSU. (In 2018, Ohio State hired a law firm to conduct an ongoing investigation into the claims; the investigation is "nearing its conclusion," per the campus newspaper the Ohio State University Lantern.)

...On social media, many people found Jordan's behavior galling, particularly in light of allegations that Jordan, who served as assistant wrestling coach to the OSU wrestling team from 1987 to 1995, had turned a blind eye to sexual abuse allegations against team doctor Dr. Richard Strauss.

Strauss is alleged to have had abused more than 1,000 student athletes in 15 varsity sports during his tenure at the university. (He took his own life in 2005.) Many of Strauss's victims have accused Jordan of having prior knowledge of Strauss' history of abuse, explicitly naming Jordan in a class-action lawsuit filed last July in U.S. District Court in Ohio against Ohio State University.

Those Ohioans were so concerned that they stormed campus to support Urban Meyer. Selective support/opposition of turning blind eyes to campus tomfoolery.
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Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller said:

Waco1947 said:

GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
No need to watch FOX, anybody that thinks Cohen and truth belong in the same sentence though, well those two words do not belong together.
Wrong! He's in jail for lying. He learned his lesson and he is telling the truth. YOur President is a damn liar.
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trey3216 said:

Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller said:

Waco1947 said:

GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
No need to watch FOX, anybody that thinks Cohen and truth belong in the same sentence though, well those two words do not belong together.
Wrong! He's in jail for lying. He learned his lesson and he is telling the truth. YOur President is a damn liar.

Your President is a damn liar and you know it. His supporters know it and let it pass for practical over moral reasons but 65% of us take lying seriously, especially from our President. Cohen opened the door to those tax returns. Even the President is Innocent until proven guilty but lies are catching up to T.
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Waco1947 said:

trey3216 said:

Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller said:

Waco1947 said:

GOP is ticked at Cohen's truth.
Watch FOX it will steady your nerves.
No need to watch FOX, anybody that thinks Cohen and truth belong in the same sentence though, well those two words do not belong together.
Wrong! He's in jail for lying. He learned his lesson and he is telling the truth. YOur President is a damn liar.

Your President is a damn liar and you know it. His supporters know it and let it pass for practical over moral reasons but 65% of us take lying seriously, especially from our President. Cohen opened the door to those tax returns. Even the President is Innocent until proven guilty but lies are catching up to T.
he's your president too. But I didn't vote for him
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